package; import android.text.TextUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; public class Post implements Serializable { // Increment this value if this model changes // See: static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; public static String QUICK_MEDIA_TYPE_PHOTO = "QuickPhoto"; private static long FEATURED_IMAGE_INIT_VALUE = -2; private long localTablePostId; private int localTableBlogId; private String categories; private String customFields; private long dateCreated; private long dateCreatedGmt; private long dateLastUpdated; //only used for drafts - last time the user updated this draft private long dateLastNotified; //only used for drafts - last time we notified the user this post was too long in drafts private String description; private String link; private boolean allowComments; private boolean allowPings; private String excerpt; private String keywords; private String moreText; private String permaLink; private String status; private String remotePostId; private String title; private String userId; private String authorDisplayName; private String authorId; private String password; private String postFormat; private String slug; private boolean localDraft; private boolean mChangedFromLocalToPublished; private boolean isPage; private String pageParentId; private String pageParentTitle; private boolean isLocalChange; private String mediaPaths; private String quickPostType; private PostLocation mPostLocation; private long lastKnownRemoteFeaturedImageId; private long featuredImageId = FEATURED_IMAGE_INIT_VALUE; public Post() { } public Post(int blogId, boolean isPage) { // creates a new, empty post for the passed in blogId this.localTableBlogId = blogId; this.isPage = isPage; this.localDraft = true; this.dateLastUpdated = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public long getLocalTablePostId() { return localTablePostId; } public long getDateCreated() { return dateCreated; } public void setDateCreated(long dateCreated) { this.dateCreated = dateCreated; } public long getDate_created_gmt() { return dateCreatedGmt; } public void setDate_created_gmt(long dateCreatedGmt) { this.dateCreatedGmt = dateCreatedGmt; } public void setCategories(String postCategories) { this.categories = postCategories; } public void setCustomFields(String customFields) { this.customFields = customFields; } public int getLocalTableBlogId() { return localTableBlogId; } public void setLocalTableBlogId(int localTableBlogId) { this.localTableBlogId = localTableBlogId; } public boolean isLocalDraft() { return localDraft; } public void setLocalDraft(boolean localDraft) { this.localDraft = localDraft; } public JSONArray getJSONCategories() { JSONArray jArray = null; if (categories == null) { categories = "[]"; } try { categories = StringUtils.unescapeHTML(categories); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(categories)) { jArray = new JSONArray(); } else { jArray = new JSONArray(categories); } } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(T.POSTS, e); } return jArray; } public void setJSONCategories(JSONArray categories) { this.categories = categories.toString(); } public JSONArray getCustomFields() { if (customFields == null) { return null; } JSONArray jArray = null; try { jArray = new JSONArray(customFields); } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(T.POSTS, "No custom fields found for post."); } return jArray; } public JSONObject getCustomField(String key) { JSONArray customFieldsJson = getCustomFields(); if (customFieldsJson == null) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < customFieldsJson.length(); i++) { try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(customFieldsJson.getString(i)); String curentKey = jsonObject.getString("key"); if (key.equals(curentKey)) { return jsonObject; } } catch (JSONException e) { AppLog.e(T.POSTS, e); } } return null; } public void setCustomFields(JSONArray customFields) { this.customFields = customFields.toString(); } public String getDescription() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(description); } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public String getLink() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(link); } public void setLink(String link) { = link; } public boolean isAllowComments() { return allowComments; } public void setAllowComments(boolean mtAllowComments) { allowComments = mtAllowComments; } public boolean isAllowPings() { return allowPings; } public void setAllowPings(boolean mtAllowPings) { allowPings = mtAllowPings; } public String getPostExcerpt() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(excerpt); } public void setPostExcerpt(String mtExcerpt) { excerpt = mtExcerpt; } public String getKeywords() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(keywords); } public void setKeywords(String mtKeywords) { keywords = mtKeywords; } public String getMoreText() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(moreText); } public void setMoreText(String mtTextMore) { moreText = mtTextMore; } public String getPermaLink() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(permaLink); } public void setPermaLink(String permaLink) { this.permaLink = permaLink; } public String getPostStatus() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(status); } public void setPostStatus(String postStatus) { status = postStatus; } public PostStatus getStatusEnum() { return PostStatus.fromPost(this); } public String getRemotePostId() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(remotePostId); } public void setRemotePostId(String postId) { this.remotePostId = postId; } public String getTitle() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(title); } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getUserId() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(userId); } public void setUserId(String userid) { this.userId = userid; } public String getAuthorDisplayName() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(authorDisplayName); } public void setAuthorDisplayName(String wpAuthorDisplayName) { authorDisplayName = wpAuthorDisplayName; } public String getAuthorId() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(authorId); } public void setAuthorId(String wpAuthorId) { authorId = wpAuthorId; } public String getPassword() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(password); } public void setPassword(String wpPassword) { password = wpPassword; } public String getPostFormat() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(postFormat); } public void setPostFormat(String wpPostForm) { postFormat = wpPostForm; } public String getSlug() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(slug); } public void setSlug(String wpSlug) { slug = wpSlug; } public String getMediaPaths() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mediaPaths); } public void setMediaPaths(String mediaPaths) { this.mediaPaths = mediaPaths; } public boolean supportsLocation() { // Right now, we only disable for pages. return !isPage(); } public boolean hasLocation() { return mPostLocation != null && mPostLocation.isValid(); } public PostLocation getLocation() { return mPostLocation; } public void setLocation(PostLocation location) { mPostLocation = location; } public void unsetLocation() { mPostLocation = null; } public void setLocation(double latitude, double longitude) { try { mPostLocation = new PostLocation(latitude, longitude); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { mPostLocation = null; AppLog.e(T.POSTS, e); } } public boolean isPage() { return isPage; } public void setIsPage(boolean isPage) { this.isPage = isPage; } public String getPageParentId() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(pageParentId); } public void setPageParentId(String wp_page_parent_id) { this.pageParentId = wp_page_parent_id; } public String getPageParentTitle() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(pageParentTitle); } public void setPageParentTitle(String wp_page_parent_title) { this.pageParentTitle = wp_page_parent_title; } public boolean isLocalChange() { return isLocalChange; } public void setLocalChange(boolean isLocalChange) { this.isLocalChange = isLocalChange; } public void setLocalTablePostId(long id) { this.localTablePostId = id; } public void setQuickPostType(String type) { this.quickPostType = type; } public String getQuickPostType() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(quickPostType); } /** * This indicates if the post has changed from a draft to published. This is primarily used * for stats tracking purposes as we want to ensure that we properly track certain things when * the user first publishes a post * @return */ public boolean hasChangedFromDraftToPublished() { return mChangedFromLocalToPublished; } public void setChangedFromDraftToPublished(boolean changedFromDraftToPublished) { this.mChangedFromLocalToPublished = changedFromDraftToPublished; } /** * Checks if this post currently has data differing from another post. * * @param otherPost The post to compare to this post's editable data. * @return True if this post's data differs from otherPost's data, False otherwise. */ public boolean hasChanges(Post otherPost) { return otherPost == null || !(StringUtils.equals(title, otherPost.title) && StringUtils.equals(description, otherPost.description) && StringUtils.equals(excerpt, otherPost.excerpt) && StringUtils.equals(keywords, otherPost.keywords) && StringUtils.equals(categories, otherPost.categories) && StringUtils.equals(status, otherPost.status) && StringUtils.equals(password, otherPost.password) && StringUtils.equals(postFormat, otherPost.postFormat) && this.dateCreatedGmt == otherPost.dateCreatedGmt && PostLocation.equals(this.mPostLocation, otherPost.mPostLocation) ); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + localTableBlogId; result = prime * result + (int) (localTablePostId ^ (localTablePostId >>> 32)); result = prime * result + (isPage ? 1231 : 1237); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == this) return true; if (other instanceof Post) { Post otherPost = (Post) other; return (this.localTablePostId == otherPost.localTablePostId && this.isPage == otherPost.isPage && this.localTableBlogId == otherPost.localTableBlogId ); } else { return false; } } /** * Get the entire post content * Joins description and moreText fields if both are valid * @return post content as String */ public String getContent() { String postContent; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(getMoreText())) { if (isLocalDraft()) { postContent = getDescription() + "\n<!--more-->\n" + getMoreText(); } else { postContent = getDescription() + "\n<!--more-->\n" + getMoreText(); } } else { postContent = getDescription(); } return postContent; } public boolean isPublished() { return !getRemotePostId().isEmpty(); } public boolean isPublishable() { return !(getContent().isEmpty() && getPostExcerpt().isEmpty() && getTitle().isEmpty()); } public boolean hasEmptyContentFields() { return TextUtils.isEmpty(this.getTitle()) && TextUtils.isEmpty(this.getContent()); } public long getFeaturedImageId() { if (featuredImageId == FEATURED_IMAGE_INIT_VALUE) { return 0; } return featuredImageId; } public void setFeaturedImageId(long id) { if (featuredImageId == FEATURED_IMAGE_INIT_VALUE) { lastKnownRemoteFeaturedImageId = id; } featuredImageId = id; } public boolean featuredImageHasChanged() { return (lastKnownRemoteFeaturedImageId != featuredImageId); } public long getDateLastUpdated() { return dateLastUpdated; } public void setDateLastUpdated(long dateLastUpdated) { this.dateLastUpdated = dateLastUpdated; } public long getDateLastNotified() { return dateLastNotified; } public void setDateLastNotified(long dateLastNotified) { this.dateLastNotified = dateLastNotified; } }