package; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import; import; import; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner; import org.robolectric.annotation.Config; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; @Config(sdk = 18) @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) public class HtmlStyleTextWatcherTest { private HtmlStyleTextWatcherForTests mWatcher; private Editable mContent; private boolean mUpdateSpansWasCalled; private HtmlStyleTextWatcher.SpanRange mSpanRange; @Before public void setUp() { mWatcher = new HtmlStyleTextWatcherForTests(); mUpdateSpansWasCalled = false; } @Test public void testTypingNormalText() { // -- Test typing in normal text (non-HTML) in an empty document mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("a"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 0, 0, 1); // Typed "a" mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("ab"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 1, 0, 1); // Typed "b" mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); // -- Test typing in normal text after exiting tags mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("text <b>bold</b> a"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 17, 0, 1); // Typed "a" mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); // -- Test typing in normal text before exiting tags mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("text a <b>bold</b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 5, 0, 1); // Typed "a" mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); } @Test public void testTypingInOpeningTag() { // Test with several different cases of pre-existing text String[] previousTextCases = new String[]{"", "plain text", "<i>", "<blockquote>some existing content</blockquote> "}; for (String initialText : previousTextCases) { int offset = initialText.length(); mUpdateSpansWasCalled = false; // -- Test typing in an opening tag symbol mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(initialText + "<"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, offset, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // No formatting should be applied/removed assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); // -- Test typing in the tag name mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(initialText + "<b"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, offset + 1, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // No formatting should be applied/removed assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); // -- Test typing in a closing tag symbol mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(initialText + "<b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, offset + 2, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(offset, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(offset + 3, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); } } @Test public void testTypingInClosingTag() { // Test with several different cases of pre-existing text String[] previousTextCases = new String[]{"<b>stuff", "plain text <b>stuff", "<i><b>stuff", "<blockquote>some existing content</blockquote> <b>stuff"}; for (String initialText : previousTextCases) { int offset = initialText.length(); mUpdateSpansWasCalled = false; // -- Test typing in an opening tag symbol mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(initialText + "<"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, offset, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // No formatting should be applied/removed assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); // -- Test typing in the closing tag slash mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(initialText + "</"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, offset + 1, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // No formatting should be applied/removed assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); // -- Test typing in the tag name mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(initialText + "</b"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, offset + 2, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // No formatting should be applied/removed assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); // -- Test typing in a closing tag symbol mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(initialText + "</b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, offset + 3, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(offset, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(offset + 4, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); } } @Test public void testTypingInTagWithSurroundingTags() { // Spans in this case will be applied until the end of the next tag // This fixes a pasting bug and might be refined later // -- Test typing in the opening tag symbol mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("some <del>text</del> < <b>bold text</b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 21, 0, 1); // Added lone "<" mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(21, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(26, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); // -- Test typing in the tag name mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("some <del>text</del> <i <b>bold text</b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 22, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(21, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(27, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); // -- Test typing in the closing tag symbol mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("some <del>text</del> <i> <b>bold text</b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 23, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(21, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(28, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); } @Test public void testTypingInLoneClosingSymbol() { // -- Test typing in an isolated closing tag symbol mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("some text >"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 10, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // No formatting should be applied/removed assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); // -- Test typing in an isolated closing tag symbol with surrounding tags mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("some <b>tex>t</b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 11, 0, 1); // Added lone ">" mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // The span in this case will be applied from the start of the previous tag to the end of the next tag assertEquals(5, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(17, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); } @Test public void testTypingInEntity() { // Test with several different cases of pre-existing text String[] previousTextCases = new String[]{"", "plain text", "ρ", "<blockquote>some existing content †</blockquote> "}; for (String initialText : previousTextCases) { int offset = initialText.length(); mUpdateSpansWasCalled = false; // -- Test typing in the entity's opening '&' mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(initialText + "&"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, offset, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // No formatting should be applied/removed assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); // -- Test typing in the entity's main text mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(initialText + "&"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, offset + 3, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // No formatting should be applied/removed assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); // -- Test typing in the entity's closing ';' mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder(initialText + "&"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, offset + 4, 0, 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(offset, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(offset + 5, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); } } @Test public void testAddingTagFromFormatBar() { // -- Test adding a tag to an empty document mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("<b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 0, 0, 3); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(0, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(3, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); // -- Test