package; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import org.apache.lucene.index.AtomicReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.BinaryDocValues; import org.apache.lucene.index.DocTermOrds; import org.apache.lucene.index.DocsEnum; import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues; import org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.SingletonSortedSetDocValues; import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedDocValues; import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedSetDocValues; import org.apache.lucene.index.Terms; import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum; import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; import org.apache.lucene.util.FieldCacheSanityChecker; import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet; import org.apache.lucene.util.PagedBytes; import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.GrowableWriter; import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.MonotonicAppendingLongBuffer; import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.PackedInts; /** * Expert: The default cache implementation, storing all values in memory. * A WeakHashMap is used for storage. * * @since lucene 1.4 */ class FieldCacheImpl implements FieldCache { private Map<Class<?>,Cache> caches; FieldCacheImpl() { init(); } private synchronized void init() { caches = new HashMap<>(9); caches.put(Integer.TYPE, new IntCache(this)); caches.put(Float.TYPE, new FloatCache(this)); caches.put(Long.TYPE, new LongCache(this)); caches.put(Double.TYPE, new DoubleCache(this)); caches.put(BinaryDocValues.class, new BinaryDocValuesCache(this)); caches.put(SortedDocValues.class, new SortedDocValuesCache(this)); caches.put(DocTermOrds.class, new DocTermOrdsCache(this)); caches.put(DocsWithFieldCache.class, new DocsWithFieldCache(this)); } @Override public synchronized void purgeAllCaches() { init(); } @Override public synchronized void purgeByCacheKey(Object coreCacheKey) { for(Cache c : caches.values()) { c.purgeByCacheKey(coreCacheKey); } } @Override public synchronized CacheEntry[] getCacheEntries() { List<CacheEntry> result = new ArrayList<>(17); for(final Map.Entry<Class<?>,Cache> cacheEntry: caches.entrySet()) { final Cache cache = cacheEntry.getValue(); final Class<?> cacheType = cacheEntry.getKey(); synchronized(cache.readerCache) { for (final Map.Entry<Object,Map<CacheKey, Object>> readerCacheEntry : cache.readerCache.entrySet()) { final Object readerKey = readerCacheEntry.getKey(); if (readerKey == null) continue; final Map<CacheKey, Object> innerCache = readerCacheEntry.getValue(); for (final Map.Entry<CacheKey, Object> mapEntry : innerCache.entrySet()) { CacheKey entry = mapEntry.getKey(); result.add(new CacheEntry(readerKey, entry.field, cacheType, entry.custom, mapEntry.getValue())); } } } } return result.toArray(new CacheEntry[result.size()]); } // per-segment fieldcaches don't purge until the shared core closes. final SegmentReader.CoreClosedListener purgeCore = new SegmentReader.CoreClosedListener() { @Override public void onClose(Object ownerCoreCacheKey) { FieldCacheImpl.this.purgeByCacheKey(ownerCoreCacheKey); } }; // composite/SlowMultiReaderWrapper fieldcaches don't purge until composite reader is closed. final IndexReader.ReaderClosedListener purgeReader = new IndexReader.ReaderClosedListener() { @Override public void onClose(IndexReader owner) { assert owner instanceof AtomicReader; FieldCacheImpl.this.purgeByCacheKey(((AtomicReader) owner).getCoreCacheKey()); } }; private void initReader(AtomicReader reader) { if (reader instanceof SegmentReader) { ((SegmentReader) reader).addCoreClosedListener(purgeCore); } else { // we have a slow reader of some sort, try to register a purge event // rather than relying on gc: Object key = reader.getCoreCacheKey(); if (key instanceof AtomicReader) { ((AtomicReader)key).addReaderClosedListener(purgeReader); } else { // last chance reader.addReaderClosedListener(purgeReader); } } } /** Expert: Internal cache. */ abstract static class Cache { Cache(FieldCacheImpl wrapper) { this.wrapper = wrapper; } final FieldCacheImpl wrapper; final Map<Object,Map<CacheKey,Object>> readerCache = new WeakHashMap<>(); protected abstract Object createValue(AtomicReader