package; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import; import; import android.content.ClipData; import android.content.ClipDescription; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Configuration; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.SystemClock; import; import; import; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.DragEvent; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.webkit.URLUtil; import android.webkit.WebView; import android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams; import android.widget.ToggleButton; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class EditorFragment extends EditorFragmentAbstract implements View.OnClickListener, View.OnTouchListener, OnJsEditorStateChangedListener, OnImeBackListener, EditorWebViewAbstract.AuthHeaderRequestListener, EditorMediaUploadListener { public class IllegalEditorStateException extends Exception { } private static final String JS_CALLBACK_HANDLER = "nativeCallbackHandler"; private static final String TAG_FORMAT_BAR_BUTTON_MEDIA = "media"; private static final String TAG_FORMAT_BAR_BUTTON_LINK = "link"; private static final float TOOLBAR_ALPHA_ENABLED = 1; private static final float TOOLBAR_ALPHA_DISABLED = 0.5f; private static final List<String> DRAGNDROP_SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES_TEXT = Arrays.asList(ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN, ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_HTML); private static final List<String> DRAGNDROP_SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES_IMAGE = Arrays.asList("image/jpeg", "image/png"); public static final int MAX_ACTION_TIME_MS = 2000; private String mTitle = ""; private String mContentHtml = ""; private EditorWebViewAbstract mWebView; private View mSourceView; private SourceViewEditText mSourceViewTitle; private SourceViewEditText mSourceViewContent; private int mSelectionStart; private int mSelectionEnd; private String mFocusedFieldId; private String mTitlePlaceholder = ""; private String mContentPlaceholder = ""; private boolean mDomHasLoaded = false; private boolean mIsKeyboardOpen = false; private boolean mEditorWasPaused = false; private boolean mHideActionBarOnSoftKeyboardUp = false; private boolean mIsFormatBarDisabled = false; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, MediaFile> mWaitingMediaFiles = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Set<MediaGallery> mWaitingGalleries = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<MediaGallery, Boolean>()); private Map<String, MediaType> mUploadingMedia = new HashMap<>(); private Set<String> mFailedMediaIds = new HashSet<>(); private MediaGallery mUploadingMediaGallery; private String mJavaScriptResult = ""; private CountDownLatch mGetTitleCountDownLatch; private CountDownLatch mGetContentCountDownLatch; private CountDownLatch mGetSelectedTextCountDownLatch; private final Map<String, ToggleButton> mTagToggleButtonMap = new HashMap<>(); private long mActionStartedAt = -1; private final View.OnDragListener mOnDragListener = new View.OnDragListener() { private long lastSetCoordsTimestamp; private boolean isSupported(ClipDescription clipDescription, List<String> mimeTypesToCheck) { if (clipDescription == null) { return false; } for (String supportedMimeType : mimeTypesToCheck) { if (clipDescription.hasMimeType(supportedMimeType)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean onDrag(View view, DragEvent dragEvent) { switch (dragEvent.getAction()) { case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED: return isSupported(dragEvent.getClipDescription(), DRAGNDROP_SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES_TEXT) || isSupported(dragEvent.getClipDescription(), DRAGNDROP_SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES_IMAGE); case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED: // would be nice to start marking the place the item will drop break; case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION: int x = DisplayUtils.pxToDp(getActivity(), (int) dragEvent.getX()); int y = DisplayUtils.pxToDp(getActivity(), (int) dragEvent.getY()); // don't call into JS too often long currentTimestamp = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if ((currentTimestamp - lastSetCoordsTimestamp) > 150) { lastSetCoordsTimestamp = currentTimestamp; mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.moveCaretToCoords(" + x + ", " + y + ");"); } break; case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED: // clear any drop marking maybe break; case DragEvent.ACTION_DROP: if (mSourceView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { if (isSupported(dragEvent.getClipDescription(), DRAGNDROP_SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES_IMAGE)) { // don't allow dropping images into the HTML source ToastUtils.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.editor_dropped_html_images_not_allowed, ToastUtils.Duration.LONG); return true; } else { // let the system handle the text drop return false; } } if (isSupported(dragEvent.getClipDescription(), DRAGNDROP_SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES_IMAGE) && ("zss_field_title".equals(mFocusedFieldId))) { // don't allow dropping images into the title field ToastUtils.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.editor_dropped_title_images_not_allowed, ToastUtils.Duration.LONG); return true; } if (isAdded()) { mEditorDragAndDropListener.onRequestDragAndDropPermissions(dragEvent); } ClipDescription clipDescription = dragEvent.getClipDescription(); if (clipDescription.getMimeTypeCount() < 1) { break; } ContentResolver contentResolver = getActivity().getContentResolver(); ArrayList<Uri> uris = new ArrayList<>(); boolean unsupportedDropsFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < dragEvent.getClipData().getItemCount(); i++) { ClipData.Item item = dragEvent.getClipData().getItemAt(i); Uri uri = item.getUri(); final String uriType = uri != null ? contentResolver.getType(uri) : null; if (uriType != null && DRAGNDROP_SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES_IMAGE.contains(uriType)) { uris.add(uri); continue; } else if (item.getText() != null) { insertTextToEditor(item.getText().toString()); continue; } else if (item.getHtmlText() != null) { insertTextToEditor(item.getHtmlText()); continue; } // any other drop types are not supported, including web URLs. We cannot proactively // determine their mime type for filtering unsupportedDropsFound = true; } if (unsupportedDropsFound) { ToastUtils.