package freenet.node; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import freenet.client.ClientMetadata; import freenet.client.DefaultMIMETypes; import freenet.client.FetchContext; import freenet.client.FetchException; import freenet.client.FetchException.FetchExceptionMode; import freenet.client.FetchResult; import freenet.client.FetchWaiter; import freenet.client.HighLevelSimpleClient; import freenet.client.InsertBlock; import freenet.client.InsertException; import freenet.client.InsertException.InsertExceptionMode; import freenet.client.async.ClientGetter; import freenet.client.async.DumperSnoopMetadata; import; import freenet.client.filter.ContentFilter; import freenet.clients.fcp.AddPeer; import freenet.crypt.RandomSource; import; import; import; import freenet.keys.FreenetURI; import freenet.keys.InsertableClientSSK; import freenet.node.DarknetPeerNode.FRIEND_TRUST; import freenet.node.DarknetPeerNode.FRIEND_VISIBILITY; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author amphibian * * Read commands to fetch or put from stdin. * * Execute them. */ public class TextModeClientInterface implements Runnable { final RandomSource r; final Node n; final NodeClientCore core; final HighLevelSimpleClient client; final File downloadsDir; final InputStream in; final Writer w; private static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8"; private static volatile boolean logMINOR; static { Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback() { @Override public void shouldUpdate() { logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this); } }); } public TextModeClientInterface(TextModeClientInterfaceServer server, InputStream in, OutputStream out) { this.n = server.n; this.core = server.n.clientCore; this.r = server.r; client = core.makeClient(RequestStarter.INTERACTIVE_PRIORITY_CLASS, true, false); this.downloadsDir = server.downloadsDir; = in; try { w = new OutputStreamWriter(out, ENCODING); client.addEventHook(new EventDumper(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, ENCODING)), false)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new Error(e); } } public TextModeClientInterface(Node n, NodeClientCore core, HighLevelSimpleClient c, File downloadDir, InputStream in, OutputStream out) { this.n = n; this.r = n.random; this.core = core; this.client = c; this.downloadsDir = downloadDir; = in; try { w = new OutputStreamWriter(out, ENCODING); client.addEventHook(new EventDumper(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, ENCODING)), false)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new Error(e); } } @Override public void run() {; try { realRun(); } catch (IOException e) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Caught "+e, e); } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(this, "Caught "+t, t); } } public void realRun() throws IOException { printHeader(w); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, ENCODING)); while(true) { try { w.write("TMCI> "); w.flush(); if(processLine(reader)) { reader.close(); return; } } catch (SocketException e) { Logger.error(this, "Socket error: "+e, e); return; } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(this, "Caught "+t, t); System.out.println("Caught: "+t); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); try { w.write(sw.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(this, "Socket error: "+e, e); return; } } } } private void printHeader(Writer sw) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Trivial Text Mode Client Interface\r\n"); sb.append("---------------------------------------\r\n"); sb.append("Freenet 0.7.5 Build #").append(Version.buildNumber()).append(" r" + Version.cvsRevision() + "\r\n"); sb.append("Enter one of the following commands:\r\n"); sb.append("GET:<Freenet key> - Fetch a key\r\n"); sb.append("DUMP:<Freenet key> - Dump metadata for a key\r\n"); sb.append("PUT:\\r\\n<text, until a . on a line by itself> - Insert the document and return the key.\r\n"); sb.append("PUT:<text> - Put a single line of text to a CHK and return the key.\r\n"); sb.append("GETCHK:\\r\\n<text, until a . on a line by itself> - Get the key that would be returned if the document was inserted.\r\n"); sb.append("GETCHK:<text> - Get the key that would be returned if the line was inserted.\r\n"); sb.append("PUTFILE:<filename>[#<mimetype>] - Put a file from disk.\r\n"); sb.append("GETFILE:<filename> - Fetch a key and put it in a file. If the key includes a filename we will use it but we will not overwrite local files.\r\n"); sb.append("GETCHKFILE:<filename> - Get the key that would be returned if we inserted the file.\r\n"); sb.append("PUTDIR:<path>[#<defaultfile>] - Put the entire directory from disk.\r\n"); sb.append("GETCHKDIR:<path>[#<defaultfile>] - Get the key that would be returned if we'd put the entire directory from disk.\r\n"); sb.append("MAKESSK - Create an SSK keypair.\r\n"); sb.append("PUTSSK:<insert uri>;<url to redirect to> - Insert an SSK redirect to a file already inserted.\r\n"); sb.append("PUTSSKDIR:<insert uri>#<path>[#<defaultfile>] - Insert an entire directory to an SSK.