package; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.widget.ProgressBar; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.inject.Inject; import de.greenrobot.event.EventBus; public class ReaderCommentListActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private static final String KEY_REPLY_TO_COMMENT_ID = "reply_to_comment_id"; private static final String KEY_HAS_UPDATED_COMMENTS = "has_updated_comments"; private long mPostId; private long mBlogId; private ReaderPost mPost; private ReaderCommentAdapter mCommentAdapter; private SuggestionAdapter mSuggestionAdapter; private SuggestionServiceConnectionManager mSuggestionServiceConnectionManager; private SwipeToRefreshHelper mSwipeToRefreshHelper; private ReaderRecyclerView mRecyclerView; private SuggestionAutoCompleteText mEditComment; private View mSubmitReplyBtn; private ViewGroup mCommentBox; private boolean mIsUpdatingComments; private boolean mHasUpdatedComments; private boolean mIsSubmittingComment; private DirectOperation mDirectOperation; private long mReplyToCommentId; private long mCommentId; private int mRestorePosition; private String mInterceptedUri; private boolean mBackFromLogin; @Inject AccountStore mAccountStore; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ((WordPress) getApplication()).component().inject(this); setContentView(R.layout.reader_activity_comment_list); Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; if (toolbar != null) { setSupportActionBar(toolbar); toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { onBackPressed(); } }); } ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); if (actionBar != null) { actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(true); actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); } if (savedInstanceState != null) { mBlogId = savedInstanceState.getLong(ReaderConstants.ARG_BLOG_ID); mPostId = savedInstanceState.getLong(ReaderConstants.ARG_POST_ID); mRestorePosition = savedInstanceState.getInt(ReaderConstants.KEY_RESTORE_POSITION); mHasUpdatedComments = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_HAS_UPDATED_COMMENTS); mInterceptedUri = savedInstanceState.getString(ReaderConstants.ARG_INTERCEPTED_URI); } else { mBlogId = getIntent().getLongExtra(ReaderConstants.ARG_BLOG_ID, 0); mPostId = getIntent().getLongExtra(ReaderConstants.ARG_POST_ID, 0); mDirectOperation = (DirectOperation) getIntent() .getSerializableExtra(ReaderConstants.ARG_DIRECT_OPERATION); mCommentId = getIntent().getLongExtra(ReaderConstants.ARG_COMMENT_ID, 0); mInterceptedUri = getIntent().getStringExtra(ReaderConstants.ARG_INTERCEPTED_URI); // we need to re-request comments every time this activity is shown in order to // correctly reflect deletions and nesting changes - skipped when there's no // connection so we can show existing comments while offline if (NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(this)) { ReaderCommentTable.purgeCommentsForPost(mBlogId, mPostId); } } mSwipeToRefreshHelper = new SwipeToRefreshHelper(this, (CustomSwipeRefreshLayout) findViewById(, new SwipeToRefreshHelper.RefreshListener() { @Override public void onRefreshStarted() { updatePostAndComments(); } }); mRecyclerView = (ReaderRecyclerView) findViewById(; int spacingHorizontal = 0; int spacingVertical = DisplayUtils.dpToPx(this, 1); mRecyclerView.addItemDecoration(new RecyclerItemDecoration(spacingHorizontal, spacingVertical)); mCommentBox = (ViewGroup) findViewById(; mEditComment = (SuggestionAutoCompleteText) mCommentBox.findViewById(; mEditComment.getAutoSaveTextHelper().setUniqueId(String.format(Locale.US, "%d%d", mPostId, mBlogId)); mSubmitReplyBtn = mCommentBox.findViewById(; if (!loadPost()) { ToastUtils.showToast(this, R.string.reader_toast_err_get_post); finish(); return; } mRecyclerView.setAdapter(getCommentAdapter()); if (savedInstanceState != null) { setReplyToCommentId(savedInstanceState.getLong(KEY_REPLY_TO_COMMENT_ID), false); } refreshComments(); mSuggestionServiceConnectionManager = new SuggestionServiceConnectionManager(this, mBlogId); mSuggestionAdapter = SuggestionUtils.setupSuggestions(mBlogId, this, mSuggestionServiceConnectionManager, mPost.isWP()); if (mSuggestionAdapter != null) { mEditComment.setAdapter(mSuggestionAdapter); } AnalyticsUtils.trackWithReaderPostDetails(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.READER_ARTICLE_COMMENTS_OPENED, mPost); } private final View.OnClickListener mSignInClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (isFinishing()) return; AnalyticsUtils.trackWithInterceptedUri(AnalyticsTracker.Stat.READER_SIGN_IN_INITIATED, mInterceptedUri); ActivityLauncher.loginWithoutMagicLink(ReaderCommentListActivity.this); } }; private