/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.analytics.statistics; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.solr.search.function.ValueSource; import org.apache.solr.search.function.valuesource.BytesRefFieldSource; import org.apache.solr.search.function.valuesource.DoubleFieldSource; import org.apache.solr.search.function.valuesource.FloatFieldSource; import org.apache.solr.search.function.valuesource.IntFieldSource; import org.apache.solr.search.function.valuesource.LongFieldSource; import org.apache.lucene.search.FieldCache; import org.apache.solr.analytics.expression.ExpressionFactory; import org.apache.solr.analytics.request.AnalyticsRequest; import org.apache.solr.analytics.request.ExpressionRequest; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.AnalyticsParams; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.AnalyticsParsers; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.AbsoluteValueDoubleFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.AddDoubleFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.ConcatStringFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.ConstDateSource; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.ConstDoubleSource; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.ConstStringSource; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.DateFieldSource; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.DateMathFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.DivDoubleFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.DualDoubleFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.FilterFieldSource; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.LogDoubleFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.MultiDateFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.MultiDoubleFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.MultiplyDoubleFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.NegateDoubleFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.PowDoubleFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.ReverseStringFunction; import org.apache.solr.analytics.util.valuesource.SingleDoubleFunction; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode; import org.apache.solr.schema.FieldType; import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema; import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField; import org.apache.solr.schema.StrField; import org.apache.solr.schema.TrieDateField; import org.apache.solr.schema.TrieDoubleField; import org.apache.solr.schema.TrieFloatField; import org.apache.solr.schema.TrieIntField; import org.apache.solr.schema.TrieLongField; import com.google.common.base.Supplier; public class StatsCollectorSupplierFactory { // FunctionTypes final static int NUMBER_TYPE = 0; final static int DATE_TYPE = 1; final static int STRING_TYPE = 2; final static int FIELD_TYPE = 3; final static int FILTER_TYPE = 4; /** * Builds a Supplier that will generate identical arrays of new StatsCollectors. * * @param schema The Schema being used. * @param request The AnalyticsRequest to generate a StatsCollector[] from. * @return A Supplier that will return an array of new StatsCollector. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Supplier<StatsCollector[]> create(IndexSchema schema, AnalyticsRequest request) { final Map<String, Set<String>> collectorStats = new HashMap<>(); final Map<String, Set<Integer>> collectorPercs = new HashMap<>(); final Map<String, ValueSource> collectorSources = new HashMap<>(); // Iterate through all expression request to make a list of ValueSource strings // and statistics that need to be calculated on those ValueSources. for (ExpressionRequest expRequest : request.getExpressions()) { String statExpression = expRequest.getExpressionString(); Set<String> statistics = getStatistics(statExpression); if (statistics == null) { continue; } for (String statExp : statistics) { String stat; String operands; try { stat = statExp.substring(0, statExp.indexOf('(')).trim(); operands = statExp.substring(statExp.indexOf('(')+1, statExp.lastIndexOf(')')).trim(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"Unable to parse statistic: ["+statExpression+"]",e); } String[] arguments = ExpressionFactory.getArguments(operands); String source = arguments[0]; if (stat.equals(AnalyticsParams.STAT_PERCENTILE)) { // The statistic is a percentile, extra parsing is required if (arguments.length<2) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"Too few arguments given for "+stat+"() in ["+statExp+"]."); } else if (arguments.length>2) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"Too many arguments given for "+stat+"() in ["+statExp+"]."); } source = arguments[1]; Set<Integer> percs = collectorPercs.get(source); if (percs == null) { percs = new HashSet<>(); collectorPercs.put(source, percs); } try { int perc = Integer.parseInt(arguments[0]); if (perc>0 && perc<100) { percs.add(perc); } else { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The percentile in ["+statExp+"] is not between 0 and 100, exculsive."); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"\""+arguments[0]+"\" cannot be converted into a percentile.",e); } } else if (arguments.length>1) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"Too many arguments given for "+stat+"() in ["+statExp+"]."); } else if (arguments.length==0) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"No arguments given for "+stat+"() in ["+statExp+"]."); } // Only unique ValueSources will be made; therefore statistics must be accumulated for // each ValueSource, even across different expression requests Set<String> stats = collectorStats.get(source); if (stats == null) { stats = new HashSet<>(); collectorStats.put(source, stats); } stats.add(stat); } } String[] keys = collectorStats.