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.editor_dropped_unsupported_files, ToastUtils .Duration.LONG); } if (uris.size() > 0) { mEditorDragAndDropListener.onMediaDropped(uris); } break; case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED: // clear any drop marking maybe default: break; } return true; } private void insertTextToEditor(String text) { if (text != null) { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.insertText('" + Utils.escapeHtml(text) + "', true);"); } else { ToastUtils.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.editor_dropped_text_error, ToastUtils.Duration.SHORT); AppLog.d(T.EDITOR, "Dropped text was null!"); } } }; public static EditorFragment newInstance(String title, String content) { EditorFragment fragment = new EditorFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(ARG_PARAM_TITLE, title); args.putString(ARG_PARAM_CONTENT, content); fragment.setArguments(args); return fragment; } public EditorFragment() { } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ProfilingUtils.start("Visual Editor Startup"); ProfilingUtils.split("EditorFragment.onCreate"); } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_editor, container, false); // Setup hiding the action bar when the soft keyboard is displayed for narrow viewports if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE && !getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.is_large_tablet_landscape)) { mHideActionBarOnSoftKeyboardUp = true; } // -- WebView configuration mWebView = (EditorWebViewAbstract) view.findViewById(; // Revert to compatibility WebView for custom ROMs using a 4.3 WebView in Android 4.4 if (mWebView.shouldSwitchToCompatibilityMode()) { ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) mWebView.getParent(); int index = parent.indexOfChild(mWebView); parent.removeView(mWebView); mWebView = new EditorWebViewCompatibility(getActivity(), null); mWebView.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); parent.addView(mWebView, index); } mWebView.setOnTouchListener(this); mWebView.setOnImeBackListener(this); mWebView.setAuthHeaderRequestListener(this); mWebView.setOnDragListener(mOnDragListener); if (mCustomHttpHeaders != null && mCustomHttpHeaders.size() > 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : mCustomHttpHeaders.entrySet()) { mWebView.setCustomHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } // Ensure that the content field is always filling the remaining screen space mWebView.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new View.OnLayoutChangeListener() { @Override public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("try {ZSSEditor.refreshVisibleViewportSize();} catch (e) " + "{console.log(e)}"); } }); } }); mEditorFragmentListener.onEditorFragmentInitialized(); initJsEditor(); if (savedInstanceState != null) { setTitle(savedInstanceState.getCharSequence(ATTR_TITLE)); setContent(savedInstanceState.getCharSequence(ATTR_CONTENT)); } // -- HTML mode configuration mSourceView = view.findViewById(; mSourceViewTitle = (SourceViewEditText) view.findViewById(; mSourceViewContent = (SourceViewEditText) view.findViewById(; // Toggle format bar on/off as user changes focus between title and content in HTML mode mSourceViewTitle.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() { @Override public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) { updateFormatBarEnabledState(!hasFocus); } }); mSourceViewTitle.setOnTouchListener(this); mSourceViewContent.setOnTouchListener(this); mSourceViewTitle.setOnImeBackListener(this); mSourceViewContent.setOnImeBackListener(this); mSourceViewContent.addTextChangedListener(new HtmlStyleTextWatcher()); mSourceViewTitle.setHint(mTitlePlaceholder); mSourceViewContent.setHint("<p>" + mContentPlaceholder + "</p>"); // attach drag-and-drop handler mSourceViewTitle.setOnDragListener(mOnDragListener); mSourceViewContent.setOnDragListener(mOnDragListener); // -- Format bar configuration setupFormatBarButtonMap(view); return view; } @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); mEditorWasPaused = true; mIsKeyboardOpen = false; } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); // If the editor was previously paused and the current orientation is landscape, // hide the actionbar because the keyboard is going to appear (even if it was hidden // prior to being paused). if (mEditorWasPaused && (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) && !getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.is_large_tablet_landscape)) { mIsKeyboardOpen = true; mHideActionBarOnSoftKeyboardUp = true; hideActionBarIfNeeded(); } } @Override public void onAttach(Activity activity) { super.onAttach(activity); try { mEditorDragAndDropListener = (EditorDragAndDropListener) activity; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString() + " must implement EditorDragAndDropListener"); } } @Override public void onDetach() { // Soft cancel (delete flag off) all media uploads currently in progress for (String mediaId : mUploadingMedia.keySet()) { mEditorFragmentListener.onMediaUploadCancelClicked(mediaId, false); } super.onDetach(); } @Override public void setUserVisibleHint(boolean isVisibleToUser) { if (mDomHasLoaded) { mWebView.notifyVisibilityChanged(isVisibleToUser); } super.setUserVisibleHint(isVisibleToUser); } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { try { outState.putCharSequence(ATTR_TITLE, getTitle()); outState.putCharSequence(ATTR_CONTENT, getContent()); } catch (IllegalEditorStateException e) { AppLog.e(T.EDITOR, "onSaveInstanceState: unable to get title or content"); } } private ActionBar getActionBar() { if (!isAdded()) { return null; } if (getActivity() instanceof AppCompatActivity) { return ((AppCompatActivity) getActivity()).getSupportActionBar(); } else { return null; } } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); if (getView() != null) { // Reload the format bar to make sure the correct one for the new screen width is being used View formatBar = getView().findViewById(; if (formatBar != null) { // Remember the currently active format bar buttons so they can be re-activated after the reload ArrayList<String> activeTags = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, ToggleButton> entry : mTagToggleButtonMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().isChecked()) { activeTags.add(entry.getKey()); } } ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) formatBar.getParent(); parent.removeView(formatBar); formatBar = getActivity().getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.format_bar, parent, false); formatBar.setId(; parent.addView(formatBar); setupFormatBarButtonMap(formatBar); if (mIsFormatBarDisabled) { updateFormatBarEnabledState(false); } // Restore the active format bar buttons for (String tag : activeTags) { mTagToggleButtonMap.get(tag).setChecked(true); } if (mSourceView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { ToggleButton htmlButton = (ToggleButton) formatBar.findViewById(; htmlButton.setChecked(true); } } // Reload HTML mode margins View sourceViewTitle = getView().findViewById(; View sourceViewContent = getView().findViewById(; if (sourceViewTitle != null && sourceViewContent != null) { int sideMargin = (int) getActivity().getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.sourceview_side_margin); ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams titleParams = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) sourceViewTitle.getLayoutParams(); ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams contentParams = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) sourceViewContent.getLayoutParams(); titleParams.setMargins(sideMargin, titleParams.topMargin, sideMargin, titleParams.bottomMargin); contentParams.setMargins(sideMargin, contentParams.topMargin, sideMargin, contentParams.bottomMargin); } } // Toggle action bar auto-hiding for the new orientation if (newConfig.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE && !getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.is_large_tablet_landscape)) { mHideActionBarOnSoftKeyboardUp = true; hideActionBarIfNeeded(); } else { mHideActionBarOnSoftKeyboardUp = false; showActionBarIfNeeded(); } } private void setupFormatBarButtonMap(View view) { ToggleButton boldButton = (ToggleButton) view.findViewById(; mTagToggleButtonMap.put(getString(R.string.format_bar_tag_bold), boldButton); ToggleButton italicButton = (ToggleButton) view.findViewById(; mTagToggleButtonMap.put(getString(R.string.format_bar_tag_italic), italicButton); ToggleButton quoteButton = (ToggleButton) view.findViewById(; mTagToggleButtonMap.put(getString(R.string.format_bar_tag_blockquote), quoteButton); ToggleButton ulButton = (ToggleButton) view.findViewById(; mTagToggleButtonMap.put(getString(R.string.format_bar_tag_unorderedList), ulButton); ToggleButton olButton = (ToggleButton) view.findViewById(; mTagToggleButtonMap.put(getString(R.string.format_bar_tag_orderedList), olButton); // Tablet-only ToggleButton strikethroughButton = (ToggleButton) view.findViewById(; if (strikethroughButton != null) { mTagToggleButtonMap.put(getString(R.string.format_bar_tag_strikethrough), strikethroughButton); } ToggleButton mediaButton = (ToggleButton) view.findViewById(; mTagToggleButtonMap.put(TAG_FORMAT_BAR_BUTTON_MEDIA, mediaButton); ToggleButton linkButton = (ToggleButton) view.findViewById(; mTagToggleButtonMap.put(TAG_FORMAT_BAR_BUTTON_LINK, linkButton); ToggleButton htmlButton = (ToggleButton) view.findViewById(; htmlButton.setOnClickListener(this); for (ToggleButton button : mTagToggleButtonMap.values()) { button.setOnClickListener(this); } } protected void initJsEditor() { if (!isAdded()) { return; } ProfilingUtils.split("EditorFragment.initJsEditor"); String htmlEditor = Utils.getHtmlFromFile(getActivity(), "android-editor.html"); if (htmlEditor != null) { htmlEditor = htmlEditor.replace("%%TITLE%%", getString(R.string.visual_editor)); htmlEditor = htmlEditor.replace("%%ANDROID_API_LEVEL%%", String.valueOf(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT)); htmlEditor = htmlEditor.replace("%%LOCALIZED_STRING_INIT%%", "nativeState.localizedStringEdit = '" + getString(R.string.edit) + "';\n" + "nativeState.localizedStringUploading = '" + getString(R.string.uploading) + "';\n" + "nativeState.localizedStringUploadingGallery = '" + getString(R.string.uploading_gallery_placeholder) + "';\n"); } // To avoid reflection security issues with JavascriptInterface on API<17, we use an iframe to make URL requests // for callbacks from JS instead. These are received by WebViewClient.shouldOverrideUrlLoading() and then // passed on to the JsCallbackReceiver if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 17) { mWebView.setJsCallbackReceiver(new JsCallbackReceiver(this)); } else { mWebView.addJavascriptInterface(new JsCallbackReceiver(this), JS_CALLBACK_HANDLER); } mWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_asset/", htmlEditor, "text/html", "utf-8", ""); if (mDebugModeEnabled) { enableWebDebugging(true); } } public void checkForFailedUploadAndSwitchToHtmlMode(final ToggleButton toggleButton) { if (!isAdded()) { return; } // Show an Alert Dialog asking the user if he wants to remove all failed media before upload if (hasFailedMediaUploads()) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); builder.setMessage(R.string.editor_failed_uploads_switch_html) .setPositiveButton(R.string.editor_remove_failed_uploads, new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { // Clear failed uploads and switch to HTML mode removeAllFailedMediaUploads(); toggleHtmlMode(toggleButton); } }).setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { toggleButton.setChecked(false); } }); builder.create().show(); } else { toggleHtmlMode(toggleButton); } } public boolean isActionInProgress() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - mActionStartedAt < MAX_ACTION_TIME_MS; } private void toggleHtmlMode(final ToggleButton toggleButton) { if (!isAdded()) { return; } mEditorFragmentListener.onTrackableEvent(TrackableEvent.HTML_BUTTON_TAPPED); // Don't switch to HTML mode if currently uploading media if (!mUploadingMedia.isEmpty() || isActionInProgress()) { toggleButton.setChecked(false); ToastUtils.