package org.apache.lucene.index; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesConsumer; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.FieldInfosWriter; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.StoredFieldsWriter; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.TermVectorsWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo.DocValuesType; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits; import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils; import org.apache.lucene.util.InfoStream; /** * The SegmentMerger class combines two or more Segments, represented by an * IndexReader, into a single Segment. Call the merge method to combine the * segments. * * @see #merge */ final class SegmentMerger { private final Directory directory; private final Codec codec; private final IOContext context; private final MergeState mergeState; private final FieldInfos.Builder fieldInfosBuilder; // note, just like in codec apis Directory 'dir' is NOT the same as segmentInfo.dir!! SegmentMerger(List<AtomicReader> readers, SegmentInfo segmentInfo, InfoStream infoStream, Directory dir, MergeState.CheckAbort checkAbort, FieldInfos.FieldNumbers fieldNumbers, IOContext context) throws IOException { mergeState = new MergeState(readers, segmentInfo, infoStream, checkAbort); directory = dir; this.codec = segmentInfo.getCodec(); this.context = context; this.fieldInfosBuilder = new FieldInfos.Builder(fieldNumbers); mergeState.segmentInfo.setDocCount(setDocMaps()); } /** True if any merging should happen */ boolean shouldMerge() { return mergeState.segmentInfo.getDocCount() > 0; } /** * Merges the readers into the directory passed to the constructor * @return The number of documents that were merged * @throws CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt * @throws IOException if there is a low-level IO error */ MergeState merge() throws IOException { if (!shouldMerge()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Merge would result in 0 document segment"); } // NOTE: it's important to add calls to // if you make any changes to this // method that will spend alot of time. The frequency // of this check impacts how long // IndexWriter.close(false) takes to actually stop the // threads. mergeFieldInfos(); setMatchingSegmentReaders(); long t0 = 0; if (mergeState.infoStream.isEnabled("SM")) { t0 = System.nanoTime(); } int numMerged = mergeFields(); if (mergeState.infoStream.isEnabled("SM")) { long t1 = System.nanoTime(); mergeState.infoStream.message("SM", ((t1-t0)/1000000) + " msec to merge stored fields [" + numMerged + " docs]"); } assert numMerged == mergeState.segmentInfo.getDocCount(); final SegmentWriteState segmentWriteState = new SegmentWriteState(mergeState.infoStream, directory, mergeState.segmentInfo, mergeState.fieldInfos, null, context); if (mergeState.infoStream.isEnabled("SM")) { t0 = System.nanoTime(); } mergeTerms(segmentWriteState); if (mergeState.infoStream.isEnabled("SM")) { long t1 = System.nanoTime(); mergeState.infoStream.message("SM", ((t1-t0)/1000000) + " msec to merge postings [" + numMerged + " docs]"); } if (mergeState.infoStream.isEnabled("SM")) { t0 = System.nanoTime(); } if (mergeState.fieldInfos.hasDocValues()) { mergeDocValues(segmentWriteState); } if (mergeState.infoStream.isEnabled("SM")) { long t1 = System.nanoTime(); mergeState.infoStream.message("SM", ((t1-t0)/1000000) + " msec to merge doc values [" + numMerged + " docs]"); } if (mergeState.fieldInfos.hasNorms()) { if (mergeState.infoStream.isEnabled("SM")) { t0 = System.nanoTime(); } mergeNorms(segmentWriteState); if (mergeState.infoStream.isEnabled("SM")) { long t1 = System.nanoTime(); mergeState.infoStream.message("SM", ((t1-t0)/1000000) + " msec to merge norms [" + numMerged + " docs]"); } } if (mergeState.fieldInfos.hasVectors()) { if (mergeState.infoStream.isEnabled("SM")) { t0 = System.nanoTime(); } numMerged = mergeVectors(); if (mergeState.infoStream.isEnabled("SM")) { long t1 = System.nanoTime(); mergeState.infoStream.message("SM", ((t1-t0)/1000000) + " msec to merge vectors [" + numMerged + " docs]"); } assert numMerged == mergeState.segmentInfo.getDocCount(); } // write the merged infos FieldInfosWriter fieldInfosWriter = codec.fieldInfosFormat().getFieldInfosWriter(); fieldInfosWriter.write(directory,, "", mergeState.fieldInfos, context); return mergeState; } private void mergeDocValues(SegmentWriteState segmentWriteState) throws IOException { DocValuesConsumer consumer = codec.docValuesFormat().fieldsConsumer(segmentWriteState); boolean success = false; try { for (FieldInfo field : mergeState.fieldInfos) { DocValuesType type = field.getDocValuesType(); if (type != null) { if (type == DocValuesType.NUMERIC) { List<NumericDocValues> toMerge = new ArrayList<>(); List<Bits> docsWithField = new ArrayList<>(); for (AtomicReader reader : mergeState.readers) { NumericDocValues values = reader.getNumericDocValues(; Bits bits = reader.getDocsWithField(; if (values == null) { values = NumericDocValues.EMPTY; bits = new Bits.MatchNoBits(reader.maxDoc()); } toMerge.add(values); docsWithField.add(bits); } consumer.mergeNumericField(field, mergeState, toMerge, docsWithField); } else if (type == DocValuesType.BINARY) { List<BinaryDocValues> toMerge = new ArrayList<>(); List<Bits> docsWithField = new ArrayList<>(); for (AtomicReader reader : mergeState.readers) { BinaryDocValues values = reader.getBinaryDocValues(; Bits bits = reader.getDocsWithField(; if (values == null) { values = BinaryDocValues.EMPTY; bits = new Bits.MatchNoBits(reader.maxDoc()); } toMerge.add(values); docsWithField.add(bits); } consumer.mergeBinaryField(field, mergeState, toMerge, docsWithField); } else if (type == DocValuesType.SORTED) { List<SortedDocValues> toMerge = new ArrayList<>(); for (AtomicReader reader : mergeState.readers) { SortedDocValues values = reader.getSortedDocValues(; if (values == null) { values = SortedDocValues.EMPTY; } toMerge.add(values); } consumer.mergeSortedField(field, mergeState, toMerge); } else if (type == DocValuesType.SORTED_SET) { List<SortedSetDocValues> toMerge = new ArrayList<>(); for (AtomicReader reader : mergeState.readers) { SortedSetDocValues values = reader.getSortedSetDocValues(; if (values == null) { values = SortedSetDocValues.EMPTY; } toMerge.add(values); } consumer.mergeSortedSetField(field, mergeState, toMerge); } else { throw new AssertionError("type=" + type); } } } success = true; } finally { if (success) { IOUtils.close(consumer); } else { IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(consumer); } } } private void mergeNorms(SegmentWriteState segmentWriteState) throws IOException { DocValuesConsumer consumer = codec.normsFormat().normsConsumer(segmentWriteState); boolean success = false; try { for (FieldInfo field : mergeState.fieldInfos) { if (field.hasNorms()) { List<NumericDocValues> toMerge = new ArrayList<>(); List<Bits> docsWithField = new ArrayList<>(); for (AtomicReader reader : mergeState.readers) { NumericDocValues norms = reader.getNormValues(; if (norms == null) { norms = NumericDocValues.EMPTY; } toMerge.add(norms); docsWithField.add(new Bits.MatchAllBits(reader.maxDoc())); } consumer.mergeNumericField(field, mergeState, toMerge, docsWithField); } } success = true; } finally { if (success) { IOUtils.close(consumer); } else { IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(consumer); } } } private void setMatchingSegmentReaders() { // If the i'th reader is a SegmentReader and has // identical fieldName -> number mapping, then this // array will be non-null at position i: int numReaders = mergeState.readers.size(); mergeState.matchingSegmentReaders = new SegmentReader[numReaders]; // If this reader is a SegmentReader, and all of its // field name -> number mappings match the "merged" // FieldInfos, then we can do a bulk copy of the // stored fields: for (int i = 0; i < numReaders; i++) { AtomicReader reader = mergeState.readers.get(i); // TODO: we may be able to broaden this to // non-SegmentReaders, since FieldInfos is now // required? But... this'd also require exposing // bulk-copy (TVs and stored fields) API in foreign // readers.. if (reader instanceof SegmentReader) { SegmentReader segmentReader = (SegmentReader) reader; boolean same = true; FieldInfos segmentFieldInfos = segmentReader.getFieldInfos(); for (FieldInfo fi : segmentFieldInfos) { FieldInfo other = mergeState.fieldInfos.fieldInfo(fi.number); if (other == null || ! { same = false; break; } } if (same) { mergeState.matchingSegmentReaders[i] = segmentReader; mergeState.matchedCount++; } } } if (mergeState.infoStream.isEnabled("SM")) { mergeState.infoStream.message("SM", "merge store matchedCount=" + mergeState.matchedCount + " vs " + mergeState.readers.size()); if (mergeState.matchedCount != mergeState.readers.size()) { mergeState.infoStream.message("SM", "" + (mergeState.readers.size() - mergeState.matchedCount) + " non-bulk merges"); } } } public void mergeFieldInfos() throws IOException { for (AtomicReader reader : mergeState.readers) { FieldInfos readerFieldInfos = reader.getFieldInfos(); for (FieldInfo fi : readerFieldInfos) { fieldInfosBuilder.add(fi); } } mergeState.fieldInfos = fieldInfosBuilder.finish(); } /** * * @return The number of documents in all of the readers * @throws CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt * @throws IOException if there is a low-level IO error */ private int mergeFields() throws IOException { final StoredFieldsWriter fieldsWriter = codec.storedFieldsFormat().fieldsWriter(directory, mergeState.segmentInfo, context); try { return fieldsWriter.merge(mergeState); } finally { fieldsWriter.close(); } } /** * Merge the TermVectors from each of the segments into the new one. * @throws IOException if there is a low-level IO error */ private int mergeVectors() throws IOException { final TermVectorsWriter termVectorsWriter = codec.termVectorsFormat().vectorsWriter(directory, mergeState.segmentInfo, context); try { return termVectorsWriter.merge(mergeState); } finally { termVectorsWriter.close(); } } // NOTE: removes any "all deleted" readers from mergeState.readers private int setDocMaps() throws IOException { final int numReaders = mergeState.readers.size(); // Remap docIDs mergeState.docMaps = new MergeState.DocMap[numReaders]; mergeState.docBase = new int[numReaders]; int docBase = 0; int i = 0; while(i < mergeState.readers.size()) { final AtomicReader reader = mergeState.readers.get(i); mergeState.docBase[i] = docBase; final MergeState.DocMap docMap =; mergeState.docMaps[i] = docMap; docBase += docMap.numDocs(); i++; } return docBase; } private void mergeTerms(SegmentWriteState segmentWriteState) throws IOException { final List<Fields> fields = new ArrayList<>(); final List<ReaderSlice> slices = new ArrayList<>(); int docBase = 0; for(int readerIndex=0;readerIndex<mergeState.readers.size();readerIndex++) { final AtomicReader reader = mergeState.readers.get(readerIndex); final Fields f = reader.fields(); final int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc(); if (f != null) { slices.add(new ReaderSlice(docBase, maxDoc, readerIndex)); fields.add(f); } docBase += maxDoc; } Fields mergedFields = new MappedMultiFields(mergeState, new MultiFields(fields.toArray(Fields.EMPTY_ARRAY), slices.toArray(ReaderSlice.EMPTY_ARRAY))); codec.postingsFormat().fieldsConsumer(segmentWriteState).write(mergedFields); } }