package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import static java.lang.String.format; /** * simple wrapper for Android log calls, enables recording and displaying log */ public class AppLog { // T for Tag public enum T {READER, EDITOR, MEDIA, NUX, API, STATS, UTILS, NOTIFS, DB, POSTS, COMMENTS, THEMES, TESTS, PROFILING, SIMPERIUM, SUGGESTION, MAIN, SETTINGS, PLANS, PEOPLE} public static final String TAG = "WordPress"; public static final int HEADER_LINE_COUNT = 2; private static boolean mEnableRecording = false; private static List<AppLogListener> mListeners = new ArrayList<>(0); private AppLog() { throw new AssertionError(); } /** * Capture log so it can be displayed by AppLogViewerActivity * @param enable A boolean flag to capture log. Default is false, pass true to enable recording */ public static void enableRecording(boolean enable) { mEnableRecording = enable; } public static void addListener(@NonNull AppLogListener listener) { mListeners.add(listener); } public static void removeListeners() { mListeners.clear(); } public interface AppLogListener { void onLog(T tag, LogLevel logLevel, String message); } /** * Sends a VERBOSE log message * @param tag Used to identify the source of a log message. * It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs. * @param message The message you would like logged. */ public static void v(T tag, String message) { message = StringUtils.notNullStr(message); Log.v(TAG + "-" + tag.toString(), message); addEntry(tag, LogLevel.v, message); } /** * Sends a DEBUG log message * @param tag Used to identify the source of a log message. * It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs. * @param message The message you would like logged. */ public static void d(T tag, String message) { message = StringUtils.notNullStr(message); Log.d(TAG + "-" + tag.toString(), message); addEntry(tag, LogLevel.d, message); } /** * Sends a INFO log message * @param tag Used to identify the source of a log message. * It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs. * @param message The message you would like logged. */ public static void i(T tag, String message) { message = StringUtils.notNullStr(message); Log.i(TAG + "-" + tag.toString(), message); addEntry(tag, LogLevel.i, message); } /** * Sends a WARN log message * @param tag Used to identify the source of a log message. * It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs. * @param message The message you would like logged. */ public static void w(T tag, String message) { message = StringUtils.notNullStr(message); Log.w(TAG + "-" + tag.toString(), message); addEntry(tag, LogLevel.w, message); } /** * Sends a ERROR log message * @param tag Used to identify the source of a log message. * It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs. * @param message The message you would like logged. */ public static void e(T tag, String message) { message = StringUtils.notNullStr(message); Log.e(TAG + "-" + tag.toString(), message); addEntry(tag, LogLevel.e, message); } /** * Send a ERROR log message and log the exception. * @param tag Used to identify the source of a log message. * It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs. * @param message The message you would like logged. * @param tr An exception to log */ public static void e(T tag, String message, Throwable tr) { message = StringUtils.notNullStr(message); Log.e(TAG + "-" + tag.toString(), message, tr); addEntry(tag, LogLevel.e, message + " - exception: " + tr.getMessage()); addEntry(tag, LogLevel.e, "StackTrace: " + getStringStackTrace(tr)); } /** * Sends a ERROR log message and the exception with StackTrace * @param tag Used to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs. * @param tr An exception to log to get StackTrace */ public static void e(T tag, Throwable tr) { Log.e(TAG + "-" + tag.toString(), tr.getMessage(), tr); addEntry(tag, LogLevel.e, tr.getMessage()); addEntry(tag, LogLevel.e, "StackTrace: " + getStringStackTrace(tr)); } /** * Sends a ERROR log message * @param tag Used to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs. * @param volleyErrorMsg * @param statusCode */ public static void e(T tag, String volleyErrorMsg, int statusCode) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(volleyErrorMsg)) { return; } String logText; if (statusCode == -1) { logText = volleyErrorMsg; } else { logText = volleyErrorMsg + ", status " + statusCode; } Log.e(TAG + "-" + tag.toString(), logText); addEntry(tag, LogLevel.w, logText); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static final int MAX_ENTRIES = 99; public enum LogLevel { v, d, i, w, e; private String toHtmlColor() { switch(this) { case v: return "grey"; case i: return "black"; case w: return "purple"; case e: return "red"; case d: default: return "teal"; } } } private static class LogEntry { final LogLevel mLogLevel; final String mLogText; final java.util.Date mDate; final T mLogTag; public LogEntry(LogLevel logLevel, String logText, T logTag) { mLogLevel = logLevel; mDate = DateTimeUtils.nowUTC(); if (logText == null) { mLogText = "null"; } else { mLogText = logText; } mLogTag = logTag; } private String formatLogDate() { return new SimpleDateFormat("MMM-dd kk:mm", Locale.US).format(mDate); } private String toHtml() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<font color=\""); sb.append(mLogLevel.toHtmlColor()); sb.append("\">"); sb.append("["); sb.append(formatLogDate()).append(" "); sb.append(" "); sb.append(; sb.append("] "); sb.append(TextUtils.htmlEncode(mLogText).replace("\n", "<br />")); sb.append("</font>"); return sb.toString(); } } private static class LogEntryList extends ArrayList<LogEntry> { private synchronized boolean addEntry(LogEntry entry) { if (size() >= MAX_ENTRIES) removeFirstEntry(); return add(entry); } private void removeFirstEntry() { Iterator<LogEntry> it = iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) return; try { remove(; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // ignore } } } private static LogEntryList mLogEntries = new LogEntryList(); private static void addEntry(T tag, LogLevel level, String text) { // Call our listeners if any for (AppLogListener listener : mListeners) { listener.onLog(tag, level, text); } // Record entry if enabled if (mEnableRecording) { LogEntry entry = new LogEntry(level, text, tag); mLogEntries.addEntry(entry); } } private static String getStringStackTrace(Throwable throwable) { StringWriter errors = new StringWriter(); throwable.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors)); return errors.toString(); } private static String getAppInfoHeaderText(Context context) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); PackageInfo pkInfo = PackageUtils.getPackageInfo(context); ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = pkInfo != null ? pkInfo.applicationInfo : null; String appName; if (applicationInfo != null && packageManager.getApplicationLabel(applicationInfo) != null) { appName = packageManager.getApplicationLabel(applicationInfo).toString(); } else { appName = "Unknown"; } sb.append(appName).append(" - ").append(PackageUtils.getVersionName(context)) .append(" - Version code: ").append(PackageUtils.getVersionCode(context)); return sb.toString(); } private static String getDeviceInfoHeaderText(Context context) { return "Android device name: " + DeviceUtils.getInstance().getDeviceName(context); } /** * Returns entire log as html for display (see AppLogViewerActivity) * @param context * @return Arraylist of Strings containing log messages */ public static ArrayList<String> toHtmlList(Context context) { ArrayList<String> items = new ArrayList<String>(); // add version & device info - be sure to change HEADER_LINE_COUNT if additional lines are added items.add("<strong>" + getAppInfoHeaderText(context) + "</strong>"); items.add("<strong>" + getDeviceInfoHeaderText(context) + "</strong>"); Iterator<LogEntry> it = mLogEntries.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { items.add(; } return items; } /** * Converts the entire log to plain text * @param context * @return The log as plain text */ public static String toPlainText(Context context) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // add version & device info sb.append(getAppInfoHeaderText(context)).append("\n") .append(getDeviceInfoHeaderText(context)).append("\n\n"); Iterator<LogEntry> it = mLogEntries.iterator(); int lineNum = 1; while (it.hasNext()) { LogEntry entry =; sb.append(format(Locale.US, "%02d - ", lineNum)) .append("[") .append(entry.formatLogDate()).append(" ") .append( .append("] ") .append(entry.mLogText) .append("\n"); lineNum++; } return sb.toString(); } }