void updatePostAndComments() { //to do a complete refresh we need to get updated post and new comments ReaderPostActions.updatePost(mPost, new ReaderActions.UpdateResultListener() { @Override public void onUpdateResult(ReaderActions.UpdateResult result) { if (isFinishing()) { return; } if (result.isNewOrChanged()) { getCommentAdapter().setPost(mPost); //pass updated post to the adapter ReaderCommentTable.purgeCommentsForPost(mBlogId, mPostId); //clear all the previous comments updateComments(false, false); //load first page of comments } else { setRefreshing(false); } } }); } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); EventBus.getDefault().register(this); if (mBackFromLogin) { if (NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(this)) { // purge and reload the comments since logged in changes some info (example: isLikedByCurrentUser) ReaderCommentTable.purgeCommentsForPost(mBlogId, mPostId); updatePostAndComments(); } // clear up the back-from-login flag anyway mBackFromLogin = false; } refreshComments(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void onEventMainThread(SuggestionEvents.SuggestionNameListUpdated event) { // check if the updated suggestions are for the current blog and update the suggestions if (event.mRemoteBlogId != 0 && event.mRemoteBlogId == mBlogId && mSuggestionAdapter != null) { List<Suggestion> suggestions = SuggestionTable.getSuggestionsForSite(event.mRemoteBlogId); mSuggestionAdapter.setSuggestionList(suggestions); } } @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); EventBus.getDefault().unregister(this); } private void setReplyToCommentId(long commentId, boolean doFocus) { mReplyToCommentId = commentId; mEditComment.setHint(mReplyToCommentId == 0 ? R.string.reader_hint_comment_on_post : R.string.reader_hint_comment_on_comment); if (doFocus) { mEditComment.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final boolean isFocusableInTouchMode = mEditComment.isFocusableInTouchMode(); mEditComment.setFocusableInTouchMode(true); EditTextUtils.showSoftInput(mEditComment); mEditComment.setFocusableInTouchMode(isFocusableInTouchMode); setupReplyToComment(); } }, 200); } else { setupReplyToComment(); } } private void setupReplyToComment() { // if a comment is being replied to, highlight it and scroll it to the top so the user can // see which comment they're replying to - note that scrolling is delayed to give time for // listView to reposition due to soft keyboard appearing if (mReplyToCommentId != 0) { getCommentAdapter().setHighlightCommentId(mReplyToCommentId, false); getCommentAdapter().notifyDataSetChanged(); mRecyclerView.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { scrollToCommentId(mReplyToCommentId); } }, 300); // reset to replying to the post when user hasn't entered any text and hits // the back button in the editText to hide the soft keyboard mEditComment.setOnBackListener(new SuggestionAutoCompleteText.OnEditTextBackListener() { @Override public void onEditTextBack() { if (EditTextUtils.isEmpty(mEditComment)) { setReplyToCommentId(0, false); } } }); } else { mEditComment.setOnBackListener(null); } } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Bundle outState) { outState.putLong(ReaderConstants.ARG_BLOG_ID, mBlogId); outState.putLong(ReaderConstants.ARG_POST_ID, mPostId); outState.putInt(ReaderConstants.KEY_RESTORE_POSITION, getCurrentPosition()); outState.putLong(KEY_REPLY_TO_COMMENT_ID, mReplyToCommentId); outState.putBoolean(KEY_HAS_UPDATED_COMMENTS, mHasUpdatedComments); outState.putString(ReaderConstants.ARG_INTERCEPTED_URI, mInterceptedUri); super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); } private void showCommentsClosedMessage(boolean show) { TextView txtCommentsClosed = (TextView) findViewById(; if (txtCommentsClosed != null) { txtCommentsClosed.setVisibility(show ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } } private boolean loadPost() { mPost = ReaderPostTable.getBlogPost(mBlogId, mPostId, true); if (mPost == null) { return false; } TextView txtCommentsClosed = (TextView) findViewById(; if (!mAccountStore.hasAccessToken()) { mCommentBox.setVisibility(View.GONE); showCommentsClosedMessage(false); } else if (mPost.isCommentsOpen) { mCommentBox.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); showCommentsClosedMessage(false); mEditComment.