package; import; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.View; import android.widget.RemoteViews; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.inject.Inject; public class StatsWidgetProvider extends AppWidgetProvider { @Inject SiteStore mSiteStore; @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { ((WordPress) context.getApplicationContext()).component().inject(this); super.onReceive(context, intent); } private static void showMessage(Context context, int[] allWidgets, String message, SiteStore siteStore) { if (allWidgets.length == 0) { return; } AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context); for (int widgetId : allWidgets) { RemoteViews remoteViews = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.stats_widget_layout); int remoteBlogID = getRemoteBlogIDFromWidgetID(widgetId); SiteModel site = siteStore.getSiteBySiteId(remoteBlogID); String name; if (site != null) { name = context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_name_for_blog); name = String.format(name, StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(SiteUtils.getSiteNameOrHomeURL(site))); } else { name = context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_name); } remoteViews.setTextViewText(, name); remoteViews.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); remoteViews.setViewVisibility(, View.GONE); remoteViews.setTextViewText(, message); Intent intent = new Intent(context, WPMainActivity.class); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK); intent.setAction("android.intent.action.MAIN"); intent.addCategory("android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"); PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, 0); remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingIntent); appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(widgetId, remoteViews); } } private static void updateTabValue(Context context, RemoteViews remoteViews, int viewId, String text) { remoteViews.setTextViewText(viewId, text); if (text.equals("0")) { remoteViews.setTextColor(viewId, context.getResources().getColor(R.color.grey)); } } private static void showStatsData(Context context, int[] allWidgets, SiteModel site, JSONObject data) { if (allWidgets.length == 0){ return; } AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context); String name = context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_name_for_blog); name = String.format(name, StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(SiteUtils.getSiteNameOrHomeURL(site))); for (int widgetId : allWidgets) { RemoteViews remoteViews = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.stats_widget_layout); remoteViews.setTextViewText(, name); remoteViews.setViewVisibility(, View.GONE); remoteViews.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); // Update Views updateTabValue(context, remoteViews,, data.optString("views", " 0")); // Update Visitors updateTabValue(context, remoteViews,, data.optString("visitors", " 0")); // Update Comments updateTabValue(context, remoteViews,, data.optString("comments", " 0")); // Update Likes updateTabValue(context, remoteViews,, data.optString("likes", " 0")); Intent intent = new Intent(context, StatsActivity.class); intent.putExtra(WordPress.SITE, site); intent.putExtra(StatsActivity.ARG_LAUNCHED_FROM, StatsActivity.StatsLaunchedFrom.STATS_WIDGET); intent.putExtra(StatsActivity.ARG_DESIRED_TIMEFRAME, StatsTimeframe.DAY); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, site.getId(), intent, PendingIntent .FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingIntent); appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(widgetId, remoteViews); } } private static void ShowCacheIfAvailableOrGenericError(Context context, SiteModel site, SiteStore siteStore) { if (site == null) { AppLog.e(T.STATS, "Invalid site."); return; } int[] widgetIDs = getWidgetIDsFromRemoteBlogID(site.getSiteId()); if (widgetIDs.length == 0) { return; } String currentDate = StatsUtils.getCurrentDateTZ(site); // Show cached data if available JSONObject cache = getCacheDataForBlog(site.getSiteId(), currentDate); if (cache != null) { showStatsData(context, widgetIDs, site, cache); } else { showMessage(context, widgetIDs, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_generic), siteStore); } } // This is called by the Stats service in case of error public static void updateWidgets(Context context, SiteModel site, SiteStore siteStore, VolleyError error) { if (error == null) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "Widget received a VolleyError that is null!"); return; } if (site == null) { return; } // If it's an auth error, show it in the widget UI if (error instanceof { int[] widgetIDs = getWidgetIDsFromRemoteBlogID(site.getSiteId()); if (widgetIDs.length == 0){ return; } // Check if Jetpack or .com if (SiteUtils.isAccessedViaWPComRest(site)) { // User cannot access stats for this .com blog showMessage(context, widgetIDs, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_no_permissions), siteStore); } else { // Not logged into wpcom, or the main .com account of the app is not linked with this blog showMessage(context, widgetIDs, context.getString(R.string.stats_sign_in_jetpack_different_com_account), siteStore); } return; } ShowCacheIfAvailableOrGenericError(context, site, siteStore); } // This is called by the Stats service in case of error public static void updateWidgets(Context context, SiteModel site, SiteStore siteStore, StatsError error) { if (error == null) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "Widget received a StatsError that is null!"); return; } ShowCacheIfAvailableOrGenericError(context, site, siteStore); } // This is called by the Stats service to keep widgets updated public static void updateWidgets(Context context, SiteModel site, VisitModel data) { if (site == null) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "No blog found in the db!"); return; } AppLog.d(AppLog.T.STATS, "updateWidgets called for the blogID " + site.getSiteId()); int[] widgetIDs = getWidgetIDsFromRemoteBlogID(site.getSiteId()); if (widgetIDs.length == 0) { return; } try { String currentDate = StatsUtils.getCurrentDateTZ(site); JSONObject newData = new JSONObject(); newData.put("blog_id", data.getBlogID()); newData.put("date", currentDate); newData.put("views", data.getViews()); newData.put("visitors", data.getVisitors()); newData.put("comments", data.getComments()); newData.put("likes", data.getLikes()); // Store new data in cache String prevDataAsString = AppPrefs.getStatsWidgetsData(); JSONObject prevData = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(prevDataAsString)) { try { prevData = new JSONObject(prevDataAsString); } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, e); } } try { if (prevData == null) { prevData = new JSONObject(); } prevData.put(String.valueOf(data.getBlogID()), newData); AppPrefs.setStatsWidgetsData(prevData.toString()); } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, e); } // Show data on the screen now! showStatsData(context, widgetIDs, site, newData); } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, e); } } // This is called to update the App Widget at intervals defined by the updatePeriodMillis attribute in the AppWidgetProviderInfo. // Also called at booting time! // This method is NOT called when the user adds the App Widget. @Override public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds) { AppLog.d(AppLog.T.STATS, "onUpdate called"); refreshWidgets(context, appWidgetIds, mSiteStore); } /** * This is called when an instance the App Widget is created for the first time. * For example, if the user adds two instances of your App Widget, this is only called the first time. */ @Override public void onEnabled(Context context) { AppLog.d(AppLog.T.STATS, "onEnabled called"); // Note: don't erase prefs here, since for some reasons this method is called after the booting of the device. } /** * This is called when the last instance of your App Widget is deleted from the App Widget host. * This is where you should clean up any work done in onEnabled(Context), such as delete a temporary database. * @param context The Context in which this receiver is running. */ @Override public void onDisabled(Context context) { AppLog.d(AppLog.T.STATS, "onDisabled called"); AnalyticsTracker.track(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.STATS_WIDGET_REMOVED); AnalyticsTracker.flush(); AppPrefs.resetStatsWidgetsKeys(); AppPrefs.resetStatsWidgetsData(); } /** * This is called every time an App Widget is deleted from the App Widget host. * @param context The Context in which this receiver is running. * @param widgetIDs Widget IDs to set blank. We cannot remove widget from home screen. */ @Override public void onDeleted(Context context, int[] widgetIDs) { setRemoteBlogIDForWidgetIDs(widgetIDs, 0); } public static void enqueueStatsRequestForBlog(Context context, long remoteBlogID, String date) { // start