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.alert_action_while_uploading, ToastUtils.Duration.LONG); return; } clearFormatBarButtons(); updateFormatBarEnabledState(true); if (toggleButton.isChecked()) { Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!isAdded()) { return; } // Update mTitle and mContentHtml with the latest state from the ZSSEditor try { getTitle(); getContent(); } catch (IllegalEditorStateException e) { AppLog.e(T.EDITOR, "toggleHtmlMode: unable to get title or content"); getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { toggleButton.setChecked(false); } }); return; } getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Set HTML mode state mSourceViewTitle.setText(mTitle); SpannableString spannableContent = new SpannableString(mContentHtml); HtmlStyleUtils.styleHtmlForDisplay(spannableContent); mSourceViewContent.setText(spannableContent); mWebView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mSourceView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mSourceViewContent.requestFocus(); mSourceViewContent.setSelection(0); InputMethodManager imm = ((InputMethodManager) getActivity() .getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)); imm.showSoftInput(mSourceViewContent, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT); } }); } }); thread.start(); } else { mWebView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mSourceView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mTitle = mSourceViewTitle.getText().toString(); mContentHtml = mSourceViewContent.getText().toString(); updateVisualEditorFields(); // Update the list of failed media uploads mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.getFailedMedia();"); // Reset selection to avoid buggy cursor behavior mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.resetSelectionOnField('zss_field_content');"); } } private void displayLinkDialog() { final LinkDialogFragment linkDialogFragment = new LinkDialogFragment(); linkDialogFragment.setTargetFragment(this, LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_REQUEST_CODE_ADD); final Bundle dialogBundle = new Bundle(); // Pass potential URL from user clipboard String clipboardUri = Utils.getUrlFromClipboard(getActivity()); if (clipboardUri != null) { dialogBundle.putString(LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_ARG_URL, clipboardUri); } // Pass selected text to dialog if (mSourceView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { // HTML mode mSelectionStart = mSourceViewContent.getSelectionStart(); mSelectionEnd = mSourceViewContent.getSelectionEnd(); String selectedText = mSourceViewContent.getText().toString().substring(mSelectionStart, mSelectionEnd); dialogBundle.putString(LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_ARG_TEXT, selectedText); linkDialogFragment.setArguments(dialogBundle);, LinkDialogFragment.class.getSimpleName()); } else { // Visual mode Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!isAdded()) { return; } mGetSelectedTextCountDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString( "ZSSEditor.execFunctionForResult('getSelectedTextToLinkify');"); } }); try { if (mGetSelectedTextCountDownLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { dialogBundle.putString(LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_ARG_TEXT, mJavaScriptResult); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { AppLog.d(T.EDITOR, "Failed to obtain selected text from JS editor."); } linkDialogFragment.setArguments(dialogBundle);, LinkDialogFragment.class.getSimpleName()); } }); thread.start(); } } @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (!isAdded()) { return; } int id = v.getId(); if (id == { checkForFailedUploadAndSwitchToHtmlMode((ToggleButton) v); } else if (id == { mEditorFragmentListener.onTrackableEvent(TrackableEvent.MEDIA_BUTTON_TAPPED); ((ToggleButton) v).setChecked(false); if (isActionInProgress()) { ToastUtils.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.alert_action_while_uploading, ToastUtils.Duration.LONG); return; } if (mSourceView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { ToastUtils.showToast(getActivity(), R.string.alert_insert_image_html_mode, ToastUtils.Duration.LONG); } else { mEditorFragmentListener.onAddMediaClicked(); } } else if (id == { if (!((ToggleButton) v).isChecked()) { // The link button was checked when it was pressed; remove the current link mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.unlink();"); mEditorFragmentListener.onTrackableEvent(TrackableEvent.UNLINK_BUTTON_TAPPED); return; } mEditorFragmentListener.onTrackableEvent(TrackableEvent.LINK_BUTTON_TAPPED); ((ToggleButton) v).setChecked(false); displayLinkDialog(); } else { if (v instanceof ToggleButton) { onFormattingButtonClicked((ToggleButton) v); } } } @Override public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { // If the WebView or EditText has received a touch event, the keyboard will be displayed and the action bar // should hide mIsKeyboardOpen = true; hideActionBarIfNeeded(); } return false; } /** * Intercept back button press while soft keyboard is visible. */ @Override public void onImeBack() { mIsKeyboardOpen = false; showActionBarIfNeeded(); } @Override public String onAuthHeaderRequested(String url) { return mEditorFragmentListener.onAuthHeaderRequested(url); } @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if ((requestCode == LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_REQUEST_CODE_ADD || requestCode == LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_REQUEST_CODE_UPDATE)) { if (resultCode == LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_REQUEST_CODE_DELETE) { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.unlink();"); return; } if (data == null) { return; } Bundle extras = data.getExtras(); if (extras == null) { return; } String linkUrl = extras.getString(LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_ARG_URL); String