package; import android.Manifest; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Handler; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import android.view.DragEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap; import android.widget.Toast; import org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe; import org.greenrobot.eventbus.ThreadMode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.wordpress.passcodelock.AppLockManager; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.inject.Inject; import de.greenrobot.event.EventBus; public class EditPostActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements EditorFragmentListener, EditorDragAndDropListener, ActivityCompat.OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback, EditorWebViewCompatibility.ReflectionFailureListener, PhotoPickerFragment.PhotoPickerListener { public static final String EXTRA_POST = "postModel"; public static final String EXTRA_IS_PAGE = "isPage"; public static final String EXTRA_IS_QUICKPRESS = "isQuickPress"; public static final String EXTRA_QUICKPRESS_BLOG_ID = "quickPressBlogId"; public static final String EXTRA_SAVED_AS_LOCAL_DRAFT = "savedAsLocalDraft"; public static final String EXTRA_HAS_UNFINISHED_MEDIA = "hasUnfinishedMedia"; public static final String EXTRA_HAS_CHANGES = "hasChanges"; public static final String STATE_KEY_CURRENT_POST = "stateKeyCurrentPost"; public static final String STATE_KEY_ORIGINAL_POST = "stateKeyOriginalPost"; public static final String STATE_KEY_EDITOR_FRAGMENT = "editorFragment"; public static final String STATE_KEY_DROPPED_MEDIA_URIS = "stateKeyDroppedMediaUri"; public static final int MEDIA_PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE = 1; public static final int LOCATION_PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE = 2; public static final int DRAG_AND_DROP_MEDIA_PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE = 3; public static final int PHOTO_PICKER_PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE = 4; private static int PAGE_CONTENT = 0; private static int PAGE_SETTINGS = 1; private static int PAGE_PREVIEW = 2; private static final int AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 60000; private static final String PHOTO_PICKER_TAG = "photo_picker"; private Handler mHandler; private boolean mShowAztecEditor; private boolean mShowNewEditor; private List<String> mPendingVideoPressInfoRequests; /** * The {@link} that will provide * fragments for each of the sections. We use a * {@link FragmentPagerAdapter} derivative, which will keep every * loaded fragment in memory. If this becomes too memory intensive, it * may be best to switch to a * {@link}. */ SectionsPagerAdapter mSectionsPagerAdapter; /** * The {@link ViewPager} that will host the section contents. */ WPViewPager mViewPager; private PostModel mPost; private PostModel mOriginalPost; private AztecEditorFragment mAztecEditorFragment; private EditorFragmentAbstract mEditorFragment; private EditPostSettingsFragment mEditPostSettingsFragment; private EditPostPreviewFragment mEditPostPreviewFragment; private EditorMediaUploadListener mEditorMediaUploadListener; private boolean mIsNewPost; private boolean mIsPage; private boolean mHasSetPostContent; private View mPhotoPickerContainer; private PhotoPickerFragment mPhotoPickerFragment; private int mPhotoPickerOrientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED; // For opening the context menu after permissions have been granted private View mMenuView = null; @Inject Dispatcher mDispatcher; @Inject AccountStore mAccountStore; @Inject SiteStore mSiteStore; @Inject PostStore mPostStore; @Inject MediaStore mMediaStore; @Inject FluxCImageLoader mImageLoader; private SiteModel mSite; // for keeping the media uri while asking for permissions private ArrayList<Uri> mDroppedMediaUris; private Runnable mFetchMediaRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mDroppedMediaUris != null) { final List<Uri> mediaUris = mDroppedMediaUris; mDroppedMediaUris = null; EditPostActivity.this.addAllMedia(mediaUris); } } }; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ((WordPress) getApplication()).component().inject(this); mDispatcher.register(this); setContentView(R.layout.new_edit_post_activity); if (savedInstanceState == null) { mSite = (SiteModel) getIntent().getSerializableExtra(WordPress.SITE); } else { mSite = (SiteModel) savedInstanceState.getSerializable(WordPress.SITE); } // Check whether to show the visual editor PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(this, R.xml.account_settings, false); //AppPrefs.setAztecEditorAvailable(true); //AppPrefs.setAztecEditorEnabled(true); mShowAztecEditor = AppPrefs.isAztecEditorEnabled(); mShowNewEditor = AppPrefs.isVisualEditorEnabled(); // Set up the action bar. final ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); if (actionBar != null) { actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); } FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager(); Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); String action = getIntent().getAction(); if (savedInstanceState == null) { if (!getIntent().hasExtra(EXTRA_POST) || Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals(action) || Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE.equals(action) || NEW_MEDIA_POST.equals(action) || getIntent().hasExtra(EXTRA_IS_QUICKPRESS)) { if (getIntent().hasExtra(EXTRA_QUICKPRESS_BLOG_ID)) { // QuickPress might want to use a different blog than the current blog int localSiteId = getIntent().getIntExtra(EXTRA_QUICKPRESS_BLOG_ID, -1); mSite = mSiteStore.getSiteByLocalId(localSiteId); } if (extras != null) { mIsPage = extras.getBoolean(EXTRA_IS_PAGE); } mIsNewPost = true; if (mSite == null) { showErrorAndFinish(R.string.blog_not_found); return; } if (!mSite.isVisible()) { showErrorAndFinish(R.string.error_blog_hidden); return; } // Create a new post List<Long> categories = new ArrayList<>(); String postFormat = ""; if (mSite.isWPCom() || mSite.isJetpackConnected()) { // TODO: replace SiteSettingsInterface.getX by calls to mSite.getDefaultCategory // and mSite.getDefaultFormat. We can get these from /me/sites endpoint for .com/jetpack sites. // There might be a way to get that information from a XMLRPC request as well. categories.add((long) SiteSettingsInterface.getDefaultCategory(WordPress.getContext())); postFormat = SiteSettingsInterface.getDefaultFormat(WordPress.getContext()); } mPost = mPostStore.instantiatePostModel(mSite, mIsPage, categories, postFormat); } else if (extras != null) { // Load post passed in extras mPost = (PostModel) extras.getSerializable(EXTRA_POST); if (mPost != null) { mOriginalPost = mPost.clone(); mIsPage = mPost.isPage(); } } else { // A postId extra must be passed to this activity showErrorAndFinish(R.string.post_not_found); return; } } else { mDroppedMediaUris = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(STATE_KEY_DROPPED_MEDIA_URIS); if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(STATE_KEY_ORIGINAL_POST)) { try { mPost = (PostModel) savedInstanceState.getSerializable(STATE_KEY_CURRENT_POST); mOriginalPost = (PostModel) savedInstanceState.getSerializable(STATE_KEY_ORIGINAL_POST); } catch (ClassCastException e) { mPost = null; } } mEditorFragment = (EditorFragmentAbstract) fragmentManager.getFragment(savedInstanceState, STATE_KEY_EDITOR_FRAGMENT); if (mEditorFragment instanceof EditorMediaUploadListener) { mEditorMediaUploadListener = (EditorMediaUploadListener) mEditorFragment; } } if (mSite == null) { ToastUtils.showToast(this, R.string.blog_not_found, ToastUtils.Duration.SHORT); finish(); return; } if (mHasSetPostContent = mEditorFragment != null) { mEditorFragment.setImageLoader(mImageLoader); } // Ensure we have a valid post if (mPost == null) { showErrorAndFinish(R.string.post_not_found); return; } if (mIsNewPost) { trackEditorCreatedPost(action, getIntent()); } setTitle(StringUtils.unescapeHTML(SiteUtils.getSiteNameOrHomeURL(mSite))); mSectionsPagerAdapter = new SectionsPagerAdapter(fragmentManager); // Set up the ViewPager with the sections adapter. mViewPager = (WPViewPager) findViewById(; mViewPager.setAdapter(mSectionsPagerAdapter); mViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(2); mViewPager.setPagingEnabled(false); // When swiping between different sections, select the corresponding // tab. We can also use ActionBar.Tab#select() to do this if we have // a reference to the Tab. mViewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener() { @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { invalidateOptionsMenu(); if (position == PAGE_CONTENT) { setTitle(StringUtils.unescapeHTML(SiteUtils.getSiteNameOrHomeURL(mSite))); } else if (position == PAGE_SETTINGS) { setTitle(mPost.isPage() ? R.string.page_settings : R.string.post_settings); hidePhotoPicker(); } else if (position == PAGE_PREVIEW) { setTitle(mPost.isPage() ? R.string.preview_page : R.string.preview_post); hidePhotoPicker(); savePostAsync(new AfterSavePostListener() { @Override public void onPostSave() { if (mEditPostPreviewFragment != null) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mEditPostPreviewFragment != null) { mEditPostPreviewFragment.loadPost(); } } }); } } }); } } }); ActivityId.trackLastActivity(ActivityId.POST_EDITOR); } private Runnable mAutoSave = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { updatePostObject(true); } catch (IllegalEditorStateException e) { AppLog.e(T.EDITOR, "Impossible to save the post, we weren't able to update it."); return; } savePostToDb(); if (mHandler != null) { mHandler.postDelayed(mAutoSave, AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL_MILLIS); } } }).start(); } }; @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); mHandler = new Handler(); mHandler.postDelayed(mAutoSave, AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL_MILLIS); } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); try { unregisterReceiver(mGalleryReceiver); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { AppLog.d(T.EDITOR, "Illegal state! Can't unregister receiver that was no registered"); } mHandler.removeCallbacks(mAutoSave); mHandler = null; } @Override protected void onDestroy() { AnalyticsTracker.track(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.EDITOR_CLOSED); mDispatcher.unregister(this); super.onDestroy(); } @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); // Saves both post objects so we can restore them in onCreate() savePostAsync(null); outState.putSerializable(STATE_KEY_CURRENT_POST, mPost); outState.putSerializable(STATE_KEY_ORIGINAL_POST, mOriginalPost); outState.putSerializable(WordPress.SITE, mSite); outState.putParcelableArrayList(STATE_KEY_DROPPED_MEDIA_URIS, mDroppedMediaUris); if (mEditorFragment != null) { getFragmentManager().putFragment(outState, STATE_KEY_EDITOR_FRAGMENT, mEditorFragment); } } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); // resize the photo picker if the user rotated the device int orientation = newConfig.orientation; if (orientation != mPhotoPickerOrientation) { resizePhotoPicker(); } } private String getSaveButtonText() { if (!mSite.getHasCapabilityPublishPosts()) { return getString(R.string.submit_for_review); } switch (PostStatus.fromPost(mPost)) { case SCHEDULED: return getString(R.string.schedule_verb); case PUBLISHED: case UNKNOWN: if (mPost.isLocalDraft()) { return getString(R.string.publish_post); } else { return getString(R.string.update_verb); } default: if (mPost.isLocalDraft()) { return getString(; } else { return getString(R.string.update_verb); } } } private boolean isPhotoPickerShowing() { return mPhotoPickerContainer != null && mPhotoPickerContainer.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE; } /* * resizes the photo picker based on device orientation - full height in landscape, half * height in portrait */ private void resizePhotoPicker() { if (mPhotoPickerContainer == null) return; if (DisplayUtils.isLandscape(this)) { mPhotoPickerOrientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; mPhotoPickerContainer.getLayoutParams().height = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT; } else { mPhotoPickerOrientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; int displayHeight = DisplayUtils.getDisplayPixelHeight(this); int containerHeight = (int) (displayHeight * 0.5f); mPhotoPickerContainer.getLayoutParams().height = containerHeight; } if (mPhotoPickerFragment != null) { mPhotoPickerFragment.reload(); } } /* * loads the photo picker fragment, which is hidden until the user taps the media icon */ private void initPhotoPicker() { mPhotoPickerContainer = findViewById(; // size the picker before creating the fragment to avoid having it load media now resizePhotoPicker(); EnumSet<PhotoPickerOption> options = EnumSet.of(PhotoPickerOption.ALLOW_MULTI_SELECT); mPhotoPickerFragment = PhotoPickerFragment.newInstance(this, options); getFragmentManager() .beginTransaction() .add(, mPhotoPickerFragment, PHOTO_PICKER_TAG) .commit(); } /* * user has requested to show the photo picker */ void showPhotoPicker() { // request permissions if we don't already have them if (!PermissionUtils.checkAndRequestCameraAndStoragePermissions(this, PHOTO_PICKER_PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE)) { return; } // make sure we initialized the photo picker if (mPhotoPickerFragment == null) { initPhotoPicker();, SmartToast.SmartToastType.PHOTO_PICKER_LONG_PRESS); } // hide soft keyboard View view = getCurrentFocus(); if (view != null) { InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(view.getWindowToken(), 0); } // slide in the photo picker if (!isPhotoPickerShowing()) { AniUtils.animateBottomBar(mPhotoPickerContainer, true, AniUtils.Duration.MEDIUM); mPhotoPickerFragment.refresh(); } // fade in the overlay atop the editor, which effectively disables the editor // until the picker is closed View overlay = findViewById(; if (overlay.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { AniUtils.fadeIn(overlay, AniUtils.Duration.MEDIUM); } if (mAztecEditorFragment != null) { mAztecEditorFragment.enableMediaMode(true); } } public void hidePhotoPicker() { if (isPhotoPickerShowing()) { mPhotoPickerFragment.finishActionMode(); AniUtils.animateBottomBar(mPhotoPickerContainer, false); } View overlay = findViewById(; if (overlay.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { AniUtils.fadeOut(overlay, AniUtils.Duration.MEDIUM); } if (mAztecEditorFragment != null) { mAztecEditorFragment.enableMediaMode(false); } } /* * called by PhotoPickerFragment when media is selected - may be a single item or a list of items */ @Override public void onPhotoPickerMediaChosen(@NonNull List<Uri> uriList) { hidePhotoPicker(); for (Uri uri: uriList) { if (addMedia(uri)) { boolean isVideo = MediaUtils.isVideo(uri.toString()); trackAddMediaFromDeviceEvents(false, isVideo, uri); } } } /* * called by PhotoPickerFragment when user clicks an icon to launch the camera, native * picker, or WP media picker */ @Override public void onPhotoPickerIconClicked(@NonNull PhotoPickerIcon icon) { hidePhotoPicker(); switch (icon) { case ANDROID_CAPTURE_PHOTO: launchCamera(); break; case ANDROID_CAPTURE_VIDEO: launchVideoCamera(); break; case ANDROID_CHOOSE_PHOTO: launchPictureLibrary(); break; case ANDROID_CHOOSE_VIDEO: launchVideoLibrary(); break; case WP_MEDIA: startMediaGalleryAddActivity(); break; } } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); if (mShowNewEditor || mShowAztecEditor) { inflater.inflate(, menu); } else { inflater.inflate(, menu); } return true; } @Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { boolean showMenuItems = true; if (mViewPager != null && mViewPager.getCurrentItem() > PAGE_CONTENT) { showMenuItems = false; } MenuItem previewMenuItem = menu.findItem(; MenuItem settingsMenuItem = menu.findItem(; if (previewMenuItem != null) { previewMenuItem.setVisible(showMenuItems); } if (settingsMenuItem != null) { settingsMenuItem.setVisible(showMenuItems); } // Set text of the save button in the ActionBar if (mPost != null) { MenuItem saveMenuItem = menu.findItem(; if (saveMenuItem != null) { saveMenuItem.setTitle(getSaveButtonText()); } } return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu); } @Override public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String permissions[], @NonNull int[] grantResults) { switch (requestCode) { case LOCATION_PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE: boolean shouldShowLocation = false; // Check if at least one of the location permission (coarse or fine) is granted for (int grantResult : grantResults) { if (grantResult == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { shouldShowLocation = true; } } if (shouldShowLocation) { // Permission request was granted, show Location buttons in Settings mEditPostSettingsFragment.showLocationSearch(); // After permission request was granted add GeoTag to the new post (if GeoTagging is enabled) mEditPostSettingsFragment.searchLocation(); return; } // Location permission denied ToastUtils.showToast(this, getString(R.string.add_location_permission_required)); break; case MEDIA_PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE: boolean shouldShowContextMenu = true; for (int i = 0; i < grantResults.length; ++i) { switch (permissions[i]) { case Manifest.permission.CAMERA: if (grantResults[i] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) { shouldShowContextMenu = false; } break; case Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: if (grantResults[i] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) { shouldShowContextMenu = false; } else { registerReceiver(mGalleryReceiver, new IntentFilter(LegacyEditorFragment.ACTION_MEDIA_GALLERY_TOUCHED)); refreshBlogMedia(); } break; } } if (shouldShowContextMenu) { if (mMenuView != null) { super.openContextMenu(mMenuView); mMenuView = null; } } else { ToastUtils.showToast(this, getString(R.string.access_media_permission_required)); } break; case PHOTO_PICKER_PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE: boolean canShowPhotoPicker = true; for (int i = 0; i < grantResults.length; ++i) { switch (permissions[i]) { case Manifest.permission.CAMERA: if (grantResults[i] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) { canShowPhotoPicker = false; } break; case Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: if (grantResults[i] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) { canShowPhotoPicker = false; } break; } } if (canShowPhotoPicker) { showPhotoPicker(); } else { ToastUtils.showToast(this, getString(R.string.access_media_permission_required)); } break; case DRAG_AND_DROP_MEDIA_PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE: boolean mediaAccessGranted = false; for (int i = 0; i < grantResults.length; ++i) { switch (permissions[i]) { case Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: if (grantResults[i] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { mediaAccessGranted = true; } break; } } if (mediaAccessGranted) { runOnUiThread(mFetchMediaRunnable); } else { ToastUtils.showToast(this, getString(R.string.access_media_permission_required)); } default: break; } } // Menu actions @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(final MenuItem item) { hidePhotoPicker(); int itemId = item.getItemId(); if (itemId == { Fragment fragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag( ImageSettingsDialogFragment.IMAGE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_TAG); if (fragment != null && fragment.isVisible()) { return false; } if (mViewPager.getCurrentItem() > PAGE_CONTENT) { if (mViewPager.getCurrentItem() == PAGE_SETTINGS) { mPost.setFeaturedImageId(mEditPostSettingsFragment.getFeaturedImageId()); mEditorFragment.setFeaturedImageId(mPost.getFeaturedImageId()); } mViewPager.setCurrentItem(PAGE_CONTENT); invalidateOptionsMenu(); } else { savePostAndFinish(); } return true; } // Disable format bar buttons while a media upload is in progress if (mEditorFragment.isUploadingMedia() || mEditorFragment.isActionInProgress()) { ToastUtils.showToast(this, R.string.editor_toast_uploading_please_wait, Duration.SHORT); return false; } if (itemId == { publishPost(); } else if (itemId == { mViewPager.setCurrentItem(PAGE_PREVIEW); } else if (itemId == { InputMethodManager imm = ((InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)); imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(getWindow().getDecorView().getWindowToken(), 0); if (mShowNewEditor || mShowAztecEditor) { mEditPostSettingsFragment.updateFeaturedImage(mPost.getFeaturedImageId()); } mViewPager.setCurrentItem(PAGE_SETTINGS); } return false; } private void savePostOnlineAndFinishAsync(boolean isFirstTimePublish) { new SavePostOnlineAndFinishTask(isFirstTimePublish).executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR); } private void onUploadSuccess(MediaModel media) { if (mEditorMediaUploadListener != null && media != null) { mEditorMediaUploadListener.onMediaUploadSucceeded(String.valueOf(media.getId()), FluxCUtils.mediaFileFromMediaModel(media)); } removeMediaFromPendingList(media); } private void onUploadCanceled(MediaModel media) { removeMediaFromPendingList(media); } private void onUploadError(MediaModel media, MediaStore.MediaError error) { String localMediaId = String.valueOf(media.getId()); Map<String, Object> properties = null; MediaFile mf = FluxCUtils.mediaFileFromMediaModel(media); if (mf != null) { properties = AnalyticsUtils.getMediaProperties(this, mf.isVideo(), null, mf.getFilePath()); properties.put("error_type",; } AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_UPLOAD_MEDIA_FAILED, properties); // Display custom error depending on error type String errorMessage; switch (error.type) { case AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED: errorMessage = getString(R.string.media_error_no_permission_upload); break; case REQUEST_TOO_LARGE: errorMessage = getString(R.string.media_error_too_large_upload); break; case GENERIC_ERROR: default: errorMessage = TextUtils.isEmpty(error.message) ? getString(R.string.tap_to_try_again) : error.message; } if (mEditorMediaUploadListener != null) { mEditorMediaUploadListener.onMediaUploadFailed(localMediaId, errorMessage); } removeMediaFromPendingList(media); } private void onUploadProgress(MediaModel media, float progress) { String localMediaId = String.valueOf(media.getId()); if (mEditorMediaUploadListener != null) { mEditorMediaUploadListener.onMediaUploadProgress(localMediaId, progress); } } private void removeMediaFromPendingList(MediaModel mediaToClear) { if (mediaToClear == null) { return; } for (MediaModel pendingUpload : mPendingUploads) { if (pendingUpload.getId() == mediaToClear.getId()) { mPendingUploads.remove(pendingUpload); break; } } } private void launchPictureLibrary() { WordPressMediaUtils.launchPictureLibrary(this); AppLockManager.getInstance().setExtendedTimeout(); } private void launchVideoLibrary() { WordPressMediaUtils.launchVideoLibrary(this); AppLockManager.getInstance().setExtendedTimeout(); } private void launchVideoCamera() { WordPressMediaUtils.launchVideoCamera(this); AppLockManager.getInstance().setExtendedTimeout(); } private void showErrorAndFinish(int errorMessageId) { Toast.makeText(this, getResources().getText(errorMessageId), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); finish(); } private void trackEditorCreatedPost(String action, Intent intent) { Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>(); // Post created from the post list (new post button). String normalizedSourceName = "post-list"; if (Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals(action) || Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE.equals(action)) { // Post created with share with WordPress normalizedSourceName = "shared-from-external-app"; } if (EditPostActivity.NEW_MEDIA_POST.equals( action)) { // Post created from the media library normalizedSourceName = "media-library"; } if (intent != null && intent.hasExtra(EXTRA_IS_QUICKPRESS)) { // Quick press normalizedSourceName = "quick-press"; } properties.put("created_post_source", normalizedSourceName); AnalyticsUtils.trackWithSiteDetails( AnalyticsTracker.Stat.EDITOR_CREATED_POST, mSiteStore.getSiteByLocalId(mPost.getLocalSiteId()), properties ); } private synchronized void updatePostObject(boolean isAutosave) throws IllegalEditorStateException { if (mPost == null) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.POSTS, "Attempted to save an invalid Post."); return; } // Update post object from fragment fields if (mEditorFragment != null) { if (mShowNewEditor || mShowAztecEditor) { updatePostContentNewEditor(isAutosave, (String) mEditorFragment.getTitle(), (String) mEditorFragment.getContent()); } else { // TODO: Remove when legacy editor is dropped updatePostContent(isAutosave); } } if (mEditPostSettingsFragment != null) { mEditPostSettingsFragment.updatePostSettings(mPost); } mPost.setDateLocallyChanged(DateTimeUtils.iso8601FromTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); } private void savePostAsync(final AfterSavePostListener listener) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { updatePostObject(false); } catch (IllegalEditorStateException e) { AppLog.e(T.EDITOR, "Impossible to save the post, we weren't able to update it."); return; } savePostToDb(); if (listener != null) { listener.onPostSave(); } } }).start(); } private interface AfterSavePostListener { void onPostSave(); } private synchronized void savePostToDb() { mDispatcher.dispatch(PostActionBuilder.newUpdatePostAction(mPost)); // update the original post object, so we'll know of new changes mOriginalPost = mPost.clone(); } @Override public void onBackPressed() { if (isPhotoPickerShowing()) { hidePhotoPicker(); return; } Fragment imageSettingsFragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag( ImageSettingsDialogFragment.IMAGE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_TAG); if (imageSettingsFragment != null && imageSettingsFragment.isVisible()) { ((ImageSettingsDialogFragment) imageSettingsFragment).dismissFragment(); return; } if (mViewPager.getCurrentItem() > PAGE_CONTENT) { if (mViewPager.getCurrentItem() == PAGE_SETTINGS) { mPost.setFeaturedImageId(mEditPostSettingsFragment.getFeaturedImageId()); mEditorFragment.setFeaturedImageId(mPost.getFeaturedImageId()); } mViewPager.setCurrentItem(PAGE_CONTENT); invalidateOptionsMenu(); return; } if (mEditorFragment != null && !mEditorFragment.onBackPressed()) { savePostAndFinish(); } } public boolean isNewPost() { return mIsNewPost; } private class SavePostOnlineAndFinishTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { boolean isFirstTimePublish; SavePostOnlineAndFinishTask(boolean isFirstTimePublish) { this.isFirstTimePublish = isFirstTimePublish; } @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { PostUtils.trackSavePostAnalytics(mPost, mSiteStore.getSiteByLocalId(mPost.getLocalSiteId())); if (isFirstTimePublish) { PostUploadService.addPostToUploadAndTrackAnalytics(mPost); } else { PostUploadService.addPostToUpload(mPost); } PostUploadService.setLegacyMode(!mShowNewEditor && !mShowAztecEditor); startService(new Intent(EditPostActivity.this, PostUploadService.class)); PendingDraftsNotificationsUtils.cancelPendingDraftAlarms(EditPostActivity.this, mPost.getId()); return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Void saved) { saveResult(true, false); finish(); } } private class SavePostLocallyAndFinishTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean> { @Override protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) { if (mOriginalPost != null && !PostUtils.postHasEdits(mOriginalPost, mPost)) { // If no changes have been made to the post, set it back to the original - don't save it mDispatcher.dispatch(PostActionBuilder.newUpdatePostAction(mOriginalPost)); return false; } else { // Changes have been made - save the post and ask for the post list to refresh // We consider this being "manual save", it will replace some Android "spans" by an html // or a shortcode replacement (for instance for images and galleries) if (mShowNewEditor || mShowAztecEditor) { // Update the post object directly, without re-fetching the fields from the EditorFragment updatePostContentNewEditor(false, mPost.getTitle(), mPost.getContent()); } savePostToDb(); // now set the pending notification alarm to be triggered in the next day, week, and month PendingDraftsNotificationsUtils.scheduleNextNotifications(EditPostActivity.this, mPost); } return true; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Boolean saved) { saveResult(saved, true); finish(); } } private void saveResult(boolean saved, boolean savedLocally) { Intent i = getIntent(); i.putExtra(EXTRA_SAVED_AS_LOCAL_DRAFT, savedLocally); i.putExtra(EXTRA_HAS_UNFINISHED_MEDIA, hasUnfinishedMedia()); i.putExtra(EXTRA_IS_PAGE, mIsPage); i.putExtra(EXTRA_HAS_CHANGES, saved); i.putExtra(EXTRA_POST, mPost); setResult(RESULT_OK, i); } private void publishPost() { AccountModel account = mAccountStore.getAccount(); // prompt user to verify e-mail before publishing if (!account.getEmailVerified()) { String message = TextUtils.isEmpty(account.getEmail()) ? getString(R.string.editor_confirm_email_prompt_message) : String.format(getString(R.string.editor_confirm_email_prompt_message_with_email), account.getEmail()); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setTitle(R.string.editor_confirm_email_prompt_title) .setMessage(message) .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { ToastUtils.showToast(EditPostActivity.this, getString(R.string.toast_saving_post_as_draft)); savePostAndFinish(); } }) .setNegativeButton(R.string.editor_confirm_email_prompt_negative, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { mDispatcher.dispatch(AccountActionBuilder.newSendVerificationEmailAction()); } }); builder.create().show(); return; } boolean isFirstTimePublish = isFirstTimePublish(); boolean postUpdateSuccessful = updatePostObject(); if (!postUpdateSuccessful) { // just return, since the only case updatePostObject() can fail is when the editor // fragment is not added to the activity return; } // Update post, save to db and publish in its own Thread, because 1. update can be pretty slow with a lot of // text 2. better not to call `updatePostObject()` from the UI thread due to weird thread blocking behavior // on API 16 (and 21) with the visual editor. new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { boolean isFirstTimePublish = isFirstTimePublish(); boolean postUpdateSuccessful = updatePostObject(); if (!postUpdateSuccessful) { // just return, since the only case updatePostObject() can fail is when the editor // fragment is not added to the activity return; } boolean isPublishable = PostUtils.isPublishable(mPost); // if post was modified or has unsaved local changes and is publishable, save it saveResult(isPublishable, false); if (isPublishable) { if (NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(getBaseContext())) { // Show an Alert Dialog asking the user if they want to remove all failed media before upload if (mEditorFragment.hasFailedMediaUploads()) { EditPostActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { showRemoveFailedUploadsDialog(); } }); } else { savePostOnlineAndFinishAsync(isFirstTimePublish); } } else { savePostLocallyAndFinishAsync(); } } else { EditPostActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ToastUtils.showToast(EditPostActivity.this, R.string.error_publish_empty_post, Duration.SHORT); } }); } } }).start(); } private void showRemoveFailedUploadsDialog() { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setMessage(R.string.editor_toast_failed_uploads) .setPositiveButton(R.string.editor_remove_failed_uploads, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { // Clear failed uploads mEditorFragment.removeAllFailedMediaUploads(); } }).setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, null); builder.create().show(); } private void savePostAndFinish() { // Update post, save to db and post online in its own Thread, because 1. update can be pretty slow with a lot of // text 2. better not to call `updatePostObject()` from the UI thread due to weird thread blocking behavior // on API 16 (and 21) with the visual editor. new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // check if the opened post had some unsaved local changes boolean hasLocalChanges = mPost.isLocallyChanged() || mPost.isLocalDraft(); boolean isFirstTimePublish = isFirstTimePublish(); boolean postUpdateSuccessful = updatePostObject(); if (!postUpdateSuccessful) { // just return, since the only case updatePostObject() can fail is when the editor // fragment is not added to the activity return; } boolean hasChanges = PostUtils.postHasEdits(mOriginalPost, mPost); boolean isPublishable = PostUtils.isPublishable(mPost); boolean hasUnpublishedLocalDraftChanges = PostStatus.fromPost(mPost) == PostStatus.DRAFT && isPublishable && hasLocalChanges; // if post was modified or has unsaved local changes and is publishable, save it boolean shouldSave = (hasChanges || hasUnpublishedLocalDraftChanges) && (isPublishable || !isNewPost()); saveResult(shouldSave, false); if (shouldSave) { if (isNewPost()) { // new post - user just left the editor without publishing, they probably want // to keep the post as a draft mPost.setStatus(PostStatus.DRAFT.toString()); if (mEditPostSettingsFragment != null) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mEditPostSettingsFragment.updateStatusSpinner(); } }); } } if (PostStatus.fromPost(mPost) == PostStatus.DRAFT && isPublishable && !hasUnfinishedMedia() && NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(getBaseContext())) { savePostOnlineAndFinishAsync(isFirstTimePublish); } else { savePostLocallyAndFinishAsync(); } } else { // discard post if new & empty if (!isPublishable && isNewPost()) { mDispatcher.dispatch(PostActionBuilder.newRemovePostAction(mPost)); } finish(); } } }).start(); } private boolean isFirstTimePublish() { return PostStatus.fromPost(mPost) == PostStatus.PUBLISHED && (mPost.isLocalDraft() || PostStatus.fromPost(mOriginalPost) == PostStatus.DRAFT); } private boolean hasUnfinishedMedia() { return mEditorFragment.isUploadingMedia() || mEditorFragment.isActionInProgress() || mEditorFragment.hasFailedMediaUploads(); } private boolean updatePostObject() { try { updatePostObject(false); } catch (IllegalEditorStateException e) { AppLog.e(T.EDITOR, "Impossible to save and publish the post, we weren't able to update it."); return false; } return true; } private void savePostLocallyAndFinishAsync() { new SavePostLocallyAndFinishTask().executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR); } /** * Disable visual editor mode and log the exception if we get a Reflection failure when the webview is being * initialized. */ @Override public void onReflectionFailure(ReflectionException e) { CrashlyticsUtils.logException(e, T.EDITOR, "Reflection Failure on Visual Editor init"); // Disable visual editor and show an error message