service to get stats Intent intent = new Intent(context, StatsService.class); intent.putExtra(StatsService.ARG_BLOG_ID, remoteBlogID); intent.putExtra(StatsService.ARG_PERIOD, StatsTimeframe.DAY); intent.putExtra(StatsService.ARG_DATE, date); intent.putExtra(StatsService.ARG_SECTION, new int[]{StatsService.StatsEndpointsEnum.VISITS.ordinal()}); context.startService(intent); } private static synchronized JSONObject getCacheDataForBlog(long remoteBlogID, String date) { String prevDataAsString = AppPrefs.getStatsWidgetsData(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(prevDataAsString)) { AppLog.i(AppLog.T.STATS, "No cache found for the widgets"); return null; } try { JSONObject prevData = new JSONObject(prevDataAsString); if (!prevData.has(String.valueOf(remoteBlogID))) { AppLog.i(AppLog.T.STATS, "No cache found for the blog ID " + remoteBlogID); return null; } JSONObject cache = prevData.getJSONObject(String.valueOf(remoteBlogID)); String dateStoredInCache = cache.optString("date"); if (date.equals(dateStoredInCache)) { AppLog.i(AppLog.T.STATS, "Cache found for the blog ID " + remoteBlogID); return cache; } else { AppLog.i(AppLog.T.STATS, "Cache found for the blog ID " + remoteBlogID + " but the date value doesn't match!!"); return null; } } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, e); return null; } } public static synchronized boolean isBlogDisplayedInWidget(long remoteBlogID) { String prevWidgetKeysString = AppPrefs.getStatsWidgetsKeys(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(prevWidgetKeysString)) { return false; } try { JSONObject prevKeys = new JSONObject(prevWidgetKeysString); JSONArray allKeys = prevKeys.names(); if (allKeys == null) { return false; } for (int i=0; i < allKeys.length(); i ++) { String currentKey = allKeys.getString(i); int currentBlogID = prevKeys.getInt(currentKey); if (currentBlogID == remoteBlogID) { return true; } } } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, e); } return false; } private static synchronized int[] getWidgetIDsFromRemoteBlogID(long remoteBlogID) { String prevWidgetKeysString = AppPrefs.getStatsWidgetsKeys(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(prevWidgetKeysString)) { return new int[0]; } ArrayList<Integer> widgetIDs = new ArrayList<>(); try { JSONObject prevKeys = new JSONObject(prevWidgetKeysString); JSONArray allKeys = prevKeys.names(); if (allKeys == null) { return new int[0]; } for (int i=0; i < allKeys.length(); i ++) { String currentKey = allKeys.getString(i); int currentBlogID = prevKeys.getInt(currentKey); if (currentBlogID == remoteBlogID) { AppLog.d(AppLog.T.STATS, "The blog with remoteID " + remoteBlogID + " is displayed in the widget " + currentKey); widgetIDs.add(Integer.parseInt(currentKey)); } } } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, e); } return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(widgetIDs.toArray(new Integer[widgetIDs.size()])); } private static synchronized int getRemoteBlogIDFromWidgetID(int widgetID) { String prevWidgetKeysString = AppPrefs.getStatsWidgetsKeys(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(prevWidgetKeysString)) { return 0; } try { JSONObject prevKeys = new JSONObject(prevWidgetKeysString); return prevKeys.optInt(String.valueOf(widgetID), 0); } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, e); } return 0; } // Store the association between widgetIDs and the remote blog id into prefs. private static void setRemoteBlogIDForWidgetIDs(int[] widgetIDs, long remoteBlogID) { String prevWidgetKeysString = AppPrefs.getStatsWidgetsKeys(); JSONObject prevKeys = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(prevWidgetKeysString)) { try { prevKeys = new JSONObject(prevWidgetKeysString); } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, e); } } if (prevKeys == null) { prevKeys = new JSONObject(); } for (int widgetID : widgetIDs) { try { prevKeys.put(String.valueOf(widgetID), remoteBlogID); AppPrefs.setStatsWidgetsKeys(prevKeys.toString()); } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, e); } } } // This is called by the Widget config activity at the end if the process static void setupNewWidget(Context context, int widgetID, int localBlogID, SiteStore siteStore) { AppLog.d(AppLog.T.STATS, "setupNewWidget called"); SiteModel site = siteStore.getSiteByLocalId(localBlogID); if (site == null) { // it's unlikely that blog is null here. // This method is called from config activity which has loaded the blog