package; import android.text.TextUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.BreakIterator; import java.util.Iterator; public class ReaderPost { private String pseudoId; public long postId; public long blogId; public long feedId; public long feedItemId; public long authorId; private String title; private String text; private String excerpt; private String authorName; private String authorFirstName; private String blogName; private String blogUrl; private String blogImageUrl; private String postAvatar; private String primaryTag; // most popular tag on this post based on usage in blog private String secondaryTag; // second most popular tag on this post based on usage in blog private String dateLiked; private String dateTagged; private String datePublished; public double score; private String url; private String shortUrl; private String featuredImage; private String featuredVideo; public int numReplies; // includes comments, trackbacks & pingbacks public int numLikes; public boolean isLikedByCurrentUser; public boolean isFollowedByCurrentUser; public boolean isCommentsOpen; public boolean isExternal; public boolean isPrivate; public boolean isVideoPress; public boolean isJetpack; private String attachmentsJson; private String discoverJson; private String format; public long xpostPostId; public long xpostBlogId; private String railcarJson; private ReaderCardType cardType = ReaderCardType.DEFAULT; public static ReaderPost fromJson(JSONObject json) { if (json == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null json post"); } ReaderPost post = new ReaderPost(); post.postId = json.optLong("ID"); post.blogId = json.optLong("site_ID"); post.feedId = json.optLong("feed_ID"); post.feedItemId = json.optLong("feed_item_ID"); if (json.has("pseudo_ID")) { post.pseudoId = JSONUtils.getString(json, "pseudo_ID"); // read/ endpoint } else { post.pseudoId = JSONUtils.getString(json, "global_ID"); // sites/ endpoint } // remove HTML from the excerpt post.excerpt = HtmlUtils.fastStripHtml(JSONUtils.getString(json, "excerpt")).trim(); post.text = JSONUtils.getString(json, "content"); post.title = JSONUtils.getStringDecoded(json, "title"); post.format = JSONUtils.getString(json, "format"); post.url = JSONUtils.getString(json, "URL"); post.shortUrl = JSONUtils.getString(json, "short_URL"); post.setBlogUrl(JSONUtils.getString(json, "site_URL")); post.numLikes = json.optInt("like_count"); post.isLikedByCurrentUser = JSONUtils.getBool(json, "i_like"); post.isFollowedByCurrentUser = JSONUtils.getBool(json, "is_following"); post.isExternal = JSONUtils.getBool(json, "is_external"); post.isPrivate = JSONUtils.getBool(json, "site_is_private"); post.isJetpack = JSONUtils.getBool(json, "is_jetpack"); JSONObject jsonDiscussion = json.optJSONObject("discussion"); if (jsonDiscussion != null) { post.isCommentsOpen = JSONUtils.getBool(jsonDiscussion, "comments_open"); post.numReplies = jsonDiscussion.optInt("comment_count"); } else { post.isCommentsOpen = JSONUtils.getBool(json, "comments_open"); post.numReplies = json.optInt("comment_count"); } // parse the author section assignAuthorFromJson(post, json.optJSONObject("author")); post.featuredImage = JSONUtils.getString(json, "featured_image"); post.blogName = JSONUtils.getStringDecoded(json, "site_name"); post.datePublished = JSONUtils.getString(json, "date"); post.dateLiked = JSONUtils.getString(json, "date_liked"); post.dateTagged = JSONUtils.getString(json, "tagged_on"); // "score" only exists for search results post.score = json.optDouble("score"); // if the post is untitled, make up a title from the excerpt if (!post.hasTitle() && post.hasExcerpt()) { post.title = extractTitle(post.excerpt, 50); } // remove html from title (rare, but does happen) if (post.hasTitle() && post.title.contains("<") && post.title.contains(">")) { post.title = HtmlUtils.stripHtml(post.title); } // parse the tags section assignTagsFromJson(post, json.optJSONObject("tags")); // parse the attachments JSONObject jsonAttachments = json.optJSONObject("attachments"); if (jsonAttachments != null && jsonAttachments.length() > 0) { post.attachmentsJson = jsonAttachments.toString(); } // site metadata - returned when ?meta=site was added to the request JSONObject jsonSite = JSONUtils.getJSONChild(json, "meta/data/site"); if (jsonSite != null) { post.blogId = jsonSite.optInt("ID"); post.blogName = JSONUtils.getString(jsonSite, "name"); post.setBlogUrl(JSONUtils.getString(jsonSite, "URL")); post.isPrivate = JSONUtils.getBool(jsonSite, "is_private"); JSONObject jsonSiteIcon = jsonSite.optJSONObject("icon"); if (jsonSiteIcon != null) { post.blogImageUrl = JSONUtils.getString(jsonSiteIcon, "img"); } // TODO: as of 29-Sept-2014, this is broken - endpoint returns false when it should be true post.isJetpack = JSONUtils.getBool(jsonSite, "jetpack"); } // "discover" posts JSONObject jsonDiscover = json.optJSONObject("discover_metadata"); if (jsonDiscover != null) { post.setDiscoverJson(jsonDiscover.toString()); } // xpost info assignXpostIdsFromJson(post, json.optJSONArray("metadata")); // if the post doesn't have a featured image but