package freenet.clients.http.wizardsteps; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import freenet.clients.http.FirstTimeWizardToadlet; import freenet.config.Config; import freenet.config.InvalidConfigValueException; import freenet.l10n.NodeL10n; import freenet.node.NodeClientCore; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Allows the user to set bandwidth limits with an emphasis on limiting to certain download and upload rates. */ public class BANDWIDTH_RATE extends BandwidthManipulator implements Step { private final BandwidthLimit[] limits; public BANDWIDTH_RATE(NodeClientCore core, Config config) { super(core, config); final int KiB = 1024; limits = new BandwidthLimit[] { // FIXME feedback on typical real world ratios on slow connections would be helpful. // // Dial-up // // 57.6/33.6; call it 4KB/sec each way // new BandwidthLimit(4*KiB, 4*KiB, "bandwidthConnectionDialUp"), // // 128kbps symmetrical = 16KB/sec each way, take half so 8KB/sec each way // new BandwidthLimit(8*KiB, 8*KiB, "bandwidthConnectionISDN"), // // 256kbps/64kbps developing world broadband // new BandwidthLimit(16*KiB, 4*KiB, "bandwidthConnectionSlow256"), // // 512kbps/128kbps very slow broadband // new BandwidthLimit(32*KiB, 8*KiB, "bandwidthConnectionSlow512"), // // 1Mbps/128kbps // new BandwidthLimit(64*KiB, 8*KiB, "bandwidthConnection1M"), // // 2Mbps/128kbps (slow often => poor ratios) // new BandwidthLimit(128*KiB, 8*KiB, "bandwidthConnection2M"), // 4Mbps/256kbps new BandwidthLimit(256*KiB, 16*KiB, "bandwidthConnection4M", false), // 6Mbps/256kbps - 6Mbps is common in parts of china, as well as being the real value in lots of DSL areas new BandwidthLimit(384*KiB, 16*KiB, "bandwidthConnection6M", true), // 8Mbps/512kbps - UK DSL1 is either 448k up or 832k up new BandwidthLimit(512*KiB, 32*KiB, "bandwidthConnection8M", false), // 12Mbps/1Mbps - typical DSL2 new BandwidthLimit(768*KiB, 64*KiB, "bandwidthConnection12M", false), // 20Mbps/1Mbps - fast DSL2 new BandwidthLimit(1280*KiB, 64*KiB, "bandwidthConnection20M", false), // 20Mbps/5Mbps - Slow end of VDSL new BandwidthLimit(1280*KiB, 320*KiB, "bandwidthConnectionVDSL", false), // 100Mbps fibre etc new BandwidthLimit(2048*KiB, 2048*KiB, "bandwidthConnection100M", false) }; } @Override public void getStep(HTTPRequest request, PageHelper helper) { HTMLNode contentNode = helper.getPageContent(WizardL10n.l10n("bandwidthLimit")); HTMLNode formNode = helper.addFormChild(contentNode, ".", "limit"); if (request.isParameterSet("parseError")) { parseErrorBox(contentNode, helper, request.getParam("parseTarget")); } HTMLNode infoBox = helper.getInfobox("infobox-normal", WizardL10n.l10n("bandwidthLimitRateTitle"), formNode, null, false); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(infoBox, "FirstTimeWizardToadlet.bandwidthLimitRate", new String[] { "bold", "coreSettings" }, new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.STRONG, new HTMLNode("#", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("ConfigToadlet.node"))}); //Table header HTMLNode table = infoBox.addChild("table"); HTMLNode headerRow = table.addChild("tr"); headerRow.addChild("th", WizardL10n.l10n("bandwidthConnectionHeader")); headerRow.addChild("th", WizardL10n.l10n("bandwidthDownloadHeader")); headerRow.addChild("th", WizardL10n.l10n("bandwidthUploadHeader")); headerRow.addChild("th", WizardL10n.l10n("bandwidthSelect")); boolean addedDefault = false; BandwidthLimit detected = detectBandwidthLimits(); if (detected.downBytes > 0 && detected.upBytes > 0) { //Detected limits reasonable; add half of both as recommended option. BandwidthLimit usable = new BandwidthLimit(detected.downBytes/2, detected.upBytes/2, "bandwidthDetected", true); addLimitRow(table, helper, usable, true, true); addedDefault = true; } BandwidthLimit current = getCurrentBandwidthLimitsOrNull(); if(current != null) { addLimitRow(table, helper, current, false, !addedDefault); addedDefault = true; } for (BandwidthLimit limit : limits) { addLimitRow(table, helper, limit, false, !addedDefault); } //Add custom option. HTMLNode customForm = table.addChild("tr"); customForm.addChild("td", WizardL10n.l10n("bandwidthCustom")); customForm.addChild("td").addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name" }, new String[] { "text", "customDown" }); customForm.addChild("td").addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name" }, new String[] { "text", "customUp" }); // This is valid if it's filled in. So don't show the selector. // FIXME javascript to auto-select it? // customForm.addChild("td").addChild("input", // new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, // new String[] { "radio", "bandwidth", "custom" }); infoBox.