\r\n"); sb.append("PLUGLOAD: - Load plugin. (use \"PLUGLOAD:?\" for more info)\r\n"); //sb.append("PLUGLOAD: <pkg.classname>[(@<URI to jarfile.jar>|<<URI to file containing real URI>|* (will load from freenets pluginpool))] - Load plugin.\r\n"); sb.append("PLUGLIST - List all loaded plugins.\r\n"); sb.append("PLUGKILL:<pluginID> - Unload the plugin with the given ID (see PLUGLIST).\r\n"); // sb.append("PUBLISH:<name> - create a publish/subscribe stream called <name>\r\n"); // sb.append("PUSH:<name>:<text> - publish a single line of text to the stream named\r\n"); // sb.append("SUBSCRIBE:<key> - subscribe to a publish/subscribe stream by key\r\n"); sb.append("CONNECT:<filename|URL> - see ADDPEER:<filename|URL> below\r\n"); sb.append("CONNECT:\\r\\n<noderef> - see ADDPEER:\\r\\n<noderef> below\r\n"); sb.append("DISCONNECT:<ip:port|name> - see REMOVEPEER:<ip:port|name|identity> below\r\n"); sb.append("ADDPEER:<filename|URL> - add a peer from its ref in a file/url.\r\n"); sb.append("ADDPEER:\\r\\n<noderef including an End on a line by itself> - add a peer by entering a noderef directly.\r\n"); sb.append("DISABLEPEER:<ip:port|name|identity> - disable a peer by providing its ip+port, name, or identity\r\n"); sb.append("ENABLEPEER:<ip:port|name|identity> - enable a peer by providing its ip+port, name, or identity\r\n"); sb.append("SETPEERLISTENONLY:<ip:port|name|identity> - set ListenOnly on a peer by providing its ip+port, name, or identity\r\n"); sb.append("UNSETPEERLISTENONLY:<ip:port|name|identity> - unset ListenOnly on a peer by providing its ip+port, name, or identity\r\n"); sb.append("HAVEPEER:<ip:port|name|identity> - report true/false on having a peer by providing its ip+port, name, or identity\r\n"); sb.append("REMOVEPEER:<ip:port|name|identity> - remove a peer by providing its ip+port, name, or identity\r\n"); sb.append("PEER:<ip:port|name|identity> - report the noderef of a peer (without metadata) by providing its ip+port, name, or identity\r\n"); sb.append("PEERWMD:<ip:port|name|identity> - report the noderef of a peer (with metadata) by providing its ip+port, name, or identity\r\n"); sb.append("PEERS - report tab delimited list of peers with name, ip+port, identity, location, status and idle time in seconds\r\n"); sb.append("NAME:<new node name> - change the node's name.\r\n"); sb.append("UPDATE ask the node to self-update if possible. \r\n"); sb.append("FILTER: \\r\\n<text, until a . on a line by itself> - output the content as it returns from the content filter\r\n"); // sb.append("SUBFILE:<filename> - append all data received from subscriptions to a file, rather than sending it to stdout.\r\n"); // sb.append("SAY:<text> - send text to the last created/pushed stream\r\n"); sb.append("STATUS - display some status information on the node including its reference and connections.\r\n"); sb.append("MEMSTAT - display some memory usage related informations.\r\n"); sb.append("SHUTDOWN - exit the program\r\n"); sb.append("ANNOUNCE[:<location>] - announce to the specified location\r\n"); if(n.isUsingWrapper()) sb.append("RESTART - restart the program\r\n"); if(core != null && core.directTMCI != this) { sb.append("QUIT - close the socket\r\n"); } if(Node.isTestnetEnabled()) { sb.append("WARNING: TESTNET MODE ENABLED. YOU HAVE NO ANONYMITY.\r\n"); } sw.write(sb.toString()); } /** * Process a single command. * @throws IOException If we could not write the data to stdout. */ private boolean processLine(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { String line; StringBuilder outsb = new StringBuilder(); try { line = reader.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { outsb.append("Bye... (").append(e).append(')'); System.err.println("Bye... ("+e+ ')'); return true; } boolean getCHKOnly = false; if(line == null) return true; String uline = line.toUpperCase(); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Command: "+line); if(uline.startsWith("GET:")) { // Should have a key next String key = line.substring("GET:".length()).trim(); Logger.normal(this, "Key: "+key); FreenetURI uri; try { uri = new FreenetURI(key); Logger.normal(this, "Key: "+uri); } catch (MalformedURLException e2) { outsb.append("Malformed URI: ").append(key).append(" : ").append(e2); outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } try { FetchResult result = client.fetch(uri); ClientMetadata cm = result.getMetadata(); outsb.append("Content MIME type: ").append(cm.getMIMEType()); Bucket data = result.asBucket(); // FIXME limit it above if(data.size() > 32*1024) { System.err.println("Data is more than 32K: "+data.size()); outsb.append("Data is more than 32K: ").append(data.size()); outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } byte[] dataBytes = BucketTools.toByteArray(data); boolean evil = false; for(byte b: dataBytes) { // Look for escape codes if(b == '\n') continue; if(b == '\r') continue; if(b < 32) evil = true; } if(evil) { System.err.println("Data may contain escape codes which could cause the terminal to run arbitrary commands! Save it to a file if you must with GETFILE:"); outsb.append("Data may contain escape codes which could