package; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.IBinder; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import javax.inject.Inject; import de.greenrobot.event.EventBus; /** * Background service to retrieve Stats. * Parsing of response(s) and submission of new network calls are done by using a ThreadPoolExecutor with a single thread. */ public class StatsService extends Service { public static final String ARG_BLOG_ID = "blog_id"; public static final String ARG_PERIOD = "stats_period"; public static final String ARG_DATE = "stats_date"; public static final String ARG_SECTION = "stats_section"; public static final String ARG_MAX_RESULTS = "stats_max_results"; public static final String ARG_PAGE_REQUESTED = "stats_page_requested"; private static final int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_RESULTS = 12; // The number of results to return per page for Paged REST endpoints. Numbers larger than 20 will default to 20 on the server. public static final int MAX_RESULTS_REQUESTED_PER_PAGE = 20; public enum StatsEndpointsEnum { VISITS, TOP_POSTS, REFERRERS, CLICKS, GEO_VIEWS, AUTHORS, VIDEO_PLAYS, COMMENTS, FOLLOWERS_WPCOM, FOLLOWERS_EMAIL, COMMENT_FOLLOWERS, TAGS_AND_CATEGORIES, PUBLICIZE, SEARCH_TERMS, INSIGHTS_POPULAR, INSIGHTS_ALL_TIME, INSIGHTS_TODAY, INSIGHTS_LATEST_POST_SUMMARY, INSIGHTS_LATEST_POST_VIEWS; public String getRestEndpointPath() { switch (this) { case VISITS: return "visits"; case TOP_POSTS: return "top-posts"; case REFERRERS: return "referrers"; case CLICKS: return "clicks"; case GEO_VIEWS: return "country-views"; case AUTHORS: return "top-authors"; case VIDEO_PLAYS: return "video-plays"; case COMMENTS: return "comments"; case FOLLOWERS_WPCOM: return "followers?type=wpcom"; case FOLLOWERS_EMAIL: return "followers?type=email"; case COMMENT_FOLLOWERS: return "comment-followers"; case TAGS_AND_CATEGORIES: return "tags"; case PUBLICIZE: return "publicize"; case SEARCH_TERMS: return "search-terms"; case INSIGHTS_POPULAR: return "insights"; case INSIGHTS_ALL_TIME: return ""; case INSIGHTS_TODAY: return "summary"; case INSIGHTS_LATEST_POST_SUMMARY: return "posts"; case INSIGHTS_LATEST_POST_VIEWS: return "post"; default: AppLog.i(T.STATS, "Called an update of Stats of unknown section!?? " +; return ""; } } public StatsEvents.SectionUpdatedAbstract getEndpointUpdateEvent(final long siteId, final StatsTimeframe timeframe, final String date, final int maxResultsRequested, final int pageRequested, final BaseStatsModel data) { switch (this) { case VISITS: return new StatsEvents.VisitorsAndViewsUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (VisitsModel)data); case TOP_POSTS: return new StatsEvents.TopPostsUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (TopPostsAndPagesModel)data); case REFERRERS: return new StatsEvents.ReferrersUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (ReferrersModel)data); case CLICKS: return new StatsEvents.ClicksUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (ClicksModel)data); case AUTHORS: return new StatsEvents.AuthorsUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (AuthorsModel)data); case GEO_VIEWS: return new StatsEvents.CountriesUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (GeoviewsModel)data); case VIDEO_PLAYS: return new StatsEvents.VideoPlaysUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (VideoPlaysModel)data); case SEARCH_TERMS: return new StatsEvents.SearchTermsUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (SearchTermsModel)data); case COMMENTS: return new StatsEvents.CommentsUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (CommentsModel)data); case COMMENT_FOLLOWERS: return new StatsEvents.CommentFollowersUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (CommentFollowersModel)data); case TAGS_AND_CATEGORIES: return new StatsEvents.TagsUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (TagsContainerModel)data); case PUBLICIZE: return new StatsEvents.PublicizeUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (PublicizeModel)data); case FOLLOWERS_WPCOM: return new StatsEvents.FollowersWPCOMUdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (FollowersModel)data); case FOLLOWERS_EMAIL: return new StatsEvents.FollowersEmailUdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (FollowersModel)data); case INSIGHTS_POPULAR: return new StatsEvents.InsightsPopularUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (InsightsPopularModel)data); case INSIGHTS_ALL_TIME: return new StatsEvents.InsightsAllTimeUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (InsightsAllTimeModel)data); case INSIGHTS_TODAY: return new StatsEvents.VisitorsAndViewsUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (VisitsModel)data); case INSIGHTS_LATEST_POST_SUMMARY: return new StatsEvents.InsightsLatestPostSummaryUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (InsightsLatestPostModel)data); case INSIGHTS_LATEST_POST_VIEWS: return new StatsEvents.InsightsLatestPostDetailsUpdated(siteId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, (InsightsLatestPostDetailsModel)data); default: AppLog.e(T.STATS, "Can't find an Update Event that match the current endpoint: " +; } return null; } } private int mServiceStartId; private final LinkedList<Request<JSONObject>> mStatsNetworkRequests = new LinkedList<>(); private final ThreadPoolExecutor singleThreadNetworkHandler = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); @Inject SiteStore mSiteStore; @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); AppLog.i(T.STATS, "service created"); ((WordPress) getApplication()).component().inject(this); } @Override public void onDestroy() { stopRefresh(); AppLog.i(T.STATS, "service destroyed"); super.onDestroy(); } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return null; } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { if (intent == null) { AppLog.e(T.STATS, "StatsService was killed and restarted with a null intent."); // if this service's process is killed while it is started (after returning from onStartCommand(Intent, int, int)), // then leave it in the started state but don't retain this delivered intent. // Later the system will try to re-create the service. // Because it is in the started state, it will guarantee to call onStartCommand(Intent, int, int) after creating the new service instance; // if there are not any pending start commands to be delivered to the service, it will be called with a null intent object. stopRefresh(); return START_NOT_STICKY; } final long siteId = intent.getLongExtra(ARG_BLOG_ID, 0); if (siteId == 0) { AppLog.e(T.STATS, "StatsService was started with siteid == 0"); return START_NOT_STICKY; } int[] sectionFromIntent = intent.getIntArrayExtra(ARG_SECTION); if (sectionFromIntent == null || sectionFromIntent.length == 0) { // No sections to update AppLog.e(T.STATS, "StatsService was started without valid sections info"); return START_NOT_STICKY; } final StatsTimeframe period; if (intent.hasExtra(ARG_PERIOD)) { period = (StatsTimeframe) intent.getSerializableExtra(ARG_PERIOD); } else { period = StatsTimeframe.DAY; } final String requestedDate; if (intent.getStringExtra(ARG_DATE) == null) { AppLog.w(T.STATS, "StatsService is started with a NULL date on this blogID - " + siteId + ". Using current date."); SiteModel site = mSiteStore.getSiteBySiteId(siteId); requestedDate = StatsUtils.getCurrentDateTZ(site); } else { requestedDate = intent.getStringExtra(ARG_DATE); } final int maxResultsRequested = intent.getIntExtra(ARG_MAX_RESULTS, DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_RESULTS); final int pageRequested = intent.getIntExtra(ARG_PAGE_REQUESTED, -1); this.mServiceStartId = startId; for (int i=0; i < sectionFromIntent.length; i++){ final StatsEndpointsEnum currentSectionsToUpdate = StatsEndpointsEnum.values()[sectionFromIntent[i]]; singleThreadNetworkHandler.submit(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { startTasks(siteId, period, requestedDate, currentSectionsToUpdate, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested); } }); } return START_NOT_STICKY; } private void stopRefresh() { synchronized (mStatsNetworkRequests) { this.mServiceStartId = 0; for (Request<JSONObject> req : mStatsNetworkRequests) { if (req != null && !req.hasHadResponseDelivered() && !req.isCanceled()) { req.cancel(); } } mStatsNetworkRequests.clear(); } } // A fast way to disable caching during develop or when we want to disable it // under some circumstances. Always true for now. private boolean isCacheEnabled() { return true; } // Check if we already have Stats private String getCachedStats(final long siteId, final StatsTimeframe timeframe, final String date, final StatsEndpointsEnum sectionToUpdate, final int maxResultsRequested, final int pageRequested) { if (!isCacheEnabled()) { return null; } return StatsTable.getStats(this, siteId, timeframe, date, sectionToUpdate, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested); } private void startTasks(final long blogId, final StatsTimeframe timeframe, final String date, final StatsEndpointsEnum sectionToUpdate, final int maxResultsRequested, final int pageRequested) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new StatsEvents.UpdateStatusChanged(true)); String cachedStats = getCachedStats(blogId, timeframe, date, sectionToUpdate, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested); if (cachedStats != null) { BaseStatsModel mResponseObjectModel; try { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(cachedStats); mResponseObjectModel = StatsUtils.parseResponse(sectionToUpdate, blogId, response); EventBus.getDefault().post( sectionToUpdate.getEndpointUpdateEvent(blogId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested, mResponseObjectModel) ); updateWidgetsUI(blogId, sectionToUpdate, timeframe, date, pageRequested, mResponseObjectModel); checkAllRequestsFinished(null); return; } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, e); } } final RestClientUtils restClientUtils = WordPress.getRestClientUtilsV1_1(); String period = timeframe.getLabelForRestCall(); RestListener vListener = new RestListener(sectionToUpdate, blogId, timeframe, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested); final String periodDateMaxPlaceholder = "?period=%s&date=%s&max=%s"; String path = String.format(Locale.US, "/sites/%s/stats/" + sectionToUpdate.getRestEndpointPath(), blogId); synchronized (mStatsNetworkRequests) { switch (sectionToUpdate) { case VISITS: path = String.format(Locale.US, path + "?unit=%s&quantity=15&date=%s", period, date); break; case TOP_POSTS: case REFERRERS: case CLICKS: case GEO_VIEWS: case AUTHORS: case VIDEO_PLAYS: case SEARCH_TERMS: path = String.format(Locale.US, path + periodDateMaxPlaceholder, period, date, maxResultsRequested); break; case TAGS_AND_CATEGORIES: case PUBLICIZE: path = String.format(Locale.US, path + "?max=%s", maxResultsRequested); break; case COMMENTS: // No parameters break; case FOLLOWERS_WPCOM: if (pageRequested < 1) { path = String.format(Locale.US, path + "&max=%s", maxResultsRequested); } else { path = String.format(Locale.US, path + "&period=%s&date=%s&max=%s&page=%s", period, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested); } break; case FOLLOWERS_EMAIL: if (pageRequested < 1) { path = String.format(Locale.US, path + "&max=%s", maxResultsRequested); } else { path = String.format(Locale.US, path + "&period=%s&date=%s&max=%s&page=%s", period, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested); } break; case COMMENT_FOLLOWERS: if (pageRequested < 1) { path = String.format(Locale.US, path + "?max=%s", maxResultsRequested); } else { path = String.format(Locale.US, path + "?period=%s&date=%s&max=%s&page=%s", period, date, maxResultsRequested, pageRequested); } break; case INSIGHTS_ALL_TIME: case INSIGHTS_POPULAR: break; case INSIGHTS_TODAY: path = String.format(Locale.US, path + "?period=day&date=%s", date); break; case INSIGHTS_LATEST_POST_SUMMARY: // This is an edge cases since we're not loading stats but posts path = String.format(Locale.US, "/sites/%s/%s", blogId, sectionToUpdate.getRestEndpointPath() + "?order_by=date&number=1&type=post&fields=ID,title,URL,discussion,like_count,date"); break; case INSIGHTS_LATEST_POST_VIEWS: // This is a kind of edge case, since we used the pageRequested parameter to request a single postID path = String.format(Locale.US, path + "/%s?fields=views", pageRequested); break; default: AppLog.i(T.STATS, "Called an update of Stats of unknown section!?? " +; return; } // We need to check if we already have the same request in the queue if (checkIfRequestShouldBeEnqueued(restClientUtils, path)) { AppLog.d(AppLog.T.STATS, "Enqueuing the following Stats request " + path); Request<JSONObject> currentRequest = restClientUtils.get(path, vListener, vListener); vListener.currentRequest = currentRequest; currentRequest.setTag("StatsCall"); mStatsNetworkRequests.add(currentRequest); } else { AppLog.d(AppLog.T.STATS, "Stats request is already in the queue:" + path); } } } /** * This method checks if we already have the same request in the Queue. No need to re-enqueue a new request * if one with the same parameters is there. * * This method is a kind of tricky, since it does the comparison by checking the origin URL of requests. * To do that we had to get the fullURL of the new request by calling a method of the REST client `getAbsoluteURL`. * That's good for now, but could lead to errors if the RestClient changes the way the URL is constructed internally, * by calling `getAbsoluteURL`. * * - Another approach would involve the get of the requests ErrorListener and the check Listener's parameters. * - Cleanest approach is for sure to create a new class that extends Request<JSONObject> and stores parameters for later comparison, * unfortunately we have to change the REST Client and RestClientUtils a lot if we want follow this way... * */ private boolean checkIfRequestShouldBeEnqueued(final RestClientUtils restClientUtils, String path) { String absoluteRequestPath = restClientUtils.getRestClient().getAbsoluteURL(path); Iterator<Request<JSONObject>> it = mStatsNetworkRequests.