package; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class ReaderImageScanner { private final String mContent; private final boolean mIsPrivate; private final boolean mContentContainsImages; private static final Pattern IMG_TAG_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "<img(\\s+.*?)(?:src\\s*=\\s*(?:'|\")(.*?)(?:'|\"))(.*?)>", Pattern.DOTALL| Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); public ReaderImageScanner(String contentOfPost, boolean isPrivate) { mContent = contentOfPost; mIsPrivate = isPrivate; mContentContainsImages = mContent != null && mContent.contains("<img"); } /* * start scanning the content for images and notify the passed listener about each one */ public void beginScan(ReaderHtmlUtils.HtmlScannerListener listener) { if (listener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("HtmlScannerListener is required"); } if (!mContentContainsImages) { return; } Matcher imgMatcher = IMG_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(mContent); while (imgMatcher.find()) { String imageTag = mContent.substring(imgMatcher.start(), imgMatcher.end()); String imageUrl = ReaderHtmlUtils.getSrcAttrValue(imageTag); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(imageUrl)) { listener.onTagFound(imageTag, imageUrl); } } } /* * returns a list of image URLs in the content up to the max above a certain width - pass zero * to include all images regardless of size */ public ReaderImageList getImageList(int maxImageCount, int minImageWidth) { ReaderImageList imageList = new ReaderImageList(mIsPrivate); if (!mContentContainsImages) { return imageList; } Matcher imgMatcher = IMG_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(mContent); while (imgMatcher.find()) { String imgTag = mContent.substring(imgMatcher.start(), imgMatcher.end()); String imageUrl = ReaderHtmlUtils.getSrcAttrValue(imgTag); if (minImageWidth == 0) { imageList.addImageUrl(imageUrl); } else { int width = Math.max(ReaderHtmlUtils.getWidthAttrValue(imgTag), ReaderHtmlUtils.getIntQueryParam(imageUrl, "w")); if (width >= minImageWidth) { imageList.addImageUrl(imageUrl); if (maxImageCount > 0 && imageList.size() >= maxImageCount) { break; } } } } return imageList; } /* * returns true if there at least `minImageCount` images in the post content that are at * least `minImageWidth` in size */ public boolean hasUsableImageCount(int minImageCount, int minImageWidth) { return getImageList(minImageCount, minImageWidth).size() == minImageCount; } /* * used when a post doesn't have a featured image assigned, searches post's content * for an image that may be large enough to be suitable as a featured image */ public String getLargestImage(int minImageWidth) { if (!mContentContainsImages) { return null; } String currentImageUrl = null; int currentMaxWidth = minImageWidth; Matcher imgMatcher = IMG_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(mContent); while (imgMatcher.find()) { String imgTag = mContent.substring(imgMatcher.start(), imgMatcher.end()); String imageUrl = ReaderHtmlUtils.getSrcAttrValue(imgTag); int width = Math.max(ReaderHtmlUtils.getWidthAttrValue(imgTag), ReaderHtmlUtils.getIntQueryParam(imageUrl, "w")); if (width > currentMaxWidth) { currentImageUrl = imageUrl; currentMaxWidth = width; } } return currentImageUrl; } /* * same as above, but doesn't enforce the max width - will return the first image found if * no images have their width set */ public String getLargestImage() { return getLargestImage(-1); } }