package; import; import; import; import; import; import; public enum Role { ADMIN(R.string.role_admin), EDITOR(R.string.role_editor), AUTHOR(R.string.role_author), CONTRIBUTOR(R.string.role_contributor), FOLLOWER(R.string.role_follower), VIEWER(R.string.role_viewer), SUBSCRIBER(R.string.role_subscriber); // Jetpack only private static final Role[] USER_ROLES_WPCOM = { ADMIN, EDITOR, AUTHOR, CONTRIBUTOR }; private static final Role[] USER_ROLES_JETPACK = { ADMIN, EDITOR, AUTHOR, CONTRIBUTOR, SUBSCRIBER }; private static final Role[] INVITE_ROLES_WPCOM = { FOLLOWER, ADMIN, EDITOR, AUTHOR, CONTRIBUTOR }; private static final Role[] INVITE_ROLES_WPCOM_PRIVATE = { VIEWER, ADMIN, EDITOR, AUTHOR, CONTRIBUTOR }; private static final Role[] INVITE_ROLES_JETPACK = { FOLLOWER }; private final int mLabelResId; Role(@StringRes int labelResId) { mLabelResId = labelResId; } public String toDisplayString() { return WordPress.getContext().getString(mLabelResId); } public static Role fromString(String role) { switch (role) { case "administrator": return ADMIN; case "editor": return EDITOR; case "author": return AUTHOR; case "contributor": return CONTRIBUTOR; case "follower": return FOLLOWER; case "viewer": return VIEWER; case "subscriber": return SUBSCRIBER; } Exception e = new IllegalArgumentException("All roles must be handled: " + role); CrashlyticsUtils.logException(e, AppLog.T.PEOPLE); // All roles should have been handled, but in case an edge case occurs, // using "Contributor" role is the safest option return CONTRIBUTOR; } @Override public String toString() { switch (this) { case ADMIN: return "administrator"; case EDITOR: return "editor"; case AUTHOR: return "author"; case CONTRIBUTOR: return "contributor"; case FOLLOWER: return "follower"; case VIEWER: return "viewer"; case SUBSCRIBER: return "subscriber"; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("All roles must be handled"); } /** * @return the string representation of the role, as used by the REST API */ public String toRESTString() { switch (this) { case ADMIN: return "administrator"; case EDITOR: return "editor"; case AUTHOR: return "author"; case CONTRIBUTOR: return "contributor"; case FOLLOWER: return "follower"; case VIEWER: // the remote expects "follower" as the role parameter even if the role is "viewer" return "follower"; case SUBSCRIBER: return "subscriber"; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("All roles must be handled"); } public static Role[] userRoles(SiteModel site) { if (site.isJetpackConnected()) { return USER_ROLES_JETPACK; } return USER_ROLES_WPCOM; } public static Role[] inviteRoles(SiteModel site) { if (site.isJetpackConnected()) { return INVITE_ROLES_JETPACK; } if (site.isPrivate()) { return INVITE_ROLES_WPCOM_PRIVATE; } return INVITE_ROLES_WPCOM; } }