package org.apache.solr.core; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import sun.misc.Unsafe; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; public class HS { public static int BYTE_SIZE = 1; public static int SHORT_SIZE = 2; public static int INT_SIZE = 4; public static int LONG_SIZE = 8; public static int FLOAT_SIZE = 4; public static int DOUBLE_SIZE = 8; private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HS.class); public static final Unsafe unsafe; private static native void print(); static { try { Field field = sun.misc.Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe"); field.setAccessible(true); unsafe = (sun.misc.Unsafe) field.get(null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("HS: can't load Unsafe!", e); } } public static class Allocator { public long allocArray(long numElements, int elementSize, boolean zero) throws OutOfMemoryError { // any JVM accounting for memory allocated this way? long sz = numElements * elementSize; long addr = unsafe.allocateMemory(sz + HEADER_SIZE); numAlloc.incrementAndGet(); if (zero) { // zero all the memory, including the header unsafe.setMemory(addr, sz + HEADER_SIZE, (byte)0); } // should never be 0 since we always add a header addr += HEADER_SIZE; unsafe.putLong(addr - SIZE_OFFSET, sz); return addr; } public void freeArray(long ptr) { assert arraySizeBytes(ptr) >= 0; numFree.incrementAndGet(); unsafe.putLong(ptr - SIZE_OFFSET, -123456789L); // put negative length to trip asserts unsafe.freeMemory(ptr - HEADER_SIZE); } public void reset() { // TODO - reset numAlloc and numFree here? } public void debug() { } } // An allocator for debugging that tracks every allocation public static class TrackingAllocator extends Allocator { private static class Info { long ptr; StackTraceElement[] stack; } Map<Long, Info> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); @Override public long allocArray(long numElements, int elementSize, boolean zero) throws OutOfMemoryError { Info info = new Info(); Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); info.stack = thread.getStackTrace(); // TODO: would storing String take up less space? // ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean().getThreadInfo(Thread.currentThread().getId()); synchronized (this) { long ptr = super.allocArray(numElements, elementSize, zero); info.ptr = ptr; Info prev = map.put(ptr, info); if (prev != null) { throw new RuntimeException("HS Allocator ERROR : should be impossible!!!"); } return ptr; } } @Override public void freeArray(long ptr) { synchronized (this) { Info curr = map.remove(ptr); if (curr == null) { // TODO: if we provide a way to clear, it's not an error. // TODO: will it be possible to dynamically switch to a debugging allocator? would be good for debugging live customer site... // perhaps detect if we have been switched on and not consider this an error... throw new RuntimeException("HS Allocator ERROR: no record of " + ptr + " , bad pointer or double free."); } super.freeArray(ptr); } } @Override public void debug() { synchronized (this) { int n = map.size(); int show = Math.min(n, 20); if (n > 0) { log.error("CURRENT ALLOCATIONS=" + n + (n==show ? "" : " Showing first " + show)); } for (Info info : map.values()) { log.error("PTR: " + info.ptr + " SIZE=" + arraySizeBytes(info.ptr) + " ALLOCATED AT " + Diagnostics.toString(info.stack, HS.class.getSimpleName())); } } } } public static Allocator allocator = new Allocator(); // public static Allocator allocator = new TrackingAllocator(); private static final AtomicLong numAlloc = new AtomicLong(); private static final AtomicLong numFree = new AtomicLong(); public static final int HEADER_SIZE = 16; public static final int SIZE_OFFSET = 8; public static long getNumAllocations() { return numAlloc.get(); } public static long getNumFrees() { return numFree.get(); } public static long allocArray(long numElements, int elementSize, boolean zero) throws OutOfMemoryError { return allocator.allocArray(numElements, elementSize, zero); } public static void freeArray(long ptr) { allocator.freeArray(ptr); } public static long arraySizeBytes(long ptr) { assert ptr >= 4095 && unsafe.getLong(ptr - SIZE_OFFSET) >= 0; // if this assertion trips, it's most likely because of a double free long sz = unsafe.getLong(ptr - SIZE_OFFSET); return sz; } public static byte getByte(long ptr, int index) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1))) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); return unsafe.getByte(ptr + (((long) index))); } public static byte getByte(long ptr, long index) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1))) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); return unsafe.getByte(ptr + (((long) index))); } public static void setByte(long ptr, int index, byte val) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1))) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); unsafe.putByte(ptr + (((long)index)), val); } public static void setByte(long ptr, long index, byte val) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1))) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); unsafe.putByte(ptr + (((long)index)), val); } public static int getShort(long ptr, int index) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1)<<1)) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); return unsafe.getShort(ptr + (((long)index)<<1)); } public static void setShort(long ptr, int index, short val) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1)<<1)) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); unsafe.putShort(ptr + (((long)index)<<1), val); } public static int getInt(long ptr, int index) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1)<<2)) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); return unsafe.getInt(ptr + (((long)index)<<2)); } public static void setInt(long ptr, int index, int val) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1)<<2)) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); unsafe.putInt(ptr + (((long)index)<<2), val); } public static float getFloat(long ptr, int index) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1)<<2)) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); return unsafe.getFloat(ptr + (((long) index) << 2)); } public static void setFloat(long ptr, int index, float val) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1)<<2)) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); unsafe.putFloat(ptr + (((long) index) << 2), val); } public static long getLong(long ptr, int index) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1)<<3)) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); return unsafe.getLong(ptr + (((long) index) << 3)); } public static void setLong(long ptr, int index, long val) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1)<<3)) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); unsafe.putLong(ptr + (((long) index) << 3), val); } public static double getDouble(long ptr, int index) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1)<<3)) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); return unsafe.getDouble(ptr + (((long) index) << 3)); } public static void setDouble(long ptr, int index, double val) { assert (index>=0) && ((((long)index+1)<<3)) <= arraySizeBytes(ptr); unsafe.putDouble(ptr + (((long) index) << 3), val); } public static void copyLengthPrefixBytes(long bytesArr, long offset, BytesRef target) { assert bytesArr>=0 && offset>=0 && offset+2 <= arraySizeBytes(bytesArr); copyLengthPrefixBytes(bytesArr + offset, target); } /* WARNING: this method can't verify the pointer */ public static void copyLengthPrefixBytes(long pointer, BytesRef target) { int len = unsafe.getByte(pointer++); if (len < 0) { len = ((len & 0x7f) << 8) | (unsafe.getByte(pointer++) & 0xff); } if (target.offset + len >= target.bytes.length) { target.bytes = new byte[len]; target.offset = 0; } target.length = len; unsafe.copyMemory(null, pointer, target.bytes, Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + target.offset, len); } /* WARNING: this method can't verify the pointer2 */ public static int compareLengthPrefixBytes(long pointer1, long pointer2) { int len = unsafe.getByte(pointer1++); if (len < 0) { len = ((len & 0x7f) << 8) | (unsafe.getByte(pointer1++) & 0xff); } return compareLengthPrefixBytes(len, pointer1, pointer2); } /* termPointerBytes points directly to the start of the bytes of the first term (and len1 contains * the length of that term. termPointer2 points to a normal length prefixed term. This avoids * decoding the length of the first term multiple times when doing a binary search for example. * WARNING: this method can't verify the pointers. */ public static int compareLengthPrefixBytes(int len1, long termPointerBytes, long termPointer2) { assert len1 >= 0 && len1 < 0x7fff && termPointerBytes > 0 && termPointer2 > 0; int len2 = unsafe.getByte(termPointer2++); if (len2 < 0) { len2 = ((len2 & 0x7f) << 8) | (unsafe.getByte(termPointer2++) & 0xff); } int upTo = len1 < len2 ? len1 : len2; for (int i=0; i<upTo; i++) { int diff = (unsafe.getByte(termPointerBytes + i) & 0xff) - (unsafe.getByte(termPointer2 + i) & 0xff); // compare unsigned if (diff != 0) return diff; } return len1 - len2; } public static int