package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * replaces the comments table used in versions prior to 2.6.1, which didn't use a primary key * and missed a few important fields */ public class CommentTable { public static final String COMMENTS_TABLE = "comments"; public static void createTables(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + COMMENTS_TABLE + " (" + " blog_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + " post_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + " comment_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + " comment TEXT," + " published TEXT," + " status TEXT," + " author_name TEXT," + " author_url TEXT," + " author_email TEXT," + " post_title TEXT," + " profile_image_url TEXT," + " PRIMARY KEY (blog_id, post_id, comment_id)" + " );"); } private static void dropTables(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + COMMENTS_TABLE); } public static void reset(SQLiteDatabase db) { AppLog.i(AppLog.T.COMMENTS, "resetting comment table"); dropTables(db); createTables(db); } private static SQLiteDatabase getReadableDb() { return WordPress.wpDB.getDatabase(); } private static SQLiteDatabase getWritableDb() { return WordPress.wpDB.getDatabase(); } /* * purge comments attached to blogs that no longer exist, and remove older comments * TODO: call after hiding or deleting blogs */ private static final int MAX_COMMENTS = 1000; public static int purge(SQLiteDatabase db) { int numDeleted = 0; // get rid of comments on blogs that don't exist or are hidden String sql = " blog_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT id FROM " + WordPressDB.BLOGS_TABLE + " WHERE isHidden = 0)"; numDeleted += db.delete(COMMENTS_TABLE, sql, null); // get rid of older comments if we've reached the max int numExisting = (int)SqlUtils.getRowCount(db, COMMENTS_TABLE); if (numExisting > MAX_COMMENTS) { int numToPurge = numExisting - MAX_COMMENTS; sql = " comment_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT comment_id FROM " + COMMENTS_TABLE + " ORDER BY published LIMIT " + Integer.toString(numToPurge) + ")"; numDeleted += db.delete(COMMENTS_TABLE, sql, null); } return numDeleted; } /** * add a single comment - will update existing comment with same IDs * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for the blog the comment is from * @param comment - comment object to store */ public static void addComment(int localBlogId, final Comment comment) { if (comment == null) return; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("blog_id", localBlogId); values.put("post_id", comment.postID); values.put("comment_id", comment.commentID); values.put("author_name", comment.getAuthorName()); values.put("author_url", comment.getAuthorUrl()); values.put("comment", SqlUtils.maxSQLiteText(comment.getCommentText())); values.put("status", comment.getStatus()); values.put("author_email", comment.getAuthorEmail()); values.put("post_title", comment.getPostTitle()); values.put("published", comment.getPublished()); values.put("profile_image_url", comment.getProfileImageUrl()); getWritableDb().insertWithOnConflict(COMMENTS_TABLE, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE); } /** * retrieve a single comment * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for the blog the comment is from * @param commentId - commentId of the actual comment * @return Comment if found, null otherwise */ public static Comment getComment(int localBlogId, long commentId) { String[] args = {Integer.toString(localBlogId), Long.toString(commentId)}; Cursor c = getReadableDb().rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + COMMENTS_TABLE + " WHERE blog_id=? AND comment_id=?", args); try { if (!c.moveToFirst()) { return null; } return getCommentFromCursor(c); } finally { SqlUtils.closeCursor(c); } } /** * get all comments for a blog * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for this blog * @return list of comments for this blog */ public static CommentList getCommentsForBlog(int localBlogId) { CommentList comments = new CommentList(); String[] args = {Integer.toString(localBlogId)}; Cursor c = getReadableDb().rawQuery( "SELECT * FROM " + COMMENTS_TABLE + " WHERE blog_id=? ORDER BY published DESC", args); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { Comment comment = getCommentFromCursor(c); comments.add(comment); } return comments; } finally { SqlUtils.closeCursor(c); } } /** * get comments for a blog that have a specific status * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for this blog * @param filter - status to filter comments by * @return list of comments for this blog */ public static CommentList getCommentsForBlogWithFilter(int localBlogId, CommentStatus filter) { CommentList comments = new