package net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockDirt; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Bootstrap; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock; import net.minecraft.stats.StatList; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.DummyModContainer; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModMetadata; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals; import static; /** * Substitution test harness - tests that substitutions behave correctly */ @RunWith(ForgeTestRunner.class) public class SubstitutionInjectionTest { private ResourceLocation myDirt = new ResourceLocation("minecraft:dirt"); private BlockDirt toSub = new BlockDirt() { @Override @Nonnull public String toString() { return "SUB" + super.toString() + "SUB"; } }; @BeforeClass public static void setup() { Loader.instance(); Bootstrap.register(); Loader.instance().setupTestHarness(new DummyModContainer(new ModMetadata() {{ modId = "test"; }})); } @Test public void testSubstitutionInjection() throws Exception { final FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry<Block> blockRegistry = (FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry<Block>)PersistentRegistryManager.findRegistryByType(Block.class); final FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry<Item> itemRegistry = (FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry<Item>)PersistentRegistryManager.findRegistryByType(Item.class); // Capture snapshot prior to registering the substitution - this is a world state "pre-substitute" final PersistentRegistryManager.GameDataSnapshot snapshot = PersistentRegistryManager.takeSnapshot(); Block fnd = blockRegistry.getValue(myDirt); Block currDirt = Blocks.DIRT; // TEST 0: Verify that input state is correct assertEquals("Got vanilla dirt ", currDirt, fnd); // TEST 0a: Validate that the ItemBlock for Dirt points at vanilla dirt ItemBlock dirtitem = (ItemBlock)itemRegistry.getValue(myDirt); assertEquals("ItemBlock points at my block", currDirt, dirtitem.block); GameRegistry.addSubstitutionAlias("minecraft:dirt", GameRegistry.Type.BLOCK, toSub); PersistentRegistryManager.freezeData(); ObjectHolderRegistry.INSTANCE.applyObjectHolders(); // This should not throw an exception try { StatList.reinit(); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Caught exception"); } // TEST 1: Does my substitute take effect? The substitute should be found in the registry fnd = blockRegistry.getValue(myDirt); currDirt = Blocks.DIRT; assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - Blocks", toSub, currDirt); assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - Blocks and registry", currDirt, fnd); assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - registry", toSub, fnd); // TEST 1a: Validate that the ItemBlock for Dirt now points at my dirt dirtitem = (ItemBlock)itemRegistry.getValue(myDirt); assertEquals("ItemBlock points at my block", toSub, dirtitem.block); // TEST 2: Does the substitute get injected when told by loading operation? The substitute should be found in the registry PersistentRegistryManager.injectSnapshot(snapshot, true, true); ObjectHolderRegistry.INSTANCE.applyObjectHolders(); fnd = blockRegistry.getValue(myDirt); currDirt = Blocks.DIRT; assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - Blocks", toSub, currDirt); assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - Blocks and registry", currDirt, fnd); assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - registry", toSub, fnd); dirtitem = (ItemBlock)itemRegistry.getValue(myDirt); assertEquals("ItemBlock points at my block", toSub, dirtitem.block); // TEST 3: Does the substitute get restored when reverting to frozen state? The substitute should be found in the registry again PersistentRegistryManager.revertToFrozen(); ObjectHolderRegistry.INSTANCE.applyObjectHolders(); fnd = blockRegistry.getValue(myDirt); currDirt = Blocks.DIRT; assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - Blocks", toSub, currDirt); assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - Blocks and registry", currDirt, fnd); assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - registry", toSub, fnd); dirtitem = (ItemBlock)itemRegistry.getValue(myDirt); assertEquals("ItemBlock points at my block", toSub, dirtitem.block); // TEST 2 repeat: Does the substitute get injected when told by loading operation? The substitute should be found in the registry PersistentRegistryManager.injectSnapshot(snapshot, true, true); ObjectHolderRegistry.INSTANCE.applyObjectHolders(); fnd = blockRegistry.getValue(myDirt); currDirt = Blocks.DIRT; assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - Blocks", toSub, currDirt); assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - Blocks and registry", currDirt, fnd); assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - registry", toSub, fnd); dirtitem = (ItemBlock)itemRegistry.getValue(myDirt); assertEquals("ItemBlock points at my block", toSub, dirtitem.block); // TEST 3 repeat: Does the substitute get restored when reverting to frozen state? The substitute should be found in the registry again PersistentRegistryManager.revertToFrozen(); ObjectHolderRegistry.INSTANCE.applyObjectHolders(); fnd = blockRegistry.getValue(myDirt); currDirt = Blocks.DIRT; assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - Blocks", toSub, currDirt); assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - Blocks and registry", currDirt, fnd); assertEquals("Got my dirt substitute - registry", toSub, fnd); dirtitem = (ItemBlock)itemRegistry.getValue(myDirt); assertEquals("ItemBlock points at my block", toSub, dirtitem.block); } }