cause the terminal to run arbitrary commands! Save it to a file if you must with GETFILE:"); outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } outsb.append("Data:\r\n"); outsb.append(new String(dataBytes, ENCODING)); } catch (FetchException e) { outsb.append("Error: ").append(e.getMessage()).append("\r\n"); if((e.getMode() == FetchExceptionMode.SPLITFILE_ERROR) && (e.errorCodes != null)) { outsb.append(e.errorCodes.toVerboseString()); } if(e.newURI != null) outsb.append("Permanent redirect: ").append(e.newURI).append("\r\n"); } } else if(uline.startsWith("DUMP:")) { // Should have a key next String key = line.substring("DUMP:".length()).trim(); Logger.normal(this, "Key: "+key); FreenetURI uri; try { uri = new FreenetURI(key); Logger.normal(this, "Key: "+uri); } catch (MalformedURLException e2) { outsb.append("Malformed URI: ").append(key).append(" : ").append(e2); outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } try { FetchContext context = client.getFetchContext(); FetchWaiter fw = new FetchWaiter((RequestClient)client); ClientGetter get = new ClientGetter(fw, uri, context, RequestStarter.INTERACTIVE_PRIORITY_CLASS, null, null, null); get.setMetaSnoop(new DumperSnoopMetadata()); get.start(n.clientCore.clientContext); FetchResult result = fw.waitForCompletion(); ClientMetadata cm = result.getMetadata(); outsb.append("Content MIME type: ").append(cm.getMIMEType()); Bucket data = result.asBucket(); // FIXME limit it above if(data.size() > 32*1024) { System.err.println("Data is more than 32K: "+data.size()); outsb.append("Data is more than 32K: ").append(data.size()); outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } byte[] dataBytes = BucketTools.toByteArray(data); boolean evil = false; for(byte b: dataBytes) { // Look for escape codes if(b == '\n') continue; if(b == '\r') continue; if(b < 32) evil = true; } if(evil) { System.err.println("Data may contain escape codes which could cause the terminal to run arbitrary commands! Save it to a file if you must with GETFILE:"); outsb.append("Data may contain escape codes which could cause the terminal to run arbitrary commands! Save it to a file if you must with GETFILE:"); outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } outsb.append("Data:\r\n"); outsb.append(new String(dataBytes, ENCODING)); } catch (FetchException e) { outsb.append("Error: ").append(e.getMessage()).append("\r\n"); if((e.getMode() == FetchExceptionMode.SPLITFILE_ERROR) && (e.errorCodes != null)) { outsb.append(e.errorCodes.toVerboseString()); } if(e.newURI != null) outsb.append("Permanent redirect: ").append(e.newURI).append("\r\n"); } } else if(uline.startsWith("GETFILE:")) { // Should have a key next String key = line.substring("GETFILE:".length()).trim(); Logger.normal(this, "Key: "+key); FreenetURI uri; try { uri = new FreenetURI(key); } catch (MalformedURLException e2) { outsb.append("Malformed URI: ").append(key).append(" : ").append(e2); outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } try { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); FetchResult result = client.fetch(uri); ClientMetadata cm = result.getMetadata(); outsb.append("Content MIME type: ").append(cm.getMIMEType()); Bucket data = result.asBucket(); // Now calculate filename String fnam = uri.getDocName(); fnam = sanitize(fnam); if(fnam.length() == 0) { fnam = "freenet-download-"+HexUtil.bytesToHex(BucketTools.hash(data), 0, 10); String ext = DefaultMIMETypes.getExtension(cm.getMIMEType()); if((ext != null) && !ext.equals("")) fnam += '.' + ext; } File f = new File(downloadsDir, fnam); if(f.exists()) { outsb.append("File exists already: ").append(fnam); fnam = "freenet-"+System.currentTimeMillis()+ '-' +fnam; } FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(f); BucketTools.copyTo(data, fos, Long.MAX_VALUE); fos.close(); outsb.append("Written to ").append(fnam); } catch (IOException e) { outsb.append("Could not write file: caught ").append(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if(fos != null) try { fos.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { // Ignore } } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long sz = data.size(); double rate = 1000.0 * sz / (endTime-startTime); outsb.append("Download rate: ").append(rate).append(" bytes / second"); } catch (FetchException e) { outsb.append("Error: ").append(e.getMessage()); if((e.getMode() == FetchExceptionMode.SPLITFILE_ERROR) && (e.errorCodes != null)) { outsb.append(e.errorCodes.toVerboseString()); } if(e.newURI != null) outsb.append("Permanent redirect: ").append(e.newURI).append("\r\n"); } } else if(uline.startsWith("UPDATE")) { outsb.append("starting the update process"); // FIXME run on separate thread n.ticker.queueTimedJob(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; n.getNodeUpdater().arm(); } }, 0); outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; }else if(uline.startsWith("FILTER:")) { line = line.substring("FILTER:".length()).trim(); outsb.append("Here is the result:\r\n"); final String content = readLines(reader, false); final Bucket input = new ArrayBucket(content.getBytes("UTF-8")); final