package; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; import org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe; import org.greenrobot.eventbus.ThreadMode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; import de.greenrobot.event.EventBus; /** * Main activity which hosts sites, reader, me and notifications tabs */ public class WPMainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { public static final String ARG_OPENED_FROM_PUSH = "opened_from_push"; private WPViewPager mViewPager; private WPMainTabLayout mTabLayout; private WPMainTabAdapter mTabAdapter; private TextView mConnectionBar; private int mAppBarElevation; private SiteModel mSelectedSite; @Inject AccountStore mAccountStore; @Inject SiteStore mSiteStore; @Inject PostStore mPostStore; @Inject Dispatcher mDispatcher; /* * tab fragments implement this if their contents can be scrolled, called when user * requests to scroll to the top */ public interface OnScrollToTopListener { void onScrollToTop(); } /* * tab fragments implement this and return true if the fragment handles the back button * and doesn't want the activity to handle it as well */ public interface OnActivityBackPressedListener { boolean onActivityBackPressed(); } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ProfilingUtils.split("WPMainActivity.onCreate"); ((WordPress) getApplication()).component().inject(this); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main_activity); mViewPager = (WPViewPager) findViewById(; mViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(WPMainTabAdapter.NUM_TABS - 1); mTabAdapter = new WPMainTabAdapter(getFragmentManager()); mViewPager.setAdapter(mTabAdapter); mConnectionBar = (TextView) findViewById(; mConnectionBar.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // slide out the bar on click, then re-check connection after a brief delay AniUtils.animateBottomBar(mConnectionBar, false); new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!isFinishing()) { checkConnection(); } } }, 2000); } }); mTabLayout = (WPMainTabLayout) findViewById(; mTabLayout.createTabs(); mTabLayout.setOnTabSelectedListener(new TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener() { @Override public void onTabSelected(TabLayout.Tab tab) { mViewPager.setCurrentItem(tab.getPosition()); } @Override public void onTabUnselected(TabLayout.Tab tab) { // nop } @Override public void onTabReselected(TabLayout.Tab tab) { //scroll the active fragment's contents to the top when user taps the current tab Fragment fragment = mTabAdapter.getFragment(tab.getPosition()); if (fragment instanceof OnScrollToTopListener) { ((OnScrollToTopListener) fragment).onScrollToTop(); } } }); mAppBarElevation = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.appbar_elevation); mViewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new TabLayout.TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener(mTabLayout)); mViewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() { @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { AppPrefs.setMainTabIndex(position); switch (position) { case WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_MY_SITE: setTabLayoutElevation(mAppBarElevation); break; case WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_READER: setTabLayoutElevation(0); break; case WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_ME: setTabLayoutElevation(mAppBarElevation); break; case WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_NOTIFS: setTabLayoutElevation(mAppBarElevation); Fragment fragment = mTabAdapter.getFragment(position); if (fragment instanceof OnScrollToTopListener) { ((OnScrollToTopListener) fragment).onScrollToTop(); } break; } trackLastVisibleTab(position, true); } @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) { // noop } @Override public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) { // fire event if the "My Site" page is being scrolled so the fragment can // animate its fab to match if (position == WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_MY_SITE) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new MainViewPagerScrolled(positionOffset)); } } }); if (savedInstanceState == null) { if (FluxCUtils.isSignedInWPComOrHasWPOrgSite(mAccountStore, mSiteStore)) { // open note detail if activity called from a push, otherwise return to the tab // that was showing last time boolean openedFromPush = (getIntent() != null && getIntent().getBooleanExtra(ARG_OPENED_FROM_PUSH, false)); if (openedFromPush) { getIntent().putExtra(ARG_OPENED_FROM_PUSH, false); if (getIntent().hasExtra(NotificationsPendingDraftsReceiver.POST_ID_EXTRA)) { launchWithPostId(getIntent().getIntExtra(NotificationsPendingDraftsReceiver.POST_ID_EXTRA, 0), getIntent().getBooleanExtra(NotificationsPendingDraftsReceiver.IS_PAGE_EXTRA, false)); } else { launchWithNoteId(); } } else { int position = AppPrefs.getMainTabIndex(); if (mTabAdapter.isValidPosition(position) && position != mViewPager.getCurrentItem()) { mViewPager.setCurrentItem(position); } checkMagicLinkSignIn(); } } else { ActivityLauncher.showSignInForResult(this); } } // ensure the deep linking activity is enabled. It may have been disabled elsewhere and failed to get re-enabled WPActivityUtils.enableComponent(this, ReaderPostPagerActivity.class); // monitor whether we're not the default app trackDefaultApp(); // We need to register the dispatcher here otherwise it won't trigger if for example Site Picker is present mDispatcher.register(this); EventBus.getDefault().register(this); } private void setTabLayoutElevation(float newElevation){ if (mTabLayout == null) return; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { float oldElevation = mTabLayout.getElevation(); if (oldElevation != newElevation) { ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mTabLayout, "elevation", oldElevation, newElevation) .setDuration(1000L) .start(); } } } private void showNewEditorPromoDialogIfNeeded() { if (AppPrefs.isNewEditorPromoRequired() && AppPrefs.isAztecEditorEnabled()) { AppCompatDialogFragment newFragment = PromoDialog.newInstance( R.drawable.img_promo_editor, R.string.new_editor_promo_title, R.string.new_editor_promo_description, android.R.string.ok );, "new-editor-promo"); AppPrefs.setNewEditorPromoRequired(false); } } @Override protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { super.onNewIntent(intent); setIntent(intent); AppLog.i(T.MAIN, "main activity > new intent"); if (intent.hasExtra(NotificationsListFragment.NOTE_ID_EXTRA)) { launchWithNoteId(); } } /* * called when app is launched from a push notification, switches to the notification tab * and opens the desired note detail */ private void launchWithNoteId() { if (isFinishing() || getIntent() == null) return; if (getIntent().hasExtra(NotificationsUtils.ARG_PUSH_AUTH_TOKEN)) { GCMMessageService.remove2FANotification(this); NotificationsUtils.validate2FAuthorizationTokenFromIntentExtras(getIntent(), new NotificationsUtils.TwoFactorAuthCallback() { @Override public void onTokenValid(String token, String title, String message) { //we do this here instead of using the service in the background so we make sure //the user opens the app by using an activity (and thus unlocks the screen if locked, for security). String actionType = getIntent().getStringExtra(NotificationsProcessingService.ARG_ACTION_TYPE); if (NotificationsProcessingService.ARG_ACTION_AUTH_APPROVE.equals(actionType)) { // ping the push auth endpoint with the token, will take care of the rest! NotificationsUtils.sendTwoFactorAuthToken(token); } else { NotificationsUtils.showPushAuthAlert(WPMainActivity.this, token, title, message); } } @Override public void onTokenInvalid() { // Show a toast if the user took too long to open the notification ToastUtils.showToast(WPMainActivity.this, R.string.push_auth_expired, ToastUtils.Duration.LONG); AnalyticsTracker.track(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.PUSH_AUTHENTICATION_EXPIRED); } }); } // Then hit the server NotificationsActions.updateNotesSeenTimestamp(); mViewPager.setCurrentItem(WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_NOTIFS); //it could be that a notification has been tapped but has been removed by the time we reach //here. It's ok to compare to <=1 as it could be zero then. if (GCMMessageService.getNotificationsCount() <= 1) { String noteId = getIntent().getStringExtra(NotificationsListFragment.NOTE_ID_EXTRA); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(noteId)) { GCMMessageService.bumpPushNotificationsTappedAnalytics(noteId); //if voice reply is enabled in a wearable, it will come through the remoteInput //extra EXTRA_VOICE_OR_INLINE_REPLY String voiceReply = null; Bundle remoteInput = RemoteInput.getResultsFromIntent(getIntent()); if (remoteInput != null) { CharSequence replyText = remoteInput.getCharSequence(GCMMessageService.EXTRA_VOICE_OR_INLINE_REPLY); if (replyText != null) { voiceReply = replyText.toString(); } } if (voiceReply != null) { NotificationsProcessingService.startServiceForReply(this, noteId, voiceReply); finish(); // we don't want this notification to be dismissed as we still have to make sure // we processed the voice reply, so we exit this function immediately return; } else { boolean shouldShowKeyboard = getIntent().getBooleanExtra(NotificationsListFragment.NOTE_INSTANT_REPLY_EXTRA, false); NotificationsListFragment.openNoteForReply(this, noteId, shouldShowKeyboard, null, NotesAdapter.FILTERS.FILTER_ALL); } } else { AppLog.e(T.NOTIFS, "app launched from a PN that doesn't have a note_id in it!!"); return; } } else { // mark all tapped here GCMMessageService.bumpPushNotificationsTappedAllAnalytics(); } GCMMessageService.removeAllNotifications(this); } /** * called from an internal pending draft notification, so the user can land in the local draft and take action * such as finish editing and publish, or delete the post, etc. */ private void launchWithPostId(int postId, boolean isPage) { if (isFinishing() || getIntent() == null) return; AnalyticsTracker.track(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.NOTIFICATION_PENDING_DRAFTS_TAPPED); NativeNotificationsUtils.dismissNotification(PendingDraftsNotificationsUtils.makePendingDraftNotificationId(postId), this); // if no specific post id passed, show the list if (postId == 0 ) { // show list if (isPage) { ActivityLauncher.viewCurrentBlogPages(this, getSelectedSite()); } else { ActivityLauncher.viewCurrentBlogPosts(this, getSelectedSite()); } } else { PostModel post = mPostStore.getPostByLocalPostId(postId); ActivityLauncher.editPostOrPageForResult(this, getSelectedSite(), post); } } @Override protected void onDestroy() { EventBus.getDefault().unregister(this); mDispatcher.unregister(this); super.onDestroy(); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); // Load selected site initSelectedSite(); // ensure the deep linking activity is enabled. We might be returning from the external-browser // viewing of a post WPActivityUtils.enableComponent(this, ReaderPostPagerActivity.class); // We need to track the current item on the screen when this activity is resumed. // Ex: Notifications -> notifications detail -> back to notifications int currentItem = mViewPager.getCurrentItem(); trackLastVisibleTab(currentItem, false); if (currentItem == WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_NOTIFS) { //if we are presenting the notifications list, it's safe to clear any outstanding // notifications GCMMessageService.removeAllNotifications(this); } checkConnection(); // Update account to update the notification unseen status if (mAccountStore.hasAccessToken()) { mDispatcher.dispatch(AccountActionBuilder.newFetchAccountAction()); } ProfilingUtils.split("WPMainActivity.onResume"); ProfilingUtils.dump(); ProfilingUtils.stop(); } @Override public void onBackPressed() { // let the fragment handle the back button if it implements our OnParentBackPressedListener Fragment fragment = getActiveFragment(); if (fragment instanceof OnActivityBackPressedListener) { boolean handled = ((OnActivityBackPressedListener) fragment).onActivityBackPressed(); if (handled) { return; } } super.onBackPressed(); } private Fragment getActiveFragment() { return mTabAdapter.getFragment(mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); } private void checkMagicLinkSignIn() { if (getIntent() != null) { if (getIntent().getBooleanExtra(SignInActivity.MAGIC_LOGIN, false)) { AnalyticsTracker.track(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.LOGIN_MAGIC_LINK_SUCCEEDED); startWithNewAccount(); } } } private void trackLastVisibleTab(int position, boolean trackAnalytics) { if (position == WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_MY_SITE) { showNewEditorPromoDialogIfNeeded(); } switch (position) { case WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_MY_SITE: ActivityId.trackLastActivity(ActivityId.MY_SITE); if (trackAnalytics) { AnalyticsUtils.trackWithSiteDetails(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.MY_SITE_ACCESSED, getSelectedSite()); } break; case WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_READER: ActivityId.trackLastActivity(ActivityId.READER); if (trackAnalytics) { AnalyticsTracker.track(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.READER_ACCESSED); } break; case WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_ME: ActivityId.trackLastActivity(ActivityId.ME); if (trackAnalytics) { AnalyticsTracker.track(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.ME_ACCESSED); } break; case WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_NOTIFS: ActivityId.trackLastActivity(ActivityId.NOTIFICATIONS); if (trackAnalytics) { AnalyticsTracker.track(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.NOTIFICATIONS_ACCESSED); } break; default: break; } } private void trackDefaultApp() { Intent wpcomIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(getString(R.string.wordpresscom_sample_post))); ResolveInfo resolveInfo = getPackageManager().resolveActivity(wpcomIntent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); if (resolveInfo != null && !getPackageName().equals( { // not set as default handler so, track this to evaluate. Note, a resolver/chooser might be the default. AnalyticsUtils.trackWithDefaultInterceptor(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.DEEP_LINK_NOT_DEFAULT_HANDLER,; } } public void setReaderTabActive() { if (isFinishing() || mTabLayout == null) return; mTabLayout.setSelectedTabPosition(WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_READER); } /* * re-create the fragment adapter so all its fragments are also re-created - used when * user signs in/out so the fragments reflect the active account */ private void resetFragments() { AppLog.i(AppLog.T.MAIN, "main activity > reset fragments"); // reset the timestamp that determines when followed tags/blogs are updated so they're // updated when the fragment is recreated (necessary after signin/disconnect) ReaderPostListFragment.resetLastUpdateDate(); // remember the current tab position, then recreate the adapter so new fragments are created int position = mViewPager.getCurrentItem(); mTabAdapter = new WPMainTabAdapter(getFragmentManager()); mViewPager.setAdapter(mTabAdapter); // restore previous position if (mTabAdapter.isValidPosition(position)) { mViewPager.setCurrentItem(position); } } @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); switch (requestCode) { case RequestCodes.EDIT_POST: case RequestCodes.CREATE_SITE: MySiteFragment mySiteFragment = getMySiteFragment(); if (mySiteFragment != null) { mySiteFragment.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } break; case RequestCodes.ADD_ACCOUNT: if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { // Register for Cloud messaging startWithNewAccount(); } else if (!FluxCUtils.isSignedInWPComOrHasWPOrgSite(mAccountStore, mSiteStore)) { // can't do anything if user isn't signed in (either to or self-hosted) finish(); } break; case RequestCodes.REAUTHENTICATE: if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) { ActivityLauncher.showSignInForResult(this); } else { // Register for Cloud messaging startService(new Intent(this, GCMRegistrationIntentService.class)); } break; case RequestCodes.SITE_PICKER: if (getMySiteFragment() != null) { getMySiteFragment().onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (data != null) { int selectedSite = data.getIntExtra(SitePickerActivity.KEY_LOCAL_ID, -1); setSelectedSite(selectedSite); } } break; case RequestCodes.SITE_SETTINGS: if (resultCode == SiteSettingsFragment.RESULT_BLOG_REMOVED) { handleSiteRemoved(); } break; case RequestCodes.APP_SETTINGS: if (resultCode == AppSettingsFragment.LANGUAGE_CHANGED) { resetFragments(); } break; case RequestCodes.NOTE_DETAIL: if (getNotificationsListFragment() != null) { getNotificationsListFragment().onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } break; case RequestCodes.PHOTO_PICKER: if (getMeFragment() != null) { getMeFragment().onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } break; } } private void startWithNewAccount() { startService(new Intent(this, GCMRegistrationIntentService.class)); resetFragments(); } /* * returns the my site fragment from the sites tab */ private MySiteFragment getMySiteFragment() { Fragment fragment = mTabAdapter.getFragment(WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_MY_SITE); if (fragment instanceof MySiteFragment) { return (MySiteFragment) fragment; } return null; } /* * returns the "me" fragment from the sites tab */ private MeFragment getMeFragment() { Fragment fragment = mTabAdapter.getFragment(WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_ME); if (fragment instanceof MeFragment) { return (MeFragment) fragment; } return null; } /* * returns the my site fragment from the sites tab */ private NotificationsListFragment getNotificationsListFragment() { Fragment fragment = mTabAdapter.getFragment(WPMainTabAdapter.TAB_NOTIFS); if (fragment instanceof