/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.search; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams; import org.apache.solr.util.AbstractSolrTestCase; import org.junit.BeforeClass; public class TestQueryTypes extends AbstractSolrTestCase { @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { initCore("solrconfig.xml", "schema11.xml"); } public String getCoreName() { return "basic"; } @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { // if you override setUp or tearDown, you better call // the super classes version super.setUp(); } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { // if you override setUp or tearDown, you better call // the super classes version super.tearDown(); } public void testQueryTypes() { assertU(adoc("id","0")); assertU(adoc("id","1", "v_t","Hello Dude")); assertU(adoc("id","2", "v_t","Hello Yonik")); assertU(adoc("id","3", "v_s","{!literal}")); assertU(adoc("id","4", "v_s","other stuff")); assertU(adoc("id","5", "v_f","3.14159")); assertU(adoc("id","6", "v_f","8983")); assertU(adoc("id","7", "v_f","1.5")); assertU(adoc("id","8", "v_ti","5")); assertU(adoc("id","9", "v_s","internal\"quote")); assertU(adoc("id","10","text_no_analyzer","should just work")); Object[] arr = new Object[] { "id",999.0 ,"v_s","wow dude" ,"v_t","wow" ,"v_ti",-1 ,"v_tis",-1 ,"v_tl",-1234567891234567890L ,"v_tls",-1234567891234567890L ,"v_tf",-2.0f ,"v_tfs",-2.0f ,"v_td",-2.0 ,"v_tds",-2.0 ,"v_tdt","2000-05-10T01:01:01Z" ,"v_tdts","2002-08-26T01:01:01Z" }; String[] sarr = new String[arr.length]; for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) { sarr[i] = arr[i].toString(); } assertU(adoc(sarr)); assertU(optimize()); // test field queries for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i+=2) { String f = arr[i].toString(); String v = arr[i+1].toString(); // normal lucene fielded query assertQ(req( "q",f+":\""+v+'"') ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ,"//*[@name='id'][.='999.0']" ,"//*[@name='" + f + "'][.='" + v + "']" ); // field qparser assertQ(req( "q", "{!field f="+f+"}"+v) ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); // lucene range assertQ(req( "q", f + ":[\"" + v + "\" TO \"" + v + "\"]" ) ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); } // frange and function query only work on single valued field types Object[] fc_vals = new Object[] { "id",999.0 ,"v_s","wow dude" ,"v_ti",-1 ,"v_tl",-1234567891234567890L ,"v_tf",-2.0f ,"v_td",-2.0 ,"v_tdt","2000-05-10T01:01:01Z" }; for (int i=0; i<fc_vals.length; i+=2) { String f = fc_vals[i].toString(); String v = fc_vals[i+1].toString(); // frange qparser assertQ(req( "q", "{!frange v="+f+" l='"+v+"' u='"+v+"'}" ) ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); // frange as filter not cached assertQ(req( "q","*:*", "fq", "{!frange cache=false v="+f+" l='"+v+"' u='"+v+"'}" ) ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); // frange as filter run after the main query assertQ(req( "q","*:*", "fq", "{!frange cache=false cost=100 v="+f+" l='"+v+"' u='"+v+"'}" ) ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); // exists() assertQ(req( "fq","id:999", "q", "{!frange l=1 u=1}if(exists("+f+"),1,0)" ) ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); // boolean value of non-zero values (just leave off the exists from the prev test) assertQ(req( "fq","id:999", "q", "{!frange l=1 u=1}if("+f+",1,0)" ) ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); if (!"id".equals(f)) { assertQ(req( "fq","id:1", "q", "{!frange l=1 u=1}if(exists("+f+"),1,0)" ) ,"//result[@numFound='0']" ); // boolean value of zero/missing values (just leave off the exists from the prev test) assertQ(req( "fq","id:1", "q", "{!frange l=1 u=1}if("+f+",1,0)" ) ,"//result[@numFound='0']" ); } // function query... just make sure it doesn't throw an exception if ("v_s".equals(f)) continue; // in this context, functions must be able to be interpreted as a float assertQ(req( "q", "+id:999 _val_:\"" + f + "\"") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); } // Some basic tests to ensure that parsing local params is working assertQ("test prefix query", req("q","{!prefix f=v_t}hel") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); assertQ("test raw query", req("q","{!raw f=v_t}hello") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); // no analysis is done, so these should match nothing assertQ("test raw query", req("q","{!raw f=v_t}Hello") ,"//result[@numFound='0']" ); assertQ("test raw query", req("q","{!raw f=v_f}1.5") ,"//result[@numFound='0']" ); // test "term" qparser, which should only do readableToIndexed assertQ( req("q","{!term f=v_f}1.5") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); // text fields are *not* analyzed since they may not be idempotent assertQ( req("q","{!term f=v_t}Hello") ,"//result[@numFound='0']" ); assertQ( req("q","{!term f=v_t}hello") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); // // test escapes in quoted strings // // the control... unescaped queries looking for internal"quote assertQ(req("q","{!raw f=v_s}internal\"quote") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); // test that single quoted string needs no escape assertQ(req("q","{!raw f=v_s v='internal\"quote'}") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); // but it's OK if the escape is done assertQ(req("q","{!raw f=v_s v='internal\\\"quote'}") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); // test unicode escape assertQ(req("q","{!raw f=v_s v=\"internal\\u0022quote\"}") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); // inside a quoted string, internal"quote needs to be