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); for (String sourceStr : keys) { // Build one ValueSource for each unique value source string ValueSource source = buildSourceTree(schema, sourceStr); if (source == null) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The statistic ["+sourceStr+"] could not be parsed."); } String builtString = source.toString(); collectorSources.put(builtString,source); // Replace the user given string with the correctly built string if (!builtString.equals(sourceStr)) { Set<String> stats = collectorStats.remove(sourceStr); if (stats!=null) { collectorStats.put(builtString, stats); } Set<Integer> percs = collectorPercs.remove(sourceStr); if (percs!=null) { collectorPercs.put(builtString, percs); } for (ExpressionRequest er : request.getExpressions()) { er.setExpressionString(er.getExpressionString().replace(sourceStr, builtString)); } } } if (collectorSources.size()==0) { return new Supplier<StatsCollector[]>() { @Override public StatsCollector[] get() { return new StatsCollector[0]; } }; } // All information is stored in final arrays so that nothing // has to be computed when the Supplier's get() method is called. final Set<String>[] statsArr = collectorStats.values().toArray(new Set[0]); final ValueSource[] sourceArr = collectorSources.values().toArray(new ValueSource[0]); final boolean[] uniqueBools = new boolean[statsArr.length]; final boolean[] medianBools = new boolean[statsArr.length]; final boolean[] numericBools = new boolean[statsArr.length]; final boolean[] dateBools = new boolean[statsArr.length]; final double[][] percsArr = new double[statsArr.length][]; final String[][] percsNames = new String[statsArr.length][]; for (int count = 0; count < sourceArr.length; count++) { uniqueBools[count] = statsArr[count].contains(AnalyticsParams.STAT_UNIQUE); medianBools[count] = statsArr[count].contains(AnalyticsParams.STAT_MEDIAN); numericBools[count] = statsArr[count].contains(AnalyticsParams.STAT_SUM)||statsArr[count].contains(AnalyticsParams.STAT_SUM_OF_SQUARES)||statsArr[count].contains(AnalyticsParams.STAT_MEAN)||statsArr[count].contains(AnalyticsParams.STAT_STANDARD_DEVIATION); dateBools[count] = (sourceArr[count] instanceof DateFieldSource) | (sourceArr[count] instanceof MultiDateFunction) | (sourceArr[count] instanceof ConstDateSource); Set<Integer> ps = collectorPercs.get(sourceArr[count].toString()); if (ps!=null) { percsArr[count] = new double[ps.size()]; percsNames[count] = new String[ps.size()]; int percCount = 0; for (int p : ps) { percsArr[count][percCount] = p/100.0; percsNames[count][percCount++] = AnalyticsParams.STAT_PERCENTILE+"_"+p; } } } // Making the Supplier return new Supplier<StatsCollector[]>() { public StatsCollector[] get() { StatsCollector[] collectors = new StatsCollector[statsArr.length]; for (int count = 0; count < statsArr.length; count++) { if(numericBools[count]){ StatsCollector sc = new NumericStatsCollector(sourceArr[count], statsArr[count]); if(uniqueBools[count]) sc = new UniqueStatsCollector(sc); if(medianBools[count]) sc = new MedianStatsCollector(sc); if(percsArr[count]!=null) sc = new PercentileStatsCollector(sc,percsArr[count],percsNames[count]); collectors[count]=sc; } else if (dateBools[count]) { StatsCollector sc = new MinMaxStatsCollector(sourceArr[count], statsArr[count]); if(uniqueBools[count]) sc = new UniqueStatsCollector(sc); if(medianBools[count]) sc = new DateMedianStatsCollector(sc); if(percsArr[count]!=null) sc = new PercentileStatsCollector(sc,percsArr[count],percsNames[count]); collectors[count]=sc; } else { StatsCollector sc = new MinMaxStatsCollector(sourceArr[count], statsArr[count]); if(uniqueBools[count]) sc = new UniqueStatsCollector(sc); if(medianBools[count]) sc = new MedianStatsCollector(sc); if(percsArr[count]!=null) sc = new PercentileStatsCollector(sc,percsArr[count],percsNames[count]); collectors[count]=sc; } } return collectors; } }; } /** * Finds the set of statistics that must be computed for the expression. * @param expression The string representation of an expression * @return The set of statistics (sum, mean, median, etc.) found in the expression */ public static Set<String> getStatistics(String expression) { HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<>(); int firstParen = expression.indexOf('('); if (firstParen>0) { String topOperation = expression.substring(0,firstParen).trim(); if (AnalyticsParams.ALL_STAT_SET.contains(topOperation)) { set.add(expression); } else if (!(topOperation.equals(AnalyticsParams.CONSTANT_NUMBER)||topOperation.equals(AnalyticsParams.CONSTANT_DATE)||topOperation.equals(AnalyticsParams.CONSTANT_STRING))) { String operands = expression.substring(firstParen+1, expression.lastIndexOf(')')).trim(); String[] arguments = ExpressionFactory.getArguments(operands); for (String argument : arguments) { Set<String> more = getStatistics(argument); if (more!