/****************************************************************************** * Spine Runtimes Software License v2.5 * * Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Esoteric Software * All rights reserved. * * You are granted a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and * non-transferable license to use, install, execute, and perform the Spine * Runtimes software and derivative works solely for personal or internal * use. Without the written permission of Esoteric Software (see Section 2 of * the Spine Software License Agreement), you may not (a) modify, translate, * adapt, or develop new applications using the Spine Runtimes or otherwise * create derivative works or improvements of the Spine Runtimes or (b) remove, * delete, alter, or obscure any trademarks or any copyright, trademark, patent, * or other intellectual property or proprietary rights notices on or in the * Software, including any copy thereof. Redistributions in binary or source * form must include this license and terms. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *****************************************************************************/ package com.esotericsoftware.spine; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.FloatArray; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Pool; import com.esotericsoftware.spine.attachments.Attachment; import com.esotericsoftware.spine.attachments.BoundingBoxAttachment; /** Collects each {@link BoundingBoxAttachment} that is visible and computes the world vertices for its polygon. The polygon * vertices are provided along with convenience methods for doing hit detection. */ public class SkeletonBounds { private float minX, minY, maxX, maxY; private Array<BoundingBoxAttachment> boundingBoxes = new Array(); private Array<FloatArray> polygons = new Array(); private Pool<FloatArray> polygonPool = new Pool() { protected Object newObject () { return new FloatArray(); } }; /** Clears any previous polygons, finds all visible bounding box attachments, and computes the world vertices for each bounding * box's polygon. * @param updateAabb If true, the axis aligned bounding box containing all the polygons is computed. If false, the * SkeletonBounds AABB methods will always return true. */ public void update (Skeleton skeleton, boolean updateAabb) { if (skeleton == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("skeleton cannot be null."); Array<BoundingBoxAttachment> boundingBoxes = this.boundingBoxes; Array<FloatArray> polygons = this.polygons; Array<Slot> slots = skeleton.slots; int slotCount = slots.size; boundingBoxes.clear(); polygonPool.freeAll(polygons); polygons.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < slotCount; i++) { Slot slot = slots.get(i); Attachment attachment = slot.attachment; if (attachment instanceof BoundingBoxAttachment) { BoundingBoxAttachment boundingBox = (BoundingBoxAttachment)attachment; boundingBoxes.add(boundingBox); FloatArray polygon = polygonPool.obtain(); polygons.add(polygon); boundingBox.computeWorldVertices(slot, polygon.setSize(boundingBox.getWorldVerticesLength())); } } if (updateAabb) aabbCompute(); else { minX = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minY = Integer.MIN_VALUE; maxX = Integer.MAX_VALUE; maxY = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } private void aabbCompute () { float minX = Integer.MAX_VALUE, minY = Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxX = Integer.MIN_VALUE, maxY = Integer.MIN_VALUE; Array<FloatArray> polygons = this.polygons; for (int i = 0, n = polygons.size; i < n; i++) { FloatArray polygon = polygons.get(i); float[] vertices = polygon.items; for (int ii = 0, nn = polygon.size; ii < nn; ii += 2) { float x = vertices[ii]; float y = vertices[ii + 1]; minX = Math.min(minX, x); minY = Math.min(minY, y); maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); } } this.minX = minX; this.minY = minY; this.maxX = maxX; this.maxY = maxY; } /** Returns true if the axis aligned bounding box contains the point. */ public boolean aabbContainsPoint (float x, float y) { return x >= minX && x <= maxX && y >= minY && y <= maxY; } /** Returns true if the axis aligned bounding box intersects the line segment. */ public boolean aabbIntersectsSegment (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { float minX = this.minX; float minY = this.minY; float maxX = this.maxX; float maxY = this.maxY; if ((x1 <= minX && x2 <= minX) || (y1 <= minY && y2 <= minY) || (x1 >= maxX && x2 >= maxX) || (y1 >= maxY && y2 >= maxY)) return false; float m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); float y = m * (minX - x1) + y1; if (y > minY && y < maxY) return true; y = m * (maxX - x1) + y1; if (y > minY && y < maxY) return true; float x = (minY - y1) / m + x1; if (x > minX && x < maxX) return true; x = (maxY - y1) / m + x1; if (x > minX && x < maxX) return true; return false; } /** Returns true if the axis aligned bounding box intersects the axis aligned bounding box of the specified bounds. */ public boolean aabbIntersectsSkeleton (SkeletonBounds bounds) { return minX < bounds.maxX && maxX > bounds.minX && minY < bounds.maxY && maxY > bounds.minY; } /** Returns the first bounding box attachment that contains the point, or null. When doing many checks, it is usually more * efficient to only call this method if {@link #aabbContainsPoint(float, float)} returns true. */ public BoundingBoxAttachment containsPoint (float x, float y) { Array<FloatArray> polygons = this.polygons; for (int i = 0, n = polygons.size; i < n; i++) if (containsPoint(polygons.get(i), x, y)) return boundingBoxes.get(i); return null; } /** Returns true if the polygon contains the point. */ public boolean containsPoint (FloatArray polygon, float x, float y) { float[] vertices = polygon.items; int nn = polygon.size; int prevIndex = nn - 2; boolean inside = false; for (int ii = 0; ii < nn; ii += 2) { float vertexY = vertices[ii + 1]; float prevY = vertices[prevIndex + 1]; if ((vertexY < y && prevY >= y) || (prevY < y && vertexY >= y)) { float vertexX = vertices[ii]; if (vertexX + (y - vertexY) / (prevY - vertexY) * (vertices[prevIndex] - vertexX) < x) inside = !inside; } prevIndex = ii; } return inside; } /** Returns the first bounding box attachment that contains any part of the line segment, or null. When doing many checks, it * is usually more efficient to only call this method if {@link #aabbIntersectsSegment(float, float, float, float)} returns * true. */ public BoundingBoxAttachment intersectsSegment (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { Array<FloatArray> polygons = this.polygons; for (int i = 0, n = polygons.size; i < n; i++) if (intersectsSegment(polygons.get(i), x1, y1, x2, y2)) return boundingBoxes.get(i); return null; } /** Returns true if the polygon contains any part of the line segment. */ public boolean intersectsSegment (FloatArray polygon, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { float[] vertices = polygon.items; int nn = polygon.size; float width12 = x1 - x2, height12 = y1 - y2; float det1 = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2; float x3 = vertices[nn - 2], y3 = vertices[nn - 1]; for (int ii = 0; ii < nn; ii += 2) { float x4 = vertices[ii], y4 = vertices[ii + 1]; float det2 = x3 * y4 - y3 * x4; float width34 = x3 - x4, height34 = y3 - y4; float det3 = width12 * height34 - height12 * width34; float x = (det1 * width34 - width12 * det2) / det3; if (((x >= x3 && x <= x4) || (x >= x4 && x <= x3)) && ((x >= x1 && x <= x2) || (x >= x2 && x <= x1))) { float y = (det1 * height34 - height12 * det2) / det3; if (((y >= y3 && y <= y4) || (y >= y4 && y <= y3)) && ((y >= y1 && y <= y2) || (y >= y2 && y <= y1))) return true; } x3 = x4; y3 = y4; } return false; } /** The left edge of the axis aligned bounding box. */ public float getMinX () { return minX; } /** The bottom edge of the axis aligned bounding box. */ public float getMinY () { return minY; } /** The right edge of the axis aligned bounding box. */ public float getMaxX () { return maxX; } /** The top edge of the axis aligned bounding box. */ public float getMaxY () { return maxY; } /** The width of the axis aligned bounding box. */ public float getWidth () { return maxX - minX; } /** The height of the axis aligned bounding box. */ public float getHeight () { return maxY - minY; } /** The visible bounding boxes. */ public Array<BoundingBoxAttachment> getBoundingBoxes () { return boundingBoxes; } /** The world vertices for the bounding box polygons. */ public Array<FloatArray> getPolygons () { return polygons; } /** Returns the polygon for the specified bounding box, or null. */ public FloatArray getPolygon (BoundingBoxAttachment boundingBox) { if (boundingBox == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("boundingBox cannot be null."); int index = boundingBoxes.indexOf(boundingBox, true); return index == -1 ? null : polygons.get(index); } }