linkText = extras.getString(LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_ARG_TEXT); if (linkText == null || linkText.equals("")) { linkText = linkUrl; } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(Uri.parse(linkUrl).getScheme())) linkUrl = "http://" + linkUrl; if (mSourceView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { Editable content = mSourceViewContent.getText(); if (content == null) { return; } if (mSelectionStart < mSelectionEnd) { content.delete(mSelectionStart, mSelectionEnd); } String urlHtml = "<a href=\"" + linkUrl + "\">" + linkText + "</a>"; content.insert(mSelectionStart, urlHtml); mSourceViewContent.setSelection(mSelectionStart + urlHtml.length()); } else { String jsMethod; if (requestCode == LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_REQUEST_CODE_ADD) { jsMethod = "ZSSEditor.insertLink"; } else { jsMethod = "ZSSEditor.updateLink"; } mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString(jsMethod + "('" + Utils.escapeHtml(linkUrl) + "', '" + Utils.escapeHtml(linkText) + "');"); } } else if (requestCode == ImageSettingsDialogFragment.IMAGE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_REQUEST_CODE) { if (data == null) { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.clearCurrentEditingImage();"); return; } Bundle extras = data.getExtras(); if (extras == null) { return; } final String imageMeta = Utils.escapeQuotes(StringUtils.notNullStr(extras.getString(EXTRA_IMAGE_META))); final int imageRemoteId = extras.getInt(ATTR_ID_IMAGE_REMOTE); final boolean isFeaturedImage = extras.getBoolean(EXTRA_FEATURED); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.updateCurrentImageMeta('" + imageMeta + "');"); } }); if (imageRemoteId != 0) { if (isFeaturedImage) { mFeaturedImageId = imageRemoteId; mEditorFragmentListener.onFeaturedImageChanged(mFeaturedImageId); } else { // If this image was unset as featured, clear the featured image id if (mFeaturedImageId == imageRemoteId) { mFeaturedImageId = 0; mEditorFragmentListener.onFeaturedImageChanged(mFeaturedImageId); } } } } } @SuppressLint("NewApi") private void enableWebDebugging(boolean enable) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { AppLog.i(T.EDITOR, "Enabling web debugging"); WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(enable); } mWebView.setDebugModeEnabled(mDebugModeEnabled); } @Override public void setTitle(CharSequence text) { mTitle = text.toString(); } @Override public void setContent(CharSequence text) { mContentHtml = text.toString(); } /** * Returns the contents of the title field from the JavaScript editor. Should be called from a background thread * where possible. */ @Override public CharSequence getTitle() throws IllegalEditorStateException { if (!isAdded()) { throw new IllegalEditorStateException(); } if (mSourceView != null && mSourceView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { mTitle = mSourceViewTitle.getText().toString(); return StringUtils.notNullStr(mTitle); } if (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) { AppLog.d(T.EDITOR, "getTitle() called from UI thread"); } mGetTitleCountDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); // All WebView methods must be called from the UI thread getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.getField('zss_field_title').getHTMLForCallback();"); } }); try { mGetTitleCountDownLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { AppLog.e(T.EDITOR, e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } return StringUtils.notNullStr(mTitle.replaceAll(" $", "")); } /** * Returns the contents of the content field from the JavaScript editor. Should be called from a background thread * where possible. */ @Override public CharSequence getContent() throws IllegalEditorStateException { if (!isAdded()) { throw new IllegalEditorStateException(); } if (mSourceView != null && mSourceView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { mContentHtml = mSourceViewContent.getText().toString(); return StringUtils.notNullStr(mContentHtml); } if (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) { AppLog.d(T.EDITOR, "getContent() called from UI thread"); } mGetContentCountDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); // All WebView methods must be called from the UI thread getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.getField('zss_field_content').getHTMLForCallback();"); } }); try { mGetContentCountDownLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { AppLog.e(T.EDITOR, e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } return StringUtils.notNullStr(mContentHtml); } @Override public void appendMediaFile(final MediaFile mediaFile, final String mediaUrl, ImageLoader imageLoader) { if (!mDomHasLoaded) { // If the DOM hasn't loaded yet, we won't be able to add media to the ZSSEditor // Place them in a queue to be handled when the DOM loaded callback is received mWaitingMediaFiles.put(mediaUrl, mediaFile); return; } final String safeMediaUrl = Utils.escapeQuotes(mediaUrl); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String mediaId = String.valueOf(mediaFile.getId()); if (URLUtil.isNetworkUrl(mediaUrl)) { if (mediaFile.isVideo()) { String posterUrl = Utils.escapeQuotes(StringUtils.notNullStr(mediaFile.getThumbnailURL())); String videoPressId = ShortcodeUtils.getVideoPressIdFromShortCode( mediaFile.getVideoPressShortCode()); mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.insertVideo('" + safeMediaUrl + "', '" + posterUrl + "', '" + videoPressId + "');"); } else { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.insertImage('" + safeMediaUrl + "', '" + mediaId + "');"); } mActionStartedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { if (mediaFile.isVideo()) { String posterUrl = Utils.escapeQuotes(StringUtils.notNullStr(mediaFile.getThumbnailURL())); mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.insertLocalVideo(" + mediaId + ", '" + posterUrl + "');"); mUploadingMedia.put(mediaId, MediaType.VIDEO); } else { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.insertLocalImage(" + mediaId + ", '" + safeMediaUrl + "');"); mUploadingMedia.put(mediaId, MediaType.IMAGE); } } } }); } @Override