Bucket output = new ArrayBucket(); InputStream inputStream = null; OutputStream outputStream = null; InputStream bis = null; try { inputStream = input.getInputStream(); outputStream = output.getOutputStream(); ContentFilter.filter(inputStream, outputStream, "text/html", new URI(""), null, null, null, core.getLinkFilterExceptionProvider()); inputStream.close(); inputStream = null; outputStream.close(); outputStream = null; bis = output.getInputStream(); while(bis.available() > 0){ outsb.append((char); } } catch (IOException e) { outsb.append("Bucket error?: " + e.getMessage()); Logger.error(this, "Bucket error?: " + e, e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { outsb.append("Internal error: " + e.getMessage()); Logger.error(this, "Internal error: " + e, e); } finally { Closer.close(inputStream); Closer.close(outputStream); Closer.close(bis);;; } outsb.append("\r\n"); }else if(uline.startsWith("BLOW")) { n.getNodeUpdater().blow("caught an IOException : (Incompetent Operator) :p", true); outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } else if(uline.startsWith("SHUTDOWN")) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Shutting node down.\r\n"); w.write(sb.toString()); w.flush(); n.exit("Shutdown from console"); } else if(uline.startsWith("RESTART")) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Restarting the node.\r\n"); w.write(sb.toString()); w.flush(); n.getNodeStarter().restart(); } else if(uline.startsWith("QUIT") && (core.directTMCI == this)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("QUIT command not available in console mode.\r\n"); w.write(sb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } else if(uline.startsWith("QUIT")) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Closing connection.\r\n"); w.write(sb.toString()); w.flush(); return true; } else if(uline.startsWith("MEMSTAT")) { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); float freeMemory = rt.freeMemory(); float totalMemory = rt.totalMemory(); float maxMemory = rt.maxMemory(); long usedJavaMem = (long)(totalMemory - freeMemory); long allocatedJavaMem = (long)totalMemory; long maxJavaMem = (long)maxMemory; int availableCpus = rt.availableProcessors(); NumberFormat thousendPoint = NumberFormat.getInstance(); ThreadGroup tg = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); while(tg.getParent() != null) tg = tg.getParent(); int threadCount = tg.activeCount(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Used Java memory:\u00a0" + SizeUtil.formatSize(usedJavaMem, true)+"\r\n"); sb.append("Allocated Java memory:\u00a0" + SizeUtil.formatSize(allocatedJavaMem, true)+"\r\n"); sb.append("Maximum Java memory:\u00a0" + SizeUtil.formatSize(maxJavaMem, true)+"\r\n"); sb.append("Running threads:\u00a0" + thousendPoint.format(threadCount)+"\r\n"); sb.append("Available CPUs:\u00a0" + availableCpus+"\r\n"); sb.append("Java Version:\u00a0" + System.getProperty("java.version")+"\r\n"); sb.append("JVM Vendor:\u00a0" + System.getProperty("java.vendor")+"\r\n"); sb.append("JVM Version:\u00a0" + System.getProperty("java.version")+"\r\n"); sb.append("OS Name:\u00a0" + System.getProperty("")+"\r\n"); sb.append("OS Version:\u00a0" + System.getProperty("os.version")+"\r\n"); sb.append("OS Architecture:\u00a0" + System.getProperty("os.arch")+"\r\n"); w.write(sb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } else if(uline.startsWith("HELP")) { printHeader(w); outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } else if(uline.startsWith("PUT:") || (getCHKOnly = uline.startsWith("GETCHK:"))) { if(getCHKOnly) line = line.substring(("GETCHK:").length()).trim(); else line = line.substring("PUT:".length()).trim(); String content; if(line.length() > 0) { // Single line insert content = line; } else { // Multiple line insert content = readLines(reader, false); } // Insert byte[] data = content.getBytes(ENCODING); InsertBlock block = new InsertBlock(new ArrayBucket(data), null, FreenetURI.EMPTY_CHK_URI); FreenetURI uri; try { uri = client.insert(block, getCHKOnly, null); } catch (InsertException e) { outsb.append("Error: ").append(e.getMessage()); if(e.uri != null) outsb.append("URI would have been: ").append(e.uri); InsertExceptionMode mode = e.getMode(); if((mode == InsertExceptionMode.FATAL_ERRORS_IN_BLOCKS) || (mode == InsertExceptionMode.TOO_MANY_RETRIES_IN_BLOCKS)) { outsb.append("Splitfile-specific error:\n").append(e.errorCodes.toVerboseString()); } outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } outsb.append("URI: ").append(uri); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else if(uline.startsWith("PUTDIR:") || (uline.startsWith("PUTSSKDIR")) || (getCHKOnly = uline.startsWith("GETCHKDIR:"))) { // TODO: Check for errors? boolean ssk = false; if(uline.startsWith("PUTDIR:")) line = line.substring("PUTDIR:".length()); else if(uline.startsWith("PUTSSKDIR:")) { line = line.substring("PUTSSKDIR:".length()); ssk = true; } else if(uline.startsWith("GETCHKDIR:")) line = line.substring(("GETCHKDIR:").length()); else { System.err.println("Impossible"); outsb.append("Impossible"); } line = line.trim(); if(line.length() < 1) { printHeader(w); outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } String defaultFile = null; FreenetURI insertURI = FreenetURI.EMPTY_CHK_URI; // set default file? if (line.matches("^.