package org.apache.lucene.index; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockTokenizer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType; import org.apache.lucene.document.StoredField; import org.apache.lucene.document.StringField; import org.apache.lucene.document.TextField; import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo.IndexOptions; import; import; import; import static org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase.TEST_VERSION_CURRENT; class DocHelper { public static final FieldType customType; public static final String FIELD_1_TEXT = "field one text"; public static final String TEXT_FIELD_1_KEY = "textField1"; public static Field textField1; static { customType = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED); textField1 = new Field(TEXT_FIELD_1_KEY, FIELD_1_TEXT, customType); } public static final FieldType customType2; public static final String FIELD_2_TEXT = "field field field two text"; //Fields will be lexicographically sorted. So, the order is: field, text, two public static final int [] FIELD_2_FREQS = {3, 1, 1}; public static final String TEXT_FIELD_2_KEY = "textField2"; public static Field textField2; static { customType2 = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED); customType2.setStoreTermVectors(true); customType2.setStoreTermVectorPositions(true); customType2.setStoreTermVectorOffsets(true); textField2 = new Field(TEXT_FIELD_2_KEY, FIELD_2_TEXT, customType2); } public static final FieldType customType3; public static final String FIELD_3_TEXT = "aaaNoNorms aaaNoNorms bbbNoNorms"; public static final String TEXT_FIELD_3_KEY = "textField3"; public static Field textField3; static { customType3 = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED); customType3.setOmitNorms(true); textField3 = new Field(TEXT_FIELD_3_KEY, FIELD_3_TEXT, customType3); } public static final String KEYWORD_TEXT = "Keyword"; public static final String KEYWORD_FIELD_KEY = "keyField"; public static Field keyField; static { keyField = new StringField(KEYWORD_FIELD_KEY, KEYWORD_TEXT, Field.Store.YES); } public static final FieldType customType5; public static final String NO_NORMS_TEXT = "omitNormsText"; public static final String NO_NORMS_KEY = "omitNorms"; public static Field noNormsField; static { customType5 = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED); customType5.setOmitNorms(true); customType5.setTokenized(false); noNormsField = new Field(NO_NORMS_KEY, NO_NORMS_TEXT, customType5); } public static final FieldType customType6; public static final String NO_TF_TEXT = "analyzed with no tf and positions"; public static final String NO_TF_KEY = "omitTermFreqAndPositions"; public static Field noTFField; static { customType6 = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED); customType6.setIndexOptions(IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY); noTFField = new Field(NO_TF_KEY, NO_TF_TEXT, customType6); } public static final FieldType customType7; public static final String UNINDEXED_FIELD_TEXT = "unindexed field text"; public static final String UNINDEXED_FIELD_KEY = "unIndField"; public static Field unIndField; static { customType7 = new FieldType(); customType7.setStored(true); unIndField = new Field(UNINDEXED_FIELD_KEY, UNINDEXED_FIELD_TEXT, customType7); } public static final String UNSTORED_1_FIELD_TEXT = "unstored field text"; public static final String UNSTORED_FIELD_1_KEY = "unStoredField1"; public static Field unStoredField1 = new TextField(UNSTORED_FIELD_1_KEY, UNSTORED_1_FIELD_TEXT, Field.Store.NO); public static final FieldType customType8; public static final String UNSTORED_2_FIELD_TEXT = "unstored field text"; public static final String UNSTORED_FIELD_2_KEY = "unStoredField2"; public static Field unStoredField2; static { customType8 = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED); customType8.setStoreTermVectors(true); unStoredField2 = new Field(UNSTORED_FIELD_2_KEY, UNSTORED_2_FIELD_TEXT, customType8); } public static final String LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_KEY = "lazyFieldBinary"; public static byte [] LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_BYTES; public static Field lazyFieldBinary; public static final String LAZY_FIELD_KEY = "lazyField"; public static final String LAZY_FIELD_TEXT = "These are some field bytes"; public static Field lazyField = new Field(LAZY_FIELD_KEY, LAZY_FIELD_TEXT, customType); public static final String LARGE_LAZY_FIELD_KEY = "largeLazyField"; public static String LARGE_LAZY_FIELD_TEXT; public static Field largeLazyField; //From Issue 509 public static final String FIELD_UTF1_TEXT = "field one \u4e00text"; public static final String TEXT_FIELD_UTF1_KEY = "textField1Utf8"; public static Field textUtfField1 = new Field(TEXT_FIELD_UTF1_KEY, FIELD_UTF1_TEXT, customType); public static final String FIELD_UTF2_TEXT = "field field field \u4e00two text"; //Fields will be lexicographically sorted. So, the order is: field, text, two public static final int [] FIELD_UTF2_FREQS = {3, 1, 1}; public static final String TEXT_FIELD_UTF2_KEY = "textField2Utf8"; public static Field textUtfField2 = new Field(TEXT_FIELD_UTF2_KEY, FIELD_UTF2_TEXT, customType2); public static Map<String,Object> nameValues = null; // ordered list of all the fields... // could use LinkedHashMap for this purpose if Java1.4 is OK public static Field[] fields = new Field[] { textField1, textField2, textField3, keyField, noNormsField, noTFField, unIndField, unStoredField1, unStoredField2, textUtfField1, textUtfField2, lazyField, lazyFieldBinary,//placeholder