package freenet.clients.fcp; import java.util.Date; import freenet.client.InsertException.InsertExceptionMode; import freenet.clients.fcp.ClientRequest.Persistence; import freenet.keys.FreenetURI; public class UploadDirRequestStatus extends UploadRequestStatus { public UploadDirRequestStatus(String identifier, Persistence persistence, boolean started, boolean finished, boolean success, int total, int min, int fetched, Date latestSuccess, int fatal, int failed, Date latestFailure, boolean totalFinalized, short prio, FreenetURI finalURI, FreenetURI targetURI, InsertExceptionMode failureCode, String failureReasonShort, String failureReasonLong, // all of the above are passed to parent long size, int files) { super(identifier, persistence, started, finished, success, total, min, fetched, latestSuccess, fatal, failed, latestFailure, totalFinalized, prio, finalURI, targetURI, failureCode, failureReasonShort, failureReasonLong); this.totalDataSize = size; this.totalFiles = files; } private final long totalDataSize; private final int totalFiles; public long getTotalDataSize() { return totalDataSize; } public int getNumberOfFiles() { return totalFiles; } @Override public long getDataSize() { return totalDataSize; } }