AppPrefs.setVisualEditorEnabled(false); ToastUtils.showToast(this, R.string.new_editor_reflection_error, Duration.LONG); // Restart the activity (will start the legacy editor) finish(); startActivity(getIntent()); } /** * A {@link FragmentPagerAdapter} that returns a fragment corresponding to * one of the sections/tabs/pages. */ public class SectionsPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter { // Show two pages for the visual editor, and add a third page for the EditPostPreviewFragment for legacy private static final int NUM_PAGES_VISUAL_EDITOR = 2; private static final int NUM_PAGES_LEGACY_EDITOR = 3; public SectionsPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) { super(fm); } @Override public Fragment getItem(int position) { // getItem is called to instantiate the fragment for the given page. switch (position) { case 0: // TODO: Remove editor options after testing. if (mShowAztecEditor) { mAztecEditorFragment = AztecEditorFragment.newInstance("", ""); mAztecEditorFragment.setImageLoader(new AztecImageLoader(getBaseContext())); return mAztecEditorFragment; } else if (mShowNewEditor) { EditorWebViewCompatibility.setReflectionFailureListener(EditPostActivity.this); return new EditorFragment(); } else { return new LegacyEditorFragment(); } case 1: return EditPostSettingsFragment.newInstance(mSite, mPost); default: return EditPostPreviewFragment.newInstance(mSite, mPost); } } @Override public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) { Fragment fragment = (Fragment) super.instantiateItem(container, position); switch (position) { case 0: mEditorFragment = (EditorFragmentAbstract) fragment; mEditorFragment.setImageLoader(mImageLoader); if (mEditorFragment instanceof EditorMediaUploadListener) { mEditorMediaUploadListener = (EditorMediaUploadListener) mEditorFragment; // Set up custom headers for the visual editor's internal WebView mEditorFragment.setCustomHttpHeader("User-Agent", WordPress.getUserAgent()); } break; case 1: mEditPostSettingsFragment = (EditPostSettingsFragment) fragment; break; case 2: mEditPostPreviewFragment = (EditPostPreviewFragment) fragment; break; } return fragment; } @Override public int getCount() { return ((mShowNewEditor || mShowAztecEditor) ? NUM_PAGES_VISUAL_EDITOR : NUM_PAGES_LEGACY_EDITOR); } } // Moved from EditPostContentFragment public static final String NEW_MEDIA_POST = "NEW_MEDIA_POST"; public static final String NEW_MEDIA_POST_EXTRA_IDS = "NEW_MEDIA_POST_EXTRA_IDS"; private String mMediaCapturePath = ""; private int mMaxThumbWidth = 0; private int getMaximumThumbnailWidthForEditor() { if (mMaxThumbWidth == 0) { mMaxThumbWidth = ImageUtils.getMaximumThumbnailWidthForEditor(this); } return mMaxThumbWidth; } private void addExistingMediaToEditor(long mediaId) { MediaModel media = mMediaStore.getSiteMediaWithId(mSite, mediaId); if (media != null) { MediaFile mediaFile = FluxCUtils.mediaFileFromMediaModel(media); trackAddMediaFromWPLibraryEvents(mediaFile.isVideo(), media.getMediaId()); String urlToUse = TextUtils.isEmpty(media.getUrl()) ? media.getFilePath() : media.getUrl(); mEditorFragment.appendMediaFile(mediaFile, urlToUse, mImageLoader); } } private class LoadPostContentTask extends AsyncTask<String, Spanned, Spanned> { @Override protected Spanned doInBackground(String... params) { if (params.length < 1 || mPost == null) { return null; } String content = StringUtils.notNullStr(params[0]); return WPHtml.fromHtml(content, EditPostActivity.this, mPost, getMaximumThumbnailWidthForEditor()); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Spanned spanned) { if (spanned != null) { mEditorFragment.setContent(spanned); } } } private String getUploadErrorHtml(String mediaId, String path) { String replacement; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) { replacement = String.format(Locale.US, "<span id=\"img_container_%s\" class=\"img_container failed\" data-failed=\"%s\"><progress " + "id=\"progress_%s\" value=\"0\" class=\"wp_media_indicator failed\" contenteditable=\"false\">" + "</progress><img data-wpid=\"%s\" src=\"%s\" alt=\"\" class=\"failed\"></span>", mediaId, getString(R.string.tap_to_try_again), mediaId, mediaId, path); } else { // Before API 19, the WebView didn't support progress tags. Use an upload overlay instead of a progress bar replacement = String.format(Locale.US, "<span id=\"img_container_%s\" class=\"img_container compat failed\" contenteditable=\"false\" " + "data-failed=\"%s\"><span class=\"upload-overlay failed\" " + "contenteditable=\"false\">Uploading…</span><span class=\"upload-overlay-bg\"></span>" + "<img data-wpid=\"%s\" src=\"%s\" alt=\"\" class=\"failed\"></span>", mediaId, getString(R.string.tap_to_try_again), mediaId, path); } return replacement; } private String migrateLegacyDraft(String content) { if (content.contains("<img src=\"null\" android-uri=\"")) { // We must replace image tags specific to the legacy editor local drafts: // <img src="null" android-uri="file:///..." /> // And trigger an upload action for the specific image / video Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<img src=\"null\" android-uri=\"([^\"]*)\".*>"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { String stringUri =; Uri uri = Uri.parse(stringUri); MediaFile mediaFile = FluxCUtils.mediaFileFromMediaModel(queueFileForUpload(uri, getContentResolver().getType(uri), UploadState.FAILED)); if (mediaFile == null) { continue; } String replacement = getUploadErrorHtml(mediaFile.getMediaId(), mediaFile.getFilePath()); matcher.appendReplacement(stringBuffer, replacement); } matcher.appendTail(stringBuffer); content = stringBuffer.toString(); } if (content.contains("[caption")) { // Convert old legacy post caption formatting to new format, to avoid being stripped by the visual editor Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\[caption[^]]*caption=\"([^\"]*)\"[^]]*].+?)(\\[\\/caption])"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { String replacement = + +; matcher.appendReplacement(stringBuffer, replacement); } matcher.appendTail(stringBuffer); content = stringBuffer.toString(); } return content; } private void fillContentEditorFields() { // Needed blog settings needed by the editor mEditorFragment.setFeaturedImageSupported(mSite.isFeaturedImageSupported()); // Set up the placeholder text mEditorFragment.setContentPlaceholder(getString(R.string.editor_content_placeholder)); mEditorFragment.setTitlePlaceholder(getString(mIsPage ? R.string.editor_page_title_placeholder : R.string.editor_post_title_placeholder)); // Set post title and content if (mPost != null) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mPost.getContent()) && !mHasSetPostContent) { mHasSetPostContent = true; if (mPost.isLocalDraft() && !mShowNewEditor && !mShowAztecEditor) { // TODO: Unnecessary for new editor, as all images are uploaded right away, even for local drafts // Load local post content in the background, as it may take time to generate images new LoadPostContentTask().executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, mPost.getContent().replaceAll("\uFFFC", "")); } else { // TODO: Might be able to drop .replaceAll() when legacy editor is removed String content = mPost.getContent().replaceAll("\uFFFC", ""); // Prepare eventual legacy editor local draft for the new editor content = migrateLegacyDraft(content); mEditorFragment.setContent(content); } } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mPost.getTitle())) { mEditorFragment.setTitle(mPost.getTitle()); } // TODO: postSettingsButton.setText(post.isPage() ? R.string.page_settings : R.string.post_settings); mEditorFragment.setLocalDraft(mPost.isLocalDraft()); mEditorFragment.setFeaturedImageId(mPost.getFeaturedImageId()); } // Special actions String action = getIntent().getAction(); if (Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals(action) || Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE.equals(action)) { setPostContentFromShareAction(); } else if (NEW_MEDIA_POST.equals(action)) { prepareMediaPost(); } } private void launchCamera() { WordPressMediaUtils.launchCamera(this, BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID, new WordPressMediaUtils.LaunchCameraCallback() { @Override public void onMediaCapturePathReady(String mediaCapturePath) { mMediaCapturePath = mediaCapturePath; AppLockManager.getInstance().setExtendedTimeout(); } }); } protected void setPostContentFromShareAction() { Intent intent = getIntent(); // Check for shared text String text = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT); String title = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT); if (text != null) { if (title != null) { mEditorFragment.setTitle(title); } // Create an <a href> element around links text = AutolinkUtils.autoCreateLinks(text); if (mEditorFragment instanceof