package; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Stack; /* * used to maintain a history of posts viewed in the detail fragment so we can navigate back * through them when the user hits the back button - currently used only for related posts */ class ReaderPostHistory extends Stack<ReaderBlogIdPostId> { private static final String HISTORY_KEY_NAME = "reader_post_history"; void restoreInstance(Bundle bundle) { clear(); if (bundle != null && bundle.containsKey(HISTORY_KEY_NAME)) { ArrayList<String> history = bundle.getStringArrayList(HISTORY_KEY_NAME); if (history != null) { this.fromArrayList(history); } } } void saveInstance(Bundle bundle) { if (bundle != null && !isEmpty()) { bundle.putStringArrayList(HISTORY_KEY_NAME, this.toArrayList()); } } private ArrayList<String> toArrayList() { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (ReaderBlogIdPostId ids : this) { list.add(ids.getBlogId() + ":" + ids.getPostId()); } return list; } private void fromArrayList(ArrayList<String> list) { if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) return; for (String idPair: list) { String[] split = idPair.split(":"); long blogId = StringUtils.stringToLong(split[0]); long postId = StringUtils.stringToLong(split[1]); this.add(new ReaderBlogIdPostId(blogId, postId)); } } }