it contains an IMG tag, check whether // we can find a suitable image from the content if (!post.hasFeaturedImage() && post.hasImages()) { post.featuredImage = new ReaderImageScanner(post.text, post.isPrivate) .getLargestImage(ReaderConstants.MIN_FEATURED_IMAGE_WIDTH); } // if there's no featured image or featured video and the post contains an iframe, scan // the content for a suitable featured video if (!post.hasFeaturedImage() && !post.hasFeaturedVideo() && post.getText().contains("<iframe")) { post.setFeaturedVideo(new ReaderIframeScanner(post.getText()).getFirstUsableVideo()); } // "railcar" data - currently used in search streams, used by TrainTracks JSONObject jsonRailcar = json.optJSONObject("railcar"); if (jsonRailcar != null) { post.setRailcarJson(jsonRailcar.toString()); } // set the card type last since it depends on information contained in the post - note // that this is stored in the post table rather than calculated on-the-fly post.setCardType(ReaderCardType.fromReaderPost(post)); return post; } public boolean hasImages() { return hasText() && text.contains("<img "); } /* * assigns cross post blog & post IDs from post's metadata section * "metadata": [ * { * "id": "21192", * "key": "xpost_origin", * "value": "11326809:18427" * } * ], */ private static void assignXpostIdsFromJson(ReaderPost post, JSONArray jsonMetadata) { if (jsonMetadata == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < jsonMetadata.length(); i++) { JSONObject jsonMetaItem = jsonMetadata.optJSONObject(i); String metaKey = jsonMetaItem.optString("key"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(metaKey) && metaKey.equals("xpost_origin")) { String value = jsonMetaItem.optString("value"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value) && value.contains(":")) { String[] valuePair = value.split(":"); if (valuePair.length == 2) { post.xpostBlogId = StringUtils.stringToLong(valuePair[0]); post.xpostPostId = StringUtils.stringToLong(valuePair[1]); return; } } } } } /* * assigns author-related info to the passed post from the passed JSON "author" object */ private static void assignAuthorFromJson(ReaderPost post, JSONObject jsonAuthor) { if (jsonAuthor == null) return; post.authorName = JSONUtils.getStringDecoded(jsonAuthor, "name"); post.authorFirstName = JSONUtils.getStringDecoded(jsonAuthor, "first_name"); post.authorId = jsonAuthor.optLong("ID"); // v1.2 endpoint contains a "has_avatar" boolean which tells us whether the author // has a valid avatar - if this field exists and is set to false, skip setting // the avatar URL boolean hasAvatar; if (jsonAuthor.has("has_avatar")) { hasAvatar = jsonAuthor.optBoolean("has_avatar"); } else { hasAvatar = true; } if (hasAvatar) { post.postAvatar = JSONUtils.getString(jsonAuthor, "avatar_URL"); } // site_URL doesn't exist for /sites/ endpoints, so get it from the author if (TextUtils.isEmpty(post.blogUrl)) { post.setBlogUrl(JSONUtils.getString(jsonAuthor, "URL")); } } /* * assigns primary/secondary tags to the passed post from the passed JSON "tags" object */ private static void assignTagsFromJson(ReaderPost post, JSONObject jsonTags) { if (jsonTags == null) { return; } Iterator<String> it = jsonTags.keys(); if (!it.hasNext()) { return; } // most popular tag & second most popular tag, based on usage count on this blog String mostPopularTag = null; String nextMostPopularTag = null; int popularCount = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { JSONObject jsonThisTag = jsonTags.optJSONObject(; String thisTagName = UrlUtils.urlDecode(JSONUtils.getString(jsonThisTag, "slug")); // if the number of posts on this blog that use this tag is higher than previous, // set this as the most popular tag, and set the second most popular tag to // the current most popular tag int postCount = jsonThisTag.optInt("post_count"); if (postCount > popularCount) { nextMostPopularTag = mostPopularTag; mostPopularTag = thisTagName; popularCount = postCount; } else if (nextMostPopularTag == null) { nextMostPopularTag = thisTagName; } } // don't set primary tag if one is already set if (!post.hasPrimaryTag()) { post.setPrimaryTag(mostPopularTag); } post.setSecondaryTag(nextMostPopularTag); } /* * extracts a title from a post's excerpt - used when the post has no title */ private static String extractTitle(final String excerpt, int maxLen) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(excerpt)) return null; if (excerpt.length() < maxLen) return excerpt.trim(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); BreakIterator wordIterator = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(); wordIterator.setText(excerpt); int start = wordIterator.first(); int end =; int totalLen = 0; while (end != BreakIterator.DONE) { String word = excerpt.substring(start, end); result.append(word); totalLen += word.length(); if (totalLen >= maxLen) break; start = end; end =; } if (totalLen==0) return null; return result.toString().trim() + "..."; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public String getAuthorName() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(authorName); } public void