package org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport; import org.apache.solr.request.LocalSolrQueryRequest; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Test with various combinations of parameters, child entities, transformers. */ public class TestSqlEntityProcessorDelta extends AbstractSqlEntityProcessorTestCase { private boolean delta = false; private boolean useParentDeltaQueryParam = false; private IntChanges personChanges = null; private String[] countryChanges = null; @Before public void setupDeltaTest() { delta = false; personChanges = null; countryChanges = null; } @Test public void testSingleEntity() throws Exception { log.debug("testSingleEntity full-import..."); singleEntity(1); logPropertiesFile(); changeStuff(); int c = calculateDatabaseCalls(); log.debug("testSingleEntity delta-import (" + c + " database calls expected)..."); singleEntity(c); validateChanges(); } @Test public void testDeltaImportWithoutInitialFullImport() throws Exception { log.debug("testDeltaImportWithoutInitialFullImport delta-import..."); countryEntity = false; delta = true; /* * We need to add 2 in total: * +1 for deltaQuery i.e identifying id of items to update, * +1 for deletedPkQuery i.e delete query */ singleEntity(totalPeople() + 2); validateChanges(); } @Test public void testWithSimpleTransformer() throws Exception { log.debug("testWithSimpleTransformer full-import..."); simpleTransform(1); logPropertiesFile(); changeStuff(); int c = calculateDatabaseCalls(); simpleTransform(c); log.debug("testWithSimpleTransformer delta-import (" + c + " database calls expected)..."); validateChanges(); } @Test public void testWithComplexTransformer() throws Exception { log.debug("testWithComplexTransformer full-import..."); complexTransform(1, 0); logPropertiesFile(); changeStuff(); int c = calculateDatabaseCalls(); log.debug("testWithComplexTransformer delta-import (" + c + " database calls expected)..."); complexTransform(c, personChanges.deletedKeys.length); validateChanges(); } @Test public void testChildEntities() throws Exception { log.debug("testChildEntities full-import..."); useParentDeltaQueryParam = random().nextBoolean(); log.debug("using parent delta? " + useParentDeltaQueryParam); withChildEntities(false, true); logPropertiesFile(); changeStuff(); log.debug("testChildEntities delta-import..."); withChildEntities(false, false); validateChanges(); } private int calculateDatabaseCalls() { //The main query generates 1 //Deletes generate 1 //Each add/mod generate 1 int c = 1; if (countryChanges != null) { c += countryChanges.length + 1; } if (personChanges != null) { c += personChanges.addedKeys.length + personChanges.changedKeys.length + 1; } return c; } private void validateChanges() throws Exception { if(personChanges!=null) { for(int id : personChanges.addedKeys) { assertQ(req("id:" + id), "//*[@numFound='1']"); } for(int id : personChanges.deletedKeys) { assertQ(req("id:" + id), "//*[@numFound='0']"); } for(int id : personChanges.changedKeys) { assertQ(req("id:" + id), "//*[@numFound='1']", "substring(//doc/arr[@name='NAME_mult_s']/str[1], 1, 8)='MODIFIED'"); } } if(countryChanges!=null) { for(String code : countryChanges) { assertQ(req("COUNTRY_CODE_s:" + code), "//*[@numFound='" + numberPeopleByCountryCode(code) + "']", "substring(//doc/str[@name='COUNTRY_NAME_s'], 1, 8)='MODIFIED'"); } } } private void changeStuff() throws Exception { if(countryEntity) { int n = random().nextInt(2); switch(n) { case 0: personChanges = modifySomePeople(); break; case 1: countryChanges = modifySomeCountries(); break; case 2: personChanges = modifySomePeople(); countryChanges = modifySomeCountries(); break; } } else { personChanges = modifySomePeople(); } countryChangesLog(); personChangesLog(); delta = true; } private void countryChangesLog() { if(countryChanges!=null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("country changes { "); for(String s : countryChanges) { sb.append(s).append(" "); } sb.append(" }"); log.debug(sb.toString()); } } private void personChangesLog() { if(personChanges!=null) { log.debug("person changes { " + personChanges.toString() + " } "); } } @Override protected LocalSolrQueryRequest generateRequest() { return lrf.makeRequest("command", (delta ? "delta-import" : "full-import"), "dataConfig", generateConfig(), "clean", (delta ? "false" : "true"), "commit", "true", "synchronous", "true", "indent", "true"); } @Override protected String deltaQueriesPersonTable() { return "deletedPkQuery=''SELECT ID FROM PEOPLE WHERE DELETED='Y' AND last_modified >='${dih.People.last_index_time}' '' " + "deltaImportQuery=''SELECT ID, NAME, COUNTRY_CODE FROM PEOPLE where ID=${} '' " + "deltaQuery=''" + "SELECT ID FROM PEOPLE WHERE DELETED!='Y' AND last_modified >='${dih.People.last_index_time}' " + (useParentDeltaQueryParam ? "" : "UNION DISTINCT " + "SELECT ID FROM PEOPLE WHERE DELETED!='Y' AND COUNTRY_CODE IN (SELECT CODE FROM COUNTRIES WHERE last_modified >='${dih.People.last_index_time}') " ) + "'' " ; } @Override protected String deltaQueriesCountryTable() { if(useParentDeltaQueryParam) { return "deltaQuery=''SELECT CODE FROM COUNTRIES WHERE DELETED != 'Y' AND last_modified >='${dih.last_index_time}' '' " + "parentDeltaQuery=''SELECT ID FROM PEOPLE WHERE DELETED != 'Y' AND COUNTRY_CODE='${Countries.CODE}' '' " ; } return ""; } }