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "submit", "back", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("Toadlet.back")}); infoBox.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "submit", "next", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("")}); } @Override public String postStep(HTTPRequest request) { String limitSelected = request.getPartAsStringFailsafe("bandwidth", 100); String down = request.getPartAsStringFailsafe("customDown", 20); String up = request.getPartAsStringFailsafe("customUp", 20); // Try to parse custom limit first. if(!down.equals("") && !up.equals("")) { String failedLimits = attemptSet(up, down); if (!failedLimits.isEmpty()) { //Some at least one limit failed to parse. return "BANDWIDTH_RATE&parseError=true&parseTarget="+ URLEncoder.encode(failedLimits, true); } //Success setWizardComplete(); return; } if(!limitSelected.isEmpty()) { int x = limitSelected.indexOf('/'); if(x != -1) { String downString = limitSelected.substring(0, x); String upString = limitSelected.substring(x+1); //Pre-defined limit selected. String preset = attemptSet(upString, downString); if(!preset.isEmpty()) { //Error parsing predefined limit. //This should not happen, as there are no units to confound the parser. Logger.error(this, "Failed to parse pre-defined limit! Please report."); return FirstTimeWizardToadlet.WIZARD_STEP.BANDWIDTH_RATE+"&parseError=true&parseTarget="+ URLEncoder.encode(preset, true); } } } else { Logger.error(this, "No bandwidth limit set!"); return; } setWizardComplete(); return; } /** * Attempts to set bandwidth limits. * @param up output limit * @param down input limit * @return a space-separated string of the messages from any exceptions thrown when setting limits. If both are successful, an empty string. */ private String attemptSet(String up, String down) { String failedLimits = ""; try { setBandwidthLimit(down, false); } catch (InvalidConfigValueException e) { failedLimits = e.getMessage(); } try { setBandwidthLimit(up, true); } catch (InvalidConfigValueException e) { if (!failedLimits.isEmpty()) failedLimits += ' '; failedLimits += e.getMessage(); } return failedLimits; } /** * Adds a row to the table for the given limit. Adds download limit, upload limit, and selection button. * @param table Table to add a row to. * @param helper To make a form for the button and hidden fields. * @param limit Limit to display. * @param recommended Whether to mark the limit with (Recommended) next to the select button. */ private void addLimitRow(HTMLNode table, PageHelper helper, BandwidthLimit limit, boolean recommended, boolean useMaybeDefault) { HTMLNode row = table.addChild("tr"); row.addChild("td", WizardL10n.l10n(limit.descriptionKey)); String downColumn = SizeUtil.formatSize(limit.downBytes)+WizardL10n.l10n("bandwidthPerSecond"); if(limit.downBytes >= 32*1024) { downColumn += " (= "; if(limit.downBytes < 256*1024) downColumn += new DecimalFormat("0.0").format(((double)((limit.downBytes*8)))/(1024*1024)); else downColumn += ((limit.downBytes*8)/(1024*1024)); downColumn+="Mbps)"; } row.addChild("td", downColumn); row.addChild("td", SizeUtil.formatSize(limit.upBytes)+WizardL10n.l10n("bandwidthPerSecond")); HTMLNode buttonCell = row.addChild("td"); HTMLNode radio = buttonCell.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "radio", "bandwidth", limit.downBytes+"/"+limit.upBytes }); if(recommended || (useMaybeDefault && limit.maybeDefault)) radio.addAttribute("checked", "checked"); if (recommended) { buttonCell.addChild("#", WizardL10n.l10n("autodetectedSuggestedLimit")); } } }