CommentList(); Cursor c; //aggregating 'all' to include approved and unapproved comments if (CommentStatus.UNKNOWN.equals(filter)){ //we need to get the filter values for both XMLrpc and REST api as in the case of a migration where existing // data is present on a device, we still need to be able to filter both values String[] args = {Integer.toString(localBlogId), CommentStatus.toString(CommentStatus.APPROVED), CommentStatus.toString(CommentStatus.UNAPPROVED), CommentStatus.toRESTString(CommentStatus.APPROVED), CommentStatus.toRESTString(CommentStatus.UNAPPROVED)}; c = getReadableDb().rawQuery( "SELECT * FROM " + COMMENTS_TABLE + " WHERE blog_id=? AND (status=? OR status=? OR status=? OR status=?) ORDER BY published DESC", args); } else { //we need to get the filter values for both XMLrpc and REST api as in the case of a migration where existing // data is present on a device, we still need to be able to filter both values String[] args = {Integer.toString(localBlogId), CommentStatus.toString(filter), CommentStatus.toRESTString(filter)}; c = getReadableDb().rawQuery( "SELECT * FROM " + COMMENTS_TABLE + " WHERE blog_id=? AND (status=? OR status=?) ORDER BY published DESC", args); } try { while (c.moveToNext()) { Comment comment = getCommentFromCursor(c); comments.add(comment); } return comments; } finally { SqlUtils.closeCursor(c); } } /** * delete all comments for a blog * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for this blog * @return number of comments deleted */ public static int deleteCommentsForBlog(int localBlogId) { return getWritableDb().delete(COMMENTS_TABLE, "blog_id=?", new String[]{Integer.toString(localBlogId)}); } /** * delete comments for a blog that match a specific status * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for this blog * @param filter - status to use to filter the query * @return number of comments deleted */ public static int deleteCommentsForBlogWithFilter(int localBlogId, CommentStatus filter) { if (CommentStatus.UNKNOWN.equals(filter)){ //we need to get the filter values for both XMLrpc and REST api as in the case of a migration where existing // data is present on a device, we still need to be able to filter both values String[] args = {Integer.toString(localBlogId), CommentStatus.toString(CommentStatus.APPROVED), CommentStatus.toString(CommentStatus.UNAPPROVED), CommentStatus.toRESTString(CommentStatus.APPROVED), CommentStatus.toRESTString(CommentStatus.UNAPPROVED)}; return getWritableDb().delete(COMMENTS_TABLE, "blog_id=? AND (status=? OR status=? OR status=? OR status=?)", args); } else { //we need to get the filter values for both XMLrpc and REST api as in the case of a migration where existing // data is present on a device, we still need to be able to filter both values String[] args = {Integer.toString(localBlogId), CommentStatus.toString(filter), CommentStatus.toRESTString(filter)}; return getWritableDb().delete(COMMENTS_TABLE, "blog_id=? AND (status=? OR status=?)", args); } } /** * saves comments for passed blog to local db, overwriting existing ones if necessary * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for this blog * @param comments - list of comments to save * @return true if saved, false on failure */ public static boolean saveComments(int localBlogId, final CommentList comments) { if (comments == null || comments.size() == 0) return false; final String sql = " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + COMMENTS_TABLE + "(" + " blog_id," // 1 + " post_id," // 2 + " comment_id," // 3 + " comment," // 4 + " published," // 5 + " status," // 6 + " author_name," // 7 + " author_url," // 8 + " author_email," // 9 + " post_title," // 10 + " profile_image_url" // 11 + " ) VALUES (?1,?2,?3,?4,?5,?6,?7,?8,?9,?10,?11)"; SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDb(); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.compileStatement(sql); db.beginTransaction(); try { try { for (Comment comment: comments) { stmt.bindLong ( 1, localBlogId); stmt.bindLong ( 2, comment.postID); stmt.bindLong ( 3, comment.commentID); stmt.bindString( 4, SqlUtils.maxSQLiteText(comment.getCommentText())); stmt.bindString( 5, comment.getPublished()); stmt.bindString( 6, comment.getStatus()); stmt.bindString( 7, comment.getAuthorName()); stmt.bindString( 8, comment.getAuthorUrl()); stmt.bindString( 9, comment.getAuthorEmail()); stmt.bindString(10, comment.getPostTitle()); stmt.bindString(11, comment.getProfileImageUrl()); stmt.execute(); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); return true; } catch (SQLiteException e) { AppLog.e(AppLog.T.COMMENTS, e); return false; } } finally { db.endTransaction(); SqlUtils.closeStatement(stmt); } } /** * updates the passed comment * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for this blog * @param comment - comment to update */ public static void updateComment(int localBlogId, final Comment comment) { // this will replace the existing comment addComment(localBlogId, comment); } /** * updates the status for the passed comment * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for this blog * @param commentId - id of comment (returned by api) * @param newStatus - status to change to */ public static void updateCommentStatus(int localBlogId, long commentId, String newStatus) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("status", newStatus); String[] args = {Integer.toString(localBlogId), Long.toString(commentId)}; getWritableDb().update(COMMENTS_TABLE, values, "blog_id=? AND comment_id=?", args); } /** * updates the status for the passed list of comments * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for this blog * @param comments - list of comments to update * @param newStatus - status to change to */ public static void updateCommentsStatus(int localBlogId, final CommentList comments, String newStatus) { if (comments == null || comments.size() == 0) return; getWritableDb().beginTransaction(); try { for (Comment comment: comments) { updateCommentStatus(localBlogId, comment.commentID, newStatus); } getWritableDb().setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { getWritableDb().endTransaction(); } } /** * updates the post title for the passed comment * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for this blog * @param postTitle - title to update to * @return true if title updated */ public static boolean updateCommentPostTitle(int localBlogId, long commentId, String postTitle) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("post_title", StringUtils.notNullStr(postTitle)); String[] args = {Integer.toString(localBlogId), Long.toString(commentId)}; int count = getWritableDb().update(COMMENTS_TABLE, values, "blog_id=? AND comment_id=?", args); return (count > 0); } /** * delete a single comment * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for this blog * @param commentId - commentId of the actual comment * @return true if comment deleted, false otherwise */ public static boolean deleteComment(int localBlogId, long commentId) { String[] args = {Integer.toString(localBlogId), Long.toString(commentId)}; int count = getWritableDb().delete(COMMENTS_TABLE, "blog_id=? AND comment_id=?", args); return (count > 0); } /** * delete a list of comments * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for this blog * @param comments - list of comments to delete */ public static void deleteComments(int localBlogId, final CommentList comments) { if (comments == null || comments.size() == 0) return; getWritableDb().beginTransaction(); try { for (Comment comment: comments) { deleteComment(localBlogId, comment.commentID); } getWritableDb().setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { getWritableDb().endTransaction(); } } /** * returns the number of unmoderated comments for a specific blog * @param localBlogId - unique id in account table for this blog */ public static int getUnmoderatedCommentCount(int localBlogId) { String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + COMMENTS_TABLE + " WHERE blog_id=? AND status=?"; String[] args = {Integer.toString(localBlogId), "hold"}; return SqlUtils.intForQuery(getReadableDb(), sql, args); } private static Comment getCommentFromCursor(Cursor c) { final String authorName = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("author_name")); final String content = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("comment")); final String published = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("published")); final String status = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("status")); final String authorUrl = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("author_url")); final String authorEmail = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("author_email")); final String postTitle = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("post_title")); final String profileImageUrl = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("profile_image_url")); int postId = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex("post_id")); int commentId = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex("comment_id")); return new Comment( postId, commentId, authorName, published, content, status, postTitle, authorUrl, authorEmail, profileImageUrl); } /** * Delete big comments (Maximum 512 * 1024 = 524288) (fix #2855) * @return number of deleted comments */ public static int deleteBigComments(SQLiteDatabase db) { return db.delete(COMMENTS_TABLE, "LENGTH(comment) >= 524288", null); } }