reader, CacheKey key, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException; /** Remove this reader from the cache, if present. */ public void purgeByCacheKey(Object coreCacheKey) { synchronized(readerCache) { readerCache.remove(coreCacheKey); } } /** Sets the key to the value for the provided reader; * if the key is already set then this doesn't change it. */ public void put(AtomicReader reader, CacheKey key, Object value) { final Object readerKey = reader.getCoreCacheKey(); synchronized (readerCache) { Map<CacheKey,Object> innerCache = readerCache.get(readerKey); if (innerCache == null) { // First time this reader is using FieldCache innerCache = new HashMap<>(); readerCache.put(readerKey, innerCache); wrapper.initReader(reader); } if (innerCache.get(key) == null) { innerCache.put(key, value); } else { // Another thread beat us to it; leave the current // value } } } public Object get(AtomicReader reader, CacheKey key, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { Map<CacheKey,Object> innerCache; Object value; final Object readerKey = reader.getCoreCacheKey(); synchronized (readerCache) { innerCache = readerCache.get(readerKey); if (innerCache == null) { // First time this reader is using FieldCache innerCache = new HashMap<>(); readerCache.put(readerKey, innerCache); wrapper.initReader(reader); value = null; } else { value = innerCache.get(key); } if (value == null) { value = new CreationPlaceholder(); innerCache.put(key, value); } } if (value instanceof CreationPlaceholder) { synchronized (value) { CreationPlaceholder progress = (CreationPlaceholder) value; if (progress.value == null) { progress.value = createValue(reader, key, setDocsWithField); synchronized (readerCache) { innerCache.put(key, progress.value); } // Only check if key.custom (the parser) is // non-null; else, we check twice for a single // call to FieldCache.getXXX if (key.custom != null && wrapper != null) { final PrintStream infoStream = wrapper.getInfoStream(); if (infoStream != null) { printNewInsanity(infoStream, progress.value); } } } return progress.value; } } return value; } private void printNewInsanity(PrintStream infoStream, Object value) { final FieldCacheSanityChecker.Insanity[] insanities = FieldCacheSanityChecker.checkSanity(wrapper); for(int i=0;i<insanities.length;i++) { final FieldCacheSanityChecker.Insanity insanity = insanities[i]; final CacheEntry[] entries = insanity.getCacheEntries(); for(int j=0;j<entries.length;j++) { if (entries[j].getValue() == value) { // OK this insanity involves our entry infoStream.println("WARNING: new FieldCache insanity created\nDetails: " + insanity.toString()); infoStream.println("\nStack:\n"); new Throwable().printStackTrace(infoStream); break; } } } } } /** Expert: Every composite-key in the internal cache is of this type. */ static class CacheKey { final String field; // which Field final Object custom; // which custom comparator or parser /** Creates one of these objects for a custom comparator/parser. */ CacheKey(String field, Object custom) { this.field = field; this.custom = custom; } /** Two of these are equal iff they reference the same field and type. */ @Override public boolean equals (Object o) { if (o instanceof CacheKey) { CacheKey other = (CacheKey) o; if (other.field.equals(field)) { if (other.custom == null) { if (custom == null) return true; } else if (other.custom.equals (custom)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** Composes a hashcode based on the field and type. */ @Override public int hashCode() { return field.hashCode() ^ (custom==null ? 0 : custom.hashCode()); } } private static abstract class Uninvert { public Bits docsWithField; public void uninvert(AtomicReader reader, String field, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { final int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc(); Terms terms = reader.terms(field); if (terms != null) { if (setDocsWithField) { final int termsDocCount = terms.getDocCount(); assert termsDocCount <= maxDoc; if (termsDocCount == maxDoc) { // Fast case: all docs have this field: docsWithField = new Bits.MatchAllBits(maxDoc); setDocsWithField = false; } } final TermsEnum termsEnum = termsEnum(terms); DocsEnum docs = null; FixedBitSet docsWithField = null; while(true) { final BytesRef term =; if (term == null) { break; } visitTerm(term); docs =, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE); while (true) { final int docID = docs.nextDoc(); if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) { break; } visitDoc(docID); if (setDocsWithField) { if (docsWithField == null) { // Lazy init this.docsWithField = docsWithField = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc); } docsWithField.set(docID); } } } } } protected abstract TermsEnum termsEnum(Terms terms) throws IOException; protected abstract void visitTerm(BytesRef term); protected abstract void visitDoc(int docID); } // null Bits means no docs matched void setDocsWithField(AtomicReader reader, String field, Bits docsWithField) { final int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc(); final Bits bits; if (docsWithField == null) { bits = new Bits.MatchNoBits(maxDoc); } else if (docsWithField instanceof FixedBitSet) { final int numSet = ((FixedBitSet) docsWithField).cardinality(); if (numSet >= maxDoc) { // The cardinality of the BitSet is maxDoc if all documents have a value. assert numSet == maxDoc; bits = new Bits.MatchAllBits(maxDoc); } else { bits = docsWithField; } } else { bits = docsWithField; } caches.get(DocsWithFieldCache.class).put(reader, new CacheKey(field, null), bits); } @Override public Ints getInts (AtomicReader reader, String field, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { return getInts(reader, field, null, setDocsWithField); } @Override public Ints getInts(AtomicReader reader, String field, IntParser parser, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { final NumericDocValues valuesIn = reader.getNumericDocValues(field); if (valuesIn != null) { // Not cached here by FieldCacheImpl (cached instead // per-thread by SegmentReader): return new Ints() { @Override public int get(int docID) { return (int) valuesIn.get(docID); } }; } else { final FieldInfo info = reader.getFieldInfos().fieldInfo(field); if (info == null) { return Ints.EMPTY; } else if (info.hasDocValues()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Type mismatch: " + field + " was indexed as " + info.getDocValuesType()); } else if (!info.isIndexed()) { return Ints.EMPTY; } return (Ints) caches.get(Integer.TYPE).get(reader, new CacheKey(field, parser), setDocsWithField); } } static class IntsFromArray extends Ints { private final PackedInts.Reader values; private final int minValue; public IntsFromArray(PackedInts.Reader values, int minValue) { assert values.getBitsPerValue() <= 32; this.values = values; this.minValue = minValue; } @Override public int get(int docID) { final long delta = values.get(docID); return minValue + (int) delta; } } private static class HoldsOneThing<T> { private T it; public void set(T it) { = it; } public T get() { return it; } } private static class GrowableWriterAndMinValue { GrowableWriterAndMinValue(GrowableWriter array, long minValue) { this.writer = array; this.minValue = minValue; } public GrowableWriter writer; public long minValue; } static final class IntCache extends Cache { IntCache(FieldCacheImpl wrapper) { super(wrapper); } @Override protected Object createValue(final AtomicReader reader, CacheKey key, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { final IntParser parser = (IntParser) key.custom; if (parser == null) { // Confusing: must delegate to wrapper (vs simply // setting parser = NUMERIC_UTILS_INT_PARSER) so // cache key includes NUMERIC_UTILS_INT_PARSER: return wrapper.getInts(reader, key.field, NUMERIC_UTILS_INT_PARSER, setDocsWithField); } final HoldsOneThing<GrowableWriterAndMinValue> valuesRef = new HoldsOneThing<>(); Uninvert u = new Uninvert() { private int minValue; private int currentValue; private GrowableWriter values; @Override public void visitTerm(BytesRef term) { currentValue = parser.parseInt(term); if (values == null) { // Lazy alloc so for the numeric field case // (which will hit a NumberFormatException // when we first try the DEFAULT_INT_PARSER), // we don't double-alloc: int startBitsPerValue; // Make sure than missing values (0) can be stored without resizing if (currentValue < 0) { minValue = currentValue; startBitsPerValue = PackedInts.bitsRequired((-minValue) & 0xFFFFFFFFL); } else { minValue = 0; startBitsPerValue = PackedInts.bitsRequired(currentValue); } values = new GrowableWriter(startBitsPerValue, reader.maxDoc(), PackedInts.FAST); if (minValue != 0) { values.fill(0, values.size(), (-minValue) & 0xFFFFFFFFL); // default value must be 0 } valuesRef.set(new GrowableWriterAndMinValue(values, minValue)); } } @Override public void visitDoc(int docID) { values.set(docID, (currentValue - minValue) & 0xFFFFFFFFL); } @Override protected TermsEnum termsEnum(Terms terms) throws IOException { return parser.termsEnum(terms); } }; u.uninvert(reader, key.field, setDocsWithField); if (setDocsWithField) { wrapper.setDocsWithField(reader, key.field, u.docsWithField); } GrowableWriterAndMinValue values = valuesRef.get(); if (values == null) { return new IntsFromArray(new PackedInts.NullReader(reader.maxDoc()), 0); } return new IntsFromArray(values.writer.getMutable(), (int) values.minValue); } } public Bits getDocsWithField(AtomicReader reader, String field) throws IOException { final FieldInfo fieldInfo = reader.getFieldInfos().fieldInfo(field); if (fieldInfo == null) { // field does not exist or has no value return new Bits.MatchNoBits(reader.maxDoc()); } else if (fieldInfo.hasDocValues()) { return reader.getDocsWithField(field); } else if (!fieldInfo.isIndexed()) { return new Bits.MatchNoBits(reader.maxDoc()); } return (Bits) caches.get(DocsWithFieldCache.class).get(reader, new CacheKey(field, null), false); } static final class DocsWithFieldCache extends Cache { DocsWithFieldCache(FieldCacheImpl wrapper) { super(wrapper); } @Override protected Object createValue(AtomicReader reader, CacheKey key, boolean setDocsWithField /* ignored */) throws IOException { final String field = key.field; final int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc(); // Visit all docs that have terms for this field FixedBitSet res = null; Terms terms = reader.terms(field); if (terms != null) { final int termsDocCount = terms.getDocCount(); assert termsDocCount <= maxDoc; if (termsDocCount == maxDoc) { // Fast case: all docs have this field: return new Bits.MatchAllBits(maxDoc); } final TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null); DocsEnum docs = null; while(true) { final BytesRef term =; if (term == null) { break; } if (res == null) { // lazy init res = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc); } docs =, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE); // TODO: use bulk API while (true) { final int docID = docs.nextDoc(); if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) { break; } res.set(docID); } } } if (res == null) { return new Bits.MatchNoBits(maxDoc); } final int numSet = res.cardinality(); if (numSet >= maxDoc) { // The cardinality of the BitSet is maxDoc if all documents have a value. assert numSet == maxDoc; return new Bits.MatchAllBits(maxDoc); } return res; } } @Override public Floats getFloats (AtomicReader reader, String field, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { return getFloats(reader, field, null, setDocsWithField); } @Override public Floats getFloats(AtomicReader reader, String field, FloatParser parser, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { final NumericDocValues valuesIn = reader.getNumericDocValues(field); if (valuesIn != null) { // Not cached here by FieldCacheImpl (cached instead // per-thread by SegmentReader): return new Floats() { @Override public float get(int docID) { return Float.intBitsToFloat((int) valuesIn.get(docID)); } }; } else { final FieldInfo info = reader.getFieldInfos().fieldInfo(field); if (info == null) { return Floats.EMPTY; } else if (info.hasDocValues()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Type mismatch: " + field + " was indexed as " + info.getDocValuesType()); } else if (!info.isIndexed()) { return Floats.EMPTY; } return (Floats) caches.get(Float.TYPE).get(reader, new CacheKey(field, parser), setDocsWithField); } } static class FloatsFromArray extends Floats { private final float[] values; public FloatsFromArray(float[] values) { this.values = values; } @Override public float get(int docID) { return values[docID]; } } static final class FloatCache extends Cache { FloatCache(FieldCacheImpl wrapper) { super(wrapper); } @Override protected Object createValue(final AtomicReader reader, CacheKey key, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { final FloatParser parser = (FloatParser) key.custom; if (parser == null) { // Confusing: must delegate to wrapper (vs simply // setting parser = NUMERIC_UTILS_FLOAT_PARSER) so // cache key includes NUMERIC_UTILS_FLOAT_PARSER: return wrapper.getFloats(reader, key.field, NUMERIC_UTILS_FLOAT_PARSER, setDocsWithField); } final HoldsOneThing<float[]> valuesRef = new HoldsOneThing<>(); Uninvert u = new Uninvert() { private float currentValue; private float[] values; @Override public void visitTerm(BytesRef term) { currentValue = parser.parseFloat(term); if (values == null) { // Lazy alloc so for the numeric field case // (which will hit a NumberFormatException // when we first try the DEFAULT_INT_PARSER), // we don't double-alloc: values = new float[reader.maxDoc()]; valuesRef.set(values); } } @Override public void visitDoc(int docID) { values[docID] = currentValue; } @Override protected TermsEnum termsEnum(Terms terms) throws IOException { return parser.termsEnum(terms); } }; u.uninvert(reader, key.field, setDocsWithField); if (setDocsWithField) { wrapper.setDocsWithField(reader, key.field, u.docsWithField); } float[] values = valuesRef.get(); if (values == null) { values = new float[reader.maxDoc()]; } return new FloatsFromArray(values); } } @Override public Longs getLongs(AtomicReader reader, String field, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { return getLongs(reader, field, null, setDocsWithField); } @Override public Longs getLongs(AtomicReader reader, String field, FieldCache.LongParser parser, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { final NumericDocValues valuesIn = reader.getNumericDocValues(field); if (valuesIn != null) { // Not cached here by FieldCacheImpl (cached instead // per-thread by SegmentReader): return new Longs() { @Override public long get(int docID) { return valuesIn.get(docID); } }; } else { final FieldInfo info = reader.getFieldInfos().fieldInfo(field); if (info == null) { return Longs.EMPTY; } else if (info.hasDocValues()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Type mismatch: " + field + " was indexed as " + info.getDocValuesType()); } else if (!info.isIndexed()) { return Longs.EMPTY; } return (Longs) caches.get(Long.TYPE).get(reader, new CacheKey(field, parser), setDocsWithField); } } static class LongsFromArray extends Longs { private final PackedInts.Reader values; private final long minValue; public LongsFromArray(PackedInts.Reader values, long minValue) { this.values = values; this.minValue = minValue; } @Override public long get(int docID) { return minValue + values.get(docID); } } static final class LongCache extends Cache { LongCache(FieldCacheImpl wrapper) { super(wrapper); } @Override protected Object createValue(final AtomicReader reader, CacheKey key, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { final LongParser parser = (LongParser) key.custom; if (parser == null) { // Confusing: must delegate to wrapper (vs simply // setting parser = NUMERIC_UTILS_LONG_PARSER) so // cache key includes NUMERIC_UTILS_LONG_PARSER: return wrapper.getLongs(reader, key.field, NUMERIC_UTILS_LONG_PARSER, setDocsWithField); } final HoldsOneThing<GrowableWriterAndMinValue> valuesRef = new HoldsOneThing<>(); Uninvert u = new Uninvert() { private long minValue; private long currentValue; private GrowableWriter values; @Override public void visitTerm(BytesRef term) { currentValue = parser.parseLong(term); if (values == null) { // Lazy alloc so for the numeric field case // (which will hit a NumberFormatException // when we first try the DEFAULT_INT_PARSER), // we don't double-alloc: int startBitsPerValue; // Make sure than missing values (0) can be stored without resizing if (currentValue < 0) { minValue = currentValue; startBitsPerValue = minValue == Long.MIN_VALUE ? 