package freenet.node; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.FieldPosition; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.TimeZone; import; import; import; /** A record of stats during a single hour */ public class HourlyStatsRecord { private static final int N_DISTANCE_GROUPS = 16; private final boolean completeHour; private boolean finishedReporting; /**(Logarithmic) routing distances grouped by HTL*/ private StatsLine[] byHTL; /**HTL grouped by (logarithmic) routing distance*/ private StatsLine[] byDist; private Date beginTime; private final Node node; /** Public constructor. * * @param completeHour Whether this record began at the start of the hour */ public HourlyStatsRecord(Node node, boolean completeHour) { this.node = node; this.completeHour = completeHour; finishedReporting = false; byHTL = new StatsLine[node.maxHTL() + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < byHTL.length; i++) byHTL[i] = new StatsLine(); byDist = new StatsLine[N_DISTANCE_GROUPS]; for (int i = 0; i < byDist.length; i++) byDist[i] = new StatsLine(); beginTime = new Date(); } /** Mark this record as complete and stop recording. */ public synchronized void markFinal() { finishedReporting = true; } /** Report an incoming accepted remote request. * * @param ssk Whether the request was an ssk * @param success Whether the request succeeded * @param local If the request succeeded, whether it succeeded locally * @param htl The htl counter the request had when it arrived * @param location The routing location of the request */ public synchronized void remoteRequest(boolean ssk, boolean success, boolean local, int htl, double location) { if (finishedReporting) throw new IllegalStateException( "Attempted to modify completed stats record."); if (htl < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HTL."); if (location < 0 || location > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid location."); htl = Math.min(htl, node.maxHTL()); double rawDist = Location.distance(node.getLocation(), location); if (rawDist <= 0.0) rawDist = Double.MIN_VALUE; double logDist = Math.log(rawDist) / Math.log(2.0); assert logDist < (-1.0 + 0x1.0p-1022/* Double.MIN_NORMAL */); int distBucket = ((int)Math.floor(-1 * logDist)); if (distBucket >= byDist.length) distBucket = byDist.length - 1; if(ssk) { byHTL[htl]; } else { byHTL[htl]; } if (success) { if (ssk) { if (local) { byHTL[htl]; byDist[distBucket]; } else { byHTL[htl]; byDist[distBucket]; } } else { if (local) { byHTL[htl]; byDist[distBucket]; } else { byHTL[htl]; byDist[distBucket]; } } } else { if (ssk) { byHTL[htl]; byDist[distBucket]; } else { byHTL[htl]; byDist[distBucket]; } } } public void log() { Logger.normal(this, toString()); } private static SimpleDateFormat utcDateTime; static { utcDateTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); utcDateTime.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); } private static final DecimalFormat fix3p3pct = new DecimalFormat("##0.000%"); private static final DecimalFormat fix4p = new DecimalFormat("#.0000"); private static double fixNaN(double d) { if (Double.isNaN(d)) return 0.; return d; } @Override public synchronized String toString() { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append("HourlyStats: Report for hour beginning with UTC "); s.append(utcDateTime.format(beginTime, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0))).append("\n"); s.append("HourlyStats: Node uptime (ms):\t").append(node.getUptime()).append("\n"); s.append("HourlyStats: build:\t").append(Version.buildNumber()).append("\n"); s.append("HourlyStats: CompleteHour: ").append(completeHour); s.append("\tFinished: ").append(finishedReporting).append("\n"); for (int i = byHTL.