public void appendGallery(MediaGallery mediaGallery) { if (!mDomHasLoaded) { // If the DOM hasn't loaded yet, we won't be able to add a gallery to the ZSSEditor // Place it in a queue to be handled when the DOM loaded callback is received mWaitingGalleries.add(mediaGallery); return; } if (mediaGallery.getIds().isEmpty()) { mUploadingMediaGallery = mediaGallery; mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.insertLocalGallery('" + mediaGallery.getUniqueId() + "');"); } else { // Ensure that the content field is in focus (it may not be if we're adding a gallery to a new post by a // share action and not via the format bar button) mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.getField('zss_field_content').focus();"); mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.insertGallery('" + mediaGallery.getIdsStr() + "', '" + mediaGallery.getType() + "', " + mediaGallery.getNumColumns() + ");"); } } @Override public void setUrlForVideoPressId(final String videoId, final String videoUrl, final String posterUrl) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.setVideoPressLinks('" + videoId + "', '" + Utils.escapeQuotes(videoUrl) + "', '" + Utils.escapeQuotes(posterUrl) + "');"); } }); } @Override public boolean isUploadingMedia() { return (mUploadingMedia.size() > 0); } @Override public boolean hasFailedMediaUploads() { return (mFailedMediaIds.size() > 0); } @Override public void removeAllFailedMediaUploads() { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.removeAllFailedMediaUploads();"); } @Override public Spanned getSpannedContent() { return null; } @Override public void setTitlePlaceholder(CharSequence placeholderText) { mTitlePlaceholder = placeholderText.toString(); } @Override public void setContentPlaceholder(CharSequence placeholderText) { mContentPlaceholder = placeholderText.toString(); } @Override public void onMediaUploadSucceeded(final String localMediaId, final MediaFile mediaFile) { if(!isAdded()) { return; } final String mimeType = mediaFile.getMimeType(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mimeType)) { return; } Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String remoteUrl = Utils.escapeQuotes(mediaFile.getFileURL()); if (mimeType.contains("image")) { String remoteMediaId = mediaFile.getMediaId(); mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.replaceLocalImageWithRemoteImage(" + localMediaId + ", '" + remoteMediaId + "', '" + remoteUrl + "');"); } else if (mimeType.contains("video")) { String posterUrl = Utils.escapeQuotes(StringUtils.notNullStr(mediaFile.getThumbnailURL())); String videoPressId = ShortcodeUtils.getVideoPressIdFromShortCode( mediaFile.getVideoPressShortCode()); mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.replaceLocalVideoWithRemoteVideo(" + localMediaId + ", '" + remoteUrl + "', '" + posterUrl + "', '" + videoPressId + "');"); } } }); } @Override public void onMediaUploadProgress(final String mediaId, final float progress) { if(!isAdded()) { return; } final MediaType mediaType = mUploadingMedia.get(mediaId); if (mediaType != null) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String progressString = String.format(Locale.US, "%.1f", progress); mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.setProgressOnMedia(" + mediaId + ", " + progressString + ");"); } }); } } @Override public void onMediaUploadFailed(final String mediaId, final String errorMessage) { if(!isAdded()) { return; } Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MediaType mediaType = mUploadingMedia.get(mediaId); if (mediaType != null) { switch (mediaType) { case IMAGE: mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.markImageUploadFailed(" + mediaId + ", '" + Utils.escapeQuotes(errorMessage) + "');"); break; case VIDEO: mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.markVideoUploadFailed(" + mediaId + ", '" + Utils.escapeQuotes(errorMessage) + "');"); } mFailedMediaIds.add(mediaId); mUploadingMedia.remove(mediaId); } } }); } @Override public void onGalleryMediaUploadSucceeded(final long galleryId, long remoteMediaId, int remaining) { if(!isAdded()) { return; } if (galleryId == mUploadingMediaGallery.getUniqueId()) { ArrayList<Long> mediaIds = mUploadingMediaGallery.getIds(); mediaIds.add(remoteMediaId); mUploadingMediaGallery.setIds(mediaIds); if (remaining == 0) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.replacePlaceholderGallery('" + galleryId + "', '" + mUploadingMediaGallery.getIdsStr() + "', '" + mUploadingMediaGallery.getType() + "', " + mUploadingMediaGallery.getNumColumns() + ");"); } }); } } } public void onDomLoaded() { ProfilingUtils.split("EditorFragment.onDomLoaded"); Runnable() { public void run() { if (!isAdded()) { return; } mDomHasLoaded = true; mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.getField('zss_field_content').setMultiline('true');"); // Set title and content placeholder text mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.getField('zss_field_title').setPlaceholderText('" + Utils.escapeQuotes(mTitlePlaceholder) + "');"); mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.getField('zss_field_content').setPlaceholderText('" + Utils.escapeQuotes(mContentPlaceholder) + "');"); // Load title and content into ZSSEditor updateVisualEditorFields(); // If there are images that are still in progress (because the editor exited before they completed), // set them to failed, so the user can restart them (otherwise they will stay stuck in 'uploading' mode) mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.markAllUploadingMediaAsFailed('" + Utils.escapeQuotes(getString(R.string.tap_to_try_again)) + "');"); // Update the list of failed media uploads mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.getFailedMedia();"); hideActionBarIfNeeded(); // Reset all format bar buttons (in case they remained active through activity re-creation) ToggleButton htmlButton = (ToggleButton) getActivity().findViewById(; htmlButton.setChecked(false); for (ToggleButton button : mTagToggleButtonMap.values()) { button.setChecked(false); } boolean editorHasFocus = false; // Add any media files that were placed in a queue due to the DOM not having loaded yet