package; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Encapsulates the behaviour for asking the Authenticator for an access token. This * allows the request maker to disregard the authentication state when making requests. */ public class AuthenticatorRequest { private RestRequest mRequest; private RestRequest.ErrorListener mListener; private RestClient mRestClient; private Authenticator mAuthenticator; protected AuthenticatorRequest(RestRequest request, ErrorListener listener, RestClient restClient, Authenticator authenticator) { mRequest = request; mListener = listener; mRestClient = restClient; mAuthenticator = authenticator; } public String getSiteId() { return extractSiteIdFromUrl(mRestClient.getEndpointURL(), mRequest.getUrl()); } /** * Parse out the site ID from an URL. * Note: For batch REST API calls, only the first siteID is returned * * @return The site ID */ public static String extractSiteIdFromUrl(String restEndpointUrl, String url) { if (url == null) { return null; } final String sitePrefix = restEndpointUrl.endsWith("/") ? restEndpointUrl + "sites/" : restEndpointUrl + "/sites/"; final String batchCallPrefix = restEndpointUrl.endsWith("/") ? restEndpointUrl + "batch/?urls%5B%5D=%2Fsites%2F" : restEndpointUrl + "/batch/?urls%5B%5D=%2Fsites%2F"; if (url.startsWith(sitePrefix) && !sitePrefix.equals(url)) { int marker = sitePrefix.length(); if (url.indexOf("/", marker) < marker) { return null; } return url.substring(marker, url.indexOf("/", marker)); } else if (url.startsWith(batchCallPrefix) && !batchCallPrefix.equals(url)) { int marker = batchCallPrefix.length(); if (url.indexOf("%2F", marker) < marker) { return null; } return url.substring(marker, url.indexOf("%2F", marker)); } // not a sites/$siteId request or a batch request return null; } /** * Attempt to send the request, checks to see if we have an access token and if not * asks the Authenticator to authenticate the request. * * If no Authenticator is provided the request is always sent. */ protected void send(){ if (mAuthenticator == null) { mRestClient.send(mRequest); } else { mAuthenticator.authenticate(this); } } public void sendWithAccessToken(String token){ mRequest.setAccessToken(token); mRestClient.send(mRequest); } public void sendWithAccessToken(Oauth.Token token){ sendWithAccessToken(token.toString()); } /** * If an access token cannot be obtained the request can be aborted and the * handler's onFailure method is called */ public void abort(VolleyError error){ if (mListener != null) { mListener.onErrorResponse(error); } } }