/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this * work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF * licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.config; import static org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandlerException.SEVERE; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandlerException; import org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImporter; import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema; import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField; import org.w3c.dom.Element; public class Entity { private final String name; private final String pk; private final String pkMappingFromSchema; private final String dataSourceName; private final String processorName; private final Entity parentEntity; private final boolean docRoot; private final List<Entity> children; private final List<EntityField> fields; private final Map<String,Set<EntityField>> colNameVsField; private final Map<String,String> allAttributes; private final List<Map<String,String>> allFieldAttributes; private final DIHConfiguration config; public Entity(boolean docRootFound, Element element, DataImporter di, DIHConfiguration config, Entity parent) { this.parentEntity = parent; this.config = config; String modName = ConfigParseUtil.getStringAttribute(element, ConfigNameConstants.NAME, null); if (modName == null) { throw new DataImportHandlerException(SEVERE, "Entity must have a name."); } if (modName.indexOf(".") != -1) { throw new DataImportHandlerException(SEVERE, "Entity name must not have period (.): '" + modName); } if (ConfigNameConstants.RESERVED_WORDS.contains(modName)) { throw new DataImportHandlerException(SEVERE, "Entity name : '" + modName + "' is a reserved keyword. Reserved words are: " + ConfigNameConstants.RESERVED_WORDS); } this.name = modName; this.pk = ConfigParseUtil.getStringAttribute(element, "pk", null); this.processorName = ConfigParseUtil.getStringAttribute(element, ConfigNameConstants.PROCESSOR,null); this.dataSourceName = ConfigParseUtil.getStringAttribute(element, DataImporter.DATA_SRC, null); String rawDocRootValue = ConfigParseUtil.getStringAttribute(element, ConfigNameConstants.ROOT_ENTITY, null); if (!docRootFound && !"false".equals(rawDocRootValue)) { // if in this chain no document root is found() docRoot = true; } else { docRoot = false; } Map<String,String> modAttributes = ConfigParseUtil .getAllAttributes(element); modAttributes.put(ConfigNameConstants.DATA_SRC, this.dataSourceName); this.allAttributes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(modAttributes); List<Element> n = ConfigParseUtil.getChildNodes(element, "field"); List<EntityField> modFields = new ArrayList<>(n.size()); Map<String,Set<EntityField>> modColNameVsField = new HashMap<>(); List<Map<String,String>> modAllFieldAttributes = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element elem : n) { EntityField.Builder fieldBuilder = new EntityField.Builder(elem); if (config.getSchema() != null) { if (fieldBuilder.getNameOrColumn() != null && fieldBuilder.getNameOrColumn().contains("${")) { fieldBuilder.dynamicName = true; } else { SchemaField schemaField = config.getSchemaField (fieldBuilder.getNameOrColumn()); if (schemaField != null) { fieldBuilder.name = schemaField.getName(); fieldBuilder.multiValued = schemaField.multiValued(); fieldBuilder.allAttributes.put(DataImporter.MULTI_VALUED, Boolean .toString(schemaField.multiValued())); fieldBuilder.allAttributes.put(DataImporter.TYPE, schemaField .getType().getTypeName()); fieldBuilder.allAttributes.put("indexed", Boolean .toString(schemaField.indexed())); fieldBuilder.allAttributes.put("stored", Boolean .toString(schemaField.stored())); fieldBuilder.allAttributes.put("defaultValue", schemaField .getDefaultValue()); } else { fieldBuilder.toWrite = false; } } } Set<EntityField> fieldSet = modColNameVsField.get(fieldBuilder.column); if (fieldSet == null) { fieldSet = new HashSet<>(); modColNameVsField.put(fieldBuilder.column, fieldSet); } fieldBuilder.allAttributes.put("boost", Float .toString(fieldBuilder.boost)); fieldBuilder.allAttributes.put("toWrite", Boolean .toString(fieldBuilder.toWrite)); modAllFieldAttributes.add(fieldBuilder.allAttributes); fieldBuilder.entity = this; EntityField field = new EntityField(fieldBuilder); fieldSet.add(field); modFields.add(field); } Map<String,Set<EntityField>> modColNameVsField1 = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String,Set<EntityField>> entry : modColNameVsField .entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().size() > 0) { modColNameVsField1.put(entry.getKey(), Collections .unmodifiableSet(entry.getValue())); } } this.colNameVsField = Collections.unmodifiableMap(modColNameVsField1); this.fields = Collections.unmodifiableList(modFields); this.allFieldAttributes = Collections .unmodifiableList(modAllFieldAttributes); String modPkMappingFromSchema = null; if (config.getSchema() != null) { SchemaField uniqueKey = config.getSchema().getUniqueKeyField(); if (uniqueKey != null) { modPkMappingFromSchema = uniqueKey.getName(); // if no fields are mentioned . solr uniqueKey is same as dih 'pk' for (EntityField field : fields) { if (field.getName().equals(modPkMappingFromSchema)) { modPkMappingFromSchema = field.getColumn(); // get the corresponding column mapping for the solr uniqueKey // But if there are multiple columns mapping to the solr uniqueKey, // it will fail // so , in one off cases we may need pk break; } } } } pkMappingFromSchema = modPkMappingFromSchema; n = ConfigParseUtil.getChildNodes(element, "entity"); List<Entity> modEntities = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element elem : n) { modEntities.add(new Entity((docRootFound || this.docRoot), elem, di, config, this)); } this.children = Collections.unmodifiableList(modEntities); } public String getPk() { return pk == null ? pkMappingFromSchema : pk; } public String getSchemaPk() { return pkMappingFromSchema != null ? pkMappingFromSchema : pk; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getPkMappingFromSchema() { return pkMappingFromSchema; } public String getDataSourceName() { return dataSourceName; } public String getProcessorName() { return processorName; } public Entity getParentEntity() { return parentEntity; } public boolean isDocRoot() { return docRoot; } public List<Entity> getChildren() { return children; } public List<EntityField> getFields() { return fields; } public Map<String,Set<EntityField>> getColNameVsField() { return colNameVsField; } public Map<String,String> getAllAttributes() { return allAttributes; } public List<Map<String,String>> getAllFieldsList() { return allFieldAttributes; } }