for binary field, since this is null. It must be second to last. largeLazyField//placeholder for large field, since this is null. It must always be last }; public static Map<String,IndexableField> all =new HashMap<>(); public static Map<String,IndexableField> indexed =new HashMap<>(); public static Map<String,IndexableField> stored =new HashMap<>(); public static Map<String,IndexableField> unstored=new HashMap<>(); public static Map<String,IndexableField> unindexed=new HashMap<>(); public static Map<String,IndexableField> termvector=new HashMap<>(); public static Map<String,IndexableField> notermvector=new HashMap<>(); public static Map<String,IndexableField> lazy= new HashMap<>(); public static Map<String,IndexableField> noNorms=new HashMap<>(); public static Map<String,IndexableField> noTf=new HashMap<>(); static { //Initialize the large Lazy Field StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { buffer.append("Lazily loading lengths of language in lieu of laughing "); } try { LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_BYTES = "These are some binary field bytes".getBytes("UTF8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } lazyFieldBinary = new StoredField(LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_KEY, LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_BYTES); fields[fields.length - 2] = lazyFieldBinary; LARGE_LAZY_FIELD_TEXT = buffer.toString(); largeLazyField = new Field(LARGE_LAZY_FIELD_KEY, LARGE_LAZY_FIELD_TEXT, customType); fields[fields.length - 1] = largeLazyField; for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) { IndexableField f = fields[i]; add(all,f); if (f.fieldType().indexed()) add(indexed,f); else add(unindexed,f); if (f.fieldType().storeTermVectors()) add(termvector,f); if (f.fieldType().indexed() && !f.fieldType().storeTermVectors()) add(notermvector,f); if (f.fieldType().stored()) add(stored,f); else add(unstored,f); if (f.fieldType().indexOptions() == IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY) add(noTf,f); if (f.fieldType().omitNorms()) add(noNorms,f); if (f.fieldType().indexOptions() == IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY) add(noTf,f); //if (f.isLazy()) add(lazy, f); } } private static void add(Map<String,IndexableField> map, IndexableField field) { map.put(, field); } static { nameValues = new HashMap<>(); nameValues.put(TEXT_FIELD_1_KEY, FIELD_1_TEXT); nameValues.put(TEXT_FIELD_2_KEY, FIELD_2_TEXT); nameValues.put(TEXT_FIELD_3_KEY, FIELD_3_TEXT); nameValues.put(KEYWORD_FIELD_KEY, KEYWORD_TEXT); nameValues.put(NO_NORMS_KEY, NO_NORMS_TEXT); nameValues.put(NO_TF_KEY, NO_TF_TEXT); nameValues.put(UNINDEXED_FIELD_KEY, UNINDEXED_FIELD_TEXT); nameValues.put(UNSTORED_FIELD_1_KEY, UNSTORED_1_FIELD_TEXT); nameValues.put(UNSTORED_FIELD_2_KEY, UNSTORED_2_FIELD_TEXT); nameValues.put(LAZY_FIELD_KEY, LAZY_FIELD_TEXT); nameValues.put(LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_KEY, LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_BYTES); nameValues.put(LARGE_LAZY_FIELD_KEY, LARGE_LAZY_FIELD_TEXT); nameValues.put(TEXT_FIELD_UTF1_KEY, FIELD_UTF1_TEXT); nameValues.put(TEXT_FIELD_UTF2_KEY, FIELD_UTF2_TEXT); } /** * Adds the fields above to a document * @param doc The document to write */ public static void setupDoc(Document doc) { for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) { doc.add(fields[i]); } } /** * Writes the document to the directory using a segment * named "test"; returns the SegmentInfo describing the new * segment */ public static SegmentCommitInfo writeDoc(Random random, Directory dir, Document doc) throws IOException { return writeDoc(random, dir, new MockAnalyzer(random, MockTokenizer.WHITESPACE, false), null, doc); } /** * Writes the document to the directory using the analyzer * and the similarity score; returns the SegmentInfo * describing the new segment */ public static SegmentCommitInfo writeDoc(Random random, Directory dir, Analyzer analyzer, Similarity similarity, Document doc) throws IOException { IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, new IndexWriterConfig( /* LuceneTestCase.newIndexWriterConfig(random, */ TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer).setSimilarity(similarity == null ? IndexSearcher.getDefaultSimilarity() : similarity)); //writer.setNoCFSRatio(0.0); writer.addDocument(doc); writer.commit(); SegmentCommitInfo info = writer.newestSegment(); writer.close(); return info; } public static int numFields(Document doc) { return doc.getFields().size(); } public static int numFields(StoredDocument doc) { return doc.getFields().size(); } public static Document createDocument(int n, String indexName, int numFields) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); FieldType customType = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED); customType.setStoreTermVectors(true); customType.setStoreTermVectorPositions(true); customType.setStoreTermVectorOffsets(true); FieldType customType1 = new FieldType(StringField.TYPE_STORED); customType1.setStoreTermVectors(true); customType1.setStoreTermVectorPositions(true); customType1.setStoreTermVectorOffsets(true); final Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(new Field("id", Integer.toString(n), customType1)); doc.add(new Field("indexname", indexName, customType1)); sb.append("a"); sb.append(n); doc.add(new Field("field1", sb.toString(), customType)); sb.append(" b"); sb.append(n); for (int i = 1; i < numFields; i++) { doc.add(new Field("field" + (i + 1), sb.toString(), customType)); } return doc; } }