/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General * Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See * http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */ package freenet.node; import java.util.ArrayList; import freenet.config.EnumerableOptionCallback; import freenet.config.InvalidConfigValueException; import freenet.config.NodeNeedRestartException; import freenet.config.PersistentConfig; import freenet.config.SubConfig; import freenet.l10n.NodeL10n; import freenet.node.DarknetPeerNode.FRIEND_TRUST; import freenet.support.HTMLNode; import freenet.support.Logger; import freenet.support.api.StringCallback; /** * We have 3 basic security settings. The user chooses these in the first-time * wizard, and can reconfigure them at any time. Each impacts on many other * config settings, changing their defaults and changing their values when the * security level changes, but the user can change those options independantly if * they do not change the security level. These options are important, and there * are explanations of every option for each setting. They have their own * sub-page on the config toadlet. And the security levels are displayed on the * homepage as a useralert (instead of the opennet warning). * @author Matthew Toseland <toad@amphibian.dyndns.org> (0xE43DA450) */ public class SecurityLevels { private final Node node; public enum NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL { LOW, // turn off every performance impacting security measure NORMAL, // normal setting, darknet/opennet hybrid HIGH, // darknet only, normal settings otherwise MAXIMUM; // paranoid - darknet only, turn off FOAF etc etc public static final NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL[] getOpennetValues() { return new NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL[] { LOW, NORMAL }; } public static final NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL[] getDarknetValues() { return new NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL[] { HIGH, MAXIMUM }; } } public enum FRIENDS_THREAT_LEVEL { LOW, // Friends are ultimately trusted NORMAL, // Share some information HIGH, // Share no/minimal information and take measures to reduce harm if Friends are compromised } public enum PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL { LOW, // Don't encrypt temp files etc etc NORMAL, // Encrypt temp files, centralise keys for client cache in master.keys, if that is deleted client cache is unreadable. Later on will include encrypting node.db4o as well, which contains tempfile keys. HIGH, // Password master.keys. MAXIMUM // Transient encryption for client cache, no persistent downloads support, etc. } NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL networkThreatLevel; FRIENDS_THREAT_LEVEL friendsThreatLevel; PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL physicalThreatLevel; private MyCallback<NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL> networkThreatLevelCallback; private MyCallback<PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL> physicalThreatLevelCallback; public SecurityLevels(Node node, PersistentConfig config) { this.node = node; SubConfig myConfig = config.createSubConfig("security-levels"); int sortOrder = 0; networkThreatLevelCallback = new MyCallback<NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL>() { @Override public String get() { synchronized(SecurityLevels.this) { return networkThreatLevel.name(); } } @Override public String[] getPossibleValues() { NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL[] values = NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.values(); String[] names = new String[values.length]; for(int i=0;i<names.length;i++) names[i] = values[i].name(); return names; } @Override protected NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL getValue() { return networkThreatLevel; } @Override protected void setValue(String val) throws InvalidConfigValueException { NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL newValue = parseNetworkThreatLevel(val); if(newValue == null) throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Invalid value for network threat level: "+val); synchronized(SecurityLevels.this) { networkThreatLevel = newValue; } } }; myConfig.register("networkThreatLevel", "HIGH", sortOrder++, false, true, "SecurityLevels.networkThreatLevelShort", "SecurityLevels.networkThreatLevel", networkThreatLevelCallback); NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL netLevel = NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.valueOf(myConfig.getString("networkThreatLevel")); if(myConfig.getRawOption("networkThreatLevel") != null) { networkThreatLevel = netLevel; } else { // Call all the callbacks so that the config is consistent with the threat level. setThreatLevel(netLevel); } // FIXME remove back compat String s = myConfig.getRawOption("friendsThreatLevel"); if(s != null) { friendsThreatLevel = parseFriendsThreatLevel(s); } else { friendsThreatLevel = null; } physicalThreatLevelCallback = new MyCallback<PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL>() { @Override public String get() { synchronized(SecurityLevels.this) { return physicalThreatLevel.name(); } } @Override public String[] getPossibleValues() { PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL[] values = PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.values(); String[] names = new String[values.length]; for(int i=0;i<names.length;i++) names[i] = values[i].name(); return names; } @Override protected PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL getValue() { return physicalThreatLevel; } @Override protected void setValue(String val) throws InvalidConfigValueException { PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL newValue = PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.valueOf(val); if(newValue != null) throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Invalid value for physical threat level: "+val); synchronized(SecurityLevels.this) { physicalThreatLevel = newValue; } } }; myConfig.register("physicalThreatLevel", "NORMAL", sortOrder++, false, true, "SecurityLevels.physicalThreatLevelShort", "SecurityLevels.physicalThreatLevel", physicalThreatLevelCallback); PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL physLevel = PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.valueOf(myConfig.getString("physicalThreatLevel")); if(myConfig.getRawOption("physicalThreatLevel") != null) { physicalThreatLevel = physLevel; } else { // Call all the callbacks so that the config is consistent with the threat level. setThreatLevel(physLevel); } myConfig.finishedInitialization(); } public synchronized void addNetworkThreatLevelListener(SecurityLevelListener<NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL> listener) { networkThreatLevelCallback.addListener(listener); } public synchronized void addPhysicalThreatLevelListener(SecurityLevelListener<PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL> listener) { physicalThreatLevelCallback.addListener(listener); } private abstract class MyCallback<T> extends StringCallback implements EnumerableOptionCallback { private final ArrayList<SecurityLevelListener<T>> listeners; MyCallback() { listeners = new ArrayList<SecurityLevelListener<T>>(); } public void addListener(SecurityLevelListener<T> listener) { if(listeners.contains(listener)) { Logger.error(this, "Already