package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class PeopleTable { private static final String TEAM_TABLE = "people_team"; private static final String FOLLOWERS_TABLE = "people_followers"; private static final String EMAIL_FOLLOWERS_TABLE = "people_email_followers"; private static final String VIEWERS_TABLE = "people_viewers"; private static SQLiteDatabase getReadableDb() { return WordPress.wpDB.getDatabase(); } private static SQLiteDatabase getWritableDb() { return WordPress.wpDB.getDatabase(); } public static void createTables(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + TEAM_TABLE + " (" + "person_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + "local_blog_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + "user_name TEXT," + "display_name TEXT," + "avatar_url TEXT," + "role TEXT," + "PRIMARY KEY (person_id, local_blog_id)" + ");"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + FOLLOWERS_TABLE + " (" + "person_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + "local_blog_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + "user_name TEXT," + "display_name TEXT," + "avatar_url TEXT," + "subscribed TEXT," + "PRIMARY KEY (person_id, local_blog_id)" + ");"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + EMAIL_FOLLOWERS_TABLE + " (" + "person_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + "local_blog_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + "display_name TEXT," + "avatar_url TEXT," + "subscribed TEXT," + "PRIMARY KEY (person_id, local_blog_id)" + ");"); } public static void createViewersTable(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + VIEWERS_TABLE + " (" + "person_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + "local_blog_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + "user_name TEXT," + "display_name TEXT," + "avatar_url TEXT," + "PRIMARY KEY (person_id, local_blog_id)" + ");"); } private static void dropTables(SQLiteDatabase db) { // People table is not used anymore, each filter now has it's own table db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS people"); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TEAM_TABLE); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + FOLLOWERS_TABLE); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + EMAIL_FOLLOWERS_TABLE); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + VIEWERS_TABLE); } public static void reset(SQLiteDatabase db) { AppLog.i(AppLog.T.PEOPLE, "resetting people table"); dropTables(db); createTables(db); } public static void saveUser(Person person) { save(TEAM_TABLE, person, getWritableDb()); } private static void save(String table, Person person, SQLiteDatabase database) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("person_id", person.getPersonID()); values.put("local_blog_id", person.getLocalTableBlogId()); values.put("display_name", person.getDisplayName()); values.put("avatar_url", person.getAvatarUrl()); switch (table) { case TEAM_TABLE: values.put("user_name", person.getUsername()); if (person.getRole() != null) { values.put("role", person.getRole().toString()); } break; case FOLLOWERS_TABLE: values.put("user_name", person.getUsername()); values.put("subscribed", person.getSubscribed()); break; case EMAIL_FOLLOWERS_TABLE: values.put("subscribed", person.getSubscribed()); break; case VIEWERS_TABLE: values.put("user_name", person.getUsername()); break; } database.insertWithOnConflict(table, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE); } public static void saveUsers(List<Person> peopleList, int localTableBlogId, boolean isFreshList) { savePeople(TEAM_TABLE, peopleList, localTableBlogId, isFreshList); } public static void saveFollowers(List<Person> peopleList, int localTableBlogId, boolean isFreshList) { savePeople(FOLLOWERS_TABLE, peopleList, localTableBlogId, isFreshList); } public static void saveEmailFollowers(List<Person> peopleList, int localTableBlogId, boolean isFreshList) { savePeople(EMAIL_FOLLOWERS_TABLE, peopleList, localTableBlogId, isFreshList); } public static void saveViewers(List<Person> peopleList, int localTableBlogId, boolean isFreshList) { savePeople(VIEWERS_TABLE, peopleList, localTableBlogId, isFreshList); } private static void savePeople(String table, List<Person> peopleList, int localTableBlogId, boolean isFreshList) { getWritableDb().beginTransaction(); try { // We have a fresh list, remove the previous list of people in case it was deleted on remote if (isFreshList) { PeopleTable.deletePeople(table, localTableBlogId); } for (Person person : peopleList) {, person, getWritableDb()); } getWritableDb().setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { getWritableDb().endTransaction(); } } public static void deletePeopleForLocalBlogId(int localTableBlogId) { deletePeople(TEAM_TABLE, localTableBlogId); deletePeople(FOLLOWERS_TABLE, localTableBlogId); deletePeople(EMAIL_FOLLOWERS_TABLE, localTableBlogId); deletePeople(VIEWERS_TABLE, localTableBlogId); } private static void deletePeople(String table, int localTableBlogId) { String[] args = new String[]{Integer.toString(localTableBlogId)}; getWritableDb().delete(table, "local_blog_id=?1", args); } /** * In order to avoid syncing issues, this method will be called when People page is created. We only keep * the first page of users, so we don't show an empty screen. When fresh data is received, it'll replace * the existing page. * @param localTableBlogId - the local blog id people will be deleted from */ public static void deletePeopleExceptForFirstPage(int localTableBlogId) { int fetchLimit = PeopleUtils.FETCH_LIMIT; String[] tables = {TEAM_TABLE, FOLLOWERS_TABLE, EMAIL_FOLLOWERS_TABLE, VIEWERS_TABLE}; getWritableDb().beginTransaction(); try { for (String table : tables) { int size = getPeopleCountForLocalBlogId(table, localTableBlogId); if (size > fetchLimit) { String