package; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.BreakIterator; import java.util.Date; /** * Barebones post/page as listed in PostsListFragment */ public class PostsListPost { private static final int MAX_EXCERPT_LEN = 150; private final long postId; private final long blogId; private long dateCreatedGmt; private final long featuredImageId; private final String title; private String excerpt; private final String description; private final String status; private final boolean isLocalDraft; private final boolean hasLocalChanges; private final boolean isUploading; // featuredImageUrl is generated by the adapter on the fly private transient String featuredImageUrl; public PostsListPost(Post post) { postId = post.getLocalTablePostId(); blogId = post.getLocalTableBlogId(); featuredImageId = post.getFeaturedImageId(); title = post.getTitle(); description = post.getDescription(); excerpt = post.getPostExcerpt(); status = post.getPostStatus(); isLocalDraft = post.isLocalDraft(); hasLocalChanges = post.isLocalChange(); isUploading = PostUploadService.isPostUploading(postId); setDateCreatedGmt(post.getDate_created_gmt()); // if the post doesn't have an excerpt, generate one from the description if (!hasExcerpt() && hasDescription()) { excerpt = makeExcerpt(description); } } public long getPostId() { return postId; } public long getBlogId() { return blogId; } public String getTitle() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(title); } public boolean hasTitle() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(title); } public String getDescription() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(description); } public boolean hasDescription() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(description); } public String getExcerpt() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(excerpt); } public boolean hasExcerpt() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(excerpt); } /* * java's string.trim() doesn't handle non-breaking space chars (#160), which may appear at the * end of post content - work around this by converting them to standard spaces before trimming */ private static final String NBSP = String.valueOf((char) 160); private static String trimEx(final String s) { return s.replace(NBSP, " ").trim(); } private static String makeExcerpt(String description) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(description)) { return null; } String s = HtmlUtils.fastStripHtml(description); if (s.length() < MAX_EXCERPT_LEN) { return trimEx(s); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); BreakIterator wordIterator = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(); wordIterator.setText(s); int start = wordIterator.first(); int end =; int totalLen = 0; while (end != BreakIterator.DONE) { String word = s.substring(start, end); result.append(word); totalLen += word.length(); if (totalLen >= MAX_EXCERPT_LEN) { break; } start = end; end =; } if (totalLen == 0) { return null; } return trimEx(result.toString()) + "..."; } public long getFeaturedImageId() { return featuredImageId; } public boolean hasFeaturedImageId() { return featuredImageId != 0; } public String getFeaturedImageUrl() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(featuredImageUrl); } public void setFeaturedImageUrl(String url) { this.featuredImageUrl = StringUtils.notNullStr(url); } public boolean hasFeaturedImageUrl() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(featuredImageUrl); } public long getDateCreatedGmt() { return dateCreatedGmt; } private void setDateCreatedGmt(long dateCreatedGmt) { this.dateCreatedGmt = dateCreatedGmt; } public String getOriginalStatus() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(status); } public PostStatus getStatusEnum() { return PostStatus.fromPostsListPost(this); } public String getFormattedDate() { if (getStatusEnum() == PostStatus.SCHEDULED) { return DateUtils.formatDateTime(WordPress.getContext(), dateCreatedGmt, DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL); } else { return DateTimeUtils.javaDateToTimeSpan(new Date(dateCreatedGmt), WordPress.getContext()); } } public boolean isLocalDraft() { return isLocalDraft; } public boolean hasLocalChanges() { return hasLocalChanges; } public boolean isUploading() { return isUploading; } }