*#.*$")) { String[] split = line.split("#"); if(ssk) { insertURI = new FreenetURI(split[0]); line = split[1]; if(split.length > 2) defaultFile = split[2]; } else { defaultFile = split[1]; line = split[0]; } } HashMap<String, Object> bucketsByName = makeBucketsByName(line); if(defaultFile == null) { String[] defaultFiles = new String[] { "index.html", "index.htm", "default.html", "default.htm" }; for(String file: defaultFiles) { if(bucketsByName.containsKey(file)) { defaultFile = file; break; } } } FreenetURI uri; try { uri = client.insertManifest(insertURI, bucketsByName, defaultFile); uri = uri.addMetaStrings(new String[] { "" }); outsb.append("======================================================="); outsb.append("URI: ").append(uri); outsb.append("======================================================="); } catch (InsertException e) { outsb.append("Finished insert but: ").append(e.getMessage()); if(e.uri != null) { uri = e.uri; uri = uri.addMetaStrings(new String[] { "" }); outsb.append("URI would have been: ").append(uri); } if(e.errorCodes != null) { outsb.append("Splitfile errors breakdown:"); outsb.append(e.errorCodes.toVerboseString()); } Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e, e); } } else if(uline.startsWith("PUTFILE:") || (getCHKOnly = uline.startsWith("GETCHKFILE:"))) { // Just insert to local store if(getCHKOnly) { line = line.substring(("GETCHKFILE:").length()).trim(); } else { line = line.substring("PUTFILE:".length()).trim(); } String mimeType = DefaultMIMETypes.guessMIMEType(line, false); if (line.indexOf('#') > -1) { String[] splittedLine = line.split("#"); line = splittedLine[0]; mimeType = splittedLine[1]; } File f = new File(line); outsb.append("Attempting to read file ").append(line); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { if(!(f.exists() && f.canRead())) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } // Guess MIME type outsb.append(" using MIME type: ").append(mimeType).append("\r\n"); if(mimeType.equals(DefaultMIMETypes.DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE)) mimeType = ""; // don't need to override it FileBucket fb = new FileBucket(f, true, false, false, false); InsertBlock block = new InsertBlock(fb, new ClientMetadata(mimeType), FreenetURI.EMPTY_CHK_URI); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); FreenetURI uri = client.insert(block, getCHKOnly, f.getName()); // FIXME depends on CHK's still being renamable //uri = uri.setDocName(f.getName()); outsb.append("URI: ").append(uri).append("\r\n"); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long sz = f.length(); double rate = 1000.0 * sz / (endTime-startTime); outsb.append("Upload rate: ").append(rate).append(" bytes / second\r\n"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { outsb.append("File not found"); } catch (InsertException e) { outsb.append("Finished insert but: ").append(e.getMessage()); if(e.uri != null) { outsb.append("URI would have been: ").append(e.uri); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long sz = f.length(); double rate = 1000.0 * sz / (endTime-startTime); outsb.append("Upload rate: ").append(rate).append(" bytes / second"); } if(e.errorCodes != null) { outsb.append("Splitfile errors breakdown:"); outsb.append(e.errorCodes.toVerboseString()); } } catch (Throwable t) { outsb.append("Insert threw: ").append(t); t.printStackTrace(); } } else if(uline.startsWith("MAKESSK")) { InsertableClientSSK key = InsertableClientSSK.createRandom(r, ""); outsb.append("Insert URI: ").append(key.getInsertURI().toString(false, false)).append("\r\n"); outsb.append("Request URI: ").append(key.getURI().toString(false, false)).append("\r\n"); FreenetURI insertURI = key.getInsertURI().setDocName("testsite"); String fixedInsertURI = insertURI.toString(false, false); outsb.append("Note that you MUST add a filename to the end of the above URLs e.g.:\r\n").append(fixedInsertURI).append("\r\n"); outsb.append("Normally you will then do PUTSSKDIR:<insert URI>#<directory to upload>, for example:\r\nPUTSSKDIR:").append(fixedInsertURI).append("#directoryToUpload/\r\n"); outsb.append("This will then produce a manifest site containing all the files, the default document can be accessed at\r\n").append(key.getURI().toString(false, false)).append("testsite/"); } else if(uline.startsWith("PUTSSK:")) { String cmd = line.substring("PUTSSK:".length()); cmd = cmd.trim(); if(cmd.indexOf(';') <= 0) { outsb.append("No target URI provided."); outsb.append("PUTSSK:<insert uri>;<url to redirect to>"); outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } String[] split = cmd.split(";"); String insertURI = split[0]; String targetURI = split[1]; outsb.append("Insert URI: ").append(insertURI); outsb.append("Target URI: ").append(targetURI); FreenetURI insert = new FreenetURI(insertURI); FreenetURI target = new FreenetURI(targetURI); try { FreenetURI result = client.insertRedirect(insert, target); outsb.append("Successfully inserted to fetch URI: ").append(result); } catch (InsertException e) { outsb.append("Finished insert but: ").append(e.getMessage()); Logger.normal(this, "Error: "+e, e); if(e.uri != null) { outsb.append("URI would have been: ").append(e.uri); } } } else if(uline.startsWith("STATUS")) { outsb.append("DARKNET:\n"); SimpleFieldSet fs = n.exportDarknetPublicFieldSet(); outsb.append(fs.toString()); if(n.isOpennetEnabled()) { outsb.append("OPENNET:\n"); fs = n.exportOpennetPublicFieldSet(); outsb.append(fs.toString()); } outsb.append(n.getStatus()); if(Version.buildNumber()<Version.getHighestSeenBuild()){ outsb.append("The latest version is : ").append(Version.getHighestSeenBuild()); } } else if(uline.startsWith("ADDPEER:") || uline.startsWith("CONNECT:")) { String key = null; if(uline.startsWith("CONNECT:")) { key = line.substring("CONNECT:".length()).trim(); } else { key = line.substring("ADDPEER:".length()).trim(); } String content = null; if(key.length() > 0) { // Filename BufferedReader in; outsb.append("Trying to add peer to node by noderef in ").append(key).append("\r\n"); File f = new File(key); if (f.isFile()) { outsb.append("Given string seems to be a file, loading...\r\n"); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f), ENCODING)); content = readLines(in, true); in.close(); } else { outsb.append("Given string seems to be an URL, loading...\r\n"); URL url = new URL(key); content = AddPeer.getReferenceFromURL(url).toString(); } } else { content = readLines(reader, true); } if(content == null) return false; if(content.equals("")) return false; addPeer(content); } else if(uline.startsWith("NAME:")) { outsb.append("Node name currently: ").append(n.getMyName()); String key = line.substring("NAME:".length()).trim(); outsb.append("New name: ").append(key); try{ n.setName(key); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Setting to "+key); }catch(Exception e){ Logger.error(this, "Error setting node's name", e); } core.storeConfig(); } else if(uline.startsWith("DISABLEPEER:")) { String nodeIdentifier = (line.substring("DISABLEPEER:".length())).trim(); if(!havePeer(nodeIdentifier)) { w.write(("no peer for "+nodeIdentifier+"\r\n")); w.flush(); return false; } if(disablePeer(nodeIdentifier)) { outsb.append("disable succeeded for ").append(nodeIdentifier); } else { outsb.append("disable failed for ").append(nodeIdentifier); } outsb.append("\r\n"); } else if(uline.startsWith("ENABLEPEER:")) { String nodeIdentifier = (line.substring("ENABLEPEER:".length())).trim(); if(!havePeer(nodeIdentifier)) { w.write(("no peer for "+nodeIdentifier+"\r\n")); w.flush(); return false; } if(enablePeer(nodeIdentifier)) { outsb.append("enable succeeded for ").append(nodeIdentifier); } else { outsb.append("enable failed for ").append(nodeIdentifier); } outsb.append("\r\n"); } else if(uline.startsWith("SETPEERLISTENONLY:")) { String nodeIdentifier = (line.substring("SETPEERLISTENONLY:".length())).trim(); if(!havePeer(nodeIdentifier)) { w.write(("no peer for "+nodeIdentifier+"\r\n")); w.flush(); return false; } PeerNode pn = n.getPeerNode(nodeIdentifier); if(pn == null) { w.write(("n.getPeerNode() failed to get peer details for "+nodeIdentifier+"\r\n\r\n")); w.flush(); return false; } if(!(pn instanceof DarknetPeerNode)) { w.write(("Error: "+nodeIdentifier+" identifies a non-darknet peer and this command is only available for darknet peers\r\n\r\n")); w.flush(); return false; } DarknetPeerNode dpn = (DarknetPeerNode) pn; dpn.setListenOnly(true); outsb.append("set ListenOnly suceeded for ").append(nodeIdentifier).append("\r\n"); } else if(uline.startsWith("UNSETPEERLISTENONLY:")) { String nodeIdentifier = (line.substring("UNSETPEERLISTENONLY:".length())).trim(); if(!havePeer(nodeIdentifier)) { w.write(("no peer for "+nodeIdentifier+"\r\n")); w.flush(); return false; } PeerNode pn = n.getPeerNode(nodeIdentifier); if(pn == null) { w.write(("n.getPeerNode() failed to get peer details for "+nodeIdentifier+"\r\n\r\n")); w.flush(); return false; } if(!(pn instanceof DarknetPeerNode)) { w.write(("Error: "+nodeIdentifier+" identifies a non-darknet peer and this command is only available for darknet peers\r\n\r\n")); w.flush(); return false; } DarknetPeerNode dpn = (DarknetPeerNode) pn; dpn.setListenOnly(false); outsb.append("unset ListenOnly suceeded for ").append(nodeIdentifier).append("\r\n"); } else if(uline.startsWith("HAVEPEER:")) { String nodeIdentifier = (line.substring("HAVEPEER:".length())).trim(); if(havePeer(nodeIdentifier)) { outsb.append("true for ").append(nodeIdentifier); } else { outsb.append("false for ").append(nodeIdentifier); } outsb.append("\r\n"); } else if(uline.startsWith("REMOVEPEER:") || uline.startsWith("DISCONNECT:")) { String nodeIdentifier = null; if(uline.startsWith("DISCONNECT:")) { nodeIdentifier = line.substring("DISCONNECT:".length()); } else { nodeIdentifier = line.substring("REMOVEPEER:".length()); } if(removePeer(nodeIdentifier)) { outsb.append("peer removed for ").append(nodeIdentifier); } else { outsb.append("peer removal failed for ").append(nodeIdentifier); } outsb.append("\r\n"); } else