setAuthorName(String name) { this.authorName = StringUtils.notNullStr(name); } public String getAuthorFirstName() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(authorFirstName); } public void setAuthorFirstName(String name) { this.authorFirstName = StringUtils.notNullStr(name); } public String getTitle() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(title); } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = StringUtils.notNullStr(title); } public String getText() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(text); } public void setText(String text) { this.text = StringUtils.notNullStr(text); } public String getExcerpt() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(excerpt); } public void setExcerpt(String excerpt) { this.excerpt = StringUtils.notNullStr(excerpt); } // public String getFormat() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(format); } public void setFormat(String format) { this.format = StringUtils.notNullStr(format); } public boolean isGallery() { return format != null && format.equals("gallery"); } public String getUrl() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(url); } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = StringUtils.notNullStr(url); } public String getShortUrl() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(shortUrl); } public void setShortUrl(String url) { this.shortUrl = StringUtils.notNullStr(url); } public boolean hasShortUrl() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(shortUrl); } public String getFeaturedImage() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(featuredImage); } public void setFeaturedImage(String featuredImage) { this.featuredImage = StringUtils.notNullStr(featuredImage); } public String getFeaturedVideo() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(featuredVideo); } public void setFeaturedVideo(String featuredVideo) { this.featuredVideo = StringUtils.notNullStr(featuredVideo); } public String getBlogName() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(blogName); } public void setBlogName(String blogName) { this.blogName = StringUtils.notNullStr(blogName); } public String getBlogUrl() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(blogUrl); } public void setBlogUrl(String blogUrl) { this.blogUrl = StringUtils.notNullStr(blogUrl); } public String getBlogImageUrl() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(blogImageUrl); } public void setBlogImageUrl(String imageUrl) { this.blogImageUrl = StringUtils.notNullStr(imageUrl); } public String getPostAvatar() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(postAvatar); } public void setPostAvatar(String postAvatar) { this.postAvatar = StringUtils.notNullStr(postAvatar); } public String getPseudoId() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(pseudoId); } public void setPseudoId(String pseudoId) { this.pseudoId = StringUtils.notNullStr(pseudoId); } public String getDatePublished() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(datePublished); } public void setDatePublished(String dateStr) { this.datePublished = StringUtils.notNullStr(dateStr); } public String getDateLiked() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(dateLiked); } public void setDateLiked(String dateStr) { this.dateLiked = StringUtils.notNullStr(dateStr); } public String getDateTagged() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(dateTagged); } public void setDateTagged(String dateStr) { this.dateTagged = StringUtils.notNullStr(dateStr); } public String getPrimaryTag() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(primaryTag); } public void setPrimaryTag(String tagName) { // this is a bit of a hack to avoid setting the primary tag to one of the defaults if (!ReaderTag.isDefaultTagTitle(tagName)) { this.primaryTag = StringUtils.notNullStr(tagName); } } public boolean hasPrimaryTag() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(primaryTag); } public String getSecondaryTag() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(secondaryTag); } public void setSecondaryTag(String tagName) { if (!ReaderTag.isDefaultTagTitle(tagName)) { this.secondaryTag = StringUtils.notNullStr(tagName); } } public boolean hasSecondaryTag() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(secondaryTag); } /* * attachments are stored as the actual JSON to avoid having a separate table for * them, may need to revisit this if/when attachments become more important */ public String getAttachmentsJson() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(attachmentsJson); } public void setAttachmentsJson(String json) { attachmentsJson = StringUtils.notNullStr(json); } public boolean hasAttachments() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(attachmentsJson); } /* * "discover" posts also store the actual JSON */ public String getDiscoverJson() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(discoverJson); } public void setDiscoverJson(String json) { discoverJson = StringUtils.notNullStr(json); } public boolean isDiscoverPost() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(discoverJson); } private