have listener "+listener+" in "+this); return; } listeners.add(listener); } @Override public void set(String val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException { T oldLevel = getValue(); setValue(val); T newLevel = getValue(); onSet(oldLevel, newLevel); } void onSet(T oldLevel, T newLevel) { for(SecurityLevelListener<T> listener : listeners) { listener.onChange(oldLevel, newLevel); } } protected abstract void setValue(String val) throws InvalidConfigValueException; protected abstract T getValue(); } public NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL getNetworkThreatLevel() { return networkThreatLevel; } public PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL getPhysicalThreatLevel() { return physicalThreatLevel; } public static NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL parseNetworkThreatLevel(String arg) { try { return NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.valueOf(arg); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return null; } } private static FRIENDS_THREAT_LEVEL parseFriendsThreatLevel(String arg) { try { return FRIENDS_THREAT_LEVEL.valueOf(arg); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return null; } } public static PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL parsePhysicalThreatLevel(String arg) { try { return PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.valueOf(arg); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return null; } } /** * If changing to the new threat level is a potential problem, warn the user, * and include a checkbox for confirmation. * @param newThreatLevel * @return */ public HTMLNode getConfirmWarning(NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL newThreatLevel, String checkboxName) { if(newThreatLevel == networkThreatLevel) return null; // Not going to be changed. HTMLNode parent = new HTMLNode("div"); if((newThreatLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.HIGH && networkThreatLevel != NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM) || newThreatLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM) { if(node.peers.getDarknetPeers().length == 0) { parent.addChild("p", l10n("noFriendsWarning")); if(newThreatLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM) { HTMLNode p = parent.addChild("p"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(p, "SecurityLevels.maximumNetworkThreatLevelWarning", new String[] { "bold" }, new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.STRONG }); } parent.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "checkbox", checkboxName, "off" }, l10n("noFriendsCheckbox")); return parent; } else if(node.peers.countConnectedDarknetPeers() == 0) { parent.addChild("p", l10n("noConnectedFriendsWarning", "added", Integer.toString(node.peers.getDarknetPeers().length))); if(newThreatLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM) { HTMLNode p = parent.addChild("p"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(p, "SecurityLevels.maximumNetworkThreatLevelWarning", new String[] { "bold" }, new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.STRONG }); } parent.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "checkbox", checkboxName, "off" }, l10n("noConnectedFriendsCheckbox")); return parent; } else if(node.peers.countConnectedDarknetPeers() < 10) { parent.addChild("p", l10n("fewConnectedFriendsWarning", new String[] { "connected", "added" }, new String[] { Integer.toString(node.peers.countConnectedDarknetPeers()), Integer.toString(node.peers.getDarknetPeers().length)})); if(newThreatLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM) { HTMLNode p = parent.addChild("p"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(p, "SecurityLevels.maximumNetworkThreatLevelWarning", new String[] { "bold" }, new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.STRONG }); } parent.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "checkbox", checkboxName, "off" }, l10n("fewConnectedFriendsCheckbox")); return parent; } } else if(newThreatLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.LOW) { parent.addChild("p", l10n("networkThreatLevelLowWarning")); parent.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "checkbox", checkboxName, "off" }, l10n("networkThreatLevelLowCheckbox")); return parent; } // Don't warn on switching to NORMAL. if(newThreatLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM) { HTMLNode p = parent.addChild("p"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(p, "SecurityLevels.maximumNetworkThreatLevelWarning", new String[] { "bold" }, new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.STRONG }); p.addChild("#", " "); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(p, "SecurityLevels.maxSecurityYouNeedFriends", new String[] { "bold" }, new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.STRONG }); parent.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "checkbox", checkboxName, "off" }, l10n("maximumNetworkThreatLevelCheckbox")); return parent; } return null; } private String l10n(String string) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("SecurityLevels."+string); } private String l10n(String string, String pattern, String value) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("SecurityLevels."+string, pattern, value); } private String l10n(String string, String[] patterns, String[] values) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("SecurityLevels."+string, patterns, values); } public void setThreatLevel(NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL newThreatLevel) { if(newThreatLevel == null) throw new NullPointerException(); NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL oldLevel; synchronized(this) { if(networkThreatLevel == newThreatLevel) return; oldLevel = networkThreatLevel; networkThreatLevel = newThreatLevel; } networkThreatLevelCallback.onSet(oldLevel, newThreatLevel); } public void setThreatLevel(PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL newThreatLevel) { if(newThreatLevel == null) throw new NullPointerException(); PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL oldLevel; synchronized(this) { if(physicalThreatLevel == newThreatLevel) return; oldLevel = physicalThreatLevel; physicalThreatLevel = newThreatLevel; } physicalThreatLevelCallback.onSet(oldLevel, newThreatLevel); } public void resetPhysicalThreatLevel(PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL level) { physicalThreatLevel = level; } public static String localisedName(NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL newThreatLevel) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("SecurityLevels.networkThreatLevel.name."+newThreatLevel.name()); } public static String localisedName(PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL newPhysicalLevel) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("SecurityLevels.physicalThreatLevel.name."+newPhysicalLevel.name()); } public FRIEND_TRUST getDefaultFriendTrust() { synchronized(this) { if(friendsThreatLevel == null) { Logger.error(this, "Asking for default friend trust yet we have no friend security level!"); return FRIEND_TRUST.NORMAL; } if(friendsThreatLevel == FRIENDS_THREAT_LEVEL.HIGH) return FRIEND_TRUST.LOW; if(friendsThreatLevel == FRIENDS_THREAT_LEVEL.NORMAL) return FRIEND_TRUST.NORMAL; else // friendsThreatLevel == FRIENDS_THREAT_LEVEL.LOW return FRIEND_TRUST.HIGH; } } }