package; import android.content.Context; import; import android.text.Editable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class BlogUtils { private static final String DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE = "2000"; public static final int BLOG_ID_INVALID = 0; /** * Remove blogs that are not in the list and add others * TODO: it's horribly slow due to datastructures used (List of Map), We should replace * that by a HashSet of a specialized Blog class (that supports comparison) * * @return true if a change has been made (new blog added, old blog updated, blog deleted). */ public static boolean syncBlogs(Context context, List<Map<String, Object>> newBlogList, String username) { boolean retValue; // Add all blogs from blogList retValue = addBlogs(newBlogList, username); // Delete blogs if not in blogList List<Map<String, Object>> allBlogs = WordPress.wpDB.getBlogsBy("dotcomFlag=1", null); Set<String> newBlogURLs = new HashSet<String>(); for (Map<String, Object> blog : newBlogList) { newBlogURLs.add(blog.get("xmlrpc").toString() + blog.get("blogid").toString()); } for (Map<String, Object> blog : allBlogs) { if (!newBlogURLs.contains(blog.get("url").toString() + blog.get("blogId"))) { WordPress.wpDB.deleteBlog(context, Integer.parseInt(blog.get("id").toString())); StatsTable.deleteStatsForBlog(context, Integer.parseInt(blog.get("id").toString())); // Remove stats data retValue = true; } } return retValue; } /** * Add selected blog(s) to the database. * * @return true if a change has been made (new blog added or old blog updated). */ public static boolean addBlogs(List<Map<String, Object>> blogList, String username, String password, String httpUsername, String httpPassword) { boolean retValue = false; for (Map<String, Object> blogMap : blogList) { String blogName = StringUtils.unescapeHTML(blogMap.get("blogName").toString()); String xmlrpc = blogMap.get("xmlrpc").toString(); String homeUrl = blogMap.get("url").toString(); String blogId = blogMap.get("blogid").toString(); boolean isVisible = true; if (blogMap.containsKey("isVisible")) { isVisible = MapUtils.getMapBool(blogMap, "isVisible"); } boolean isAdmin = MapUtils.getMapBool(blogMap, "isAdmin"); long planID = 0; if (blogMap.containsKey("planID")) { planID = MapUtils.getMapLong(blogMap, "planID"); } String planShortName = MapUtils.getMapStr(blogMap, "plan_product_name_short"); String capabilities = MapUtils.getMapStr(blogMap, "capabilities"); retValue |= addOrUpdateBlog(blogName, xmlrpc, homeUrl, blogId, username, password, httpUsername, httpPassword, isAdmin, isVisible, planID, planShortName, capabilities); } return retValue; } /** * Check xmlrpc urls validity * * @param blogList blog list * @return true if there is at least one invalid xmlrpc url */ public static boolean isAnyInvalidXmlrpcUrl(List<Map<String, Object>> blogList) { for (Map<String, Object> blogMap : blogList) { String xmlrpc = blogMap.get("xmlrpc").toString(); if (!UrlUtils.isValidUrlAndHostNotNull(xmlrpc)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Add a new blog or update a blog name in local DB. * * @return true if a new blog has been added or an old blog has been updated. * Return false if no change has been made. */ public static boolean addOrUpdateBlog(String blogName, String xmlRpcUrl, String homeUrl, String blogId, String username, String password, String httpUsername, String httpPassword, boolean isAdmin, boolean isVisible, long planID, String planShortName, String capabilities) { Blog blog; if (!WordPress.wpDB.isBlogInDatabase(Integer.parseInt(blogId), xmlRpcUrl)) { // The blog isn't in the app, so let's create it blog = new Blog(xmlRpcUrl, username, password); blog.setHomeURL(homeUrl); blog.setHttpuser(httpUsername); blog.setHttppassword(httpPassword); blog.setBlogName(blogName); // deprecated blog.setImagePlacement(""); blog.setFullSizeImage(false); blog.setMaxImageWidth(DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE); // deprecated blog.setMaxImageWidthId(0); blog.setRemoteBlogId(Integer.parseInt(blogId)); blog.setDotcomFlag(WPUrlUtils.isWordPressCom(xmlRpcUrl)); // assigned later in getOptions call blog.setWpVersion(""); blog.setAdmin(isAdmin); blog.setHidden(!isVisible); blog.setPlanID(planID); blog.setPlanShortName(planShortName); blog.setCapabilities(capabilities); WordPress.wpDB.saveBlog(blog); return true; } else { // Update blog name and/or PlanID/PlanShortName int localTableBlogId = WordPress.wpDB.getLocalTableBlogIdForRemoteBlogIdAndXmlRpcUrl( Integer.parseInt(blogId), xmlRpcUrl); try { boolean blogUpdated = false; blog = WordPress.wpDB.instantiateBlogByLocalId(localTableBlogId); if (!blogName.equals(blog.getBlogName())) { blog.setBlogName(blogName); blogUpdated = true; } if (planID != blog.getPlanID()) { blog.setPlanID(planID); blogUpdated = true; } if (!blog.getPlanShortName().equals(planShortName)) { blog.setPlanShortName(planShortName); blogUpdated = true; } if (blog.getCapabilities() == null || !blog.getCapabilities().equals(capabilities)) { blog.setCapabilities(capabilities); blogUpdated = true; } if (blogUpdated) { WordPress.wpDB.saveBlog(blog); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { AppLog.e(T.NUX, "localTableBlogId: " + localTableBlogId + " not found"); } return false; } } public static boolean addBlogs(List<Map<String, Object>> userBlogList, String username) { return addBlogs(userBlogList, username, null, null, null); } /** * Get a Blog's local Id. * * @param blog The Blog to get its local ID * @return Blog's local id or {@value BlogUtils#BLOG_ID_INVALID} if null */ public static int getBlogLocalId(final Blog blog) { return (blog != null ? blog.getLocalTableBlogId() : BLOG_ID_INVALID); } public static void convertToLowercase(Editable s) { String lowerCase = s.toString().toLowerCase(); if (!lowerCase.equals(s.toString())) { s.replace(0, s.length(), lowerCase); } } @NonNull public static Set<String> planTags() { String[] extraFields = {"plan_product_id"}; List<Map<String, Object>> blogs = WordPress.wpDB.getBlogsBy("dotcomFlag=1", extraFields); Set<String> tags = new HashSet<>(); for (Map<String, Object> blog : blogs) { int planId = MapUtils.getMapInt(blog, "plan_product_id"); if (planId == 0) { // Skip unknown plans, MapUtils will turn any missing plan ID into 0 continue; } String tag = String.format(Locale.US, "plan:%d", planId); tags.add(tag); } return tags; } }