package org.apache.lucene.index; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.OffsetAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PayloadAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo.IndexOptions; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator; // TODO: break into separate freq and prox writers as // codecs; make separate container (tii/tis/skip/*) that can // be configured as any number of files 1..N final class FreqProxTermsWriterPerField extends TermsHashConsumerPerField implements Comparable<FreqProxTermsWriterPerField> { final FreqProxTermsWriter parent; final TermsHashPerField termsHashPerField; final FieldInfo fieldInfo; final DocumentsWriterPerThread.DocState docState; final FieldInvertState fieldState; boolean hasFreq; boolean hasProx; boolean hasOffsets; PayloadAttribute payloadAttribute; OffsetAttribute offsetAttribute; long sumTotalTermFreq; long sumDocFreq; // How many docs have this field: int docCount; public FreqProxTermsWriterPerField(TermsHashPerField termsHashPerField, FreqProxTermsWriter parent, FieldInfo fieldInfo) { this.termsHashPerField = termsHashPerField; this.parent = parent; this.fieldInfo = fieldInfo; docState = termsHashPerField.docState; fieldState = termsHashPerField.fieldState; setIndexOptions(fieldInfo.getIndexOptions()); } @Override int getStreamCount() { if (!hasProx) { return 1; } else { return 2; } } @Override void finish() { sumDocFreq += fieldState.uniqueTermCount; sumTotalTermFreq += fieldState.length; if (fieldState.length > 0) { docCount++; } if (hasPayloads) { fieldInfo.setStorePayloads(); } } boolean hasPayloads; @Override void skippingLongTerm() {} @Override public int compareTo(FreqProxTermsWriterPerField other) { return; } private void setIndexOptions(IndexOptions indexOptions) { if (indexOptions == null) { // field could later be updated with indexed=true, so set everything on hasFreq = hasProx = hasOffsets = true; } else { hasFreq = indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >= 0; hasProx = indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0; hasOffsets = indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0; } } @Override boolean start(IndexableField[] fields, int count) { return true; } @Override void start(IndexableField f) { if (fieldState.attributeSource.hasAttribute(PayloadAttribute.class)) { payloadAttribute = fieldState.attributeSource.getAttribute(PayloadAttribute.class); } else { payloadAttribute = null; } if (hasOffsets) { offsetAttribute = fieldState.attributeSource.addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class); } else { offsetAttribute = null; } } void writeProx(final int termID, int proxCode) { //System.out.println("writeProx termID=" + termID + " proxCode=" + proxCode); assert hasProx; final BytesRef payload; if (payloadAttribute == null) { payload = null; } else { payload = payloadAttribute.getPayload(); } if (payload != null && payload.length > 0) { termsHashPerField.writeVInt(1, (proxCode<<1)|1); termsHashPerField.writeVInt(1, payload.length); termsHashPerField.writeBytes(1, payload.bytes, payload.offset, payload.length); hasPayloads = true; } else { termsHashPerField.writeVInt(1, proxCode<<1); } FreqProxPostingsArray postings = (FreqProxPostingsArray) termsHashPerField.postingsArray; postings.lastPositions[termID] = fieldState.position; } void writeOffsets(final int termID, int offsetAccum) { assert hasOffsets; final int startOffset = offsetAccum + offsetAttribute.startOffset(); final int endOffset = offsetAccum + offsetAttribute.endOffset(); //System.out.println("writeOffsets termID=" + termID + " prevOffset=" + prevOffset + " startOff=" + startOffset + " endOff=" + endOffset); FreqProxPostingsArray postings = (FreqProxPostingsArray) termsHashPerField.postingsArray; assert startOffset - postings.lastOffsets[termID] >= 0; termsHashPerField.writeVInt(1, startOffset - postings.lastOffsets[termID]); termsHashPerField.writeVInt(1, endOffset - startOffset); postings.lastOffsets[termID] = startOffset; } @Override void newTerm(final int termID) { // First time we're seeing this term since the last // flush assert docState.testPoint("FreqProxTermsWriterPerField.newTerm start"); FreqProxPostingsArray postings = (FreqProxPostingsArray) termsHashPerField.postingsArray; postings.lastDocIDs[termID] = docState.docID; if (!hasFreq) { postings.lastDocCodes[termID] = docState.docID; } else { postings.lastDocCodes[termID] = docState.docID << 1; postings.termFreqs[termID] = 1; if (hasProx) { writeProx(termID, fieldState.position); if (hasOffsets) { writeOffsets(termID, fieldState.offset); } } else { assert !hasOffsets; } } fieldState.maxTermFrequency = Math.max(1, fieldState.maxTermFrequency); fieldState.uniqueTermCount++; } @Override void addTerm(final int termID) { assert docState.testPoint("FreqProxTermsWriterPerField.addTerm start"); FreqProxPostingsArray postings = (FreqProxPostingsArray) termsHashPerField.postingsArray; assert !hasFreq || postings.termFreqs[termID] > 0; if (!hasFreq) { assert postings.termFreqs == null; if (docState.docID != postings.lastDocIDs[termID]) { assert docState.docID > postings.lastDocIDs[termID]; termsHashPerField.writeVInt(0, postings.lastDocCodes[termID]); postings.lastDocCodes[termID] = docState.docID - postings.lastDocIDs[termID]; postings.lastDocIDs[termID] = docState.docID; fieldState.uniqueTermCount++; } } else if (docState.docID != postings.lastDocIDs[termID]) { assert docState.docID > postings.lastDocIDs[termID]:"id: "+docState.docID + " postings ID: "+ postings.lastDocIDs[termID] + " termID: "+termID; // Term not yet seen in the current doc but previously // seen in other doc(s) since the last flush // Now that we know doc freq for previous doc, // write it & lastDocCode if (1 == postings.termFreqs[termID]) { termsHashPerField.writeVInt(0, postings.lastDocCodes[termID]|1); } else { termsHashPerField.writeVInt(0, postings.lastDocCodes[termID]); termsHashPerField.writeVInt(0, postings.termFreqs[termID]); } postings.termFreqs[termID] = 1; fieldState.maxTermFrequency = Math.max(1, fieldState.maxTermFrequency); postings.lastDocCodes[termID] = (docState.docID - postings.lastDocIDs[termID]) << 1; postings.lastDocIDs[termID] = docState.docID; if (hasProx) { writeProx(termID, fieldState.position); if (hasOffsets) { postings.lastOffsets[termID] = 0; writeOffsets(termID, fieldState.offset); } } else { assert !hasOffsets; } fieldState.uniqueTermCount++; } else { fieldState.maxTermFrequency = Math.max(fieldState.maxTermFrequency, ++postings.termFreqs[termID]); if (hasProx) { writeProx(termID, fieldState.position-postings.lastPositions[termID]); } if (hasOffsets) { writeOffsets(termID, fieldState.offset); } } } @Override ParallelPostingsArray createPostingsArray(int size) { return new FreqProxPostingsArray(size, hasFreq, hasProx, hasOffsets); } static final class FreqProxPostingsArray extends ParallelPostingsArray { public FreqProxPostingsArray(int size, boolean writeFreqs, boolean writeProx, boolean writeOffsets) { super(size); if (writeFreqs) { termFreqs = new int[size]; } lastDocIDs = new int[size]; lastDocCodes = new int[size]; if (writeProx) { lastPositions = new int[size]; if (writeOffsets) { lastOffsets = new int[size]; } } else { assert !writeOffsets; } //System.out.println("PA init freqs=" + writeFreqs + " pos=" + writeProx + " offs=" + writeOffsets); } int termFreqs[]; // # times this term occurs in the current doc int lastDocIDs[]; // Last docID where this term occurred int lastDocCodes[]; // Code for prior doc int lastPositions[]; // Last position where this term occurred int lastOffsets[]; // Last endOffset where this term occurred @Override ParallelPostingsArray newInstance(int size) { return new FreqProxPostingsArray(size, termFreqs != null, lastPositions != null, lastOffsets != null); } @Override void copyTo(ParallelPostingsArray toArray, int numToCopy) { assert toArray instanceof FreqProxPostingsArray; FreqProxPostingsArray to = (FreqProxPostingsArray) toArray; super.copyTo(toArray, numToCopy); System.arraycopy(lastDocIDs, 0, to.lastDocIDs, 0, numToCopy); System.arraycopy(lastDocCodes, 0, to.lastDocCodes, 0, numToCopy); if (lastPositions != null) { assert to.lastPositions != null; System.arraycopy(lastPositions, 0, to.lastPositions, 0, numToCopy); } if (lastOffsets != null) { assert to.lastOffsets != null; System.arraycopy(lastOffsets, 0, to.lastOffsets, 0, numToCopy); } if (termFreqs != null) { assert to.termFreqs != null; System.arraycopy(termFreqs, 0, to.termFreqs, 0, numToCopy); } } @Override int bytesPerPosting() { int bytes = ParallelPostingsArray.BYTES_PER_POSTING + 2 * RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT; if (lastPositions != null) { bytes += RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT; } if (lastOffsets != null) { bytes += RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT; } if (termFreqs != null) { bytes += RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT; } return bytes; } } public void abort() {} BytesRef payload; int[] sortedTermIDs; void sortPostings() { assert sortedTermIDs == null; sortedTermIDs = termsHashPerField.sortPostings(); } }