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Request<JSONObject> req =; if (!req.hasHadResponseDelivered() && !req.isCanceled() && absoluteRequestPath.equals(req.getUrl())) { return false; } } return true; } // Call an updates on the installed widgets if the blog is the primary, the endpoint is Visits // the timeframe is DAY or INSIGHTS, and the date = TODAY private void updateWidgetsUI(long siteId, final StatsEndpointsEnum endpointName, StatsTimeframe timeframe, String date, int pageRequested, Serializable responseObjectModel) { if (pageRequested != -1) { return; } if (endpointName != StatsEndpointsEnum.VISITS) { return; } if (timeframe != StatsTimeframe.DAY && timeframe != StatsTimeframe.INSIGHTS) { return; } SiteModel site = mSiteStore.getSiteBySiteId(siteId); // make sure the data is for the current date if (!date.equals(StatsUtils.getCurrentDateTZ(site))) { return; } if (responseObjectModel == null) { // TODO What we want to do here? return; } if (!StatsWidgetProvider.isBlogDisplayedInWidget(siteId)) { AppLog.d(AppLog.T.STATS, "The blog with remoteID " + siteId + " is NOT displayed in any widget. Stats Service doesn't call an update of the widget."); return; } if (responseObjectModel instanceof VisitsModel) { VisitsModel visitsModel = (VisitsModel) responseObjectModel; if (visitsModel.getVisits() == null || visitsModel.getVisits().size() == 0) { return; } List<VisitModel> visits = visitsModel.getVisits(); VisitModel data = visits.get(visits.size() - 1); StatsWidgetProvider.updateWidgets(getApplicationContext(), site, data); } else if (responseObjectModel instanceof VolleyError) { VolleyError error = (VolleyError) responseObjectModel; StatsWidgetProvider.updateWidgets(getApplicationContext(), site, mSiteStore, error); } else if (responseObjectModel instanceof StatsError) { StatsError statsError = (StatsError) responseObjectModel; StatsWidgetProvider.updateWidgets(getApplicationContext(), site, mSiteStore, statsError); } } private class RestListener implements RestRequest.Listener, RestRequest.ErrorListener { final long mRequestBlogId; private final StatsTimeframe mTimeframe; final StatsEndpointsEnum mEndpointName; private final String mDate; private Request<JSONObject> currentRequest; private final int mMaxResultsRequested, mPageRequested; public RestListener(StatsEndpointsEnum endpointName, long blogId, StatsTimeframe timeframe, String date, final int maxResultsRequested, final int pageRequested) { mRequestBlogId = blogId; mTimeframe = timeframe; mEndpointName = endpointName; mDate = date; mMaxResultsRequested = maxResultsRequested; mPageRequested = pageRequested; } @Override public void onResponse(final JSONObject response) { singleThreadNetworkHandler.submit(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { // do other stuff here BaseStatsModel mResponseObjectModel = null; if (response != null) { try { mResponseObjectModel = StatsUtils.parseResponse(mEndpointName, mRequestBlogId, response); if (isCacheEnabled()) { StatsTable.insertStats(StatsService.this, mRequestBlogId, mTimeframe, mDate, mEndpointName, mMaxResultsRequested, mPageRequested, response.toString(), System.currentTimeMillis()); } } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, e); } } EventBus.getDefault().post( mEndpointName.getEndpointUpdateEvent(mRequestBlogId, mTimeframe, mDate, mMaxResultsRequested, mPageRequested, mResponseObjectModel) ); updateWidgetsUI(mRequestBlogId, mEndpointName, mTimeframe, mDate, mPageRequested, mResponseObjectModel); checkAllRequestsFinished(currentRequest); } }); } @Override public void onErrorResponse(final VolleyError volleyError) { singleThreadNetworkHandler.submit(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { AppLog.e(T.STATS, "Error while loading Stats!"); StatsUtils.logVolleyErrorDetails(volleyError); BaseStatsModel mResponseObjectModel = null; EventBus.getDefault().post(new StatsEvents.SectionUpdateError(mEndpointName, mRequestBlogId, mTimeframe, mDate, mMaxResultsRequested, mPageRequested, volleyError)); updateWidgetsUI(mRequestBlogId, mEndpointName, mTimeframe, mDate, mPageRequested, mResponseObjectModel); checkAllRequestsFinished(currentRequest); } }); } } private void stopService() { /* Stop the service if this is the current response, or mServiceBlogId is null String currentServiceBlogId = getServiceBlogId(); if (currentServiceBlogId == null || currentServiceBlogId.equals(mRequestBlogId)) { stopService(); }*/ EventBus.getDefault().post(new StatsEvents.UpdateStatusChanged(false)); stopSelf(mServiceStartId); synchronized (mStatsNetworkRequests) { mStatsNetworkRequests.clear(); } } private void checkAllRequestsFinished(Request<JSONObject> req) { synchronized (mStatsNetworkRequests) { if (req != null) { mStatsNetworkRequests.remove(req); } boolean isStillWorking = mStatsNetworkRequests.size() > 0 || singleThreadNetworkHandler.getQueue().size() > 0; EventBus.getDefault().post(new StatsEvents.UpdateStatusChanged(isStillWorking)); } } }