package; import android.webkit.JavascriptInterface; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static; public class JsCallbackReceiver { private static final String JS_CALLBACK_DELIMITER = "~"; private static final String CALLBACK_DOM_LOADED = "callback-dom-loaded"; private static final String CALLBACK_NEW_FIELD = "callback-new-field"; private static final String CALLBACK_INPUT = "callback-input"; private static final String CALLBACK_SELECTION_CHANGED = "callback-selection-changed"; private static final String CALLBACK_SELECTION_STYLE = "callback-selection-style"; private static final String CALLBACK_FOCUS_IN = "callback-focus-in"; private static final String CALLBACK_FOCUS_OUT = "callback-focus-out"; private static final String CALLBACK_IMAGE_REPLACED = "callback-image-replaced"; private static final String CALLBACK_VIDEO_REPLACED = "callback-video-replaced"; private static final String CALLBACK_IMAGE_TAP = "callback-image-tap"; private static final String CALLBACK_LINK_TAP = "callback-link-tap"; private static final String CALLBACK_MEDIA_REMOVED = "callback-media-removed"; private static final String CALLBACK_VIDEOPRESS_INFO_REQUEST = "callback-videopress-info-request"; private static final String CALLBACK_LOG = "callback-log"; private static final String CALLBACK_RESPONSE_STRING = "callback-response-string"; private static final String CALLBACK_ACTION_FINISHED = "callback-action-finished"; private final OnJsEditorStateChangedListener mListener; private Set<String> mPreviousStyleSet = new HashSet<>(); public JsCallbackReceiver(EditorFragmentAbstract editorFragmentAbstract) { mListener = (OnJsEditorStateChangedListener) editorFragmentAbstract; } @JavascriptInterface public void executeCallback(String callbackId, String params) { switch (callbackId) { case CALLBACK_DOM_LOADED: mListener.onDomLoaded(); break; case CALLBACK_SELECTION_STYLE: // Compare the new styles to the previous ones, and notify the JsCallbackListener of the changeset Set<String> rawStyleSet = Utils.splitDelimitedString(params, JS_CALLBACK_DELIMITER); // Strip link details from active style set Set<String> newStyleSet = new HashSet<>(); for (String element : rawStyleSet) { if (element.matches("link:(.*)")) { newStyleSet.add("link"); } else if (!element.matches("link-title:(.*)")) { newStyleSet.add(element); } } mListener.onSelectionStyleChanged(Utils.getChangeMapFromSets(mPreviousStyleSet, newStyleSet)); mPreviousStyleSet = newStyleSet; break; case CALLBACK_SELECTION_CHANGED: // Called for changes to the field in current focus and for changes made to selection // (includes moving the caret without selecting text) // TODO: Possibly needed for handling WebView scrolling when caret moves (from iOS) Set<String> selectionKeyValueSet = Utils.splitDelimitedString(params, JS_CALLBACK_DELIMITER); mListener.onSelectionChanged(Utils.buildMapFromKeyValuePairs(selectionKeyValueSet)); break; case CALLBACK_INPUT: // Called on key press // TODO: Possibly needed for handling WebView scrolling when caret moves (from iOS) break; case CALLBACK_FOCUS_IN: // TODO: Needed to handle displaying/graying the format bar when focus changes between the title and content AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, "Focus in callback received"); break; case CALLBACK_FOCUS_OUT: // TODO: Needed to handle displaying/graying the format bar when focus changes between the title and content AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, "Focus out callback received"); break; case CALLBACK_NEW_FIELD: // TODO: Used for logging/testing purposes on iOS AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, "New field created, " + params); break; case CALLBACK_IMAGE_REPLACED: AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, "Image replaced, " + params); // Extract the local media id from the callback string (stripping the 'id=' part) if (params.length() > 3) { mListener.onMediaReplaced(params.substring(3)); } break; case CALLBACK_VIDEO_REPLACED: AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, "Video