64 : PackedInts.bitsRequired(-minValue); } else { minValue = 0; startBitsPerValue = PackedInts.bitsRequired(currentValue); } values = new GrowableWriter(startBitsPerValue, reader.maxDoc(), PackedInts.FAST); if (minValue != 0) { values.fill(0, values.size(), -minValue); // default value must be 0 } valuesRef.set(new GrowableWriterAndMinValue(values, minValue)); } } @Override public void visitDoc(int docID) { values.set(docID, currentValue - minValue); } @Override protected TermsEnum termsEnum(Terms terms) throws IOException { return parser.termsEnum(terms); } }; u.uninvert(reader, key.field, setDocsWithField); if (setDocsWithField) { wrapper.setDocsWithField(reader, key.field, u.docsWithField); } GrowableWriterAndMinValue values = valuesRef.get(); if (values == null) { return new LongsFromArray(new PackedInts.NullReader(reader.maxDoc()), 0L); } return new LongsFromArray(values.writer.getMutable(), values.minValue); } } @Override public Doubles getDoubles(AtomicReader reader, String field, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { return getDoubles(reader, field, null, setDocsWithField); } @Override public Doubles getDoubles(AtomicReader reader, String field, FieldCache.DoubleParser parser, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { final NumericDocValues valuesIn = reader.getNumericDocValues(field); if (valuesIn != null) { // Not cached here by FieldCacheImpl (cached instead // per-thread by SegmentReader): return new Doubles() { @Override public double get(int docID) { return Double.longBitsToDouble(valuesIn.get(docID)); } }; } else { final FieldInfo info = reader.getFieldInfos().fieldInfo(field); if (info == null) { return Doubles.EMPTY; } else if (info.hasDocValues()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Type mismatch: " + field + " was indexed as " + info.getDocValuesType()); } else if (!info.isIndexed()) { return Doubles.EMPTY; } return (Doubles) caches.get(Double.TYPE).get(reader, new CacheKey(field, parser), setDocsWithField); } } static class DoublesFromArray extends Doubles { private final double[] values; public DoublesFromArray(double[] values) { this.values = values; } @Override public double get(int docID) { return values[docID]; } } static final class DoubleCache extends Cache { DoubleCache(FieldCacheImpl wrapper) { super(wrapper); } @Override protected Object createValue(final AtomicReader reader, CacheKey key, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { final DoubleParser parser = (DoubleParser) key.custom; if (parser == null) { // Confusing: must delegate to wrapper (vs simply // setting parser = NUMERIC_UTILS_DOUBLE_PARSER) so // cache key includes NUMERIC_UTILS_DOUBLE_PARSER: return wrapper.getDoubles(reader, key.field, NUMERIC_UTILS_DOUBLE_PARSER, setDocsWithField); } final HoldsOneThing<double[]> valuesRef = new HoldsOneThing<>(); Uninvert u = new Uninvert() { private double currentValue; private double[] values; @Override public void visitTerm(BytesRef term) { currentValue = parser.parseDouble(term); if (values == null) { // Lazy alloc so for the numeric field case // (which will hit a NumberFormatException // when we first try the DEFAULT_INT_PARSER), // we don't double-alloc: values = new double[reader.maxDoc()]; valuesRef.set(values); } } @Override public void visitDoc(int docID) { values[docID] = currentValue; } @Override protected TermsEnum termsEnum(Terms terms) throws IOException { return parser.termsEnum(terms); } }; u.uninvert(reader, key.field, setDocsWithField); if (setDocsWithField) { wrapper.setDocsWithField(reader, key.field, u.docsWithField); } double[] values = valuesRef.get(); if (values == null) { values = new double[reader.maxDoc()]; } return new DoublesFromArray(values); } } public static class SortedDocValuesImpl extends SortedDocValues { private final PagedBytes.Reader bytes; private final MonotonicAppendingLongBuffer termOrdToBytesOffset; private final PackedInts.Reader docToTermOrd; private final int numOrd; public SortedDocValuesImpl(PagedBytes.Reader bytes, MonotonicAppendingLongBuffer termOrdToBytesOffset, PackedInts.Reader docToTermOrd, int numOrd) { this.bytes = bytes; this.docToTermOrd = docToTermOrd; this.termOrdToBytesOffset = termOrdToBytesOffset; this.numOrd = numOrd; } @Override public int getValueCount() { return numOrd; } @Override public int getOrd(int docID) { // Subtract 1, matching the 1+ord we did when // storing, so that missing values, which are 0 in the // packed ints, are returned as -1 ord: return (int) docToTermOrd.get(docID)-1; } @Override public void lookupOrd(int ord, BytesRef ret) { if (ord < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ord must be >=0 (got ord=" + ord + ")"); } bytes.fill(ret, termOrdToBytesOffset.get(ord)); } } public SortedDocValues getTermsIndex(AtomicReader