package; import android.text.TextUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; public class Plan implements Serializable { private long mProductID; private String mProductName; private final Hashtable<String, Integer> mPrices = new Hashtable<>(); private String mProductNameShort; private String mProductSlug; private String mTagline; private String mDescription; private long mCost; private int mBillPeriod; private String mProductType; private boolean mIsAvailable; private String mBillPeriodLabel; private String mPrice; private String mFormattedPrice; private String mIconUrl; private int mRawPrice; // Optionals private int mWidth; private int mHeight; private long mSaving; // diff from cost and original private long mOriginal; // Original price private String mFormattedOriginalPrice; private int mStore; private int mMulti; private String mSupportDocument; private String mCapability; private ArrayList<Integer> mBundleProductIds; private final ArrayList<PlanFeaturesHighlightSection> mFeaturesHighlightSections = new ArrayList<>(); // used to link with an actual product on the Store (ie: Used to load the price from the Store). private String mAndroidSKU; // Info attached to the current site/user private int mRawDiscount; private String mFormattedDiscount; private boolean mIsCurrentPlan; private boolean mCanStartTrial; private String mExpiry; private boolean mFreeTrial; private String mUserFacingExpiry; private String mSubscribedDate; private String mBundleSubscriptionID; public Plan(JSONObject planJSONObject) throws JSONException { mProductID = planJSONObject.getLong("product_id"); mProductName = planJSONObject.getString("product_name"); // Unfold prices object JSONObject priceJSONObject = planJSONObject.getJSONObject("prices"); JSONArray priceKeys = priceJSONObject.names(); if (priceKeys != null) { for (int i=0; i < priceKeys.length(); i ++) { String currentKey = priceKeys.getString(i); int currentPrice = priceJSONObject.getInt(currentKey); mPrices.put(currentKey, currentPrice); } } mProductNameShort = planJSONObject.getString("product_name_short"); mProductSlug = planJSONObject.getString("product_slug"); mTagline = planJSONObject.getString("tagline"); mDescription = planJSONObject.getString("description"); mCost = planJSONObject.getLong("cost"); mBillPeriod = planJSONObject.getInt("bill_period"); mProductType = planJSONObject.getString("product_type"); mIsAvailable = JSONUtils.getBool(planJSONObject, "available"); mBillPeriodLabel = planJSONObject.getString("bill_period_label"); mPrice = planJSONObject.getString("price"); mFormattedPrice = planJSONObject.getString("formatted_price"); mRawPrice = planJSONObject.getInt("raw_price"); mIconUrl = planJSONObject.optString("icon"); mAndroidSKU = planJSONObject.optString("android_sku"); // Optionals mWidth = planJSONObject.optInt("width"); mHeight = planJSONObject.optInt("height"); mSaving = planJSONObject.optLong("saving", 0L); mOriginal = planJSONObject.optLong("original", mCost); mFormattedOriginalPrice = planJSONObject.optString("formatted_original_price"); mSupportDocument = planJSONObject.optString("support_document"); mCapability = planJSONObject.optString("capability"); mStore = planJSONObject.optInt("store"); mMulti = planJSONObject.optInt("multi"); if (planJSONObject.has("bundle_product_ids")) { JSONArray bundleIDS = planJSONObject.getJSONArray("bundle_product_ids"); mBundleProductIds = new ArrayList<>(bundleIDS.length()); for (int i=0; i < bundleIDS.length(); i ++) { int currentBundleID = bundleIDS.getInt(i); mBundleProductIds.add(currentBundleID); } } if (planJSONObject.has("features_highlight")) { JSONArray featuresHighlightSections = planJSONObject.getJSONArray("features_highlight"); for (int i=0; i < featuresHighlightSections.length(); i++) { mFeaturesHighlightSections.add( new PlanFeaturesHighlightSection(featuresHighlightSections.getJSONObject(i)) ); } } // Specific info liked with the current site mRawDiscount = planJSONObject.optInt("raw_discount", 0); mFormattedDiscount = planJSONObject.optString("formatted_discount"); mCanStartTrial = JSONUtils.getBool(planJSONObject, "can_start_trial"); mIsCurrentPlan = JSONUtils.getBool(planJSONObject, "current_plan"); mExpiry = planJSONObject.optString("expiry"); mUserFacingExpiry = planJSONObject.optString("user_facing_expiry"); mSubscribedDate = planJSONObject.optString("subscribed_date"); mFreeTrial = JSONUtils.getBool(planJSONObject, "free_trial"); mBundleSubscriptionID = planJSONObject.optString("bundle_subscription_id"); } public long getProductID() { return mProductID; } public String getProductName() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mProductName); } public Hashtable<String, Integer> getPrices() { return mPrices; } public String getProductNameShort() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mProductNameShort); } public String getProductSlug() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mProductSlug); } public String getTagline() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mTagline); } public String getDescription() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mDescription); } public long getCost() { return mCost; } public int getBillPeriod() { return mBillPeriod; } public String getProductType() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mProductType); } public boolean isAvailable() { return mIsAvailable; } public int getWidth() { return mWidth; } public int getHeight() { return mHeight; } public String getBillPeriodLabel() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mBillPeriodLabel); } public String getPrice() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mPrice); } public String getFormattedPrice() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mFormattedPrice); } public int getRawPrice() { return mRawPrice; } public ArrayList<PlanFeaturesHighlightSection> getFeaturesHighlightSections() { return mFeaturesHighlightSections; } public List<Integer> getBundleProductIds() { return mBundleProductIds; } public String getCapability() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mCapability); } public String getSupportDocument() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mSupportDocument); } public int getMulti() { return mMulti; } public int getStore() { return mStore; } public String getFormattedOriginalPrice() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mFormattedOriginalPrice); } public long getSaving() { return mSaving; } public long getOriginal() { return mOriginal; } public String getIconUrl() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mIconUrl); } public void setIconUrl(String iconUrl) { mIconUrl = StringUtils.notNullStr(iconUrl); } public boolean hasIconUrl() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(mIconUrl); } public int getRawDiscount() { return mRawDiscount; } public String getFormattedDiscount() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mFormattedDiscount); } public boolean isCurrentPlan() { return mIsCurrentPlan; } public boolean canStartTrial() { return mCanStartTrial; } public String getSubscribedDate() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mSubscribedDate); } public String getUserFacingExpiry() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mUserFacingExpiry); } public boolean isFreeTrial() { return mFreeTrial; } public String getExpiry() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mExpiry); } public String getBundleSubscriptionID() { return StringUtils.notNullStr(mBundleSubscriptionID); } }