LegacyEditorFragment) { mEditorFragment.setContent(WPHtml.fromHtml(StringUtils.addPTags(text), this, mPost, getMaximumThumbnailWidthForEditor())); } else { mEditorFragment.setContent(text); } } // Check for shared media if (intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM)) { String action = intent.getAction(); String type = intent.getType(); ArrayList<Uri> sharedUris; if (Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE.equals(action)) { sharedUris = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra((Intent.EXTRA_STREAM)); } else { // For a single media share, we only allow images and video types if (type != null && (type.startsWith("image") || type.startsWith("video"))) { sharedUris = new ArrayList<Uri>(); sharedUris.add((Uri) intent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM)); } else { return; } } if (sharedUris != null) { for (Uri uri : sharedUris) { addMedia(uri); } } } } private void startMediaGalleryActivity(MediaGallery mediaGallery) { ActivityLauncher.viewMediaGalleryForSiteAndGallery(this, mSite, mediaGallery); } private void prepareMediaPost() { long[] idsArray = getIntent().getLongArrayExtra(NEW_MEDIA_POST_EXTRA_IDS); ArrayList<Long> idsList = ListUtils.fromLongArray(idsArray); for (Long id: idsList) { addExistingMediaToEditor(id); } } // TODO: Replace with contents of the updatePostContentNewEditor() method when legacy editor is dropped /** * Updates post object with content of this fragment */ public void updatePostContent(boolean isAutoSave) throws IllegalEditorStateException { if (mPost == null) { return; } String title = StringUtils.notNullStr((String) mEditorFragment.getTitle()); SpannableStringBuilder postContent; if (mEditorFragment.getSpannedContent() != null) { // needed by the legacy editor to save local drafts try { postContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(mEditorFragment.getSpannedContent()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // A core android bug might cause an out of bounds exception, if so we'll just use the current editable // See postContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(StringUtils.notNullStr((String) mEditorFragment.getContent())); } } else { postContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(StringUtils.notNullStr((String) mEditorFragment.getContent())); } String content; if (mPost.isLocalDraft()) { // remove suggestion spans, they cause craziness in WPHtml.toHTML(). CharacterStyle[] characterStyles = postContent.getSpans(0, postContent.length(), CharacterStyle.class); for (CharacterStyle characterStyle : characterStyles) { if (characterStyle instanceof SuggestionSpan) { postContent.removeSpan(characterStyle); } } content = WPHtml.toHtml(postContent); // replace duplicate <p> tags so there's not duplicates, trac #86 content = content.replace("<p><p>", "<p>"); content = content.replace("</p></p>", "</p>"); content = content.replace("<br><br>", "<br>"); // sometimes the editor creates extra tags content = content.replace("</strong><strong>", "").replace("</em><em>", "").replace("</u><u>", "") .replace("</strike><strike>", "").replace("</blockquote><blockquote>", ""); } else { if (!isAutoSave) { // Add gallery shortcode MediaGalleryImageSpan[] gallerySpans = postContent.getSpans(0, postContent.length(), MediaGalleryImageSpan.class); for (MediaGalleryImageSpan gallerySpan : gallerySpans) { int start = postContent.getSpanStart(gallerySpan); postContent.removeSpan(gallerySpan); postContent.insert(start, WPHtml.getGalleryShortcode(gallerySpan)); } } WPImageSpan[] imageSpans = postContent.getSpans(0, postContent.length(), WPImageSpan.class); if (imageSpans.length != 0) { for (WPImageSpan wpIS : imageSpans) { MediaFile mediaFile = wpIS.getMediaFile(); if (mediaFile == null) { continue; } if (mediaFile.getMediaId() != null) { updateMediaFileOnServer(mediaFile); } else { mediaFile.setFileName(wpIS.getImageSource().toString()); mediaFile.setFilePath(wpIS.getImageSource().toString()); } int tagStart = postContent.getSpanStart(wpIS); if (!isAutoSave) { postContent.removeSpan(wpIS); // network image has a mediaId if (mediaFile.getMediaId() != null && mediaFile.getMediaId().length() > 0) { postContent.insert(tagStart, WPHtml.getContent(wpIS)); } else { // local image for upload postContent.insert(tagStart, "<img android-uri=\"" + wpIS.getImageSource().toString() + "\" />"); } } } } content = postContent.toString(); } mPost.setTitle(title); mPost.setContent(content); if (!mPost.isLocalDraft()) { mPost.setIsLocallyChanged(true); } } /** * Updates post object with given title and content */ public void updatePostContentNewEditor(boolean isAutoSave, String title, String content) { if (mPost == null) { return; } if (!isAutoSave) { // TODO: Shortcode handling, media handling } mPost.setTitle(title); mPost.setContent(content); if (!mPost.isLocalDraft()) { mPost.setIsLocallyChanged(true); } mPost.setDateLocallyChanged(DateTimeUtils.iso8601FromTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); } private void updateMediaFileOnServer(MediaFile mediaFile) { if (mediaFile == null) { return; } MediaPayload payload = new MediaPayload(mSite, FluxCUtils.mediaModelFromMediaFile(mediaFile)); mDispatcher.dispatch(MediaActionBuilder.newPushMediaAction(payload)); } /** * Analytics about media from device * * @param isNew Whether is a fresh media * @param isVideo Whether is a video or not * @param uri The URI of the media on the device, or null */ private void trackAddMediaFromDeviceEvents(boolean isNew, boolean isVideo, Uri uri) { if (uri == null) { AppLog.e(T.MEDIA, "Cannot track new media events if both path and mediaURI are null!!"); return; } Map<String, Object> properties = AnalyticsUtils.getMediaProperties(this, isVideo, uri, null); Stat currentStat; if (isVideo) { if (isNew) { currentStat = Stat.EDITOR_ADDED_VIDEO_NEW; } else { currentStat = Stat.EDITOR_ADDED_VIDEO_VIA_DEVICE_LIBRARY; } } else { if (isNew) { currentStat = Stat.EDITOR_ADDED_PHOTO_NEW; } else { currentStat = Stat.EDITOR_ADDED_PHOTO_VIA_DEVICE_LIBRARY; } } AnalyticsUtils.trackWithSiteDetails(currentStat, mSite, properties); } /** * Analytics about media already available in the blog's library. * * @param isVideo Whether is a video or not * @param mediaId The ID of the media in the WP blog's library, or null if device media. */ private void trackAddMediaFromWPLibraryEvents(boolean isVideo, long mediaId) { if (mediaId == 0) { AppLog.e(T.MEDIA, "Cannot track media events if mediaId is 0"); return; } if (isVideo) { AnalyticsUtils.trackWithSiteDetails(Stat.EDITOR_ADDED_VIDEO_VIA_WP_MEDIA_LIBRARY, mSite, null); } else { AnalyticsUtils.trackWithSiteDetails(Stat.EDITOR_ADDED_PHOTO_VIA_WP_MEDIA_LIBRARY, mSite, null); } } public boolean addMedia(Uri mediaUri) { if (mediaUri != null && !MediaUtils.isInMediaStore(mediaUri) && !mediaUri.toString().startsWith("/") && !mediaUri.toString().startsWith("file://") ) { mediaUri = MediaUtils.downloadExternalMedia(this, mediaUri); } if (mediaUri == null) { return false; } boolean isVideo = MediaUtils.isVideo(mediaUri.toString()); if (mShowNewEditor || mShowAztecEditor) { return addMediaVisualEditor(mediaUri, isVideo); } else { return addMediaLegacyEditor(mediaUri, isVideo); } } private boolean addMediaVisualEditor(Uri uri, boolean isVideo) { String path = MediaUtils.getRealPathFromURI(this, uri); if (path == null) { ToastUtils.showToast(this, R.string.file_not_found, Duration.SHORT); return false; } Uri optimizedMedia = WPMediaUtils.getOptimizedMedia(this, mSite, path, isVideo); if (optimizedMedia != null) { uri = optimizedMedia; path = MediaUtils.getRealPathFromURI(this, uri); } else { // Fix the rotation of the picture see // TODO: find a better implementation Uri rotatedMedia = WPMediaUtils.fixOrientationIssue(this, path, isVideo); if (rotatedMedia != null) { uri = rotatedMedia; path = MediaUtils.getRealPathFromURI(this, uri); } } MediaModel media = queueFileForUpload(uri, getContentResolver().getType(uri)); MediaFile mediaFile = FluxCUtils.mediaFileFromMediaModel(media); if (media != null) { mEditorFragment.appendMediaFile(mediaFile, path, mImageLoader); } return true; } private boolean addMediaLegacyEditor(Uri mediaUri, boolean isVideo) { MediaModel mediaModel = buildMediaModel(mediaUri, getContentResolver().getType(mediaUri), UploadState.QUEUED); if (isVideo) { mediaModel.setTitle(getResources().getString(; } else { mediaModel.setTitle(ImageUtils.getTitleForWPImageSpan(this, mediaUri.getEncodedPath())); } mediaModel.setLocalPostId(mPost.getId()); mDispatcher.dispatch(MediaActionBuilder.newUpdateMediaAction(mediaModel)); MediaFile mediaFile = FluxCUtils.mediaFileFromMediaModel(mediaModel); mEditorFragment.appendMediaFile(mediaFile, mediaFile.getFilePath(), mImageLoader); return true; } @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) { return; } if (data != null || ((requestCode == RequestCodes.TAKE_PHOTO || requestCode == RequestCodes.TAKE_VIDEO))) { switch (requestCode) { case MediaGalleryActivity.REQUEST_CODE: handleMediaGalleryResult(data); // TODO: No analytics here? break; case MediaGalleryPickerActivity.REQUEST_CODE: handleMediaGalleryPickerResult(data); // No need to bump analytics here. Bumped later in handleMediaGalleryPickerResult-> addExistingMediaToEditor break; case RequestCodes.PICTURE_LIBRARY: Uri imageUri = data.getData(); fetchMedia(imageUri); trackAddMediaFromDeviceEvents(false, false, imageUri); break; case RequestCodes.TAKE_PHOTO: try { File f = new File(mMediaCapturePath); Uri capturedImageUri = Uri.fromFile(f); if (!addMedia(capturedImageUri)) { ToastUtils.showToast(this, R.string.gallery_error, Duration.SHORT); } else { trackAddMediaFromDeviceEvents(true, false, capturedImageUri); } this.