=null) { set.addAll(more); } } } } if (set.size()==0) { return null; } return set; } /** * Builds a Value Source from a given string * * @param schema The schema being used. * @param expression The string to be turned into an expression. * @return The completed ValueSource */ private static ValueSource buildSourceTree(IndexSchema schema, String expression) { return buildSourceTree(schema,expression,FIELD_TYPE); } /** * Builds a Value Source from a given string and a given source type * * @param schema The schema being used. * @param expression The string to be turned into an expression. * @param sourceType The type of source that must be returned. * @return The completed ValueSource */ private static ValueSource buildSourceTree(IndexSchema schema, String expression, int sourceType) { int expressionType = getSourceType(expression); if (sourceType != FIELD_TYPE && expressionType != FIELD_TYPE && expressionType != FILTER_TYPE && expressionType != sourceType) { return null; } switch (expressionType) { case NUMBER_TYPE : return buildNumericSource(schema, expression); case DATE_TYPE : return buildDateSource(schema, expression); case STRING_TYPE : return buildStringSource(schema, expression); case FIELD_TYPE : return buildFieldSource(schema, expression, sourceType); case FILTER_TYPE : return buildFilterSource(schema, expression.substring(expression.indexOf('(')+1,expression.lastIndexOf(')')), sourceType); default : throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,expression+" is not a valid operation."); } } /** * Determines what type of value source the expression represents. * * @param expression The expression representing the desired ValueSource * @return NUMBER_TYPE, DATE_TYPE, STRING_TYPE or -1 */ private static int getSourceType(String expression) { int paren = expression.indexOf('('); if (paren<0) { return FIELD_TYPE; } String operation = expression.substring(0,paren).trim(); if (AnalyticsParams.NUMERIC_OPERATION_SET.contains(operation)) { return NUMBER_TYPE; } else if (AnalyticsParams.DATE_OPERATION_SET.contains(operation)) { return DATE_TYPE; } else if (AnalyticsParams.STRING_OPERATION_SET.contains(operation)) { return STRING_TYPE; } else if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.FILTER)) { return FILTER_TYPE; } throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The operation \""+operation+"\" in ["+expression+"] is not supported."); } /** * Builds a value source for a given field, making sure that the field fits a given source type. * @param schema the schema * @param expressionString The name of the field to build a Field Source from. * @param sourceType FIELD_TYPE for any type of field, NUMBER_TYPE for numeric fields, * DATE_TYPE for date fields and STRING_TYPE for string fields. * @return a value source */ private static ValueSource buildFieldSource(IndexSchema schema, String expressionString, int sourceType) { SchemaField sf; try { sf = schema.getField(expressionString); } catch (SolrException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The field "+expressionString+" does not exist.",e); } FieldType type = sf.getType(); if ( type instanceof TrieIntField) { if (sourceType!=NUMBER_TYPE&&sourceType!=FIELD_TYPE) { return null; } return new IntFieldSource(expressionString, FieldCache.NUMERIC_UTILS_INT_PARSER) { public String description() { return field; } }; } else if (type instanceof TrieLongField) { if (sourceType!=NUMBER_TYPE&&sourceType!=FIELD_TYPE) { return null; } return new LongFieldSource(expressionString, FieldCache.NUMERIC_UTILS_LONG_PARSER) { public String description() { return field; } }; } else if (type instanceof TrieFloatField) { if (sourceType!=NUMBER_TYPE&&sourceType!=FIELD_TYPE) { return null; } return new FloatFieldSource(expressionString, FieldCache.NUMERIC_UTILS_FLOAT_PARSER) { public String description() { return field; } }; } else if (type instanceof TrieDoubleField) { if (sourceType!=NUMBER_TYPE&&sourceType!=FIELD_TYPE) { return null; } return new DoubleFieldSource(expressionString, FieldCache.NUMERIC_UTILS_DOUBLE_PARSER) { public String description() { return field; } }; } else if (type instanceof TrieDateField) { if (sourceType!=DATE_TYPE&&sourceType!=FIELD_TYPE) { return null; } return new DateFieldSource(expressionString, AnalyticsParsers.DEFAULT_DATE_PARSER) { public String description() { return field; } }; } else if (type instanceof StrField) { if (sourceType!=STRING_TYPE&&sourceType!=FIELD_TYPE) { return null; } return new BytesRefFieldSource(expressionString) { public String description() { return field; } }; } throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, type.toString()+" is not a supported field type in Solr Analytics."); } /** * Builds a default is missing source that wraps a given source. A missing value is required for all * non-field value sources. * @param schema the schema * @param expressionString The name of the field to build a Field Source from. * @param sourceType FIELD_TYPE for any type of field, NUMBER_TYPE for numeric fields, * DATE_TYPE for date fields and STRING_TYPE for string fields. * @return a value source */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static ValueSource buildFilterSource(IndexSchema schema, String expressionString, int sourceType) { String[] arguments = ExpressionFactory.getArguments(expressionString); if (arguments.length!