NotificationsListFragment) { return (NotificationsListFragment) fragment; } return null; } // Events @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN) public void onAuthenticationChanged(OnAuthenticationChanged event) { if (event.isError() && mSelectedSite != null) { AuthenticationDialogUtils.showAuthErrorView(this, mSelectedSite); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN) public void onAccountChanged(OnAccountChanged event) { // Sign-out is handled in `handleSiteRemoved`, no need to show the `SignInActivity` here if (mAccountStore.hasAccessToken()) { mTabLayout.showNoteBadge(mAccountStore.getAccount().getHasUnseenNotes()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void onEventMainThread(NotificationEvents.NotificationsChanged event) { mTabLayout.showNoteBadge(event.hasUnseenNotes); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void onEventMainThread(NotificationEvents.NotificationsUnseenStatus event) { mTabLayout.showNoteBadge(event.hasUnseenNotes); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void onEventMainThread(ConnectionChangeReceiver.ConnectionChangeEvent event) { updateConnectionBar(event.isConnected()); } private void checkConnection() { updateConnectionBar(NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(this)); } private void updateConnectionBar(boolean isConnected) { if (isConnected && mConnectionBar.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { AniUtils.animateBottomBar(mConnectionBar, false); } else if (!isConnected && mConnectionBar.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { AniUtils.animateBottomBar(mConnectionBar, true); } } private void handleSiteRemoved() { if (!FluxCUtils.isSignedInWPComOrHasWPOrgSite(mAccountStore, mSiteStore)) { // User signed-out or removed the last self-hosted site, show `SignInActivity` resetFragments(); ActivityLauncher.showSignInForResult(this); } else { SiteModel site = getSelectedSite(); if (site != null) { ActivityLauncher.showSitePickerForResult(this, site); } } } /** * @return null if there is no site or if there is no selected site */ public @Nullable SiteModel getSelectedSite() { return mSelectedSite; } public void setSelectedSite(int localSiteId) { setSelectedSite(mSiteStore.getSiteByLocalId(localSiteId)); } public void setSelectedSite(@Nullable SiteModel selectedSite) { mSelectedSite = selectedSite; if (selectedSite == null) { AppPrefs.setSelectedSite(-1); return; } // When we select a site, we want to update its information or options mDispatcher.dispatch(SiteActionBuilder.newFetchSiteAction(selectedSite)); // Make selected site visible selectedSite.setIsVisible(true); AppPrefs.setSelectedSite(selectedSite.getId()); } /** * This should not be moved to a SiteUtils.getSelectedSite() or similar static method. We don't want * this to be used globally like WordPress.getCurrentBlog() was used. The state is maintained by this * Activity and the selected site parameter is passed along to other activities / fragments. */ public void initSelectedSite() { int siteLocalId = AppPrefs.getSelectedSite(); if (siteLocalId != -1) { // Site previously selected, use it mSelectedSite = mSiteStore.getSiteByLocalId(siteLocalId); // If saved site exist, then return, else (site has been removed?) try to select another site if (mSelectedSite != null) { return; } } // Try to select the primary wpcom site long siteId = mAccountStore.getAccount().getPrimarySiteId(); SiteModel primarySite = mSiteStore.getSiteBySiteId(siteId); // Primary site found, select it if (primarySite != null) { setSelectedSite(primarySite); return; } // Else select the first visible site in the list List<SiteModel> sites = mSiteStore.getVisibleSites(); if (sites.size() != 0) { setSelectedSite(sites.get(0)); return; } // Else select the first in the list sites = mSiteStore.getSites(); if (sites.size() != 0) { setSelectedSite(sites.get(0)); } // Else no site selected } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN) public void onSiteChanged(OnSiteChanged event) { // "Reload" selected site from the db // It would be better if the OnSiteChanged provided the list of changed sites. if (getSelectedSite() == null && mSiteStore.hasSite()) { setSelectedSite(mSiteStore.getSites().get(0)); } if (getSelectedSite() == null) { return; } SiteModel site = mSiteStore.getSiteByLocalId(getSelectedSite().getId()); if (site != null) { mSelectedSite = site; } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN) public void onSiteRemoved(OnSiteRemoved event) { handleSiteRemoved(); } }