/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.update; import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; public class TestUpdate extends SolrTestCaseJ4 { @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { initCore("solrconfig-tlog.xml","schema15.xml"); } @Test public void testUpdateableDocs() throws Exception { // The document may be retrieved from the index or from the transaction log. // Test both by running the same test with and without commits // do without commits doUpdateTest(new Callable() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return null; } }); // do with commits doUpdateTest(new Callable() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { assertU(commit("softCommit","false")); return null; } }); } public void doUpdateTest(Callable afterUpdate) throws Exception { clearIndex(); afterUpdate.call(); long version; version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_i",5, "copyfield_source","a"), null); afterUpdate.call(); version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("add",10), "copyfield_source",map("add","b")), null); afterUpdate.call(); version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("add",5)), null); afterUpdate.call(); assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id,*_i,*_is,copyfield_*") ,"=={'doc':{'id':'1', 'val_i':5, 'val_is':[10,5], 'copyfield_source':['a','b']}}" // real-time get should not return stored copyfield targets ); version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("add",-1), "val_i",map("set",100)), null); afterUpdate.call(); assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id,*_i,*_is") ,"=={'doc':{'id':'1', 'val_i':100, 'val_is':[10,5,-1]}}" ); // Do a search to get all stored fields back and make sure that the stored copyfield target only // has one copy of the source. This may not be supported forever! assertU(commit("softCommit","true")); assertJQ(req("q","*:*", "fl","id,*_i,*_is,copyfield_*") ,"/response/docs/[0]=={'id':'1', 'val_i':100, 'val_is':[10,5,-1], 'copyfield_source':['a','b'], 'copyfield_dest_ss':['a','b']}" ); long version2; try { // try bad version added as a field in the doc version2 = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("add",-100), "_version_",2), null); fail(); } catch (SolrException se) { assertEquals(409, se.code()); } try { // try bad version added as a request param version2 = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("add",-100)), params("_version_","2")); fail(); } catch (SolrException se) { assertEquals(409, se.code()); } // try good version added as a field in the doc version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("add",-100), "_version_",version), null); afterUpdate.call(); // try good version added as a request parameter version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("add",-200)), params("_version_",Long.toString(version))); afterUpdate.call(); assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id,*_i,*_is") ,"=={'doc':{'id':'1', 'val_i':100, 'val_is':[10,5,-1,-100,-200]}}" ); // extra field should just be treated as a "set" version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("add",-300), "val_i",2), null); afterUpdate.call(); assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id,*_i,*_is") ,"=={'doc':{'id':'1', 'val_i':2, 'val_is':[10,5,-1,-100,-200,-300]}}" ); // a null value should be treated as "remove" version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("add",-400), "val_i",null), null); afterUpdate.call(); assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id,*_i,*_is") ,"=={'doc':{'id':'1', 'val_is':[10,5,-1,-100,-200,-300,-400]}}" ); version = deleteAndGetVersion("1", null); afterUpdate.call(); try { // test that updating a non-existing doc fails if we set _version_=1 version2 = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("add",-101), "_version_","1"), null); fail(); } catch (SolrException se) { assertEquals(409, se.code()); } // test that by default we can update a non-existing doc version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_i",102, "val_is",map("add",-102)), null); afterUpdate.call(); assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id,val*") ,"=={'doc':{'id':'1', 'val_i':102, 'val_is':[-102]}}" ); version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_i",5), null); afterUpdate.call(); version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("inc",1), "val2_i",map("inc","1"), "val2_f",map("inc",1), "val2_d",map("inc","1.0"), "val2_l",map("inc",1) ), null); afterUpdate.call(); assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id,val*") ,"=={'doc':{'id':'1', 'val_i':5, 'val_is':[1], 'val2_i':1, 'val2_f':1.0, 'val2_d':1.0, 'val2_l':1}}" ); version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("inc","-5"), "val2_i",map("inc",-5), "val2_f",map("inc","-5.0"), "val2_d",map("inc",-5), "val2_l",map("inc","-5") ), null); afterUpdate.call(); assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id,val*") ,"=={'doc':{'id':'1', 'val_i':5, 'val_is':[-4], 'val2_i':-4, 'val2_f':-4.0, 'val2_d':-4.0, 'val2_l':-4}}" ); version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc("id","1", "val_is",map("inc","2000000000"), "val2_i",map("inc",-2000000000), "val2_f",map("inc","1e+20"), "val2_d",map("inc",-1.2345678901e+100), "val2_l",map("inc","5000000000") ), null); afterUpdate.call(); assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id,val*") ,"=={'doc':{'id':'1', 'val_i':5, 'val_is':[1999999996], 'val2_i':-2000000004, 'val2_f':1.0E20, 'val2_d':-1.2345678901e+100, 'val2_l':4999999996}}" ); // remove some fields version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc( "id", "1", "val_is", map("set",null), "val2_f", map("set",null) ), null); afterUpdate.call(); assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id,val*") ,"=={'doc':{'id':'1', 'val_i':5, 'val2_i':-2000000004, 'val2_d':-1.2345678901e+100, 'val2_l':4999999996}}" ); // test that updating a unique id results in failure. try { ignoreException("Invalid update of id field"); version = addAndGetVersion(sdoc( "id", map("set","1"), "val_is", map("inc","2000000000") ), null); fail(); } catch (SolrException se) { resetExceptionIgnores(); assertEquals(400, se.code()); assertTrue(se.getMessage().indexOf("Invalid update of id field") >= 0); } afterUpdate.call(); assertJQ(req("qt","/get", "id","1", "fl","id,val*") ,"=={'doc':{'id':'1', 'val_i':5, 'val2_i':-2000000004, 'val2_d':-1.2345678901e+100, 'val2_l':4999999996}}" ); // nothing should have changed - check with a normal query that we didn't create a duplicate assertU(commit("softCommit","false")); assertJQ(req("q","id:1", "fl","id") ,"/response/numFound==1" ); } }