reader, String field) throws IOException { return getTermsIndex(reader, field, PackedInts.FAST); } public SortedDocValues getTermsIndex(AtomicReader reader, String field, float acceptableOverheadRatio) throws IOException { SortedDocValues valuesIn = reader.getSortedDocValues(field); if (valuesIn != null) { // Not cached here by FieldCacheImpl (cached instead // per-thread by SegmentReader): return valuesIn; } else { final FieldInfo info = reader.getFieldInfos().fieldInfo(field); if (info == null) { return SortedDocValues.EMPTY; } else if (info.hasDocValues()) { // we don't try to build a sorted instance from numeric/binary doc // values because dedup can be very costly throw new IllegalStateException("Type mismatch: " + field + " was indexed as " + info.getDocValuesType()); } else if (!info.isIndexed()) { return SortedDocValues.EMPTY; } return (SortedDocValues) caches.get(SortedDocValues.class).get(reader, new CacheKey(field, acceptableOverheadRatio), false); } } static class SortedDocValuesCache extends Cache { SortedDocValuesCache(FieldCacheImpl wrapper) { super(wrapper); } @Override protected Object createValue(AtomicReader reader, CacheKey key, boolean setDocsWithField /* ignored */) throws IOException { final int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc(); Terms terms = reader.terms(key.field); final float acceptableOverheadRatio = ((Float) key.custom).floatValue(); final PagedBytes bytes = new PagedBytes(15); int startTermsBPV; final int termCountHardLimit; if (maxDoc == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { termCountHardLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { termCountHardLimit = maxDoc+1; } // TODO: use Uninvert? if (terms != null) { // Try for coarse estimate for number of bits; this // should be an underestimate most of the time, which // is fine -- GrowableWriter will reallocate as needed long numUniqueTerms = terms.size(); if (numUniqueTerms != -1L) { if (numUniqueTerms > termCountHardLimit) { // app is misusing the API (there is more than // one term per doc); in this case we make best // effort to load what we can (see LUCENE-2142) numUniqueTerms = termCountHardLimit; } startTermsBPV = PackedInts.bitsRequired(numUniqueTerms); } else { startTermsBPV = 1; } } else { startTermsBPV = 1; } MonotonicAppendingLongBuffer termOrdToBytesOffset = new MonotonicAppendingLongBuffer(); final GrowableWriter docToTermOrd = new GrowableWriter(startTermsBPV, maxDoc, acceptableOverheadRatio); int termOrd = 0; // TODO: use Uninvert? if (terms != null) { final TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null); DocsEnum docs = null; while(true) { final BytesRef term =; if (term == null) { break; } if (termOrd >= termCountHardLimit) { break; } termOrdToBytesOffset.add(bytes.copyUsingLengthPrefix(term)); docs =, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE); while (true) { final int docID = docs.nextDoc(); if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) { break; } // Store 1+ ord into packed bits docToTermOrd.set(docID, 1+termOrd); } termOrd++; } } termOrdToBytesOffset.freeze(); // maybe an int-only impl? return new SortedDocValuesImpl(bytes.freeze(true), termOrdToBytesOffset, docToTermOrd.getMutable(), termOrd); } } private static class BinaryDocValuesImpl extends BinaryDocValues { private final PagedBytes.Reader bytes; private final PackedInts.Reader docToOffset; public BinaryDocValuesImpl(PagedBytes.Reader bytes, PackedInts.Reader docToOffset) { this.bytes = bytes; this.docToOffset = docToOffset; } @Override public void get(int docID, BytesRef ret) { final int pointer = (int) docToOffset.get(docID); if (pointer == 0) { ret.bytes = BytesRef.EMPTY_BYTES; ret.offset = 0; ret.length = 0; } else { bytes.fill(ret, pointer); } } } // TODO: this if DocTermsIndex was already created, we // should share it... public BinaryDocValues getTerms(AtomicReader reader, String field, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { return getTerms(reader, field, setDocsWithField, PackedInts.FAST); } public BinaryDocValues getTerms(AtomicReader reader, String field, boolean setDocsWithField, float acceptableOverheadRatio) throws IOException { BinaryDocValues valuesIn = reader.getBinaryDocValues(field); if (valuesIn == null) { valuesIn = reader.getSortedDocValues(field); } if (valuesIn != null) { // Not cached here by FieldCacheImpl (cached instead // per-thread by SegmentReader): return valuesIn; } final FieldInfo info = reader.getFieldInfos().fieldInfo(field); if (info == null) { return BinaryDocValues.EMPTY; } else if (info.hasDocValues()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Type mismatch: " + field + " was indexed as " + info.getDocValuesType()); } else if (!info.isIndexed()) { return BinaryDocValues.EMPTY; } return (BinaryDocValues) caches.get(BinaryDocValues.class).get(reader, new CacheKey(field, acceptableOverheadRatio), setDocsWithField); } static final class BinaryDocValuesCache extends Cache { BinaryDocValuesCache(FieldCacheImpl wrapper) { super(wrapper); } @Override protected Object createValue(AtomicReader reader, CacheKey key, boolean setDocsWithField) throws IOException { // TODO: would be nice to first check if DocTermsIndex // was already cached for this field and then return // that instead, to avoid insanity final int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc(); Terms terms = reader.terms(key.field); final float acceptableOverheadRatio = ((Float) key.custom).floatValue(); final int termCountHardLimit = maxDoc; // Holds the actual term data, expanded. final PagedBytes bytes = new PagedBytes(15); int startBPV; if (terms != null) { // Try for coarse estimate for number of bits; this // should be an underestimate most of the time, which // is fine -- GrowableWriter will reallocate as needed long numUniqueTerms = terms.size(); if (numUniqueTerms != -1L) { if (numUniqueTerms > termCountHardLimit) { numUniqueTerms = termCountHardLimit; } startBPV = PackedInts.bitsRequired(numUniqueTerms*4); } else { startBPV = 1; } } else { startBPV = 1; } final GrowableWriter docToOffset = new GrowableWriter(startBPV, maxDoc, acceptableOverheadRatio); // pointer==0 means not set bytes.copyUsingLengthPrefix(new BytesRef()); if (terms != null) { int termCount = 0; final TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null); DocsEnum docs = null; while(true) { if (termCount++ == termCountHardLimit) { // app is misusing the API (there is more than // one term per doc); in this case we make best // effort to load what we can (see LUCENE-2142) break; } final BytesRef term =; if (term == null) { break; } final long pointer = bytes.copyUsingLengthPrefix(term); docs =, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE); while (true) { final int docID = docs.nextDoc(); if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) { break; } docToOffset.set(docID, pointer); } } } final PackedInts.Reader offsetReader = docToOffset.getMutable(); if (setDocsWithField) { wrapper.setDocsWithField(reader, key.field, new Bits() { @Override public boolean get(int index) { return offsetReader.get(index) != 0; } @Override public int length() { return maxDoc; } }); } // maybe an int-only impl? return new BinaryDocValuesImpl(bytes.freeze(true), offsetReader); } } // TODO: this if DocTermsIndex was already created, we // should share it... public SortedSetDocValues getDocTermOrds(AtomicReader reader, String field) throws IOException { SortedSetDocValues dv = reader.getSortedSetDocValues(field); if (dv != null) { return dv; } SortedDocValues sdv = reader.getSortedDocValues(field); if (sdv != null) { return new SingletonSortedSetDocValues(sdv); } final FieldInfo info = reader.getFieldInfos().fieldInfo(field); if (info == null) { return SortedSetDocValues.EMPTY; } else if (info.hasDocValues()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Type mismatch: " + field + " was indexed as " + info.getDocValuesType()); } else if (!info.isIndexed()) { return SortedSetDocValues.EMPTY; } DocTermOrds dto = (DocTermOrds) caches.get(DocTermOrds.class).get(reader, new CacheKey(field, null), false); return dto.iterator(reader); } static final class DocTermOrdsCache extends Cache { DocTermOrdsCache(FieldCacheImpl wrapper) { super(wrapper); } @Override protected Object createValue(AtomicReader reader, CacheKey key, boolean setDocsWithField /* ignored */) throws IOException { return new DocTermOrds(reader, null, key.field); } } private volatile PrintStream infoStream; public void setInfoStream(PrintStream stream) { infoStream = stream; } public PrintStream getInfoStream() { return infoStream; } }