package; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class PostViewsModel implements Serializable { private String mOriginalResponse; private int mHighestMonth, mHighestDayAverage, mHighestWeekAverage; private String mDate; private VisitModel[] mDayViews; //Used to build the graph private List<Year> mYears; private List<Year> mAverages; private List<Week> mWeeks; public String getDate() { return mDate; } public String getOriginalResponse() { return mOriginalResponse; } public VisitModel[] getDayViews() { return mDayViews; } public int getHighestMonth() { return mHighestMonth; } public int getHighestDayAverage() { return mHighestDayAverage; } public int getHighestWeekAverage() { return mHighestWeekAverage; } public List<Year> getYears() { return mYears; } public List<Year> getAverages() { return mAverages; } public List<Week> getWeeks() { return mWeeks; } public PostViewsModel(String response) throws JSONException { this.mOriginalResponse = response; JSONObject responseObj = new JSONObject(response); parseResponseObject(responseObj); } public PostViewsModel(JSONObject response) throws JSONException { if (response == null) { return; } this.mOriginalResponse = response.toString(); parseResponseObject(response); } private void parseResponseObject(JSONObject response) throws JSONException { mDate = response.getString("date"); mHighestDayAverage = response.getInt("highest_day_average"); mHighestWeekAverage = response.getInt("highest_week_average"); mHighestMonth = response.getInt("highest_month"); mYears = new LinkedList<>(); mAverages = new LinkedList<>(); mWeeks = new LinkedList<>(); JSONArray dataJSON = response.getJSONArray("data"); if (dataJSON != null) { // Read the position/index of each field in the response JSONArray fieldsJSON = response.getJSONArray("fields"); HashMap<String, Integer> fieldColumnsMapping; try { fieldColumnsMapping = new HashMap<>(2); for (int i = 0; i < fieldsJSON.length(); i++) { final String field = fieldsJSON.getString(i); fieldColumnsMapping.put(field, i); } } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "Cannot read the fields indexes from the JSON response", e); throw e; } VisitModel[] visitModels = new VisitModel[dataJSON.length()]; int viewsColumnIndex = fieldColumnsMapping.get("views"); int periodColumnIndex = fieldColumnsMapping.get("period"); for (int i = 0; i < dataJSON.length(); i++) { try { JSONArray currentDayData = dataJSON.getJSONArray(i); VisitModel currentVisitModel = new VisitModel(); currentVisitModel.setPeriod(currentDayData.getString(periodColumnIndex)); currentVisitModel.setViews(currentDayData.getInt(viewsColumnIndex)); visitModels[i] = currentVisitModel; } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "Cannot create the Visit at index " + i, e); } } mDayViews = visitModels; } else { mDayViews = null; } parseYears(response); parseAverages(response); parseWeeks(response); } private String[] orderKeys(Iterator keys, int numberOfKeys) { // Keys could not be ordered fine. Reordering them. String[] orderedKeys = new String[numberOfKeys]; int i = 0; while (keys.hasNext()) { orderedKeys[i] = (String); i++; } Arrays.sort(orderedKeys); return orderedKeys; } private void parseYears(JSONObject response) { // Parse the Years section try { JSONObject yearsJSON = response.getJSONObject("years"); // Keys could not be ordered fine. Reordering them. String[] orderedKeys = orderKeys(yearsJSON.keys(), yearsJSON.length()); for (String currentYearKey : orderedKeys) { Year currentYear = new Year(); currentYear.setLabel(currentYearKey); JSONObject currentYearObj = yearsJSON.getJSONObject(currentYearKey); int total = currentYearObj.getInt("total"); currentYear.setTotal(total); JSONObject monthsJSON = currentYearObj.getJSONObject("months"); Iterator<String> monthsKeys = monthsJSON.keys(); List<Month> monthsList = new ArrayList<>(monthsJSON.length()); while (monthsKeys.hasNext()) { String currentMonthKey =; int currentMonthVisits = monthsJSON.getInt(currentMonthKey); monthsList.add(new Month(currentMonthKey, currentMonthVisits)); } Collections.sort(monthsList, new Comparator<Month>() { public int compare(Month o1, Month o2) { int v1 = Integer.parseInt(o1.getMonth()); int v2 = Integer.parseInt(o2.getMonth()); // ascending order return v1 - v2; } }); currentYear.setMonths(monthsList); mYears.add(currentYear); } } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "Cannot parse the Years section", e); } } private void parseAverages(JSONObject response) { // Parse the Averages section try { JSONObject averagesJSON = response.getJSONObject("averages"); // Keys could not be ordered fine. Reordering them. String[] orderedKeys = orderKeys(averagesJSON.keys(), averagesJSON.length()); for (String currentJSONKey : orderedKeys) { Year currentAverage = new Year(); currentAverage.setLabel(currentJSONKey); JSONObject currentAverageJSONObj = averagesJSON.getJSONObject(currentJSONKey); currentAverage.setTotal(currentAverageJSONObj.getInt("overall")); JSONObject monthsJSON = currentAverageJSONObj.getJSONObject("months"); Iterator<String> monthsKeys = monthsJSON.keys(); List<Month> monthsList = new ArrayList<>(monthsJSON.length()); while (monthsKeys.hasNext()) { String currentMonthKey =; int currentMonthVisits = monthsJSON.getInt(currentMonthKey); monthsList.add(new Month(currentMonthKey, currentMonthVisits)); } Collections.sort(monthsList, new java.util.Comparator<Month>() { public int compare(Month o1, Month o2) { int v1 = Integer.parseInt(o1.getMonth()); int v2 = Integer.parseInt(o2.getMonth()); // ascending order return v1 - v2; } }); currentAverage.setMonths(monthsList); mAverages.add(currentAverage); } } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "Cannot parse the Averages section", e); } } private void parseWeeks(JSONObject response) { // Parse the Weeks section try { JSONArray weeksJSON = response.getJSONArray("weeks"); for (int i = 0; i < weeksJSON.length(); i++) { Week currentWeek = new Week(); JSONObject currentWeekJSON = weeksJSON.getJSONObject(i); currentWeek.setTotal(currentWeekJSON.getInt("total")); currentWeek.setAverage(currentWeekJSON.getInt("average")); try { if (i == 0 ) { currentWeek.setChange(0); } else { currentWeek.setChange(currentWeekJSON.getInt("change")); } } catch (JSONException e){ AppLog.w(AppLog.T.STATS, "Cannot parse the change value in weeks section. Trying to understand the meaning: 42!!"); // if i == 0 is the first week. if not it could mean infinity String aProblematicValue = currentWeekJSON.get("change").toString(); if (aProblematicValue.contains("infinity")) { currentWeek.setChange(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } else { currentWeek.setChange(0); } } JSONArray daysJSON = currentWeekJSON.getJSONArray("days"); for (int j = 0; j < daysJSON.length(); j++) { Day currentDay = new Day(); JSONObject dayJSON = daysJSON.getJSONObject(j); currentDay.setCount(dayJSON.getInt("count")); currentDay.setDay(dayJSON.getString("day")); currentWeek.getDays().add(currentDay); } mWeeks.add(currentWeek); } } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.STATS, "Cannot parse the Weeks section", e); } } public class Day implements Serializable { private int mCount; private String mDay; public String getDay() { return mDay; } public void setDay(String day) { this.mDay = day; } public int getCount() { return mCount; } public void setCount(int count) { this.mCount = count; } } public class Week implements Serializable { int mChange; int mTotal; int mAverage; List<Day> mDays = new LinkedList<>(); public int getTotal() { return mTotal; } public void setTotal(int total) { this.mTotal = total; } public int getAverage() { return mAverage; } public void setAverage(int average) { this.mAverage = average; } public int getChange() { return mChange; } public void setChange(int change) { this.mChange = change; } public List<Day> getDays() { return mDays; } public void setDays(List<Day> days) { this.mDays = days; } } public class Year implements Serializable { private String mLabel; private int mTotal; private List<Month> mMonths; public List<Month> getMonths() { return mMonths; } public void setMonths(List<Month> months) { mMonths = months; } public String getLabel() { return mLabel; } public void setLabel(String label) { this.mLabel = label; } public int getTotal() { return mTotal; } public void setTotal(int total) { this.mTotal = total; } } public class Month implements Serializable { private final int mCount; private final String mMonth; Month(String label, int count) { this.mMonth = label; this.mCount = count; } public String getMonth() { return mMonth; } public int getCount() { return mCount; } } }