if (mWaitingMediaFiles.size() > 0) { // Image insertion will only work if the content field is in focus // (for a new post, no field is in focus until user action) mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.getField('zss_field_content').focus();"); editorHasFocus = true; for (Map.Entry<String, MediaFile> entry : mWaitingMediaFiles.entrySet()) { appendMediaFile(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), null); } mWaitingMediaFiles.clear(); } // Add any galleries that were placed in a queue due to the DOM not having loaded yet if (mWaitingGalleries.size() > 0) { // Gallery insertion will only work if the content field is in focus // (for a new post, no field is in focus until user action) mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.getField('zss_field_content').focus();"); editorHasFocus = true; for (MediaGallery mediaGallery : mWaitingGalleries) { appendGallery(mediaGallery); } mWaitingGalleries.clear(); } if (!editorHasFocus) { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.focusFirstEditableField();"); } // Show the keyboard ((InputMethodManager)getActivity().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)) .showSoftInput(mWebView, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT); ProfilingUtils.split("EditorFragment.onDomLoaded completed"); ProfilingUtils.dump(); ProfilingUtils.stop(); } }); } public void onSelectionStyleChanged(final Map<String, Boolean> changeMap) { Runnable() { public void run() { for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : changeMap.entrySet()) { // Handle toggling format bar style buttons ToggleButton button = mTagToggleButtonMap.get(entry.getKey()); if (button != null) { button.setChecked(entry.getValue()); } } } }); } public void onSelectionChanged(final Map<String, String> selectionArgs) { mFocusedFieldId = selectionArgs.get("id"); // The field now in focus Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!mFocusedFieldId.isEmpty()) { switch (mFocusedFieldId) { case "zss_field_title": updateFormatBarEnabledState(false); break; case "zss_field_content": updateFormatBarEnabledState(true); break; } } } }); } public void onMediaTapped(final String mediaId, final MediaType mediaType, final JSONObject meta, String uploadStatus) { if (mediaType == null || !isAdded()) { return; } switch (uploadStatus) { case ATTR_STATUS_UPLOADING: // Display 'cancel upload' dialog AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); builder.setTitle(getString(R.string.stop_upload_dialog_title)); builder.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { mEditorFragmentListener.onMediaUploadCancelClicked(mediaId, true); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { switch (mediaType) { case IMAGE: mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.removeImage(" + mediaId + ");"); break; case VIDEO: mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.removeVideo(" + mediaId + ");"); } mUploadingMedia.remove(mediaId); } }); dialog.dismiss(); } }); builder.setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.cancel), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.dismiss(); } }); AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();; break; case ATTR_STATUS_FAILED: // Retry media upload mEditorFragmentListener.onMediaRetryClicked(mediaId); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { switch (mediaType) { case IMAGE: mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.unmarkImageUploadFailed(" + mediaId + ");"); break; case VIDEO: mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.unmarkVideoUploadFailed(" + mediaId + ");"); } mFailedMediaIds.remove(mediaId); mUploadingMedia.put(mediaId, mediaType); } }); break; default: if (!mediaType.equals(MediaType.IMAGE)) { return; } // Only show image options fragment for image taps FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager(); if (fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(ImageSettingsDialogFragment.IMAGE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_TAG) != null) { return; } mEditorFragmentListener.onTrackableEvent(TrackableEvent.IMAGE_EDITED); ImageSettingsDialogFragment imageSettingsDialogFragment = new ImageSettingsDialogFragment(); imageSettingsDialogFragment.setImageLoader(mImageLoader); imageSettingsDialogFragment.setTargetFragment(this, ImageSettingsDialogFragment.IMAGE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_REQUEST_CODE); Bundle dialogBundle = new Bundle(); dialogBundle.putString(EXTRA_MAX_WIDTH, mBlogSettingMaxImageWidth); dialogBundle.putBoolean(EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURED, mFeaturedImageSupported); try { // Use https:// when requesting the auth header, in case the image is incorrectly using http:// // If an auth header is returned, force https:// for the actual HTTP request final String imageSrc = meta.getString(ATTR_SRC); String authHeader = mEditorFragmentListener.onAuthHeaderRequested(UrlUtils.makeHttps(imageSrc)); if (authHeader.length() > 0) { meta.put(ATTR_SRC, UrlUtils.makeHttps(imageSrc)); } } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(T.EDITOR, "Could not retrieve image url from JSON metadata"); } dialogBundle.putString(EXTRA_IMAGE_META, meta.toString()); String imageId = JSONUtils.getString(meta, ATTR_ID_ATTACHMENT); if (!imageId.isEmpty()) { dialogBundle.putBoolean(EXTRA_FEATURED, mFeaturedImageId == Integer.parseInt(imageId)); } imageSettingsDialogFragment.setArguments(dialogBundle); FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction(); fragmentTransaction.setTransition(FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_OPEN); fragmentTransaction.add(, imageSettingsDialogFragment, ImageSettingsDialogFragment.IMAGE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_TAG) .addToBackStack(null) .commit(); mWebView.notifyVisibilityChanged(false); break; } } public void onLinkTapped(String url, String title) { LinkDialogFragment linkDialogFragment = new LinkDialogFragment(); linkDialogFragment.setTargetFragment(this, LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_REQUEST_CODE_UPDATE); Bundle dialogBundle = new