fine. showMessage(context, new int[]{widgetID}, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_readd_widget), siteStore); AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "setupNewWidget: No blog found in the db!"); return; } // At this point the remote ID cannot be null. long remoteBlogID = site.getSiteId(); // Add the following check just to be safe if (remoteBlogID == 0) { showMessage(context, new int[]{widgetID}, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_readd_widget), siteStore); return; } AnalyticsUtils.trackWithSiteDetails(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.STATS_WIDGET_ADDED, site); AnalyticsTracker.flush(); // Store the association between the widget ID and the remote blog id into prefs. setRemoteBlogIDForWidgetIDs(new int[] {widgetID}, site.getSiteId()); String currentDate = StatsUtils.getCurrentDateTZ(site); // Load cached data if available and show it immediately JSONObject cache = getCacheDataForBlog(remoteBlogID, currentDate); if (cache != null) { showStatsData(context, new int[] {widgetID}, site, cache); return; } if (!NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(context)) { showMessage(context, new int[] {widgetID}, context.getString(R.string.no_network_title), siteStore); } else { showMessage(context, new int[] {widgetID}, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_loading_data), siteStore); enqueueStatsRequestForBlog(context, remoteBlogID, currentDate); } } private static void refreshWidgets(Context context, int[] appWidgetIds, SiteStore siteStore) { // TODO: FluxC: This file must be refactored, we probably want a "WidgetManager" and keep the bare minimum // here in the AppWidgetProvider. // if (!mAccountStore.isSignedIn()) { // showMessage(context, appWidgetIds, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_no_account)); // return; // } SparseArray<ArrayList<Integer>> blogsToWidgetIDs = new SparseArray<>(); for (int widgetId : appWidgetIds) { int remoteBlogID = getRemoteBlogIDFromWidgetID(widgetId); if (remoteBlogID == 0) { // This could happen on logout when prefs are erased completely since we cannot remove // widgets programmatically from the screen, or during the configuration of new widgets!!! AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "No remote blog ID for widget ID " + widgetId); showMessage(context, new int[] {widgetId}, context.getString(R.string .stats_widget_error_readd_widget), siteStore); continue; } ArrayList<Integer> widgetIDs = blogsToWidgetIDs.get(remoteBlogID, new ArrayList<Integer>()); widgetIDs.add(widgetId); blogsToWidgetIDs.append(remoteBlogID, widgetIDs); } // we now have an optimized data structure for our needs. BlogId -> widgetIDs list for(int i = 0; i < blogsToWidgetIDs.size(); i++) { int remoteBlogID = blogsToWidgetIDs.keyAt(i); // get the object by the key. ArrayList<Integer> widgetsList = blogsToWidgetIDs.get(remoteBlogID); int[] currentWidgets = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(widgetsList.toArray(new Integer[widgetsList.size()])); SiteModel site = siteStore.getSiteBySiteId(remoteBlogID); if (site == null) { // No site in the app showMessage(context, currentWidgets, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_readd_widget), siteStore); continue; } String currentDate = StatsUtils.getCurrentDateTZ(site); // Load cached data if available and show it immediately JSONObject cache = getCacheDataForBlog(remoteBlogID, currentDate); if (cache != null) { showStatsData(context, currentWidgets, site, cache); } // If network is not available check if NO cache, and show the generic error // If network is available always start a refresh, and show prev data or the loading in progress message. if (!NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(context)) { if (cache == null) { showMessage(context, currentWidgets, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_error_generic), siteStore); } } else { if (cache == null) { showMessage(context, currentWidgets, context.getString(R.string.stats_widget_loading_data), siteStore); } // Make sure to refresh widget data now. enqueueStatsRequestForBlog(context, remoteBlogID, currentDate); } } } public static void refreshAllWidgets(Context context, SiteStore siteStore) { AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context); ComponentName thisWidget = new ComponentName(context, StatsWidgetProvider.class); int[] allWidgetIds = appWidgetManager.getAppWidgetIds(thisWidget); refreshWidgets(context, allWidgetIds, siteStore); } }