/** * Copyright (c) 2014 itemis AG and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * itemis AG - initial API and implementation * */ package org.yakindu.sct.model.stext.validation; /** * * * @author andreas muelder - Initial contribution and API * */ public interface STextValidationMessages { public static final String CHOICE_ONE_OUTGOING_DEFAULT_TRANSITION = "A choice should have one outgoing default transition."; public static final String FEATURE_CALL_HAS_NO_EFFECT = "FeatureCall has no effect."; public static final String ENTRY_EXIT_TRIGGER_NOT_ALLOWED = "Entry/Exit trigger not allowed."; public static final String LOCAL_REACTIONS_NOT_ALLOWED = "Local reactions not allowed."; public static final String FEATURE_CALL_TO_SCOPE = "FEATURE_CALL_TO_SCOPE."; public static final String ONLY_ONE_INTERFACE = "Only one default/unnamed interface is allowed."; public static final String IN_OUT_DECLARATIONS = "In/Out declarations are not allowed in internal scope."; public static final String LOCAL_DECLARATIONS = "Local declarations are not allowed in interface scope."; public static final String TIME_EXPRESSION = "The evaluation result of a time expression must be of type integer."; public static final String GUARD_EXPRESSION = "The evaluation result of a guard expression must be of type boolean."; public static final String GUARD_CONTAINS_ASSIGNMENT = "A guard must not contain assignments."; public static final String ASSIGNMENT_EXPRESSION = "No nested assignment of the same variable allowed (different behavior in various programming languages)."; public static final String TRANSITION_ENTRY_SPEC_NOT_COMPOSITE = "Target state isn't composite."; public static final String TRANSITION_EXIT_SPEC_NOT_COMPOSITE = "Source state isn't composite."; public static final String TRANSITION_UNBOUND_DEFAULT_ENTRY_POINT = "Target state has regions without 'default' entries."; public static final String TRANSITION_UNBOUND_NAMED_ENTRY_POINT = "Target state has regions without named entries: "; public static final String TRANSITION_NOT_EXISTING_NAMED_EXIT_POINT = "Source State needs at least one region with the named exit point."; public static final String TRIGGER_IS_NO_EVENT = "Trigger is no event."; public static final String TOP_LEVEL_REGION_ENTRY_HAVE_TO_BE_A_DEFAULT_ENTRY = "Entry of top level region have to be a default entry."; public static final String REGION_UNBOUND_DEFAULT_ENTRY_POINT = "Region must have a 'default' entry."; public static final String REGION_UNBOUND_NAMED_ENTRY_POINT = "Region should have a named entry to support transitions entry specification: "; public static final String ENTRY_UNUSED = "The named entry is not used by incoming transitions."; public static final String EXIT_UNUSED = "The named exit is not used by outgoing transitions."; public static final String EXIT_DEFAULT_UNUSED = "The parent composite state has no 'default' exit transition."; public static final String TRANSITION_EXIT_SPEC_ON_MULTIPLE_SIBLINGS = "ExitPointSpec can't be used on transition siblings."; public static final String LEFT_HAND_ASSIGNMENT = "The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable."; public static final String ISSUE_TRANSITION_WITHOUT_TRIGGER = "Missing trigger. Transition is never taken. Use 'oncycle' or 'always' instead."; public static final String IMPORT_NOT_RESOLVED = "Import cannot be resolved."; public static final String EXITPOINTSPEC_WITH_TRIGGER = "Transitions with an exit point spec does not have a trigger or guard."; public static final String ASSIGNMENT_TO_VALUE = "Assignment constant not allowed."; public static final String REFERENCE_TO_VARIABLE = "Cannot reference a variable in a constant initialization."; public static final String CONST_MUST_HAVE_VALUE_MSG = "A constant definition must specify an initial value"; public static final String CONST_MUST_HAVE_VALUE_CODE = "ConstMustHaveAValue"; public static final String REFERENCE_CONSTANT_BEFORE_DEFINED = "Cannot reference a constant from different scope or before it is defined."; public static final String INTERNAL_DECLARATION_UNUSED = "Internal declaration is not used in statechart."; public static final String ERROR_WRONG_ANNOTATION_TARGET_CODE = "WrongAnnotationTarget"; public static final String ERROR_WRONG_ANNOTATION_TARGET_MSG = "Annotation '%s' can not be applied on %s "; public static final String VALUE_OF_REQUIRES_EVENT = "valueof() expression requires event as argument."; public static final String VAR_ARGS_LAST_CODE = "VarArgsMustBeLast"; public static final String VAR_ARGS_LAST_MSG = "The variable argument type must be the last argument."; public static final String WRONG_NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_MSG = "Wrong number of arguments, expected %s ."; public static final String WRONG_NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_CODE = "WrongNrOfArgs"; }