Bundle(); dialogBundle.putString(LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_ARG_URL, url); dialogBundle.putString(LinkDialogFragment.LINK_DIALOG_ARG_TEXT, title); linkDialogFragment.setArguments(dialogBundle);, "LinkDialogFragment"); } @Override public void onMediaRemoved(String mediaId) { mUploadingMedia.remove(mediaId); mFailedMediaIds.remove(mediaId); mEditorFragmentListener.onMediaUploadCancelClicked(mediaId, true); } @Override public void onMediaReplaced(String mediaId) { mUploadingMedia.remove(mediaId); } @Override public void onVideoPressInfoRequested(final String videoId) { mEditorFragmentListener.onVideoPressInfoRequested(videoId); } public void onGetHtmlResponse(Map<String, String> inputArgs) { String functionId = inputArgs.get("function"); if (functionId.isEmpty()) { return; } switch (functionId) { case "getHTMLForCallback": String fieldId = inputArgs.get("id"); String fieldContents = inputArgs.get("contents"); if (!fieldId.isEmpty()) { switch (fieldId) { case "zss_field_title": mTitle = fieldContents; mGetTitleCountDownLatch.countDown(); break; case "zss_field_content": mContentHtml = fieldContents; mGetContentCountDownLatch.countDown(); break; } } break; case "getSelectedTextToLinkify": mJavaScriptResult = inputArgs.get("result"); mGetSelectedTextCountDownLatch.countDown(); break; case "getFailedMedia": String[] mediaIds = inputArgs.get("ids").split(","); for (String mediaId : mediaIds) { if (!mediaId.equals("")) { mFailedMediaIds.add(mediaId); } } } } public void setWebViewErrorListener(ErrorListener errorListener) { mWebView.setErrorListener(errorListener); } private void updateVisualEditorFields() { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.getField('zss_field_title').setPlainText('" + Utils.escapeHtml(mTitle) + "');"); mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.getField('zss_field_content').setHTML('" + Utils.escapeHtml(mContentHtml) + "');"); } /** * Hide the action bar if needed. */ private void hideActionBarIfNeeded() { ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar(); if (actionBar != null && !isHardwareKeyboardPresent() && mHideActionBarOnSoftKeyboardUp && mIsKeyboardOpen && actionBar.isShowing()) { getActionBar().hide(); } } /** * Show the action bar if needed. */ private void showActionBarIfNeeded() { ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar(); if (actionBar != null && !actionBar.isShowing()) {; } } /** * Returns true if a hardware keyboard is detected, otherwise false. */ private boolean isHardwareKeyboardPresent() { Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration(); boolean returnValue = false; if (config.keyboard != Configuration.KEYBOARD_NOKEYS) { returnValue = true; } return returnValue; } void updateFormatBarEnabledState(boolean enabled) { float alpha = (enabled ? TOOLBAR_ALPHA_ENABLED : TOOLBAR_ALPHA_DISABLED); for(ToggleButton button : mTagToggleButtonMap.values()) { button.setEnabled(enabled); button.setAlpha(alpha); } mIsFormatBarDisabled = !enabled; } private void clearFormatBarButtons() { for (ToggleButton button : mTagToggleButtonMap.values()) { if (button != null) { button.setChecked(false); } } } private void onFormattingButtonClicked(ToggleButton toggleButton) { String tag = toggleButton.getTag().toString(); buttonTappedListener(toggleButton); if (mWebView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { mWebView.execJavaScriptFromString("ZSSEditor.set" + StringUtils.capitalize(tag) + "();"); } else { applyFormattingHtmlMode(toggleButton, tag); } } private void buttonTappedListener(ToggleButton toggleButton) { int id = toggleButton.getId(); if (id == { mEditorFragmentListener.onTrackableEvent(TrackableEvent.BOLD_BUTTON_TAPPED); } else if (id == { mEditorFragmentListener.onTrackableEvent(TrackableEvent.ITALIC_BUTTON_TAPPED); } else if (id == { mEditorFragmentListener.onTrackableEvent(TrackableEvent.OL_BUTTON_TAPPED); } else if (id == { mEditorFragmentListener.onTrackableEvent(TrackableEvent.UL_BUTTON_TAPPED); } else if (id == { mEditorFragmentListener.onTrackableEvent(TrackableEvent.BLOCKQUOTE_BUTTON_TAPPED); } else if (id == { mEditorFragmentListener.onTrackableEvent(TrackableEvent.STRIKETHROUGH_BUTTON_TAPPED); } } /** * In HTML mode, applies formatting to selected text, or inserts formatting tag at current cursor position * @param toggleButton format bar button which was clicked * @param tag identifier tag */ private void applyFormattingHtmlMode(ToggleButton toggleButton, String tag) { if (mSourceViewContent == null) { return; } // Replace style tags with their proper HTML tags String htmlTag; if (tag.equals(getString(R.string.format_bar_tag_bold))) { htmlTag = "b"; } else if (tag.equals(getString(R.string.format_bar_tag_italic))) { htmlTag = "i"; } else if (tag.equals(getString(R.string.format_bar_tag_strikethrough))) { htmlTag = "del"; } else if (tag.equals(getString(R.string.format_bar_tag_unorderedList))) { htmlTag = "ul"; } else if (tag.equals(getString(R.string.format_bar_tag_orderedList))) { htmlTag = "ol"; } else { htmlTag = tag; } int selectionStart = mSourceViewContent.getSelectionStart(); int selectionEnd = mSourceViewContent.getSelectionEnd(); if (selectionStart > selectionEnd) { int temp = selectionEnd; selectionEnd = selectionStart; selectionStart = temp; } boolean textIsSelected = selectionEnd > selectionStart; String startTag = "<" + htmlTag + ">"; String endTag = "</" + htmlTag + ">"; // Add li tags together with ul and ol tags if (htmlTag.equals("ul") || htmlTag.equals("ol")) { startTag = startTag + "\n\t<li>"; endTag = "</li>\n" + endTag; } Editable content = mSourceViewContent.getText(); if (textIsSelected) { // Surround selected text with opening and closing tags content.insert(selectionStart, startTag); content.insert(selectionEnd + startTag.length(), endTag); toggleButton.setChecked(false); mSourceViewContent.setSelection(selectionEnd + startTag.length() + endTag.length()); } else if (toggleButton.isChecked()) { // Insert opening tag content.insert(selectionStart, startTag); mSourceViewContent.setSelection(selectionEnd + startTag.length()); } else { // Insert closing tag content.insert(selectionEnd, endTag); mSourceViewContent.setSelection(selectionEnd + endTag.length()); } } @Override public void onActionFinished() { mActionStartedAt = -1; } }