=2) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"Invalid arguments were given for \""+AnalyticsParams.FILTER+"\"."); } ValueSource delegateSource = buildSourceTree(schema, arguments[0], sourceType); if (delegateSource==null) { return null; } Object defaultObject; ValueSource src = delegateSource; if (delegateSource instanceof FilterFieldSource) { src = ((FilterFieldSource)delegateSource).getRootSource(); } if ( src instanceof IntFieldSource) { try { defaultObject = new Integer(arguments[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The filter value "+arguments[1]+" cannot be converted into an integer.",e); } } else if ( src instanceof DateFieldSource || src instanceof MultiDateFunction) { try { defaultObject = TrieDateField.parseDate(arguments[1]); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The filter value "+arguments[1]+" cannot be converted into a date.",e); } } else if ( src instanceof LongFieldSource ) { try { defaultObject = new Long(arguments[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The filter value "+arguments[1]+" cannot be converted into a long.",e); } } else if ( src instanceof FloatFieldSource ) { try { defaultObject = new Float(arguments[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The filter value "+arguments[1]+" cannot be converted into a float.",e); } } else if ( src instanceof DoubleFieldSource || src instanceof SingleDoubleFunction || src instanceof DualDoubleFunction|| src instanceof MultiDoubleFunction) { try { defaultObject = new Double(arguments[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The filter value "+arguments[1]+" cannot be converted into a double.",e); } } else { defaultObject = arguments[1]; } return new FilterFieldSource(delegateSource,defaultObject); } /** * Recursively parses and breaks down the expression string to build a numeric ValueSource. * * @param schema The schema to pull fields from. * @param expressionString The expression string to build a ValueSource from. * @return The value source represented by the given expressionString */ private static ValueSource buildNumericSource(IndexSchema schema, String expressionString) { int paren = expressionString.indexOf('('); String[] arguments; String operands; if (paren<0) { return buildFieldSource(schema,expressionString,NUMBER_TYPE); } else { try { operands = expressionString.substring(paren+1, expressionString.lastIndexOf(')')).trim(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"Missing closing parenthesis in ["+expressionString+"]"); } arguments = ExpressionFactory.getArguments(operands); } String operation = expressionString.substring(0, paren).trim(); if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.CONSTANT_NUMBER)) { if (arguments.length!=1) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The constant number declaration ["+expressionString+"] does not have exactly 1 argument."); } return new ConstDoubleSource(Double.parseDouble(arguments[0])); } else if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.NEGATE)) { if (arguments.length!=1) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The negate operation ["+expressionString+"] does not have exactly 1 argument."); } ValueSource argSource = buildNumericSource(schema, arguments[0]); if (argSource==null) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The operation \""+AnalyticsParams.NEGATE+"\" requires a numeric field or operation as argument. \""+arguments[0]+"\" is not a numeric field or operation."); } return new NegateDoubleFunction(argSource); } else if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.ABSOLUTE_VALUE)) { if (arguments.length!=1) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The absolute value operation ["+expressionString+"] does not have exactly 1 argument."); } ValueSource argSource = buildNumericSource(schema, arguments[0]); if (argSource==null) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The operation \""+AnalyticsParams.NEGATE+"\" requires a numeric field or operation as argument. \""+arguments[0]+"\" is not a numeric field or operation."); } return new AbsoluteValueDoubleFunction(argSource); } else if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.FILTER)) { return buildFilterSource(schema, operands, NUMBER_TYPE); } List<ValueSource> subExpressions = new ArrayList<>(); for (String argument : arguments) { ValueSource argSource = buildNumericSource(schema, argument); if (argSource == null) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The operation \""+operation+"\" requires numeric fields or operations as arguments. \""+argument+"\" is not a numeric field or operation."); } subExpressions.add(argSource); } if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.ADD)) { return new AddDoubleFunction(subExpressions.toArray(new ValueSource[0])); } else if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.MULTIPLY)) { return new MultiplyDoubleFunction(subExpressions.toArray(new ValueSource[0])); } else if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.DIVIDE)) { if (subExpressions.size()!=2) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The divide operation ["+expressionString+"] does not have exactly 2 arguments."); } return new DivDoubleFunction(subExpressions.get(0),subExpressions.get(1)); } else if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.POWER)) { if (subExpressions.size()!