if(uline.startsWith("PEER:")) { String nodeIdentifier = (line.substring("PEER:".length())).trim(); if(!havePeer(nodeIdentifier)) { w.write(("no peer for "+nodeIdentifier+"\r\n")); w.flush(); return false; } PeerNode pn = n.getPeerNode(nodeIdentifier); if(pn == null) { w.write(("n.getPeerNode() failed to get peer details for "+nodeIdentifier+"\r\n\r\n")); w.flush(); return false; } SimpleFieldSet fs = pn.exportFieldSet(); outsb.append(fs.toString()); } else if(uline.startsWith("PEERWMD:")) { String nodeIdentifier = (line.substring("PEERWMD:".length())).trim(); if(!havePeer(nodeIdentifier)) { w.write(("no peer for "+nodeIdentifier+"\r\n")); w.flush(); return false; } PeerNode pn = n.getPeerNode(nodeIdentifier); if(pn == null) { w.write(("n.getPeerNode() failed to get peer details for "+nodeIdentifier+"\r\n\r\n")); w.flush(); return false; } SimpleFieldSet fs = pn.exportFieldSet(); SimpleFieldSet meta = pn.exportMetadataFieldSet(System.currentTimeMillis()); if(!meta.isEmpty()) fs.put("metadata", meta); outsb.append(fs.toString()); } else if(uline.startsWith("PEERS")) { outsb.append(n.getTMCIPeerList()); outsb.append("PEERS done.\r\n"); } else if(uline.startsWith("PLUGLOAD")) { if(uline.startsWith("PLUGLOAD:O:")) { String name = line.substring("PLUGLOAD:O:".length()).trim(); n.pluginManager.startPluginOfficial(name, true, false, false); } else if(uline.startsWith("PLUGLOAD:F:")) { String name = line.substring("PLUGLOAD:F:".length()).trim(); n.pluginManager.startPluginFile(name, true); } else if(uline.startsWith("PLUGLOAD:U:")) { String name = line.substring("PLUGLOAD:U:".length()).trim(); n.pluginManager.startPluginURL(name, true); } else if(uline.startsWith("PLUGLOAD:K:")) { String name = line.substring("PLUGLOAD:K:".length()).trim(); n.pluginManager.startPluginFreenet(name, true); } else { outsb.append(" PLUGLOAD:O: pluginName - Load official plugin from\r\n"); outsb.append(" PLUGLOAD:F: file://<filename> - Load plugin from file\r\n"); outsb.append(" PLUGLOAD:U: http://... - Load plugin from online file\r\n"); outsb.append(" PLUGLOAD:K: freenet key - Load plugin from freenet uri\r\n"); } } else if(uline.startsWith("PLUGLIST")) { outsb.append(n.pluginManager.dumpPlugins()); } else if(uline.startsWith("PLUGKILL:")) { n.pluginManager.killPlugin(line.substring("PLUGKILL:".length()).trim(), MINUTES.toMillis(1), false); } else if(uline.startsWith("ANNOUNCE")) { OpennetManager om = n.getOpennet(); if(om == null) { outsb.append("OPENNET DISABLED, cannot announce."); return false; } uline = uline.substring("ANNOUNCE".length()); final double target; if(uline.charAt(0) == ':') { target = Double.parseDouble(uline.substring(1)); } else { target = n.random.nextDouble(); } om.announce(target, new AnnouncementCallback() { private void write(String msg) { try { w.write(("ANNOUNCE:"+target+":"+msg+"\r\n")); w.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } @Override public void addedNode(PeerNode pn) { write("Added node "+pn.shortToString()); } @Override public void bogusNoderef(String reason) { write("Bogus noderef: "+reason); } @Override public void completed() { write("Completed announcement."); } @Override public void nodeFailed(PeerNode pn, String reason) { write("Node failed: "+pn+" "+reason); } @Override public void noMoreNodes() { write("Route Not Found"); } @Override public void nodeNotWanted() { write("Hop doesn't want me."); } @Override public void nodeNotAdded() { write("Node not added as we don't want it for some reason."); } @Override public void acceptedSomewhere() { write("Announcement accepted by some node."); } @Override public void relayedNoderef() { write("Announcement returned a noderef that we relayed downstream. THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN!"); } }); } else { if(uline.length() > 0) printHeader(w); } outsb.append("\r\n"); w.write(outsb.toString()); w.flush(); return false; } /** * Create a map of String -> Bucket for every file in a directory * and its subdirs. */ private HashMap<String, Object> makeBucketsByName(String directory) { if (!directory.endsWith("/")) directory = directory + '/'; File thisdir = new File(directory); System.out.println("Listing dir: "+thisdir); HashMap<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<String, Object>(); File filelist[] = thisdir.listFiles(); if(filelist == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such directory"); for(int i = 0 ; i < filelist.length ; i++) { // Skip unreadable files and dirs // Skip files nonexistant (dangling symlinks) - check last if (filelist[i].canRead() && filelist[i].exists()) { if (filelist[i].isFile()) { File f = filelist[i]; FileBucket bucket = new FileBucket(f, true, false, false, false); ret.put(f.getName(), bucket); } else if(filelist[i].isDirectory()) { HashMap<String, Object> subdir = makeBucketsByName(directory + filelist[i].getName()); ret.put(filelist[i].getName(), subdir); } } } return ret; } /** * @return A block of text, input from stdin, ending with a * . on a line by itself. Does some mangling for a fieldset if * isFieldSet. */ private String readLines(BufferedReader reader, boolean