package freenet.node.updater; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager; import freenet.l10n.NodeL10n; import freenet.node.NodeInitException; import freenet.node.NodeStarter; import freenet.node.updater.MainJarDependenciesChecker.Dependency; import freenet.node.updater.MainJarDependenciesChecker.MainJarDependencies; import; import; /** * Handles the wrapper.conf, essentially. */ public class UpdateDeployContext { public static class UpdateCatastropheException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; File oldConfig; File newConfig; UpdateCatastropheException(File oldConfig, File newConfig) { super(l10n("updateCatastrophe", new String[] { "old", "new" }, new String[] { oldConfig.toString(), newConfig.toString() })); this.oldConfig = oldConfig; this.newConfig = newConfig; } } File mainJar; int mainClasspathNo; File newMainJar; File backupMainJar; boolean mainJarAbsolute; final MainJarDependencies deps; UpdateDeployContext(MainJarDependencies deps) throws UpdaterParserException { Properties p = WrapperManager.getProperties(); this.deps = deps; for(int propNo=1;true;propNo++) { String prop = p.getProperty(""+propNo); if(prop == null) break; File f = new File(prop); boolean isAbsolute = f.isAbsolute(); String name = f.getName().toLowerCase(); if(mainJar == null) { if(name.equals("freenet-ext.jar") || name.equals("") || (name.startsWith("freenet-ext") && name.endsWith(".jar"))) // Don't match freenet-ext.jar! continue; // Try to match it if((name.startsWith("freenet") && (name.endsWith(".jar")))) { mainJar = f; newMainJar = new File(mainJar.getParent(), ""); mainJarAbsolute = isAbsolute; mainClasspathNo = propNo; continue; } else if((name.startsWith("freenet") && (name.endsWith("")))) { mainJar = f; newMainJar = new File(mainJar.getParent(), "freenet.jar"); mainJarAbsolute = isAbsolute; mainClasspathNo = propNo; continue; } } // Else try to match from dependencies. } if(mainJar == null) throw new UpdaterParserException(l10n("cannotUpdateNoMainJar")); backupMainJar = new File(mainJar.getParent(), "freenet.jar.bak"); } private String l10n(String key) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("UpdateDeployContext."+key); } public static String l10n(String key, String[] patterns, String[] values) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("UpdateDeployContext."+key, patterns, values); } public static String l10n(String key, String pattern, String value) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("UpdateDeployContext."+key, pattern, value); } File getMainJar() { return mainJar; } File getNewMainJar() { return newMainJar; } void rewriteWrapperConf(boolean writtenNewJar) throws IOException, UpdateCatastropheException, UpdaterParserException { // Rewrite wrapper.conf // Don't just write it out from properties; we want to keep it as close to what it was as possible. File oldConfig = new File("wrapper.conf"); File newConfig = new File(""); if(!oldConfig.exists()) { File wrapperDir = new File("wrapper"); if(wrapperDir.exists() && wrapperDir.isDirectory()) { File o = new File(wrapperDir, "wrapper.conf"); if(o.exists()) { oldConfig = o; newConfig = new File(wrapperDir, ""); } } } FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(oldConfig); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(bis); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newConfig); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(osw); String line; boolean writtenReload = false; /** On Windows, we need the anchor file option explicitly. */ boolean writtenAnchor = false; /** Write the anchor polling interval too if it doesn't exist already */ boolean writtenAnchorInterval = false; String newMain = mainJarAbsolute ? newMainJar.getAbsolutePath() : newMainJar.getPath(); String mainRHS = null; ArrayList<String> otherLines = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> classpath = new ArrayList<String>(); // We MUST put the ext (and all other dependencies) before the main jar, // or auto-update of freenet-ext.jar on Windows won't work. // The main jar refers to freenet-ext.jar so that java -jar freenet.jar works. // Therefore, on Windows, if we update freenet-ext.jar, it will use freenet.jar and freenet-ext.jar // and as well. The old freenet-ext.jar will take precedence, and we won't be // able to overwrite either of them, so we'll just restart every 5 minutes forever! while((line = br.readLine()) != null) { /** The values are case sensitive, but the keys aren't */ String lowcaseLine = line.toLowerCase(); // The classpath numbers are not reliable. // We have to check the content. boolean dontWrite = false; if(lowcaseLine.startsWith("")) { line = line.substring("".length()); int idx = line.indexOf('='); if(idx != -1) { // Ignore the numbers. String rhs = line.substring(idx+1); dontWrite = true; if(rhs.equals("freenet.jar") || rhs.equals("") || rhs.equals("freenet-stable-latest.jar") || rhs.equals("") || rhs.equals("freenet-testing-latest.jar") || rhs.equals("")) { if(writtenNewJar) mainRHS = newMain; else mainRHS = rhs; } else { // Is it on the list of dependencies? Dependency dep = findDependencyByRHSFilename(new File(rhs)); if(dep != null) { if(dep.oldFilename() != null) System.out.println("Found old dependency "+dep.oldFilename()); else System.out.println("Found new dependency "+dep.newFilename()); } else { // dep == null System.out.println("Found unknown jar in classpath, will keep: "+rhs); // If not, it's something the user has added, we just keep it. classpath.add(rhs); } } } } else