=2) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The power operation ["+expressionString+"] does not have exactly 2 arguments."); } return new PowDoubleFunction(subExpressions.get(0),subExpressions.get(1)); } else if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.LOG)) { if (subExpressions.size()!=2) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The log operation ["+expressionString+"] does not have exactly 2 arguments."); } return new LogDoubleFunction(subExpressions.get(0), subExpressions.get(1)); } if (AnalyticsParams.DATE_OPERATION_SET.contains(operation)||AnalyticsParams.STRING_OPERATION_SET.contains(operation)) { return null; } throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The operation ["+expressionString+"] is not supported."); } /** * Recursively parses and breaks down the expression string to build a date ValueSource. * * @param schema The schema to pull fields from. * @param expressionString The expression string to build a ValueSource from. * @return The value source represented by the given expressionString */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static ValueSource buildDateSource(IndexSchema schema, String expressionString) { int paren = expressionString.indexOf('('); String[] arguments; if (paren<0) { return buildFieldSource(schema, expressionString, DATE_TYPE); } else { arguments = ExpressionFactory.getArguments(expressionString.substring(paren+1, expressionString.lastIndexOf(')')).trim()); } String operands = arguments[0]; String operation = expressionString.substring(0, paren).trim(); if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.CONSTANT_DATE)) { if (arguments.length!=1) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The constant date declaration ["+expressionString+"] does not have exactly 1 argument."); } try { return new ConstDateSource(TrieDateField.parseDate(operands)); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The constant "+operands+" cannot be converted into a date.",e); } } else if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.FILTER)) { return buildFilterSource(schema, operands, DATE_TYPE); } if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.DATE_MATH)) { List<ValueSource> subExpressions = new ArrayList<>(); boolean first = true; for (String argument : arguments) { ValueSource argSource; if (first) { first = false; argSource = buildDateSource(schema, argument); if (argSource == null) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"\""+AnalyticsParams.DATE_MATH+"\" requires the first argument be a date operation or field. ["+argument+"] is not a date operation or field."); } } else { argSource = buildStringSource(schema, argument); if (argSource == null) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"\""+AnalyticsParams.DATE_MATH+"\" requires that all arguments except the first be string operations. ["+argument+"] is not a string operation."); } } subExpressions.add(argSource); } return new DateMathFunction(subExpressions.toArray(new ValueSource[0])); } if (AnalyticsParams.NUMERIC_OPERATION_SET.contains(operation)||AnalyticsParams.STRING_OPERATION_SET.contains(operation)) { return null; } throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The operation ["+expressionString+"] is not supported."); } /** * Recursively parses and breaks down the expression string to build a string ValueSource. * * @param schema The schema to pull fields from. * @param expressionString The expression string to build a ValueSource from. * @return The value source represented by the given expressionString */ private static ValueSource buildStringSource(IndexSchema schema, String expressionString) { int paren = expressionString.indexOf('('); String[] arguments; if (paren<0) { return buildFieldSource(schema, expressionString, FIELD_TYPE); } else { arguments = ExpressionFactory.getArguments(expressionString.substring(paren+1, expressionString.lastIndexOf(')')).trim()); } String operands = arguments[0]; String operation = expressionString.substring(0, paren).trim(); if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.CONSTANT_STRING)) { operands = expressionString.substring(paren+1, expressionString.lastIndexOf(')')); return new ConstStringSource(operands); } else if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.FILTER)) { return buildFilterSource(schema,operands,FIELD_TYPE); } else if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.REVERSE)) { if (arguments.length!=1) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"\""+AnalyticsParams.REVERSE+"\" requires exactly one argument. The number of arguments in "+expressionString+" is not 1."); } return new ReverseStringFunction(buildStringSource(schema, operands)); } List<ValueSource> subExpressions = new ArrayList<>(); for (String argument : arguments) { subExpressions.add(buildSourceTree(schema, argument)); } if (operation.equals(AnalyticsParams.CONCATENATE)) { return new ConcatStringFunction(subExpressions.toArray(new ValueSource[0])); } if (AnalyticsParams.NUMERIC_OPERATION_SET.contains(operation)) { return buildNumericSource(schema, expressionString); } else if (AnalyticsParams.DATE_OPERATION_SET.contains(operation)) { return buildDateSource(schema, expressionString); } throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"The operation ["+expressionString+"] is not supported."); } }