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() { @Override public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) { if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE || actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEND) { submitComment(); } return false; } }); mSubmitReplyBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { submitComment(); } }); } else { mCommentBox.setVisibility(View.GONE); mEditComment.setEnabled(false); showCommentsClosedMessage(true); } return true; } @Override public void onDestroy() { if (mSuggestionServiceConnectionManager != null) { mSuggestionServiceConnectionManager.unbindFromService(); } super.onDestroy(); } private boolean hasCommentAdapter() { return (mCommentAdapter != null); } private ReaderCommentAdapter getCommentAdapter() { if (mCommentAdapter == null) { mCommentAdapter = new ReaderCommentAdapter(WPActivityUtils.getThemedContext(this), getPost()); // adapter calls this when user taps reply icon mCommentAdapter.setReplyListener(new ReaderCommentAdapter.RequestReplyListener() { @Override public void onRequestReply(long commentId) { setReplyToCommentId(commentId, true); } }); // Enable post title click if we came here directly from notifications or deep linking if (mDirectOperation != null) { mCommentAdapter.enableHeaderClicks(); } // adapter calls this when data has been loaded & displayed mCommentAdapter.setDataLoadedListener(new ReaderInterfaces.DataLoadedListener() { @Override public void onDataLoaded(boolean isEmpty) { if (!isFinishing()) { if (isEmpty || !mHasUpdatedComments) { updateComments(isEmpty, false); } else if (mCommentId > 0 || mDirectOperation != null) { if (mCommentId > 0) { // Scroll to the commentId once if it was passed to this activity smoothScrollToCommentId(mCommentId); } doDirectOperation(); } else if (mRestorePosition > 0) { mRecyclerView.scrollToPosition(mRestorePosition); } mRestorePosition = 0; checkEmptyView(); } } }); // adapter uses this to request more comments from server when it reaches the end and // detects that more comments exist on the server than are stored locally mCommentAdapter.setDataRequestedListener(new ReaderActions.DataRequestedListener() { @Override public void onRequestData() { if (!mIsUpdatingComments) { AppLog.i(T.READER, "reader comments > requesting next page of comments"); updateComments(true, true); } } }); } return mCommentAdapter; } private void doDirectOperation() { if (mDirectOperation != null) { switch (mDirectOperation) { case COMMENT_JUMP: mCommentAdapter.setHighlightCommentId(mCommentId, false); // clear up the direct operation vars. Only performing it once. mDirectOperation = null; mCommentId = 0; break; case COMMENT_REPLY: setReplyToCommentId(mCommentId, mAccountStore.hasAccessToken()); // clear up the direct operation vars. Only performing it once. mDirectOperation = null; mCommentId = 0; break; case COMMENT_LIKE: getCommentAdapter().setHighlightCommentId(mCommentId, false); if (!mAccountStore.hasAccessToken()) { Snackbar.make(mRecyclerView, R.string.reader_snackbar_err_cannot_like_post_logged_out, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE) .setAction(R.string.sign_in, mSignInClickListener) .show(); } else { ReaderComment comment = ReaderCommentTable.getComment(mPost.blogId, mPost.postId, mCommentId); if (comment == null) { ToastUtils.showToast(ReaderCommentListActivity.this, R.string.reader_toast_err_comment_not_found); } else if (comment.isLikedByCurrentUser) { ToastUtils.showToast(ReaderCommentListActivity.this, R.string.reader_toast_err_already_liked); } else { long wpComUserId = mAccountStore.getAccount().getUserId(); if (ReaderCommentActions.performLikeAction(comment, true, wpComUserId) && getCommentAdapter().refreshComment(mCommentId)) { getCommentAdapter().setAnimateLikeCommentId(mCommentId); AnalyticsUtils.trackWithReaderPostDetails( AnalyticsTracker.Stat.READER_ARTICLE_COMMENT_LIKED, mPost); } else { ToastUtils.showToast(ReaderCommentListActivity.this, R.string.reader_toast_err_generic); } } // clear up the direct operation vars. Only performing it once. mDirectOperation = null; } break; case POST_LIKE: // nothing special to do in this case break; } } else { mCommentId = 0; } } private ReaderPost getPost() { return mPost; } private void showProgress() { ProgressBar progress = (ProgressBar) findViewById(; if (progress != null) { progress.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } private void hideProgress() { ProgressBar progress = (ProgressBar) findViewById(; if (progress != null) { progress.