package freenet.clients.fcp; import; import java.util.Date; import freenet.client.FetchException; import freenet.client.FetchException.FetchExceptionMode; import freenet.client.InsertContext; import freenet.client.InsertContext.CompatibilityMode; import freenet.clients.fcp.ClientRequest.Persistence; import freenet.keys.FreenetURI; import; import; /** Cached status of a download of a file i.e. a ClientGet */ public class DownloadRequestStatus extends RequestStatus { private FetchExceptionMode failureCode; private String failureReasonShort; private String failureReasonLong; // These can be guesses private String mimeType; private long dataSize; // Null = to temp space private final File destFilename; private CompatibilityMode[] detectedCompatModes; private byte[] detectedSplitfileKey; private FreenetURI uri; boolean filterData; Bucket dataShadow; public final boolean overriddenDataType; private boolean detectedDontCompress; synchronized void setFinished(boolean success, long dataSize, String mimeType, FetchExceptionMode failureCode, String failureReasonLong, String failureReasonShort, Bucket dataShadow, boolean filtered) { setFinished(success); if(mimeType == null && (failureCode == FetchExceptionMode.CONTENT_VALIDATION_UNKNOWN_MIME || failureCode == FetchExceptionMode.CONTENT_VALIDATION_BAD_MIME)) { Logger.error(this, "MIME type is null but failure code is "+FetchException.getMessage(failureCode)+" for "+getIdentifier()+" : "+uri, new Exception("error")); } this.dataSize = dataSize; this.mimeType = mimeType; this.failureCode = failureCode; this.failureReasonLong = failureReasonLong; this.failureReasonShort = failureReasonShort; this.dataShadow = dataShadow; this.filterData = filtered; } DownloadRequestStatus(String identifier, Persistence persistence, boolean started, boolean finished, boolean success, int total, int min, int fetched, Date latestSuccess, int fatal, int failed, Date latestFailure, boolean totalFinalized, short prio, // all above these passed to parent FetchExceptionMode failureCode, String mime, long size, File dest, CompatibilityMode[] compat, byte[] splitfileKey, FreenetURI uri, String failureReasonShort, String failureReasonLong, boolean overriddenDataType, Bucket dataShadow, boolean filterData, boolean dontCompress) { super(identifier, persistence, started, finished, success, total, min, fetched, latestSuccess, fatal, failed, latestFailure, totalFinalized, prio); if(mime == null && (failureCode == FetchExceptionMode.CONTENT_VALIDATION_UNKNOWN_MIME || failureCode == FetchExceptionMode.CONTENT_VALIDATION_BAD_MIME)) { Logger.error(this, "MIME type is null but failure code is "+FetchException.getMessage(failureCode)+" for "+identifier+" : "+uri, new Exception("error")); } this.overriddenDataType = overriddenDataType; this.failureCode = failureCode; this.mimeType = mime; this.dataSize = size; this.destFilename = dest; this.detectedCompatModes = compat; this.detectedSplitfileKey = splitfileKey; this.uri = uri; this.failureReasonShort = failureReasonShort; this.failureReasonLong = failureReasonLong; this.dataShadow = dataShadow; this.filterData = filterData; this.detectedDontCompress = dontCompress; } public final boolean toTempSpace() { return destFilename == null; } public FetchExceptionMode getFailureCode() { return failureCode; } public String getMIMEType() { return mimeType; } @Override public long getDataSize() { return dataSize; } public File getDestFilename() { return destFilename; } public CompatibilityMode[] getCompatibilityMode() { return detectedCompatModes; } public byte[] getOverriddenSplitfileCryptoKey() { return detectedSplitfileKey; } @Override public FreenetURI getURI() { return uri; } @Override public String getFailureReason(boolean longDescription) { if(longDescription) return failureReasonLong; else return failureReasonShort; } synchronized void updateDetectedCompatModes( InsertContext.CompatibilityMode[] compatModes, boolean dontCompress) { this.detectedCompatModes = compatModes; this.detectedDontCompress = dontCompress; } synchronized void updateDetectedSplitfileKey(byte[] splitfileKey) { this.detectedSplitfileKey = splitfileKey; } synchronized void updateExpectedMIME(String foundDataMimeType) { this.mimeType = foundDataMimeType; } synchronized void updateExpectedDataLength(long dataLength) { this.dataSize = dataLength; } public synchronized Bucket getDataShadow() { return dataShadow; } synchronized void redirect(FreenetURI redirect) { this.uri = redirect; } public synchronized boolean detectedDontCompress() { return detectedDontCompress; } @Override public String getPreferredFilename() { if(destFilename != null) return destFilename.getName(); if(uri != null && (uri.hasMetaStrings() || uri.getDocName() != null)) return uri.getPreferredFilename(); return null; } }