package freenet.client.async; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import; import freenet.keys.Key; import freenet.keys.KeyBlock; import freenet.keys.NodeSSK; import freenet.node.LowLevelGetException; import freenet.node.Node; import freenet.node.PrioRunnable; import freenet.node.RequestStarter; import freenet.node.SendableGet; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Matthew Toseland <> (0xE43DA450) */ public class DatastoreChecker implements PrioRunnable { /** True to start the DatastoreChecker thread lazily (mostly for simulations). */ private final boolean lazy; /** True if lazy is true and the datastore checker thread is running */ private boolean running; private final Executor executor; private final String threadName; // Setting these to 1, 3 kills 1/3rd of datastore checks. // 2, 5 gives 40% etc. // In normal operation KILL_BLOCKS should be 0 !!!! static final int KILL_BLOCKS = 0; static final int RESET_COUNTER = 100; private static volatile boolean logMINOR; static { Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback() { @Override public void shouldUpdate() { logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this); } }); } private static class QueueItem { /** Request which we will call finishRegister() for when we have * checked the keys lists. Deactivated (if persistent). */ final SendableGet getter; /** Arrays of keys to check. */ Key[] keys; final BlockSet blockSet; QueueItem(Key[] keys, SendableGet getter, BlockSet blockSet) { this.getter = getter; this.keys = keys; this.blockSet = blockSet; } public boolean equals(Object o) { // Hack to make queue.remove() work, see removeRequest() below. if(!(o instanceof QueueItem)) return false; // equals() should not throw ClassCastException return this.getter == ((QueueItem)o).getter; } } /** List of requests to check the datastore for. */ private final ArrayDeque<QueueItem>[] queue; private ClientContext context; private final Node node; public synchronized void setContext(ClientContext context) { this.context = context; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public DatastoreChecker(Node node, boolean lazyStart, Executor executor, String threadName) { this.node = node; this.lazy = lazyStart; this.executor = executor; this.threadName = threadName; int priorities = RequestStarter.NUMBER_OF_PRIORITY_CLASSES; queue = new ArrayDeque[priorities]; for(int i=0;i<priorities;i++) queue[i] = new ArrayDeque<QueueItem>(); } public void queueRequest(SendableGet getter, BlockSet blocks) { Key[] checkKeys = getter.listKeys(); short prio = getter.getPriorityClass(); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Queueing transient request "+getter+" priority "+prio+" keys "+checkKeys.length); // FIXME check using store.probablyInStore ArrayList<Key> finalKeysToCheck = new ArrayList<Key>(checkKeys.length); synchronized(this) { for(Key key : checkKeys) { finalKeysToCheck.add(key); } QueueItem queueItem = new QueueItem( finalKeysToCheck.toArray(new Key[finalKeysToCheck.size()]), getter, blocks); if(logMINOR && queue[prio].contains(queueItem)) { Logger.error(this, "Transient request "+getter+" is already queued!"); return; } queue[prio].add(queueItem); wakeUp(); } } @Override public void run() { while(true) { try { if(realRun()) return; // Lazy termination. } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(this, "Caught "+t+" in datastore checker thread", t); } } } /** Process a single job, waiting if necessary. * @return True if lazy=true and there are no jobs to run. */ private boolean realRun() { Random random; if(KILL_BLOCKS != 0) random = new MersenneTwister(); else random = null; Key[] keys = null; SendableGet getter = null; ClientRequestScheduler sched = null; BlockSet blocks = null; boolean waited = false; synchronized(this) { while(true) { for(short prio = 0;prio<queue.length;prio++) { QueueItem trans; if((trans = queue[prio].pollFirst()) != null) { keys = trans.keys; getter = trans.getter; // sched assigned out of loop blocks = trans.blockSet; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Checking transient request "+getter+" prio "+prio+" of "+queue[prio].size()); break; } } if(keys != null) break; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Waiting for more transient requests"); if(lazy) { running = false; return true; } waited = true; try { // Wait for anything. wait(SECONDS.toMillis(100)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ok } } } sched = getter.getScheduler(context); boolean anyValid = false; for(Key key : keys) { if(random != null) { if(random.nextInt(RESET_COUNTER) < KILL_BLOCKS) { anyValid = true; continue; } } KeyBlock block; if(blocks != null) block = blocks.get(key); else block = node.fetch(key, true, true, false, false, null); if(block != null) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Found key"); if(key instanceof NodeSSK) sched.tripPendingKey(block); else // CHK sched.tripPendingKey(block); } else { anyValid = true; } // synchronized(this) { // keysToCheck[priority].remove(key); // } } if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Checked "+keys.length+" keys"); if(getter.persistent()) { final SendableGet get = getter; final ClientRequestScheduler scheduler = sched; final boolean valid = anyValid; try { context.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() { @Override public boolean run(ClientContext context) { try { scheduler.finishRegister(new SendableGet[] { get }, true, valid); } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(this, "Failed to register "+get+": "+t, t); try { get.onFailure(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error: "+t, t), null, context); } catch (Throwable t1) { Logger.error(this, "Failed to fail: "+t, t); } } return false; } @Override public String toString() { return "DatastoreCheckerFinishRegister"; } }, NativeThread.NORM_PRIORITY); } catch (PersistenceDisabledException e) { // Impossible } } else { sched.finishRegister(new SendableGet[] { getter }, false, anyValid); } return false; } synchronized void wakeUp() { if(lazy) { if(!running) { start(); return; } } notifyAll(); } public synchronized void start() { if(lazy) { if(isEmpty()) return; if(running) return; } running = true; executor.execute(this, threadName); } private synchronized boolean isEmpty() { for(ArrayDeque<QueueItem> q : queue) { if(!q.isEmpty()) return false; } return true; } @Override public int getPriority() { return NativeThread.NORM_PRIORITY; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void removeRequest(SendableGet request, boolean persistent, ClientContext context, short prio) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Removing request prio="+prio+" persistent="+persistent); QueueItem requestMatcher = new QueueItem(null, request, null); synchronized(this) { if(!queue[prio].remove(requestMatcher)) return; } if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Removed transient request"); } }