replaced, " + params); // Extract the local media id from the callback string (stripping the 'id=' part) if (params.length() > 3) { mListener.onMediaReplaced(params.substring(3)); } break; case CALLBACK_IMAGE_TAP: AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, "Image tapped, " + params); String uploadStatus = ""; List<String> mediaIds = new ArrayList<>(); mediaIds.add("id"); mediaIds.add("url"); mediaIds.add("meta"); mediaIds.add("type"); Set<String> mediaDataSet = Utils.splitValuePairDelimitedString(params, JS_CALLBACK_DELIMITER, mediaIds); Map<String, String> mediaDataMap = Utils.buildMapFromKeyValuePairs(mediaDataSet); String mediaId = mediaDataMap.get("id"); String mediaUrl = mediaDataMap.get("url"); if (mediaUrl != null) { mediaUrl = Utils.decodeHtml(mediaUrl); } MediaType mediaType = MediaType.fromString(mediaDataMap.get("type")); String mediaMeta = mediaDataMap.get("meta"); JSONObject mediaMetaJson = new JSONObject(); if (mediaMeta != null) { mediaMeta = Utils.decodeHtml(mediaMeta); try { mediaMetaJson = new JSONObject(mediaMeta); String classes = JSONUtils.getString(mediaMetaJson, "classes"); Set<String> classesSet = Utils.splitDelimitedString(classes, ", "); if (classesSet.contains("uploading")) { uploadStatus = "uploading"; } else if (classesSet.contains("failed")) { uploadStatus = "failed"; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, "Media meta data from callback-image-tap was not JSON-formatted"); } } mListener.onMediaTapped(mediaId, mediaType, mediaMetaJson, uploadStatus); break; case CALLBACK_LINK_TAP: // Extract and HTML-decode the link data from the callback params AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, "Link tapped, " + params); List<String> linkIds = new ArrayList<>(); linkIds.add("url"); linkIds.add("title"); Set<String> linkDataSet = Utils.splitValuePairDelimitedString(params, JS_CALLBACK_DELIMITER, linkIds); Map<String, String> linkDataMap = Utils.buildMapFromKeyValuePairs(linkDataSet); String url = linkDataMap.get("url"); if (url != null) { url = Utils.decodeHtml(url); } String title = linkDataMap.get("title"); if (title != null) { title = Utils.decodeHtml(title); } mListener.onLinkTapped(url, title); break; case CALLBACK_MEDIA_REMOVED: AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, "Media removed, " + params); // Extract the media id from the callback string (stripping the 'id=' part of the callback string) if (params.length() > 3) { mListener.onMediaRemoved(params.substring(3)); } break; case CALLBACK_VIDEOPRESS_INFO_REQUEST: // Extract the VideoPress id from the callback string (stripping the 'id=' part of the callback string) if (params.length() > 3) { mListener.onVideoPressInfoRequested(params.substring(3)); } break; case CALLBACK_LOG: // Strip 'msg=' from beginning of string if (params.length() > 4) { AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, callbackId + ": " + params.substring(4)); } break; case CALLBACK_RESPONSE_STRING: AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, callbackId + ": " + params); Set<String> responseDataSet; if (params.startsWith("function=") && params.contains(JS_CALLBACK_DELIMITER)) { String functionName = params.substring("function=".length(), params.indexOf(JS_CALLBACK_DELIMITER)); List<String> responseIds = new ArrayList<>(); switch (functionName) { case "getHTMLForCallback": responseIds.add("id"); responseIds.add("contents"); break; case "getSelectedTextToLinkify": responseIds.add("result"); break; case "getFailedMedia": responseIds.add("ids"); } responseDataSet = Utils.splitValuePairDelimitedString(params, JS_CALLBACK_DELIMITER, responseIds); } else { responseDataSet = Utils.splitDelimitedString(params, JS_CALLBACK_DELIMITER); } mListener.onGetHtmlResponse(Utils.buildMapFromKeyValuePairs(responseDataSet)); break; case CALLBACK_ACTION_FINISHED: mListener.onActionFinished(); break; default: AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, "Unhandled callback: " + callbackId + ":" + params); } } }