compareLengthPrefixBytes(long termPointer, BytesRef termPointer2) { assert termPointer >= 0; int len = unsafe.getByte(termPointer++); if (len < 0) { len = ((len & 0x7f) << 8) | (unsafe.getByte(termPointer++) & 0xff); } byte[] arr2 = termPointer2.bytes; int offset2 = termPointer2.offset; int len2 = termPointer2.length; int upTo = len < len2 ? len : len2; for (int i=0; i<upTo; i++) { int diff = (unsafe.getByte(termPointer + i) & 0xff) - (arr2[offset2+i] & 0xff); // compare unsigned if (diff != 0) return diff; } return len - len2; } public static int getTermLength(long termPointer) { int len = unsafe.getByte(termPointer); if (len < 0) { len = ((len & 0x7f) << 8) | (unsafe.getByte(termPointer + 1) & 0xff); } return len; } public static void copyBytes(byte[] srcArray, int srcOff, long targetPointer, long targetOff, int numElements) { long nbytes = ((long)numElements); assert srcOff>=0 && targetOff>=0 && (targetOff + nbytes) <= arraySizeBytes(targetPointer); unsafe.copyMemory(srcArray, Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + (((long)srcOff)), null, targetPointer+targetOff, nbytes); } public static void copyBytes(long srcPointer, long srcOff, long targetPointer, long targetOff, long numBytes) { assert srcOff>=0 && targetOff>=0 && (targetOff + numBytes) <= arraySizeBytes(targetPointer) && (srcOff + numBytes) <= arraySizeBytes(srcPointer); unsafe.copyMemory(srcPointer + srcOff, targetPointer + targetOff, numBytes); } public static void copyInts(int[] srcArray, int srcOff, long targetPointer, long targetOff, int numElements) { long targetOffBytes = targetOff<<2; long nbytes = ((long)numElements) << 2; assert srcOff>=0 && targetOff>=0 && (targetOffBytes + nbytes) <= arraySizeBytes(targetPointer); unsafe.copyMemory(srcArray, Unsafe.ARRAY_INT_BASE_OFFSET + (((long)srcOff)<<2), null, targetPointer+targetOffBytes, nbytes); } public static void copyLongs(long[] srcArray, int srcOff, long targetPointer, long targetOff, int numElements) { long targetOffBytes = targetOff<<3; long nbytes = ((long)numElements) << 3; assert srcOff>=0 && targetOff>=0 && (targetOffBytes + nbytes) <= arraySizeBytes(targetPointer); unsafe.copyMemory(srcArray, Unsafe.ARRAY_LONG_BASE_OFFSET + (((long)srcOff)<<3), null, targetPointer+targetOffBytes, nbytes); } public static void copyInts(long sourcePointer, long srcOff, int[] targetArray, int targetOff, int numElements) { long srcOffBytes = srcOff<<2; long nbytes = ((long)numElements) << 2; assert srcOff>=0 && targetOff>=0 && (srcOffBytes + nbytes) <= arraySizeBytes(sourcePointer) && (targetOff+numElements<=targetArray.length); unsafe.copyMemory(null, sourcePointer+srcOffBytes, targetArray, Unsafe.ARRAY_INT_BASE_OFFSET + (((long)targetOff)<<2), nbytes); } public static void copyLongs(long sourcePointer, long srcOff, long[] targetArray, int targetOff, int numElements) { long srcOffBytes = srcOff<<3; long nbytes = ((long)numElements) << 3; assert srcOff>=0 && targetOff>=0 && (srcOffBytes + nbytes) <= arraySizeBytes(sourcePointer) && (targetOff+numElements<=targetArray.length); unsafe.copyMemory(null, sourcePointer+srcOffBytes, targetArray, Unsafe.ARRAY_LONG_BASE_OFFSET + (((long)targetOff)<<3), nbytes); } public static void copyInts(long src, long srcOff, long dest, long destOff, long len) { long srcOffBytes = srcOff<<2; long destOffBytes = destOff<<2; long nBytes = len<<2; assert(srcOff>=0 && destOff>=0 && srcOffBytes+nBytes <= arraySizeBytes(src) && destOffBytes+nBytes <= arraySizeBytes(dest)); unsafe.copyMemory(src+srcOffBytes, dest+destOffBytes, nBytes); } public static void copyLongs(long src, long srcOff, long dest, long destOff, long len) { long srcOffBytes = srcOff<<3; long destOffBytes = destOff<<3; long nBytes = len<<3; assert(srcOff>=0 && destOff>=0 && srcOffBytes+nBytes <= arraySizeBytes(src) && destOffBytes+nBytes <= arraySizeBytes(dest)); unsafe.copyMemory(src+srcOffBytes, dest+destOffBytes, nBytes); } public static String hex(long arr, long offset) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); long len = HS.arraySizeBytes(arr); sb.append("arr=" + arr + " sizeInBytes=" + len + " offset=" + offset); int nBytes = (int)Math.min(16, len - offset); return sb.toString() + hexBytes(arr+offset, nBytes); } public static String hexBytes(long mem, int nBytes) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0; i<nBytes; i++) { byte b = unsafe.getByte(mem + i); if ((i & 0x03)==0) sb.append(' '); sb.append(Integer.toHexString(b&0xff)); } return sb.toString(); } // TODO: introduce the concept of a reference list to ease deallocation? (just an auto-expanding long[]) // TODO: YCS: a finalizer to clean up native memory? }