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { s.append("HourlyStats: HTL\t").append(i).append("\t"); s.append(byHTL[i].toString()).append("\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < byDist.length; i++) { s.append("HourlyStats: logDist\t").append(i).append("\t"); s.append(byDist[i].toString()).append("\n"); } return s.toString(); } public void fillRemoteRequestHTLsBox(HTMLNode html) { HTMLNode table = html.addChild("table"); HTMLNode row = table.addChild("tr"); row.addChild("th", "HTL"); row.addChild("th", "CHKs"); row.addChild("th", "SSKs"); row = table.addChild("tr"); char nbsp = (char)160; int totalCHKLS = 0; int totalCHKRS = 0; int totalCHKT = 0; int totalSSKLS = 0; int totalSSKRS = 0; int totalSSKT = 0; synchronized(this) { for(int htl = byHTL.length - 1; htl >= 0; htl--) { row = table.addChild("tr"); row.addChild("td", Integer.toString(htl)); StatsLine line = byHTL[htl]; int chkLS = (int)line.chkLocalSuccess.countReports(); int chkRS = (int)line.chkRemoteSuccess.countReports(); int chkF = (int)line.chkFailure.countReports(); int chkT = chkLS + chkRS + chkF; int sskLS = (int)line.sskLocalSuccess.countReports(); int sskRS = (int)line.sskRemoteSuccess.countReports(); int sskF = (int)line.sskFailure.countReports(); int sskT = sskLS + sskRS + sskF; double locdiffCHK = line.locDiffCHK.currentValue(); locdiffCHK = Math.pow(2.0, locdiffCHK); double locdiffSSK = line.locDiffSSK.currentValue(); locdiffSSK = Math.pow(2.0, locdiffSSK); double chkRate = 0.; double sskRate = 0.; if (chkT > 0) chkRate = ((double)(chkLS + chkRS)) / (chkT); if (sskT > 0) sskRate = ((double)(sskLS + sskRS)) / (sskT); row.addChild("td", fix3p3pct.format(chkRate) + nbsp + "(" + chkLS + "," + chkRS + "," + chkT + ")"+nbsp+"("+fix4p.format(locdiffCHK)+")"); row.addChild("td", fix3p3pct.format(sskRate) + nbsp + "(" + sskLS + "," + sskRS + "," + sskT + ")"+nbsp+"("+fix4p.format(locdiffSSK)+")"); totalCHKLS += chkLS; totalCHKRS+= chkRS; totalCHKT += chkT; totalSSKLS += sskLS; totalSSKRS += sskRS; totalSSKT += sskT; } double totalCHKRate = 0.0; double totalSSKRate = 0.0; if (totalCHKT > 0) totalCHKRate = ((double)(totalCHKLS + totalCHKRS)) / totalCHKT; if (totalSSKT > 0) totalSSKRate = ((double)(totalSSKLS + totalSSKRS)) / totalSSKT; row = table.addChild("tr"); row.addChild("td", "Total"); row.addChild("td", fix3p3pct.format(totalCHKRate) + nbsp + "("+ totalCHKLS + "," + totalCHKRS + "," + totalCHKT + ")"); row.addChild("td", fix3p3pct.format(totalSSKRate) + nbsp + "("+ totalSSKLS + "," + totalSSKRS + "," + totalSSKT + ")"); } } private class StatsLine { TrivialRunningAverage chkLocalSuccess; TrivialRunningAverage chkRemoteSuccess; TrivialRunningAverage chkFailure; TrivialRunningAverage sskLocalSuccess; TrivialRunningAverage sskRemoteSuccess; TrivialRunningAverage sskFailure; TrivialRunningAverage locDiffCHK; TrivialRunningAverage locDiffSSK; StatsLine() { chkLocalSuccess = new TrivialRunningAverage(); chkRemoteSuccess = new TrivialRunningAverage(); chkFailure = new TrivialRunningAverage(); sskLocalSuccess = new TrivialRunningAverage(); sskRemoteSuccess = new TrivialRunningAverage(); sskFailure = new TrivialRunningAverage(); locDiffCHK = new TrivialRunningAverage(); locDiffSSK = new TrivialRunningAverage(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(chkLocalSuccess.countReports()).append("\t"); sb.append(chkRemoteSuccess.countReports()).append("\t"); sb.append(chkFailure.countReports()).append("\t"); sb.append(sskLocalSuccess.countReports()).append("\t"); sb.append(sskRemoteSuccess.countReports()).append("\t"); sb.append(sskFailure.countReports()).append("\t"); sb.append(fix4p.format(fixNaN(chkLocalSuccess.currentValue()))).append("\t"); sb.append(fix4p.format(fixNaN(chkRemoteSuccess.currentValue()))).append("\t"); sb.append(fix4p.format(fixNaN(chkFailure.currentValue()))).append("\t"); sb.append(fix4p.format(fixNaN(sskLocalSuccess.currentValue()))).append("\t"); sb.append(fix4p.format(fixNaN(sskRemoteSuccess.currentValue()))).append("\t"); sb.append(fix4p.format(fixNaN(sskFailure.currentValue()))).append("\t"); return sb.toString(); } } }