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED, Uri.parse("file://" + Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()))); } catch (RuntimeException e) { AppLog.e(T.POSTS, e); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { AppLog.e(T.POSTS, e); } break; case RequestCodes.VIDEO_LIBRARY: Uri videoUri = data.getData(); List<Uri> mediaUris = Arrays.asList(videoUri); for (Uri mediaUri : mediaUris) { trackAddMediaFromDeviceEvents(false, true, mediaUri); } addAllMedia(mediaUris); break; case RequestCodes.TAKE_VIDEO: Uri capturedVideoUri = MediaUtils.getLastRecordedVideoUri(this); if (!addMedia(capturedVideoUri)) { ToastUtils.showToast(this, R.string.gallery_error, Duration.SHORT); } else { AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_ADDED_VIDEO_NEW); trackAddMediaFromDeviceEvents(true, true, capturedVideoUri); } break; } } } private ArrayList<MediaModel> mPendingUploads = new ArrayList<>(); private void fetchMedia(Uri mediaUri) { if (!MediaUtils.isInMediaStore(mediaUri)) { // Do not download the file in async task. See Uri downloadedUri = null; try { downloadedUri = MediaUtils.downloadExternalMedia(EditPostActivity.this, mediaUri); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Ref: AppLog.e(AppLog.T.UTILS, "Can't download the image at: " + mediaUri.toString(), e); CrashlyticsUtils.logException(e, AppLog.T.MEDIA, "Can't download the image at: " + mediaUri.toString() + " See issue #5823"); } if (downloadedUri != null) { addMedia(downloadedUri); } else { Toast.makeText(EditPostActivity.this, getString(R.string.error_downloading_image), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } else { addMedia(mediaUri); } } /** * Media */ private void addAllMedia(List<Uri> mediaUris) { boolean isErrorAddingMedia = false; for (Uri mediaUri : mediaUris) { if (mediaUri == null || !addMedia(mediaUri)) { isErrorAddingMedia = true; } } if (isErrorAddingMedia) { Toast.makeText(EditPostActivity.this, getResources().getText(R.string.gallery_error), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } private String getRealPathFromURI(Uri uri) { String path; if ("content".equals(uri.getScheme())) { path = getRealPathFromContentURI(uri); } else if ("file".equals(uri.getScheme())) { path = uri.getPath(); } else { path = uri.toString(); } return path; } private String getRealPathFromContentURI(Uri contentUri) { if (contentUri == null) return null; String[] proj = { android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA }; CursorLoader loader = new CursorLoader(this, contentUri, proj, null, null, null); Cursor cursor = loader.loadInBackground(); if (cursor == null) return null; int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndex(proj[0]); if (column_index == -1) { cursor.close(); return null; } String path; if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { path = cursor.getString(column_index); } else { path = null; } cursor.close(); return path; } private void startMediaGalleryAddActivity() { ActivityLauncher.viewMediaGalleryPickerForSite(this, mSite); } private void handleMediaGalleryPickerResult(Intent data) { ArrayList<Long> ids = ListUtils.fromLongArray(data.getLongArrayExtra(MediaGalleryPickerActivity.RESULT_IDS)); if (ids == null || ids.size() == 0) { return; } // if only one item was chosen insert it as a media object, otherwise show the insert // media dialog so the user can choose how to insert the items if (ids.size() == 1) { long mediaId = ids.get(0); addExistingMediaToEditor(mediaId); } else { showInsertMediaDialog(ids); } } /* * called after user selects multiple photos from WP media library */ private void showInsertMediaDialog(final ArrayList<Long> mediaIds) { InsertMediaCallback callback = new InsertMediaCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(@NonNull InsertMediaDialog dialog) { switch (dialog.getInsertType()) { case GALLERY: MediaGallery gallery = new MediaGallery(); gallery.setType(dialog.getGalleryType().toString()); gallery.setNumColumns(dialog.getNumColumns()); gallery.setIds(mediaIds); mEditorFragment.appendGallery(gallery); break; case INDIVIDUALLY: for (Long id: mediaIds) { addExistingMediaToEditor(id); } break; } } }; InsertMediaDialog dialog = InsertMediaDialog.newInstance(callback); FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); ft.add(dialog, "insert_media"); ft.commitAllowingStateLoss(); } private void handleMediaGalleryResult(Intent data) { MediaGallery gallery = (MediaGallery) data.getSerializableExtra(MediaGalleryActivity.RESULT_MEDIA_GALLERY); // if blank gallery returned, don't add to span if (gallery == null || gallery.getIds().size() == 0) { return; } mEditorFragment.appendGallery(gallery); } private BroadcastReceiver mGalleryReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (LegacyEditorFragment.ACTION_MEDIA_GALLERY_TOUCHED.equals(intent.getAction())) { startMediaGalleryActivity((MediaGallery)intent.getSerializableExtra(LegacyEditorFragment.EXTRA_MEDIA_GALLERY)); } } }; private void refreshBlogMedia() { if (NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(this)) { FetchMediaListPayload payload = new FetchMediaListPayload(mSite, false); mDispatcher.dispatch(MediaActionBuilder.newFetchMediaListAction(payload)); } else { ToastUtils.showToast(this, R.string.error_media_refresh_no_connection, ToastUtils.Duration.SHORT); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN) public void onAccountChanged(OnAccountChanged event) { if (event.causeOfChange == AccountAction.SEND_VERIFICATION_EMAIL) { if (!event.isError()) { ToastUtils.showToast(this, getString(R.string.toast_verification_email_sent)); } else { ToastUtils.showToast(this, getString(R.string.toast_verification_email_send_error)); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN) public void onMediaChanged(OnMediaChanged event) { if (event.isError()) { final String errorMessage; switch (event.error.type) { case FS_READ_PERMISSION_DENIED: errorMessage = getString(R.string.error_media_insufficient_fs_permissions); break; case NOT_FOUND: errorMessage = getString(R.string.error_media_not_found); break; case AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED: errorMessage = getString(R.string.error_media_unauthorized); break; case PARSE_ERROR: errorMessage = getString(R.string.error_media_parse_error); break; case MALFORMED_MEDIA_ARG: case NULL_MEDIA_ARG: case GENERIC_ERROR: default: errorMessage = getString(R.string.error_refresh_media); break; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(errorMessage)) { ToastUtils.showToast(EditPostActivity.this, errorMessage, ToastUtils.Duration.SHORT); } } else { if (mPendingVideoPressInfoRequests != null && !mPendingVideoPressInfoRequests.isEmpty()) { // If there are pending requests for video URLs from VideoPress ids, query the DB for // them again and notify the editor for (String videoId : mPendingVideoPressInfoRequests) { String videoUrl = mMediaStore. getUrlForSiteVideoWithVideoPressGuid(mSite, videoId); String posterUrl = WordPressMediaUtils.getVideoPressVideoPosterFromURL(videoUrl); mEditorFragment.setUrlForVideoPressId(videoId, videoUrl, posterUrl); } mPendingVideoPressInfoRequests.clear(); } } } /** * Starts the upload service to upload selected media. */ private void startMediaUploadService() { if (mPendingUploads != null && !mPendingUploads.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<MediaModel> mediaList = new ArrayList<>(); for (MediaModel media : mPendingUploads) { if ( { mediaList.add(media); } } MediaUploadService.startService(this, mSite, mediaList); } } private String getVideoThumbnail(String videoPath) { String thumbnailPath = null; try { File outputFile = File.createTempFile("thumb", ".png", getCacheDir()); FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); Bitmap thumb = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(videoPath, android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND); if (thumb != null) { thumb.