package; import android.text.TextUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import org.wordpress.aztec.AztecAttributes; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class MetadataUtils { public static JSONObject getMetadata(AttributesWithClass attrs, int naturalWidth, int naturalHeight) { JSONObject metadata = new JSONObject(); addMetadataProperty(metadata, "align", "none"); // Accepted values: center, left, right or empty string. addMetadataProperty(metadata, "alt", ""); // Image alt attribute addMetadataProperty(metadata, "attachment_id", ""); // Numeric attachment id of the image in the site's media library addMetadataProperty(metadata, "caption", ""); // The text of the caption for the image (if any) addMetadataProperty(metadata, "captionClassName", ""); // The classes for the caption shortcode (if any). addMetadataProperty(metadata, "captionId", ""); // The caption shortcode's ID attribute. The numeric value should match the value of attachment_id addMetadataProperty(metadata, "classes", ""); // The class attribute for the image. Does not include editor generated classes addMetadataProperty(metadata, "height", ""); // The image height attribute addMetadataProperty(metadata, "linkClassName", ""); // The class attribute for the link addMetadataProperty(metadata, "linkRel", ""); // The rel attribute for the link (if any) addMetadataProperty(metadata, "linkTargetBlank", false); // true if the link should open in a new window. addMetadataProperty(metadata, "linkUrl", ""); // The href attribute of the link addMetadataProperty(metadata, "size", "custom"); // Accepted values: custom, medium, large, thumbnail, or empty string addMetadataProperty(metadata, "src", ""); // The src attribute of the image addMetadataProperty(metadata, "title", ""); // The title attribute of the image (if any) addMetadataProperty(metadata, "width", ""); // The image width attribute addMetadataProperty(metadata, "naturalWidth", ""); // The natural width of the image. addMetadataProperty(metadata, "naturalHeight", ""); // The natural height of the image. addMetadataProperty(metadata, "src", attrs.getAttribute("src", "")); addMetadataProperty(metadata, "alt", attrs.getAttribute("alt", "")); addMetadataProperty(metadata, "title", attrs.getAttribute("title", "")); addMetadataProperty(metadata, "naturalWidth", naturalWidth); addMetadataProperty(metadata, "naturalHeight", naturalHeight); Pattern isIntRegExp = Pattern.compile("^\\d+$"); String width = attrs.getAttribute("width", ""); if (!isIntRegExp.matcher(width).matches() || NumberUtils.toInt(width) == 0) { addMetadataProperty(metadata, "width", naturalWidth); } else { addMetadataProperty(metadata, "width", width); } String height = attrs.getAttribute("height", ""); if (!isIntRegExp.matcher(height).matches() || NumberUtils.toInt(height) == 0) { addMetadataProperty(metadata, "height", naturalHeight); } else { addMetadataProperty(metadata, "height", height); } List<String> extraClasses = new ArrayList<>(); for (String clazz : attrs.getClasses()) { if (Pattern.matches("^wp-image.*", clazz)) { String attachmentIdString = clazz.replace("wp-image-", ""); if (NumberUtils.toInt(attachmentIdString) != 0) { addMetadataProperty(metadata, "attachment_id", attachmentIdString); } else { AppLog.d(AppLog.T.EDITOR, "AttachmentId was not an integer! String value: " + attachmentIdString); } } else if (Pattern.matches("^align.*", clazz)) { addMetadataProperty(metadata, "align", clazz.replace("align-", "")); } else if (Pattern.matches("^size-.*", clazz)) { addMetadataProperty(metadata, "size", clazz.replace("size-", "")); } else { extraClasses.add(clazz); } } addMetadataProperty(metadata, "classes", TextUtils.join(" ", extraClasses)); return metadata; } private static JSONObject addMetadataProperty(JSONObject jsonObject, String key, String value) { try { return jsonObject.put(key, value); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return jsonObject; } private static JSONObject addMetadataProperty(JSONObject jsonObject, String key, int value) { try { return jsonObject.put(key, value); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return jsonObject; } private static JSONObject addMetadataProperty(JSONObject jsonObject, String key, boolean value) { try { return jsonObject.put(key, value); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return jsonObject; } static Set<String> getClassAttribute(Attributes attributes) { if (attributes.getIndex("class") == -1) { return new HashSet<>(new ArrayList<String>()); } return new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(attributes.getValue("class").split(" "))); } static class AttributesWithClass { private AztecAttributes mAztecAttributes; private Set<String> mClasses; AttributesWithClass(Attributes attrs) { mAztecAttributes = new AztecAttributes(attrs); mClasses = getClassAttribute(attrs); } void addClass(String c) { mClasses.add(c); } void removeClassStartingWith(String prefix) { Iterator<String> iterator = mClasses.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String cls =; if (cls.startsWith(prefix)) { iterator.remove(); } } } void removeClass(String c) { mClasses.remove(c); } boolean hasClass(String clazz) { return mClasses.contains(clazz); } public Set<String> getClasses() { return mClasses; } AztecAttributes getAttributes() { String classesStr = TextUtils.join(" ", mClasses); mAztecAttributes.setValue("class", classesStr); return mAztecAttributes; } String getAttribute(String key, String defaultValue) { if (mAztecAttributes.hasAttribute(key)) { return mAztecAttributes.getValue(key); } else { return defaultValue; } } } }