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void onEventMainThread(ReaderEvents.UpdateCommentsStarted event) { mIsUpdatingComments = true; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void onEventMainThread(ReaderEvents.UpdateCommentsEnded event) { if (isFinishing()) return; mIsUpdatingComments = false; mHasUpdatedComments = true; hideProgress(); if (event.getResult().isNewOrChanged()) { mRestorePosition = getCurrentPosition(); refreshComments(); } else { checkEmptyView(); } setRefreshing(false); } /* * request comments for this post */ private void updateComments(boolean showProgress, boolean requestNextPage) { if (mIsUpdatingComments) { AppLog.w(T.READER, "reader comments > already updating comments"); setRefreshing(false); return; } if (!NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(this)) { AppLog.w(T.READER, "reader comments > no connection, update canceled"); setRefreshing(false); return; } if (showProgress) { showProgress(); } ReaderCommentService.startService(this, mPost.blogId, mPost.postId, requestNextPage); } private void checkEmptyView() { TextView txtEmpty = (TextView) findViewById(; if (txtEmpty == null) return; boolean isEmpty = hasCommentAdapter() && getCommentAdapter().isEmpty() && !mIsSubmittingComment; if (isEmpty && !NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(this)) { txtEmpty.setText(R.string.no_network_message); txtEmpty.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else if (isEmpty && mHasUpdatedComments) { txtEmpty.setText(R.string.reader_empty_comments); txtEmpty.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { txtEmpty.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } /* * refresh adapter so latest comments appear */ private void refreshComments() { AppLog.d(T.READER, "reader comments > refreshComments"); getCommentAdapter().refreshComments(); } /* * scrolls the passed comment to the top of the listView */ private void scrollToCommentId(long commentId) { int position = getCommentAdapter().positionOfCommentId(commentId); if (position > -1) { mRecyclerView.scrollToPosition(position); } } /* * Smoothly scrolls the passed comment to the top of the listView */ private void smoothScrollToCommentId(long commentId) { int position = getCommentAdapter().positionOfCommentId(commentId); if (position > -1) { mRecyclerView.smoothScrollToPosition(position); } } /* * submit the text typed into the comment box as a comment on the current post */ private void submitComment() { final String commentText = EditTextUtils.getText(mEditComment); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(commentText)) { return; } if (!NetworkUtils.checkConnection(this)) { return; } AnalyticsUtils.trackWithReaderPostDetails( AnalyticsTracker.Stat.READER_ARTICLE_COMMENTED_ON, mPost); mSubmitReplyBtn.setEnabled(false); mEditComment.setEnabled(false); mIsSubmittingComment = true; // generate a "fake" comment id to assign to the new comment so we can add it to the db // and reflect it in the adapter before the API call returns final long fakeCommentId = ReaderCommentActions.generateFakeCommentId(); ReaderActions.CommentActionListener actionListener = new ReaderActions.CommentActionListener() { @Override public void onActionResult(boolean succeeded, ReaderComment newComment) { if (isFinishing()) { return; } mIsSubmittingComment = false; mSubmitReplyBtn.setEnabled(true); mEditComment.setEnabled(true); if (succeeded) { // stop highlighting the fake comment and replace it with the real one getCommentAdapter().setHighlightCommentId(0, false); getCommentAdapter().replaceComment(fakeCommentId, newComment); setReplyToCommentId(0, false); mEditComment.getAutoSaveTextHelper().clearSavedText(mEditComment); } else { mEditComment.setText(commentText); getCommentAdapter().removeComment(fakeCommentId); ToastUtils.showToast( ReaderCommentListActivity.this, R.string.reader_toast_err_comment_failed, ToastUtils.Duration.LONG); } checkEmptyView(); } }; long wpComUserId = mAccountStore.getAccount().getUserId(); ReaderComment newComment = ReaderCommentActions.submitPostComment( getPost(), fakeCommentId, commentText, mReplyToCommentId, actionListener, wpComUserId); if (newComment != null) { mEditComment.setText(null); // add the "fake" comment to the adapter, highlight it, and show a progress bar // next to it while it's submitted getCommentAdapter().setHighlightCommentId(newComment.commentId, true); getCommentAdapter().addComment(newComment); // make sure it's scrolled into view scrollToCommentId(fakeCommentId); checkEmptyView(); } } private int getCurrentPosition() { if (mRecyclerView != null && hasCommentAdapter()) { return ((LinearLayoutManager) mRecyclerView.getLayoutManager()).findFirstVisibleItemPosition(); } else { return 0; } } private void setRefreshing(boolean refreshing) { mSwipeToRefreshHelper.setRefreshing(refreshing); } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == RequestCodes.DO_LOGIN && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { mBackFromLogin = true; } } }