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 75, outputStream); thumbnailPath = outputFile.getAbsolutePath(); } } catch (IOException e) { AppLog.i(T.MEDIA, "Can't create thumbnail for video: " + videoPath); } return thumbnailPath; } /** * Queues a media file for upload and starts the MediaUploadService. Toasts will alert the user * if there are issues with the file. */ private MediaModel queueFileForUpload(Uri uri, String mimeType) { return queueFileForUpload(uri, mimeType, UploadState.QUEUED); } private MediaModel queueFileForUpload(Uri uri, String mimeType, UploadState startingState) { String path = getRealPathFromURI(uri); // Invalid file path if (TextUtils.isEmpty(path)) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.editor_toast_invalid_path, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return null; } // File not found File file = new File(path); if (!file.exists()) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.file_not_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return null; } MediaModel media = buildMediaModel(uri, mimeType, startingState); mDispatcher.dispatch(MediaActionBuilder.newUpdateMediaAction(media)); mPendingUploads.add(media); startMediaUploadService(); return media; } private MediaModel buildMediaModel(Uri uri, String mimeType, UploadState startingState) { String path = getRealPathFromURI(uri); MediaModel media = mMediaStore.instantiateMediaModel(); AppLog.i(T.MEDIA, "New media instantiated localId=" + media.getId()); String filename =; String fileExtension =; // Try to get mimetype if none was passed to this method if (mimeType == null) { mimeType = getContentResolver().getType(uri); if (mimeType == null) { mimeType = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(fileExtension); } if (mimeType == null) { // Default to image jpeg mimeType = "image/jpeg"; } } // If file extension is null, upload won't work on if (fileExtension == null) { fileExtension = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getExtensionFromMimeType(mimeType); filename += "." + fileExtension; } if ( { media.setThumbnailUrl(getVideoThumbnail(path)); } media.setFileName(filename); media.setFilePath(path); media.setLocalSiteId(mSite.getId()); media.setFileExtension(fileExtension); media.setMimeType(mimeType); media.setUploadState(; media.setUploadDate(DateTimeUtils.iso8601UTCFromTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); if (!mPost.isLocalDraft()) { media.setPostId(mPost.getRemotePostId()); } return media; } /** * EditorFragmentListener methods */ @Override public void onSettingsClicked() { mViewPager.setCurrentItem(PAGE_SETTINGS); } @Override public void onAddMediaClicked() { if (!isPhotoPickerShowing()) { showPhotoPicker(); } else { hidePhotoPicker(); } } @Override public void onMediaDropped(final ArrayList<Uri> mediaUris) { mDroppedMediaUris = mediaUris; if (PermissionUtils.checkAndRequestStoragePermission(this, DRAG_AND_DROP_MEDIA_PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE)) { runOnUiThread(mFetchMediaRunnable); } } @Override public void onRequestDragAndDropPermissions(DragEvent dragEvent) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { requestTemporaryPermissions(dragEvent); } } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.N) private void requestTemporaryPermissions(DragEvent dragEvent) { requestDragAndDropPermissions(dragEvent); } @Override public void onMediaRetryClicked(String mediaId) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mediaId)) { AppLog.e(T.MEDIA, "Invalid media id passed to onMediaRetryClicked"); return; } MediaModel media = mMediaStore.getMediaWithLocalId(Integer.valueOf(mediaId)); if (media == null) { AppLog.e(T.MEDIA, "Can't find media with local id: " + mediaId); return; } if (UploadState.valueOf(media.getUploadState()) == UploadState.UPLOADED) { // Note: we should actually do this when the editor fragment starts instead of waiting for user input. // Notify the editor fragment upload was successful and it should replace the local url by the remote url. if (mEditorMediaUploadListener != null) { mEditorMediaUploadListener.onMediaUploadSucceeded(String.valueOf(media.getId()), FluxCUtils.mediaFileFromMediaModel(media)); } } else { media.setUploadState(; mDispatcher.dispatch(MediaActionBuilder.newUpdateMediaAction(media)); mPendingUploads.add(media); startMediaUploadService(); } AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_UPLOAD_MEDIA_RETRIED); } @Override public void onMediaUploadCancelClicked(String mediaId, boolean delete) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mediaId)) { int localMediaId = Integer.valueOf(mediaId); EventBus.getDefault().post(new PostEvents.PostMediaCanceled(localMediaId)); } else { // Passed mediaId is incorrect: cancel all uploads ToastUtils.showToast(this, getString(R.string.error_all_media_upload_canceled)); EventBus.getDefault().post(new PostEvents.PostMediaCanceled(true)); } } @Override public void onFeaturedImageChanged(long mediaId) { mPost.setFeaturedImageId(mediaId); mEditPostSettingsFragment.updateFeaturedImage(mediaId); } @Override public void onVideoPressInfoRequested(final String videoId) { String videoUrl = mMediaStore. getUrlForSiteVideoWithVideoPressGuid(mSite, videoId); if (videoUrl.isEmpty()) { if (PermissionUtils.checkAndRequestCameraAndStoragePermissions(this, MEDIA_PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE)) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mPendingVideoPressInfoRequests == null) { mPendingVideoPressInfoRequests = new ArrayList<>(); } mPendingVideoPressInfoRequests.add(videoId); refreshBlogMedia(); } }); } else { AppLockManager.getInstance().setExtendedTimeout(); } } String posterUrl = WordPressMediaUtils.getVideoPressVideoPosterFromURL(videoUrl); mEditorFragment.setUrlForVideoPressId(videoId, videoUrl, posterUrl); } @Override public String onAuthHeaderRequested(String url) { String authHeader = ""; String token = mAccountStore.getAccessToken(); if (mSite.isPrivate() && WPUrlUtils.safeToAddWordPressComAuthToken(url) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(token)) { authHeader = "Bearer " + token; } return authHeader; } @Override public void onEditorFragmentInitialized() { fillContentEditorFields(); // Set the error listener if (mEditorFragment instanceof EditorFragment) { mEditorFragment.setDebugModeEnabled(BuildConfig.DEBUG); ((EditorFragment) mEditorFragment).setWebViewErrorListener(new ErrorListener() { @Override public void onJavaScriptError(String sourceFile, int lineNumber, String message) { CrashlyticsUtils.logException(new JavaScriptException(sourceFile, lineNumber, message), T.EDITOR, String.format(Locale.US, "%s:%d: %s", sourceFile, lineNumber, message)); } @Override public void onJavaScriptAlert(String url, String message) { // no op } }); } } @Override public void saveMediaFile(MediaFile mediaFile) { } @Override public void onTrackableEvent(TrackableEvent event) { switch (event) { case HTML_BUTTON_TAPPED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_TAPPED_HTML); hidePhotoPicker(); break; case MEDIA_BUTTON_TAPPED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_TAPPED_IMAGE); break; case UNLINK_BUTTON_TAPPED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_TAPPED_UNLINK); break; case LINK_BUTTON_TAPPED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_TAPPED_LINK); hidePhotoPicker(); break; case IMAGE_EDITED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_EDITED_IMAGE); break; case BOLD_BUTTON_TAPPED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_TAPPED_BOLD); break; case ITALIC_BUTTON_TAPPED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_TAPPED_ITALIC); break; case OL_BUTTON_TAPPED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_TAPPED_ORDERED_LIST); break; case UL_BUTTON_TAPPED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_TAPPED_UNORDERED_LIST); break; case BLOCKQUOTE_BUTTON_TAPPED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_TAPPED_BLOCKQUOTE); break; case STRIKETHROUGH_BUTTON_TAPPED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_TAPPED_STRIKETHROUGH); break; case UNDERLINE_BUTTON_TAPPED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_TAPPED_UNDERLINE); break; case MORE_BUTTON_TAPPED: AnalyticsTracker.track(Stat.EDITOR_TAPPED_MORE); break; } } // FluxC events @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN) public void onMediaUploaded(MediaStore.OnMediaUploaded event) { if (isFinishing()) return; // event for unknown media, ignoring if ( == null) { AppLog.w(AppLog.T.MEDIA, "Media event not recognized: " +; return; } if (event.isError()) { onUploadError(, event.error); } else if (event.canceled) { onUploadCanceled(; } else if (event.completed) { onUploadSuccess(; } else { onUploadProgress(, event.progress); } } }