where = "local_blog_id=" + localTableBlogId; String[] columns = {"person_id"}; String limit = Integer.toString(size - fetchLimit); String orderBy; if (shouldOrderAlphabetically(table)) { orderBy = "lower(display_name) DESC, lower(user_name) DESC"; } else { orderBy = "ROWID DESC"; } String inQuery = SQLiteQueryBuilder.buildQueryString(false, table, columns, where, null, null, orderBy, limit); String[] args = new String[] {Integer.toString(localTableBlogId)}; getWritableDb().delete(table, "local_blog_id=?1 AND person_id IN (" + inQuery + ")", args); } } getWritableDb().setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { getWritableDb().endTransaction(); } } public static int getUsersCountForLocalBlogId(int localTableBlogId) { return getPeopleCountForLocalBlogId(TEAM_TABLE, localTableBlogId); } public static int getViewersCountForLocalBlogId(int localTableBlogId) { return getPeopleCountForLocalBlogId(VIEWERS_TABLE, localTableBlogId); } private static int getPeopleCountForLocalBlogId(String table, int localTableBlogId) { String[] args = new String[]{Integer.toString(localTableBlogId)}; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + table + " WHERE local_blog_id=?"; return SqlUtils.intForQuery(getReadableDb(), sql, args); } public static void deletePerson(long personID, int localTableBlogId, Person.PersonType personType) { String table = getTableForPersonType(personType); if (table != null) { deletePerson(table, personID, localTableBlogId); } } private static void deletePerson(String table, long personID, int localTableBlogId) { String[] args = new String[]{Long.toString(personID), Integer.toString(localTableBlogId)}; getWritableDb().delete(table, "person_id=? AND local_blog_id=?", args); } public static List<Person> getUsers(int localTableBlogId) { return PeopleTable.getPeople(TEAM_TABLE, localTableBlogId); } public static List<Person> getFollowers(int localTableBlogId) { return PeopleTable.getPeople(FOLLOWERS_TABLE, localTableBlogId); } public static List<Person> getEmailFollowers(int localTableBlogId) { return PeopleTable.getPeople(EMAIL_FOLLOWERS_TABLE, localTableBlogId); } public static List<Person> getViewers(int localTableBlogId) { return PeopleTable.getPeople(VIEWERS_TABLE, localTableBlogId); } private static List<Person> getPeople(String table, int localTableBlogId) { String[] args = {Integer.toString(localTableBlogId)}; String orderBy; if (shouldOrderAlphabetically(table)) { orderBy = " ORDER BY lower(display_name), lower(user_name)"; } else { // we want the server-side order for followers & viewers orderBy = " ORDER BY ROWID"; } Cursor c = getReadableDb().rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + table + " WHERE local_blog_id=?" + orderBy, args); List<Person> people = new ArrayList<>(); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { Person person = getPersonFromCursor(c, table, localTableBlogId); people.add(person); } } finally { SqlUtils.closeCursor(c); } return people; } @Nullable public static Person getPerson(long personId, int localTableBlogId, Person.PersonType personType) { String table = getTableForPersonType(personType); if (table != null) { return getPerson(table, personId, localTableBlogId); } return null; } public static Person getUser(long personId, int localTableBlogId) { return getPerson(TEAM_TABLE, personId, localTableBlogId); } /** * retrieve a person * @param table - sql table the person record is in * @param personId - id of a person in a particular blog * @param localTableBlogId - the local blog id the user belongs to * @return Person if found, null otherwise */ private static Person getPerson(String table, long personId, int localTableBlogId) { String[] args = { Long.toString(personId), Integer.toString(localTableBlogId)}; Cursor c = getReadableDb().rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + table + " WHERE person_id=? AND local_blog_id=?", args); try { if (!c.moveToFirst()) { return null; } return getPersonFromCursor(c, table, localTableBlogId); } finally { SqlUtils.closeCursor(c); } } private static Person getPersonFromCursor(Cursor c, String table, int localTableBlogId) { long personId = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex("person_id")); Person person = new Person(personId, localTableBlogId); person.setDisplayName(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("display_name"))); person.setAvatarUrl(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("avatar_url"))); switch (table) { case TEAM_TABLE: person.setUsername(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("user_name"))); String role = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("role")); person.setRole(Role.fromString(role)); person.setPersonType(Person.PersonType.USER); break; case FOLLOWERS_TABLE: person.setUsername(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("user_name"))); person.setSubscribed(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("subscribed"))); person.setPersonType(Person.PersonType.FOLLOWER); break; case EMAIL_FOLLOWERS_TABLE: person.setSubscribed(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("subscribed"))); person.setPersonType(Person.PersonType.EMAIL_FOLLOWER); break; case VIEWERS_TABLE: person.setUsername(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("user_name"))); person.setPersonType(Person.PersonType.VIEWER); break; } return person; } // order is disabled for followers & viewers for now since the API is not supporting it private static boolean shouldOrderAlphabetically(String table) { return table.equals(TEAM_TABLE); } @Nullable private static String getTableForPersonType(Person.PersonType personType) { switch (personType) { case USER: return TEAM_TABLE; case FOLLOWER: return FOLLOWERS_TABLE; case EMAIL_FOLLOWER: return EMAIL_FOLLOWERS_TABLE; case VIEWER: return VIEWERS_TABLE; } return null; } }