package; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.Build; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.View; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ReaderUtils { public static String getResizedImageUrl(final String imageUrl, int width, int height, boolean isPrivate) { return getResizedImageUrl(imageUrl, width, height, isPrivate, PhotonUtils.Quality.MEDIUM); } public static String getResizedImageUrl(final String imageUrl, int width, int height, boolean isPrivate, PhotonUtils.Quality quality) { final String unescapedUrl = HtmlUtils.fastUnescapeHtml(imageUrl); if (isPrivate) { return getPrivateImageForDisplay(unescapedUrl, width, height); } else { return PhotonUtils.getPhotonImageUrl(unescapedUrl, width, height, quality); } } /* * use this to request a reduced size image from a private post - images in private posts can't * use photon but these are usually wp images so they support the h= and w= query params */ private static String getPrivateImageForDisplay(final String imageUrl, int width, int height) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(imageUrl)) { return ""; } final String query; if (width > 0 && height > 0) { query = "?w=" + width + "&h=" + height; } else if (width > 0) { query = "?w=" + width; } else if (height > 0) { query = "?h=" + height; } else { query = ""; } // remove the existing query string, add the new one, and make sure the url is https: return UrlUtils.removeQuery(UrlUtils.makeHttps(imageUrl)) + query; } /* * returns the passed string formatted for use with our API - see sanitize_title_with_dashes * * */ public static String sanitizeWithDashes(final String title) { if (title == null) { return ""; } return title.trim() .replaceAll("&[^\\s]*;", "") // remove html entities .replaceAll("[\\.\\s]+", "-") // replace periods and whitespace with a dash .replaceAll("[^\\p{L}\\p{Nd}\\-]+", "") // remove remaining non-alphanum/non-dash chars (Unicode aware) .replaceAll("--", "-"); // reduce double dashes potentially added above } /* * returns the long text to use for a like label ("Liked by 3 people", etc.) */ public static String getLongLikeLabelText(Context context, int numLikes, boolean isLikedByCurrentUser) { if (isLikedByCurrentUser) { switch (numLikes) { case 1: return context.getString(R.string.reader_likes_only_you); case 2: return context.getString(R.string.reader_likes_you_and_one); default: String youAndMultiLikes = context.getString(R.string.reader_likes_you_and_multi); return String.format(youAndMultiLikes, numLikes - 1); } } else { if (numLikes == 1) { return context.getString(R.string.reader_likes_one); } else { String likes = context.getString(R.string.reader_likes_multi); return String.format(likes, numLikes); } } } /* * short like text ("1 like," "5 likes," etc.) */ public static String getShortLikeLabelText(Context context, int numLikes) { switch (numLikes) { case 0: return context.getString(R.string.reader_short_like_count_none); case 1: return context.getString(R.string.reader_short_like_count_one); default: String count = FormatUtils.formatInt(numLikes); return String.format(context.getString(R.string.reader_short_like_count_multi), count); } } public static String getShortCommentLabelText(Context context, int numComments) { switch (numComments) { case 1: return context.getString(R.string.reader_short_comment_count_one); default: String count = FormatUtils.formatInt(numComments); return String.format(context.getString(R.string.reader_short_comment_count_multi), count); } } /* * returns true if a ReaderPost and ReaderComment exist for the passed Ids */ public static boolean postAndCommentExists(long blogId, long postId, long commentId) { return ReaderPostTable.postExists(blogId, postId) && ReaderCommentTable.commentExists(blogId, postId, commentId); } /* * used by Discover site picks to add a "Visit [BlogName]" link which shows the * native blog preview for that blog */ public static String makeBlogPreviewUrl(long blogId) { return "wordpress://blogpreview?blogId=" + Long.toString(blogId); } public static boolean isBlogPreviewUrl(String url) { return (url != null && url.startsWith("wordpress://blogpreview")); } public static long getBlogIdFromBlogPreviewUrl(String url) { if (isBlogPreviewUrl(url)) { String strBlogId = Uri.parse(url).getQueryParameter("blogId"); return StringUtils.stringToLong(strBlogId); } else { return 0; } } /* * returns the passed string prefixed with a "#" if it's non-empty and isn't already * prefixed with a "#" */ public static String makeHashTag(String tagName) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(tagName)) { return ""; } else if (tagName.startsWith("#")) { return tagName; } else { return "#" + tagName; } } /* * set the background of the passed view to the round ripple drawable - only works on * Lollipop or later, does nothing on earlier Android versions */ @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) public static void setBackgroundToRoundRipple(View view) { if (view != null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { view.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.ripple_oval); } } /* * returns a tag object from the passed tag name - first checks for it in the tag db * (so we can also get its title & endpoint), returns a new tag if that fails */ public static ReaderTag getTagFromTagName(String tagName, ReaderTagType tagType) { ReaderTag tag = ReaderTagTable.getTag(tagName, tagType); if (tag != null) { return tag; } else { return createTagFromTagName(tagName, tagType); } } public static ReaderTag createTagFromTagName(String tagName, ReaderTagType tagType) { String tagSlug = sanitizeWithDashes(tagName).toLowerCase(); String tagDisplayName = tagType == ReaderTagType.DEFAULT ? tagName : tagSlug; return new ReaderTag(tagSlug, tagDisplayName, tagName, null, tagType); } /* * returns the default tag, which is the one selected by default in the reader when * the user hasn't already chosen one */ public static ReaderTag getDefaultTag() { return getTagFromTagName(ReaderTag.TAG_TITLE_DEFAULT, ReaderTagType.DEFAULT); } }