escaped assertQ(req("q","{!raw f=v_s v=\"internal\\\"quote\"}") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); assertQ("test custom plugin query", req("q","{!foo f=v_t}hello") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); assertQ("test single term field query on text type", req("q","{!field f=v_t}HELLO") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); assertQ("test single term field query on type with diff internal rep", req("q","{!field f=v_f}1.5") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); assertQ( req("q","{!field f=v_ti}5") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); assertQ("test multi term field query on text type", req("q","{!field f=v_t}Hello DUDE") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); assertQ("test prefix query with value in local params", req("q","{!prefix f=v_t v=hel}") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); assertQ("test optional quotes", req("q","{!prefix f='v_t' v=\"hel\"}") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); assertQ("test extra whitespace", req("q","{!prefix f=v_t v=hel }") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); assertQ("test literal with {! in it", req("q","{!prefix f=v_s}{!lit") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); assertQ("test param subst", req("q","{!prefix f=$myf v=$my.v}" ,"myf","v_t", "my.v", "hel" ) ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); // test wacky param names assertQ( req("q","{!prefix f=$a/b/c v=$'a b/c'}" ,"a/b/c","v_t", "a b/c", "hel" ) ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); assertQ("test param subst with literal", req("q","{!prefix f=$myf v=$my.v}" ,"myf","v_s", "my.v", "{!lit" ) ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); // lucene queries assertQ("test lucene query", req("q","{!lucene}v_t:hel*") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); // lucene queries assertQ("test lucene default field", req("q","{!df=v_t}hel*") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); // lucene operator assertQ("test lucene operator", req("q","{!q.op=OR df=v_t}Hello Yonik") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); assertQ("test lucene operator", req("q","{!q.op=AND df=v_t}Hello Yonik") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ); // test boost queries assertQ("test boost", req("q","{!boost b=sum(v_f,1)}id:[5 TO 6]" ,"fl","*,score" ) ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ,"//doc[./float[@name='v_f']='3.14159' and ./float[@name='score']='4.14159']" ); assertQ("test boost and default type of func", req("q","{!boost v=$q1 b=$q2}" ,"q1", "{!func}v_f", "q2","v_f" ,"fl","*,score" ) ,"//doc[./float[@name='v_f']='1.5' and ./float[@name='score']='2.25']" ); // switch queries assertQ("test matching switch query", req("df", "v_t", "q", "{!switch case.x=Dude case.z=Yonik} x ") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ,"//*[@name='id'][.='1.0']"); assertQ("test empty matching switch query", req("df", "v_t", "q", "{!switch case.x=Dude case=Yonik} ") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ,"//*[@name='id'][.='2.0']"); assertQ("test empty matching switch query", req("df", "v_t", "q", "{!switch case.x=Dude case=Yonik v=''}") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ,"//*[@name='id'][.='2.0']"); assertQ("test empty matching switch query", req("df", "v_t", "q", "{!switch case.x=Dude case=Yonik v=$qq}") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ,"//*[@name='id'][.='2.0']"); assertQ("test matching switch query w/deref", req("q", "{!switch case.x=$d case.z=Yonik} x ", "df", "v_t", "d", "Dude") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ,"//*[@name='id'][.='1.0']"); assertQ("test default switch query", req("q", "{!switch default=$d case.x=$d case.z=Yonik}asdf", "df", "v_t", "d", "Dude") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ,"//*[@name='id'][.='1.0']"); assertQ("test empty default switch query", req("q", "{!switch default=$d case.x=$d case.z=Yonik v=$qq}", "df", "v_t", "d", "Dude") ,"//result[@numFound='1']" ,"//*[@name='id'][.='1.0']"); try { ignoreException("No\\ default\\, and no switch case"); assertQ("no match and no default", req("q", "{!switch case.x=Dude case.z=Yonik}asdf") ,"//result[@numFound='BOGUS']"); fail("Should have gotten an error w/o default"); } catch (RuntimeException exp) { assertTrue("exp cause is wrong", exp.getCause() instanceof SolrException); SolrException e = (SolrException) exp.getCause(); assertEquals("error isn't user error", 400, e.code()); assertTrue("Error doesn't include bad switch case: " + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("asdf")); } finally { resetExceptionIgnores(); } // dismax query from std request handler assertQ("test dismax query", req("q","{!dismax}hello" ,"qf","v_t" ,"bf","sqrt(v_f)^100 log(sum(v_f,1))^50" ,"bq","{!prefix f=v_t}he" , CommonParams.DEBUG_QUERY,"on" ) ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); // dismax query from std request handler, using local params assertQ("test dismax query w/ local params", req("q","{!dismax qf=v_t}hello" ,"qf","v_f" ) ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); assertQ("test nested query", req("q","_query_:\"{!query v=$q1}\"", "q1","{!prefix f=v_t}hel") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); assertQ("test nested nested query", req("q","_query_:\"{!query defType=query v=$q1}\"", "q1","{!v=$q2}","q2","{!prefix f=v_t v=$qqq}","qqq","hel") ,"//result[@numFound='2']" ); assertQ("Test text field with no analysis doesn't NPE with wildcards (SOLR-4318)", req("q", "text_no_analyzer:should*"), "//result[@numFound='1']"); } }