package; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.IBinder; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.greenrobot.event.EventBus; public class ReaderCommentService extends Service { private static final String ARG_POST_ID = "post_id"; private static final String ARG_BLOG_ID = "blog_id"; private static final String ARG_COMMENT_ID = "comment_id"; private static final String ARG_NEXT_PAGE = "next_page"; private static int mCurrentPage; public static void startService(Context context, long blogId, long postId, boolean requestNextPage) { if (context == null) return; Intent intent = new Intent(context, ReaderCommentService.class); intent.putExtra(ARG_BLOG_ID, blogId); intent.putExtra(ARG_POST_ID, postId); intent.putExtra(ARG_NEXT_PAGE, requestNextPage); context.startService(intent); } // Requests comments until the passed commentId is found public static void startServiceForComment(Context context, long blogId, long postId, long commentId) { if (context == null) return; Intent intent = new Intent(context, ReaderCommentService.class); intent.putExtra(ARG_BLOG_ID, blogId); intent.putExtra(ARG_POST_ID, postId); intent.putExtra(ARG_COMMENT_ID, commentId); context.startService(intent); } public static void stopService(Context context) { if (context == null) return; Intent intent = new Intent(context, ReaderCommentService.class); context.stopService(intent); } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return null; } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); AppLog.i(AppLog.T.READER, "reader comment service > created"); } @Override public void onDestroy() { AppLog.i(AppLog.T.READER, "reader comment service > destroyed"); super.onDestroy(); } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { if (intent == null) { return START_NOT_STICKY; } EventBus.getDefault().post(new ReaderEvents.UpdateCommentsStarted()); final long blogId = intent.getLongExtra(ARG_BLOG_ID, 0); final long postId = intent.getLongExtra(ARG_POST_ID, 0); final long commentId = intent.getLongExtra(ARG_COMMENT_ID, 0); boolean requestNextPage = intent.getBooleanExtra(ARG_NEXT_PAGE, false); if (requestNextPage) { int prevPage = ReaderCommentTable.getLastPageNumberForPost(blogId, postId); mCurrentPage = prevPage + 1; } else { mCurrentPage = 1; } updateCommentsForPost(blogId, postId, mCurrentPage, new UpdateResultListener() { @Override public void onUpdateResult(UpdateResult result) { if (commentId > 0) { if (ReaderCommentTable.commentExists(blogId, postId, commentId) || !result.isNewOrChanged()) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new ReaderEvents.UpdateCommentsEnded(result)); stopSelf(); } else { // Comment not found yet, request the next page mCurrentPage++; updateCommentsForPost(blogId, postId, mCurrentPage, this); } } else { EventBus.getDefault().post(new ReaderEvents.UpdateCommentsEnded(result)); stopSelf(); } } }); return START_NOT_STICKY; } private static void updateCommentsForPost(final long blogId, final long postId, final int pageNumber, final ReaderActions.UpdateResultListener resultListener) { String path = "sites/" + blogId + "/posts/" + postId + "/replies/" + "?number=" + Integer.toString(ReaderConstants.READER_MAX_COMMENTS_TO_REQUEST) + "&meta=likes" + "&hierarchical=true" + "&order=ASC" + "&page=" + pageNumber; RestRequest.Listener listener = new RestRequest.Listener() { @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject jsonObject) { handleUpdateCommentsResponse(jsonObject, blogId, pageNumber, resultListener); } }; RestRequest.ErrorListener errorListener = new RestRequest.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError volleyError) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.READER, volleyError); resultListener.onUpdateResult(ReaderActions.UpdateResult.FAILED); } }; AppLog.d(AppLog.T.READER, "updating comments"); WordPress.getRestClientUtilsV1_1().get(path, null, null, listener, errorListener); } private static void handleUpdateCommentsResponse(final JSONObject jsonObject, final long blogId, final int pageNumber, final ReaderActions.UpdateResultListener resultListener) { if (jsonObject == null) { resultListener.onUpdateResult(ReaderActions.UpdateResult.FAILED); return; } new Thread() { @Override public void run() { final boolean hasNewComments; ReaderDatabase.getWritableDb().beginTransaction(); try { ReaderCommentList serverComments = new ReaderCommentList(); JSONArray jsonCommentList = jsonObject.optJSONArray("comments"); if (jsonCommentList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonCommentList.length(); i++) { JSONObject jsonComment = jsonCommentList.optJSONObject(i); // extract this comment and add it to the list ReaderComment comment = ReaderComment.fromJson(jsonComment, blogId); comment.pageNumber = pageNumber; serverComments.add(comment); // extract and save likes for this comment JSONObject jsonLikes = JSONUtils.getJSONChild(jsonComment, "meta/data/likes"); if (jsonLikes != null) { ReaderUserList likingUsers = ReaderUserList.fromJsonLikes(jsonLikes); ReaderUserTable.addOrUpdateUsers(likingUsers); ReaderLikeTable.setLikesForComment(comment, likingUsers.getUserIds()); } } } hasNewComments = (serverComments.size() > 0); // save to db regardless of whether any are new so changes to likes are stored ReaderCommentTable.addOrUpdateComments(serverComments); ReaderDatabase.getWritableDb().setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { ReaderDatabase.getWritableDb().endTransaction(); } ReaderActions.UpdateResult result = (hasNewComments ? ReaderActions.UpdateResult.HAS_NEW : ReaderActions.UpdateResult.UNCHANGED); resultListener.onUpdateResult(result); } }.start(); } }