/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport; import java.io.File; import java.io.FilenameFilter; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * <p> * An {@link EntityProcessor} instance which can stream file names found in a given base * directory matching patterns and returning rows containing file information. * </p> * <p/> * <p> * It supports querying a give base directory by matching: * <ul> * <li>regular expressions to file names</li> * <li>excluding certain files based on regular expression</li> * <li>last modification date (newer or older than a given date or time)</li> * <li>size (bigger or smaller than size given in bytes)</li> * <li>recursively iterating through sub-directories</li> * </ul> * Its output can be used along with {@link FileDataSource} to read from files in file * systems. * </p> * <p/> * <p> * Refer to <a * href="http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler">http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler</a> * for more details. * </p> * <p/> * <b>This API is experimental and may change in the future.</b> * * @since solr 1.3 * @see Pattern */ public class FileListEntityProcessor extends EntityProcessorBase { /** * A regex pattern to identify files given in data-config.xml after resolving any variables */ protected String fileName; /** * The baseDir given in data-config.xml after resolving any variables */ protected String baseDir; /** * A Regex pattern of excluded file names as given in data-config.xml after resolving any variables */ protected String excludes; /** * The newerThan given in data-config as a {@link java.util.Date} * <p> * <b>Note: </b> This variable is resolved just-in-time in the {@link #nextRow()} method. * </p> */ protected Date newerThan; /** * The newerThan given in data-config as a {@link java.util.Date} */ protected Date olderThan; /** * The biggerThan given in data-config as a long value * <p> * <b>Note: </b> This variable is resolved just-in-time in the {@link #nextRow()} method. * </p> */ protected long biggerThan = -1; /** * The smallerThan given in data-config as a long value * <p> * <b>Note: </b> This variable is resolved just-in-time in the {@link #nextRow()} method. * </p> */ protected long smallerThan = -1; /** * The recursive given in data-config. Default value is false. */ protected boolean recursive = false; private Pattern fileNamePattern, excludesPattern; @Override public void init(Context context) { super.init(context); fileName = context.getEntityAttribute(FILE_NAME); if (fileName != null) { fileName = context.replaceTokens(fileName); fileNamePattern = Pattern.compile(fileName); } baseDir = context.getEntityAttribute(BASE_DIR); if (baseDir == null) throw new DataImportHandlerException(DataImportHandlerException.SEVERE, "'baseDir' is a required attribute"); baseDir = context.replaceTokens(baseDir); File dir = new File(baseDir); if (!dir.isDirectory()) throw new DataImportHandlerException(DataImportHandlerException.SEVERE, "'baseDir' value: " + baseDir + " is not a directory"); String r = context.getEntityAttribute(RECURSIVE); if (r != null) recursive = Boolean.parseBoolean(r); excludes = context.getEntityAttribute(EXCLUDES); if (excludes != null) { excludes = context.replaceTokens(excludes); excludesPattern = Pattern.compile(excludes); } } /** * Get the Date object corresponding to the given string. * * @param dateStr the date string. It can be a DateMath string or it may have a evaluator function * @return a Date instance corresponding to the input string */ private Date getDate(String dateStr) { if (dateStr == null) return null; Matcher m = PLACE_HOLDER_PATTERN.matcher(dateStr); if (m.find()) { Object o = context.resolve(m.group(1)); if (o instanceof Date) return (Date)o; dateStr = (String) o; } else { dateStr = context.replaceTokens(dateStr); } m = Evaluator.IN_SINGLE_QUOTES.matcher(dateStr); if (m.find()) { String expr = null; expr = m.group(1).replaceAll("NOW", ""); try { return DateFormatEvaluator.getDateMathParser(Locale.ROOT, TimeZone.getDefault()).parseMath(expr); } catch (ParseException exp) { throw new DataImportHandlerException(DataImportHandlerException.SEVERE, "Invalid expression for date", exp); } } try { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.ROOT).parse(dateStr); } catch (ParseException exp) { throw new DataImportHandlerException(DataImportHandlerException.SEVERE, "Invalid expression for date", exp); } } /** * Get the Long value for the given string after resolving any evaluator or variable. * * @param sizeStr the size as a string * @return the Long value corresponding to the given string */ private Long getSize(String sizeStr) { if (sizeStr == null) return null; Matcher m = PLACE_HOLDER_PATTERN.matcher(sizeStr); if (m.find()) { Object o = context.resolve(m.group(1)); if (o instanceof Number) { Number number = (Number) o; return number.longValue(); } sizeStr = (String) o; } else { sizeStr = context.replaceTokens(sizeStr); } return Long.parseLong(sizeStr); } @Override public Map<String, Object> nextRow() { if (rowIterator != null) return getNext(); List<Map<String, Object>> fileDetails = new ArrayList<>(); File dir = new File(baseDir); String dateStr = context.getEntityAttribute(NEWER_THAN); newerThan = getDate(dateStr); dateStr = context.getEntityAttribute(OLDER_THAN); olderThan = getDate(dateStr); String biggerThanStr = context.getEntityAttribute(BIGGER_THAN); if (biggerThanStr != null) biggerThan = getSize(biggerThanStr); String smallerThanStr = context.getEntityAttribute(SMALLER_THAN); if (smallerThanStr != null) smallerThan = getSize(smallerThanStr); getFolderFiles(dir, fileDetails); rowIterator = fileDetails.iterator(); return getNext(); } private void getFolderFiles(File dir, final List<Map<String, Object>> fileDetails) { // Fetch an array of file objects that pass the filter, however the // returned array is never populated; accept() always returns false. // Rather we make use of the fileDetails array which is populated as // a side affect of the accept method. dir.list(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { File fileObj = new File(dir, name); if (fileObj.isDirectory()) { if (recursive) getFolderFiles(fileObj, fileDetails); } else if (fileNamePattern == null) { addDetails(fileDetails, dir, name); } else if (fileNamePattern.matcher(name).find()) { if (excludesPattern != null && excludesPattern.matcher(name).find()) return false; addDetails(fileDetails, dir, name); } return false; } }); } private void addDetails(List<Map<String, Object>> files, File dir, String name) { Map<String, Object> details = new HashMap<>(); File aFile = new File(dir, name); if (aFile.isDirectory()) return; long sz = aFile.length(); Date lastModified = new Date(aFile.lastModified()); if (biggerThan != -1 && sz <= biggerThan) return; if (smallerThan != -1 && sz >= smallerThan) return; if (olderThan != null && lastModified.after(olderThan)) return; if (newerThan != null && lastModified.before(newerThan)) return; details.put(DIR, dir.getAbsolutePath()); details.put(FILE, name); details.put(ABSOLUTE_FILE, aFile.getAbsolutePath()); details.put(SIZE, sz); details.put(LAST_MODIFIED, lastModified); files.add(details); } public static final Pattern PLACE_HOLDER_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("\\$\\{(.*?)\\}"); public static final String DIR = "fileDir"; public static final String FILE = "file"; public static final String ABSOLUTE_FILE = "fileAbsolutePath"; public static final String SIZE = "fileSize"; public static final String LAST_MODIFIED = "fileLastModified"; public static final String FILE_NAME = "fileName"; public static final String BASE_DIR = "baseDir"; public static final String EXCLUDES = "excludes"; public static final String NEWER_THAN = "newerThan"; public static final String OLDER_THAN = "olderThan"; public static final String BIGGER_THAN = "biggerThan"; public static final String SMALLER_THAN = "smallerThan"; public static final String RECURSIVE = "recursive"; }