adding a tag at the end of a document with text mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("stuff<b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 5, 0, 3); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(5, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(8, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); // -- Test adding a tag at the end of a document containing other html mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("some text <i>italics</i> <b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 25, 0, 3); // Added "<b>" mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(25, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(28, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); // -- Test adding a tag at the start of a document with text mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("<b>some text"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 0, 0, 3); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(0, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(3, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); // -- Test adding a tag at the start of a document containing other html mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("<b>some text <i>italics</i>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 0, 0, 3); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(0, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(3, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); // -- Test adding a tag within another tag pair mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("<b>some <i>text</b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 8, 0, 3); // Added <i> mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(8, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(11, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); // -- Test adding a closing tag within another tag pair mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("<b>some <i>text</i></b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 15, 0, 4); // Added "</i>" mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(15, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(19, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); } @Test public void testAddingListTagsFromFormatBar() { // -- Test adding a list tag to an empty document mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("<ul>\n\t<li>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 0, 0, 10); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(0, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(10, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); // -- Test adding a closing list tag mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("<ul>\n" + //5 "\t<li>list item</li>\n" + //20 "\t<li>another list item</li>\n" + //22 "</ul>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 47, 0, 11); // Added "</li>\n</ul>" mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(47, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(58, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); } @Test public void testDeletingPartsOfTag() { // -- Test deleting different characters within a tag mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("<b>stuff</b>"); int deletedChar = 0; mWatcher.beforeTextChanged(mContent, deletedChar, 1, 0); // Deleted characters are removed from the string between beforeTextChanged() and onTextChanged() mContent.delete(deletedChar, deletedChar + 1); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, deletedChar, 1, 0); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // "b>" should be re-styled assertEquals(0, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(2, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); for (int i = 8; i < 12; i++) { mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("<b>stuff</b>"); mWatcher.beforeTextChanged(mContent, i, 1, 0); mContent.delete(i, i + 1); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // Style should be updated starting from the end of 'stuff' assertEquals(8, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(mContent.length(), mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); } } @Test public void testPasteTagPair() { // -- Test pasting in a set of opening and closing tags at the end of the document mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("text <b></b>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 5, 0, 7); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(5, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(12, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); } @Test public void testCutAndPasteTagPart() { // -- Test cutting a tag and part of another tag from the document mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("test <b></b> <i>italics</i>"); mWatcher.beforeTextChanged(mContent, 5, 4, 0); // Deleted "<b><" mContent.delete(5, 9); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 5, 4, 0); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(5, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(8, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); // -- Test pasting the cut text back in mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("test <b></b> <i>italics</i>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 5, 0, 4); // Pasted "<b><" back in mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); assertEquals(5, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(12, mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); } @Test public void testCutAndPasteTagPartReplacingText() { // -- Test pasting cut text while text is selected // Pasted "<b><", replacing "st " of "test " mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("test /b> <i>italics</i>"); mWatcher.beforeTextChanged(mContent, 2, 3, 4); mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("te<b></b> <i>italics</i>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 2, 3, 4); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // Should re-style whole document assertEquals(0, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(mContent.length(), mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); // -- Test pasting cut text while text is selected, case 2 // Pasted "i>", replacing "test " mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("<test italics</i>"); mWatcher.beforeTextChanged(mContent, 1, 5, 2); mContent = new SpannableStringBuilder("<i>italics</i>"); mWatcher.onTextChanged(mContent, 1, 5, 2); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(mContent); // Should re-style whole document assertEquals(0, mSpanRange.getOpeningTagLoc()); assertEquals(mContent.length(), mSpanRange.getClosingTagLoc()); } @Test public void testNoChange() { mWatcher.beforeTextChanged("sample", 0, 0, 0); mWatcher.onTextChanged("sample", 0, 0, 0); mWatcher.afterTextChanged(null); // No formatting should be applied/removed assertEquals(false, mUpdateSpansWasCalled); } @Test public void testUpdateSpans() { // -- Test tag styling HtmlStyleTextWatcher watcher = new HtmlStyleTextWatcher(); Spannable content = new SpannableStringBuilder("<b>stuff</b>"); watcher.updateSpans(content, new HtmlStyleTextWatcher.SpanRange(0, 3)); assertEquals(1, content.getSpans(0, 3, ForegroundColorSpan.class).length); // -- Test entity styling content = new SpannableStringBuilder("text & more text"); watcher.updateSpans(content, new HtmlStyleTextWatcher.SpanRange(5, 10)); assertEquals(1, content.getSpans(5, 10, ForegroundColorSpan.class).length); assertEquals(1, content.getSpans(5, 10, StyleSpan.class).length); assertEquals(1, content.getSpans(5, 10, RelativeSizeSpan.class).length); // -- Test comment styling content = new SpannableStringBuilder("text <!--comment--> more text"); watcher.updateSpans(content, new HtmlStyleTextWatcher.SpanRange(5, 19)); assertEquals(1, content.getSpans(5, 19, ForegroundColorSpan.class).length); assertEquals(1, content.getSpans(5, 19, StyleSpan.class).length); assertEquals(1, content.getSpans(5, 19, RelativeSizeSpan.class).length); content = new SpannableStringBuilder("<b>stuff</b>"); watcher.updateSpans(content, new HtmlStyleTextWatcher.SpanRange(0, 3)); watcher.updateSpans(content, new HtmlStyleTextWatcher.SpanRange(0, 42)); assertEquals(1, content.getSpans(0, 3, ForegroundColorSpan.class).length); } private class HtmlStyleTextWatcherForTests extends HtmlStyleTextWatcher { @Override protected void updateSpans(Spannable s, SpanRange spanRange) { mSpanRange = spanRange; mUpdateSpansWasCalled = true; } } }