package; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * JVM version utilities. * * See documentation: * (pre-9) * (post-9) */ public class JVMVersion { public static final String REQUIRED = "1.8"; /** * Pre-9 is formatted as: major.feature[.maintenance[_update]]-ident * Post-9 is formatted as: major[.minor[.security[. ...]]]-ident * For comparison of compatibility, information beyong the major, feature/minor, * maintenance/security and pre-9 update fields should not be of interest. * We find a common denominator in major(.a(.b([._]c)?)?)?, skipping any additional postfix. * The regex omits leading zeroes. */ private static final Pattern VERSION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^0*(\\d+)(?:\\.0*(\\d+)(?:\\.0*(\\d+)(?:[_.]0*(\\d+))?)?)?.*$"); public static boolean isTooOld() { return isTooOld(getCurrent()); } public static String getCurrent() { return System.getProperty("java.version"); } static boolean isTooOld(String version) { if (version == null) return false; return compareVersion(version, REQUIRED) < 0; } public static final boolean is32Bit() { boolean is32bitOS = System.getProperty("os.arch").equalsIgnoreCase("x86"); String prop = System.getProperty(""); if (prop != null) { return prop.startsWith("32") || is32bitOS; } else { return is32bitOS; } } /** * Decomposes a version string into major, feature, and optional maintenance and update * components. * Missing optional components are set to 0, failed parses return all zeroes. */ static int[] parse(String version) { int[] parsed = new int[4]; if (version == null) { return parsed; } Matcher m = VERSION_PATTERN.matcher(version); if (m.matches()) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { String component = + 1); if (component != null) { parsed[i] = Integer.parseInt(component); } } } return parsed; } /** * Compares two version strings, ignoring optional identifiers. * Version strings that cannot be parsed are treated as version 0.0.0_0. * @return A value < 0 if version1 is less than version2, 0 if they are equal, > 0 otherwise. */ static int compareVersion(String version1, String version2) { int[] parsed1 = parse(version1); int[] parsed2 = parse(version2); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (parsed1[i] < parsed2[i]) { return -1; } if (parsed1[i] > parsed2[i]) { return 1; } } return 0; } }