isFieldSet) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1000); boolean breakflag = false; while(true) { String line; try { line = reader.readLine(); if(line == null) throw new EOFException(); } catch (IOException e1) { System.err.println("Bye... ("+e1+ ')'); return null; } if((!isFieldSet) && line.equals(".")) break; if(isFieldSet) { // Mangling // First trim line = line.trim(); if(line.equals("End")) { breakflag = true; } else { if(line.endsWith("End") && Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(line.length()-("End".length()+1)))) { line = "End"; breakflag = true; } else { int idx = line.indexOf('='); if(idx < 0) { System.err.println("No = and no End in line: "+line); return ""; } else { if(idx > 0) { String after; if(idx == line.length()-1) after = ""; else after = line.substring(idx+1); String before = line.substring(0, idx); before = before.trim(); int x = 0; for(int j=before.length()-1;j>=0;j--) { char c = before.charAt(j); if((c == '.') || Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) { // Valid character for field } else { x=j+1; break; } } before = before.substring(x); line = before + '=' + after; //System.out.println(line); } else { System.err.println("Invalid empty field name"); breakflag = true; } } } } } sb.append(line).append("\r\n"); if(breakflag) break; } return sb.toString(); } /** * Add a peer to the node, given its reference. */ private void addPeer(String content) { SimpleFieldSet fs; System.out.println("Connecting to:\r\n"+content); try { fs = new SimpleFieldSet(content, false, true, false); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Did not parse: "+e); e.printStackTrace(); return; } PeerNode pn; try { pn = n.createNewDarknetNode(fs, FRIEND_TRUST.NORMAL, FRIEND_VISIBILITY.NO); } catch (FSParseException e1) { System.err.println("Did not parse: "+e1); Logger.error(this, "Did not parse: "+e1, e1); return; } catch (PeerParseException e1) { System.err.println("Did not parse: "+e1); Logger.error(this, "Did not parse: "+e1, e1); return; } catch (ReferenceSignatureVerificationException e1) { System.err.println("Did not parse: "+e1); Logger.error(this, "Did not parse: "+e1, e1); return; } catch (PeerTooOldException e1) { System.err.println("Did not parse: "+e1); Logger.error(this, "Did not parse: "+e1, e1); return; } if(n.peers.addPeer(pn)) System.out.println("Added peer: "+pn); n.peers.writePeersDarknetUrgent(); } /** * Disable connecting to a peer given its ip and port, name or identity, as a String * Report peer success as boolean */ private boolean disablePeer(String nodeIdentifier) { for(DarknetPeerNode pn: n.peers.getDarknetPeers()) { Peer peer = pn.getPeer(); String nodeIpAndPort = ""; if(peer != null) { nodeIpAndPort = peer.toString(); } String name = pn.myName; String identity = pn.getIdentityString(); if(identity.equals(nodeIdentifier) || nodeIpAndPort.equals(nodeIdentifier) || name.equals(nodeIdentifier)) { pn.disablePeer(); return true; } } return false; } /** * Enable connecting to a peer given its ip and port, name or identity, as a String * Report peer success as boolean */ private boolean enablePeer(String nodeIdentifier) { for(DarknetPeerNode pn: n.peers.getDarknetPeers()) { Peer peer = pn.getPeer(); String nodeIpAndPort = ""; if(peer != null) { nodeIpAndPort = peer.toString(); } String name = pn.myName; String identity = pn.getIdentityString(); if(identity.equals(nodeIdentifier) || nodeIpAndPort.equals(nodeIdentifier) || name.equals(nodeIdentifier)) { pn.enablePeer(); return true; } } return false; } /** * Check for a peer of the node given its ip and port, name or identity, as a String * Report peer existence as boolean */ private boolean havePeer(String nodeIdentifier) { for(DarknetPeerNode pn: n.peers.getDarknetPeers()) { Peer peer = pn.getPeer(); String nodeIpAndPort = ""; if(peer != null) { nodeIpAndPort = peer.toString(); } String name = pn.myName; String identity = pn.getIdentityString(); if(identity.equals(nodeIdentifier) || nodeIpAndPort.equals(nodeIdentifier) || name.equals(nodeIdentifier)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Remove a peer from the node given its ip and port, name or identity, as a String * Report peer removal successfulness as boolean */ private boolean removePeer(String nodeIdentifier) { System.out.println("Removing peer from node for: "+nodeIdentifier); for(DarknetPeerNode pn: n.peers.getDarknetPeers()) { Peer peer = pn.getPeer(); String nodeIpAndPort = ""; if(peer != null) { nodeIpAndPort = peer.toString(); } String name = pn.myName; String identity = pn.getIdentityString(); if(identity.equals(nodeIdentifier) || nodeIpAndPort.equals(nodeIdentifier) || name.equals(nodeIdentifier)) { n.removePeerConnection(pn); return true; } } System.out.println("No node in peers list for: "+nodeIdentifier); return false; } private String sanitize(String fnam) { if(fnam == null) return ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(fnam.length()); for(int i=0;i<fnam.length();i++) { char c = fnam.charAt(i); if(Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || (c == '-') || (c == '.')) sb.append(c); } return sb.toString(); } }