transient ReaderPostDiscoverData discoverData; public ReaderPostDiscoverData getDiscoverData() { if (discoverData == null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(discoverJson)) { try { discoverData = new ReaderPostDiscoverData(new JSONObject(discoverJson)); } catch (JSONException e) { return null; } } return discoverData; } public boolean hasText() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(text); } public boolean hasUrl() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(url); } public boolean hasExcerpt() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(excerpt); } public boolean hasFeaturedImage() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(featuredImage); } public boolean hasFeaturedVideo() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(featuredVideo); } public boolean hasPostAvatar() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(postAvatar); } public boolean hasBlogName() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(blogName); } public boolean hasAuthorName() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(authorName); } public boolean hasAuthorFirstName() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(authorFirstName); } public boolean hasTitle() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(title); } public boolean hasBlogUrl() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(blogUrl); } public boolean hasBlogImageUrl() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(blogImageUrl); } /* * returns true if this post is from a WordPress blog */ public boolean isWP() { return !isExternal; } /* * returns true if this is a cross-post */ public boolean isXpost() { return xpostBlogId != 0 && xpostPostId != 0; } /* * returns true if the passed post appears to be the same as this one - used when posts are * retrieved to determine which ones are new/changed/unchanged */ public boolean isSamePost(ReaderPost post) { return post != null && post.blogId == this.blogId && post.postId == this.postId && post.feedId == this.feedId && post.feedItemId == this.feedItemId && post.numLikes == this.numLikes && post.numReplies == this.numReplies && post.isFollowedByCurrentUser == this.isFollowedByCurrentUser && post.isLikedByCurrentUser == this.isLikedByCurrentUser && post.isCommentsOpen == this.isCommentsOpen && post.getTitle().equals(this.getTitle()) && post.getExcerpt().equals(this.getExcerpt()) && post.getText().equals(this.getText()); } public boolean hasIds(ReaderBlogIdPostId ids) { return ids != null && ids.getBlogId() == this.blogId && ids.getPostId() == this.postId; } /* * liking is enabled for all and jp posts with the exception of discover posts */ public boolean canLikePost() { return (isWP() || isJetpack) && (!isDiscoverPost()); } public String getRailcarJson() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(railcarJson); } public void setRailcarJson(String jsonRailcar) { this.railcarJson = StringUtils.notNullStr(jsonRailcar); } public boolean hasRailcar() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(railcarJson); } public ReaderCardType getCardType() { return cardType != null ? cardType : ReaderCardType.DEFAULT; } public void setCardType(ReaderCardType cardType) { this.cardType = cardType; } /**** * the following are transient variables - not stored in the db or returned in the json - whose * sole purpose is to cache commonly-used values for the post that speeds up using them inside * adapters ****/ /* * returns the featured image url as a photon url set to the passed width/height */ private transient String featuredImageForDisplay; public String getFeaturedImageForDisplay(int width, int height) { if (featuredImageForDisplay == null) { if (!hasFeaturedImage()) { featuredImageForDisplay = ""; } else { featuredImageForDisplay = ReaderUtils.getResizedImageUrl(featuredImage, width, height, isPrivate); } } return featuredImageForDisplay; } /* * returns the avatar url as a photon url set to the passed size */ private transient String avatarForDisplay; public String getPostAvatarForDisplay(int size) { if (avatarForDisplay == null) { if (!hasPostAvatar()) { return ""; } avatarForDisplay = GravatarUtils.fixGravatarUrl(postAvatar, size); } return avatarForDisplay; } /* * returns the blog's blavatar url as a photon url set to the passed size */ private transient String blavatarForDisplay; public String getPostBlavatarForDisplay(int size) { if (blavatarForDisplay == null) { if (!hasBlogUrl()) { return ""; } blavatarForDisplay = GravatarUtils.blavatarFromUrl(getBlogUrl(), size); } return blavatarForDisplay; } /* * converts iso8601 pubDate to a java date for display - this is the date that appears on posts */ private transient java.util.Date dtDisplay; public java.util.Date getDisplayDate() { if (dtDisplay == null) { dtDisplay = DateTimeUtils.dateFromIso8601(this.datePublished); } return dtDisplay; } /* * used when a unique numeric id is required by an adapter (when hasStableIds() = true) */ private transient long stableId; public long getStableId() { if (stableId == 0) { stableId = (pseudoId != null ? pseudoId.hashCode() : 0); } return stableId; } }