package; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement; import android.text.TextUtils; import; /** * stores thumbnail urls for videos embedded in Reader posts */ public class ReaderThumbnailTable { protected static void createTables(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE tbl_thumbnails (" + " full_url TEXT COLLATE NOCASE PRIMARY KEY," + " thumbnail_url TEXT NOT NULL," + " post_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0)"); } protected static void dropTables(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_thumbnails"); } /* * purge table of thumbnails attached to posts that no longer exist */ protected static int purge(SQLiteDatabase db) { return db.delete("tbl_thumbnails", "post_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT post_id FROM tbl_posts)", null); } public static void addThumbnail(long postId, String fullUrl, String thumbnailUrl) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(fullUrl) || TextUtils.isEmpty(thumbnailUrl)) return; SQLiteStatement stmt = ReaderDatabase.getWritableDb().compileStatement("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tbl_thumbnails (full_url, thumbnail_url, post_id) VALUES (?1,?2,?3)"); try { stmt.bindString(1, fullUrl); stmt.bindString(2, thumbnailUrl); stmt.bindLong (3, postId); stmt.execute(); } finally { SqlUtils.closeStatement(stmt); } } public static String getThumbnailUrl(String fullUrl) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(fullUrl)) { return null; } return SqlUtils.stringForQuery( ReaderDatabase.getReadableDb(), "SELECT thumbnail_url FROM tbl_thumbnails WHERE full_url=?", new String[]{fullUrl}); } }