if(lowcaseLine.equals("wrapper.restart.reload_configuration=true")) { writtenReload = true; } else if(lowcaseLine.startsWith("wrapper.anchorfile=")) { writtenAnchor = true; } else if(lowcaseLine.startsWith("wrapper.anchor.poll_interval=")) { writtenAnchorInterval = true; } if(!dontWrite) otherLines.add(line); } br.close(); // Write classpath first if(mainRHS == null) { throw new UpdaterParserException(l10n("updateFailedNonStandardConfig", new String[] { "main" }, new String[] { Boolean.toString(mainRHS != null) } )); } // As above, we need to write ALL the dependencies BEFORE we write the main jar. int count = 1; // Classpath is 1-based. for(Dependency d : deps.dependencies) { System.out.println("Writing dependency "+d.newFilename()+" priority "+d.order()); bw.write(""+count+"="+d.newFilename()+'\n'); count++; } // Write the main jar. bw.write(""+count+"="+mainRHS+'\n'); count++; for(String s : classpath) { bw.write(""+count+"="+s+'\n'); count++; } for(String s : otherLines) bw.write(s+'\n'); if(!writtenReload) { // Add it. bw.write("wrapper.restart.reload_configuration=TRUE\n"); } if(!writtenAnchor) { bw.write("wrapper.anchorfile=Freenet.anchor\n"); } if(!writtenAnchorInterval) { bw.write("wrapper.anchor.poll_interval=1\n"); } bw.close(); if(!newConfig.renameTo(oldConfig)) { if(!oldConfig.delete()) { throw new UpdaterParserException(l10n("updateFailedCannotDeleteOldConfig", "old", oldConfig.toString())); } if(!newConfig.renameTo(oldConfig)) { throw new UpdateCatastropheException(oldConfig, newConfig); } } // New config installed. System.err.println("Rewritten wrapper.conf for build "" and "+deps.dependencies.size()+" dependencies."); } private Dependency findDependencyByRHSFilename(File rhs) { String rhsName = rhs.getName().toLowerCase(); // Check for files already in use. for(Dependency dep : deps.dependencies) { File f = dep.oldFilename(); if(f == null) { // Not in use. continue; } if(rhs.equals(f)) return dep; if(rhsName.equals(f.getName().toLowerCase())) return dep; } // It may be already on the classpath even though it's a new file officially. for(Dependency dep : deps.dependencies) { File f = dep.newFilename(); if(rhs.equals(f)) return dep; if(rhsName.equals(f.getName().toLowerCase())) return dep; } // Slightly more expensive test. for(Dependency dep : deps.dependencies) { Pattern p = dep.regex(); if(p != null) { if(p.matcher(rhs.getName().toLowerCase()).matches()) return dep; } } return null; } public enum CHANGED { ALREADY, // Found the comment, so it has already been changed SUCCESS, // Succeeded FAIL // Failed e.g. due to unable to write wrapper.conf. } public static CHANGED tryIncreaseMemoryLimit(int extraMemoryMB, String markerComment) { // Rewrite wrapper.conf // Don't just write it out from properties; we want to keep it as close to what it was as possible. File oldConfig = new File("wrapper.conf"); File newConfig = new File(""); if(!oldConfig.exists()) { File wrapperDir = new File("wrapper"); if(wrapperDir.exists() && wrapperDir.isDirectory()) { File o = new File(wrapperDir, "wrapper.conf"); if(o.exists()) { oldConfig = o; newConfig = new File(wrapperDir, ""); } } } FileInputStream fis = null; BufferedInputStream bis = null; InputStreamReader isr = null; BufferedReader br = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; OutputStreamWriter osw = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; boolean success = false; try { fis = new FileInputStream(oldConfig); bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); isr = new InputStreamReader(bis); br = new BufferedReader(isr); fos = new FileOutputStream(newConfig); osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos); bw = new BufferedWriter(osw); String line; while((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if(line.equals("#" + markerComment)) return CHANGED.ALREADY; if(line.startsWith("")) { try { int memoryLimit = Integer.parseInt(line.substring("".length())); int newMemoryLimit = memoryLimit + extraMemoryMB; // There have been some cases where really high limits have caused the JVM to do bad things. if(NodeStarter.isSomething32bits() && newMemoryLimit > 1408) { Logger.error(UpdateDeployContext.class, "We've detected a 32bit JVM so we're refusing to set maxmemory to "+newMemoryLimit); newMemoryLimit = 1408; } bw.write('#' + markerComment + '\n'); bw.write(""+newMemoryLimit+'\n'); success = true; continue; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Grrrrr! } } bw.write(line+'\n'); } br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { newConfig.delete(); System.err.println("Unable to rewrite wrapper.conf with new memory limit."); return CHANGED.FAIL; } finally { Closer.close(br); Closer.close(isr); Closer.close(bis); Closer.close(fis); Closer.close(bw); Closer.close(osw); Closer.close(fos); } if(success) { if(!newConfig.renameTo(oldConfig)) { if(!oldConfig.delete()) { System.err.println("Unable to move rewritten wrapper.conf with new memory limit "+newConfig+" over old config "+oldConfig+" : unable to delete old config"); return CHANGED.FAIL; } if(!newConfig.renameTo(oldConfig)) { System.err.println("Old wrapper.conf deleted but new wrapper.conf cannot be renamed!"); System.err.println("FREENET WILL NOT START UNTIL YOU RENAME "+newConfig+" to "+oldConfig); System.exit(NodeInitException.EXIT_BROKE_WRAPPER_CONF); } } System.err.println("Rewritten wrapper.conf for new memory limit"); return CHANGED.SUCCESS; } else { newConfig.delete(); return CHANGED.FAIL; } } public File getBackupJar() { return backupMainJar; } }