package; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class ReaderCommentActions { /* * used by post detail to generate a temporary "fake" comment id (see below) */ public static long generateFakeCommentId() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } /* * add the passed comment text to the passed post - caller must pass a unique "fake" comment id * to give the comment that's generated locally */ public static ReaderComment submitPostComment(final ReaderPost post, final long fakeCommentId, final String commentText, final long replyToCommentId, final ReaderActions.CommentActionListener actionListener, final long wpComUserId) { if (post == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(commentText)) { return null; } // determine which page this new comment should be assigned to final int pageNumber; if (replyToCommentId != 0) { pageNumber = ReaderCommentTable.getPageNumberForComment(post.blogId, post.postId, replyToCommentId); } else { pageNumber = ReaderCommentTable.getLastPageNumberForPost(post.blogId, post.postId); } // create a "fake" comment that's added to the db so it can be shown right away - will be // replaced with actual comment if it succeeds to be posted, or deleted if comment fails // to be posted ReaderComment newComment = new ReaderComment(); newComment.commentId = fakeCommentId; newComment.postId = post.postId; newComment.blogId = post.blogId; newComment.parentId = replyToCommentId; newComment.pageNumber = pageNumber; newComment.setText(commentText); Date dtPublished = DateTimeUtils.nowUTC(); newComment.setPublished(DateTimeUtils.iso8601FromDate(dtPublished)); newComment.timestamp = dtPublished.getTime(); ReaderUser currentUser = ReaderUserTable.getCurrentUser(wpComUserId); if (currentUser != null) { newComment.setAuthorAvatar(currentUser.getAvatarUrl()); newComment.setAuthorName(currentUser.getDisplayName()); } ReaderCommentTable.addOrUpdateComment(newComment); // different endpoint depending on whether the new comment is a reply to another comment final String path; if (replyToCommentId == 0) { path = "sites/" + post.blogId + "/posts/" + post.postId + "/replies/new"; } else { path = "sites/" + post.blogId + "/comments/" + Long.toString(replyToCommentId) + "/replies/new"; } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("content", commentText); RestRequest.Listener listener = new RestRequest.Listener() { @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject jsonObject) { ReaderCommentTable.deleteComment(post, fakeCommentId); AppLog.i(T.READER, "comment succeeded"); ReaderComment newComment = ReaderComment.fromJson(jsonObject, post.blogId); newComment.pageNumber = pageNumber; ReaderCommentTable.addOrUpdateComment(newComment); if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(true, newComment); } } }; RestRequest.ErrorListener errorListener = new RestRequest.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError volleyError) { ReaderCommentTable.deleteComment(post, fakeCommentId); AppLog.w(T.READER, "comment failed"); AppLog.e(T.READER, volleyError); if (actionListener != null) { actionListener.onActionResult(false, null); } } }; AppLog.i(T.READER, "submitting comment"); WordPress.getRestClientUtilsV1_1().post(path, params, null, listener, errorListener); return newComment; } /* * like or unlike the passed comment */ public static boolean performLikeAction(final ReaderComment comment, boolean isAskingToLike, final long wpComUserId) { if (comment == null) { return false; } // make sure like status is changing boolean isCurrentlyLiked = ReaderCommentTable.isCommentLikedByCurrentUser(comment); if (isCurrentlyLiked == isAskingToLike) { AppLog.w(T.READER, "comment like unchanged"); return false; } // update like status and like count in local db int newNumLikes = (isAskingToLike ? comment.numLikes + 1 : comment.numLikes - 1); ReaderCommentTable.setLikesForComment(comment, newNumLikes, isAskingToLike); ReaderLikeTable.setCurrentUserLikesComment(comment, isAskingToLike, wpComUserId); // sites/$site/comments/$comment_ID/likes/new final String actionName = isAskingToLike ? "like" : "unlike"; String path = "sites/" + comment.blogId + "/comments/" + comment.commentId + "/likes/"; if (isAskingToLike) { path += "new"; } else { path += "mine/delete"; } RestRequest.Listener listener = new RestRequest.Listener() { @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject jsonObject) { boolean success = (jsonObject != null && JSONUtils.getBool(jsonObject, "success")); if (success) { AppLog.d(T.READER, String.format("comment %s succeeded", actionName)); } else { AppLog.w(T.READER, String.format("comment %s failed", actionName)); ReaderCommentTable.setLikesForComment(comment, comment.numLikes, comment.isLikedByCurrentUser); ReaderLikeTable.setCurrentUserLikesComment(comment, comment.isLikedByCurrentUser, wpComUserId); } } }; RestRequest.ErrorListener errorListener = new RestRequest.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError volleyError) { String error = VolleyUtils.errStringFromVolleyError(volleyError); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(error)) { AppLog.w(T.READER, String.format("comment %s failed", actionName)); } else { AppLog.w(T.READER, String.format("comment %s failed (%s)", actionName, error)); } AppLog.e(T.READER, volleyError); ReaderCommentTable.setLikesForComment(comment, comment.numLikes, comment.isLikedByCurrentUser); ReaderLikeTable.setCurrentUserLikesComment(comment, comment.isLikedByCurrentUser, wpComUserId); } }; WordPress.getRestClientUtilsV1_1().post(path, listener, errorListener); return true; } }