/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.core; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.rules.SystemPropertiesRestoreRule; import com.google.common.base.Charsets; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils; import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4; import org.apache.solr.common.params.CoreAdminParams; import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.CoreAdminHandler; import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.util.TestHarness; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.RuleChain; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.hamcrest.core.Is.is; public class TestSolrXmlPersistence extends SolrTestCaseJ4 { private File solrHomeDirectory = new File(TEMP_DIR, this.getClass().getName()); @Rule public TestRule solrTestRules = RuleChain.outerRule(new SystemPropertiesRestoreRule()); private CoreContainer init(String solrXmlString, String... subDirs) throws Exception { createTempDir(); solrHomeDirectory = dataDir; for (String s : subDirs) { copyMinConf(new File(solrHomeDirectory, s)); } File solrXml = new File(solrHomeDirectory, "solr.xml"); FileUtils.write(solrXml, solrXmlString, IOUtils.CHARSET_UTF_8.toString()); final CoreContainer cores = createCoreContainer(solrHomeDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), solrXmlString); return cores; } // take a solr.xml with system vars in <solr>, <cores> and <core> and <core/properties> tags that have system // variables defined. Insure that after persisting solr.xml, they're all still there as ${} syntax. // Also insure that nothing extra crept in. @Test public void testSystemVars() throws Exception { //Set these system props in order to insure that we don't write out the values rather than the ${} syntax. System.setProperty("solr.zkclienttimeout", "93"); System.setProperty("solrconfig", "solrconfig.xml"); System.setProperty("schema", "schema.xml"); System.setProperty("zkHostSet", "localhost:9983"); CoreContainer cc = init(SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS, "SystemVars1", "SystemVars2"); try { origMatchesPersist(cc, SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS); } finally { cc.shutdown(); if (solrHomeDirectory.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(solrHomeDirectory); } } } @Test public void testReload() throws Exception { // Whether the core is transient or not can make a difference. doReloadTest("SystemVars2"); doReloadTest("SystemVars1"); } private void doReloadTest(String which) throws Exception { CoreContainer cc = init(SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS, "SystemVars1", "SystemVars2"); try { final CoreAdminHandler admin = new CoreAdminHandler(cc); SolrQueryResponse resp = new SolrQueryResponse(); admin.handleRequestBody (req(CoreAdminParams.ACTION, CoreAdminParams.CoreAdminAction.RELOAD.toString(), CoreAdminParams.CORE, which), resp); assertNull("Exception on reload", resp.getException()); origMatchesPersist(cc, SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS); } finally { cc.shutdown(); if (solrHomeDirectory.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(solrHomeDirectory); } } } @Test public void testRename() throws Exception { doTestRename("SystemVars1"); doTestRename("SystemVars2"); } private void doTestRename(String which) throws Exception { CoreContainer cc = init(SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS, "SystemVars1", "SystemVars2"); SolrXMLCoresLocator.NonPersistingLocator locator = (SolrXMLCoresLocator.NonPersistingLocator) cc.getCoresLocator(); try { final CoreAdminHandler admin = new CoreAdminHandler(cc); SolrQueryResponse resp = new SolrQueryResponse(); admin.handleRequestBody (req(CoreAdminParams.ACTION, CoreAdminParams.CoreAdminAction.RENAME.toString(), CoreAdminParams.CORE, which, CoreAdminParams.OTHER, "RenamedCore"), resp); assertNull("Exception on rename", resp.getException()); // OK, Assure that if I change everything that has been renamed with the original value for the core, it matches // the old list String[] persistList = getAllNodes(); String[] expressions = new String[persistList.length]; for (int idx = 0; idx < persistList.length; ++idx) { expressions[idx] = persistList[idx].replaceAll("RenamedCore", which); } //assertXmlFile(origXml, expressions); TestHarness.validateXPath(SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS, expressions); // Now the other way, If I replace the original name in the original XML file with "RenamedCore", does it match // what was persisted? persistList = getAllNodes(SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS); expressions = new String[persistList.length]; for (int idx = 0; idx < persistList.length; ++idx) { // /solr/cores/core[@name='SystemVars1' and @collection='${collection:collection1}'] expressions[idx] = persistList[idx].replace("@name='" + which + "'", "@name='RenamedCore'"); } TestHarness.validateXPath(locator.xml, expressions); } finally { cc.shutdown(); if (solrHomeDirectory.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(solrHomeDirectory); } } } @Test public void testSwap() throws Exception { doTestSwap("SystemVars1", "SystemVars2"); doTestSwap("SystemVars2", "SystemVars1"); } /* Count the number of times substring appears in target */ private int countOccurrences(String target, String substring) { int pos = -1, count = 0; while ((pos = target.indexOf(substring, pos + 1)) != -1) { count++; } return count; } private void doTestSwap(String from, String to) throws Exception { CoreContainer cc = init(SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS, "SystemVars1", "SystemVars2"); SolrXMLCoresLocator.NonPersistingLocator locator = (SolrXMLCoresLocator.NonPersistingLocator) cc.getCoresLocator(); int coreCount = countOccurrences(locator.xml, "<core "); try { final CoreAdminHandler admin = new CoreAdminHandler(cc); SolrQueryResponse resp = new SolrQueryResponse(); admin.handleRequestBody (req(CoreAdminParams.ACTION, CoreAdminParams.CoreAdminAction.SWAP.toString(), CoreAdminParams.CORE, from, CoreAdminParams.OTHER, to), resp); assertNull("Exception on swap", resp.getException()); assertThat("Swapping cores should leave the same number of cores as before", countOccurrences(locator.xml, "<core "), is(coreCount)); String[] persistList = getAllNodes(); String[] expressions = new String[persistList.length]; // Now manually change the names back and it should match exactly to the original XML. for (int idx = 0; idx < persistList.length; ++idx) { String fromName = "@name='" + from + "'"; String toName = "@name='" + to + "'"; if (persistList[idx].contains(fromName)) { expressions[idx] = persistList[idx].replace(fromName, toName); } else { expressions[idx] = persistList[idx].replace(toName, fromName); } } //assertXmlFile(origXml, expressions); TestHarness.validateXPath(SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS, expressions); } finally { cc.shutdown(); if (solrHomeDirectory.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(solrHomeDirectory); } } } @Test public void testMinimalXml() throws Exception { CoreContainer cc = init(SOLR_XML_MINIMAL, "SystemVars1"); try { cc.shutdown(); origMatchesPersist(cc, SOLR_XML_MINIMAL); } finally { cc.shutdown(); if (solrHomeDirectory.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(solrHomeDirectory); } } } private void origMatchesPersist(CoreContainer cc, String originalSolrXML) throws Exception { String[] expressions = getAllNodes(originalSolrXML); SolrXMLCoresLocator.NonPersistingLocator locator = (SolrXMLCoresLocator.NonPersistingLocator) cc.getCoresLocator(); TestHarness.validateXPath(locator.xml, expressions); } @Test public void testUnloadCreate() throws Exception { doTestUnloadCreate("SystemVars1"); doTestUnloadCreate("SystemVars2"); } private void doTestUnloadCreate(String which) throws Exception { CoreContainer cc = init(SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS, "SystemVars1", "SystemVars2"); try { final CoreAdminHandler admin = new CoreAdminHandler(cc); SolrQueryResponse resp = new SolrQueryResponse(); admin.handleRequestBody (req(CoreAdminParams.ACTION, CoreAdminParams.CoreAdminAction.UNLOAD.toString(), CoreAdminParams.CORE, which), resp); assertNull("Exception on unload", resp.getException()); //origMatchesPersist(cc, new File(solrHomeDirectory, "unloadcreate1.solr.xml")); String instPath = new File(solrHomeDirectory, which).getAbsolutePath(); admin.handleRequestBody (req(CoreAdminParams.ACTION, CoreAdminParams.CoreAdminAction.CREATE.toString(), CoreAdminParams.INSTANCE_DIR, instPath, CoreAdminParams.NAME, which), resp); assertNull("Exception on create", resp.getException()); String[] persistList = getAllNodes(); String[] expressions = new String[persistList.length]; // Now manually change the names back and it should match exactly to the original XML. for (int idx = 0; idx < persistList.length; ++idx) { String name = "@name='" + which + "'"; if (persistList[idx].contains(name)) { if (persistList[idx].contains("@schema='schema.xml'")) { expressions[idx] = persistList[idx].replace("schema.xml", "${schema:schema.xml}"); } else if (persistList[idx].contains("@config='solrconfig.xml'")) { expressions[idx] = persistList[idx].replace("solrconfig.xml", "${solrconfig:solrconfig.xml}"); } else if (persistList[idx].contains("@instanceDir=")) { expressions[idx] = persistList[idx].replaceFirst("instanceDir\\='.*?'", "instanceDir='" + which + "/'"); } else { expressions[idx] = persistList[idx]; } } else { expressions[idx] = persistList[idx]; } } //assertXmlFile(origXml, expressions); TestHarness.validateXPath(SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS, expressions); } finally { cc.shutdown(); if (solrHomeDirectory.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(solrHomeDirectory); } } } @Test public void testCreatePersistCore() throws Exception { // Template for creating a core. CoreContainer cc = init(SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS, "SystemVars1", "SystemVars2", "props1", "props2"); SolrXMLCoresLocator.NonPersistingLocator locator = (SolrXMLCoresLocator.NonPersistingLocator) cc.getCoresLocator(); try { final CoreAdminHandler admin = new CoreAdminHandler(cc); // create a new core (using CoreAdminHandler) w/ properties SolrQueryResponse resp = new SolrQueryResponse(); admin.handleRequestBody (req(CoreAdminParams.ACTION, CoreAdminParams.CoreAdminAction.CREATE.toString(), CoreAdminParams.NAME, "props1", CoreAdminParams.TRANSIENT, "true", CoreAdminParams.LOAD_ON_STARTUP, "true", CoreAdminParams.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "prefix1", "valuep1", CoreAdminParams.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "prefix2", "valueP2", "wt", "json", // need to insure that extra parameters are _not_ preserved (actually happened). "qt", "admin/cores"), resp); assertNull("Exception on create", resp.getException()); String instPath2 = new File(solrHomeDirectory, "props2").getAbsolutePath(); admin.handleRequestBody (req(CoreAdminParams.ACTION, CoreAdminParams.CoreAdminAction.CREATE.toString(), CoreAdminParams.INSTANCE_DIR, instPath2, CoreAdminParams.NAME, "props2", CoreAdminParams.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "prefix2_1", "valuep2_1", CoreAdminParams.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "prefix2_2", "valueP2_2", CoreAdminParams.CONFIG, "solrconfig.xml", CoreAdminParams.DATA_DIR, "./dataDirTest", CoreAdminParams.SCHEMA, "schema.xml"), resp); assertNull("Exception on create", resp.getException()); // Everything that was in the original XML file should be in the persisted one. TestHarness.validateXPath(locator.xml, getAllNodes(SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS)); // And the params for the new core should be in the persisted file. TestHarness.validateXPath ( locator.xml, "/solr/cores/core[@name='props1']/property[@name='prefix1' and @value='valuep1']" , "/solr/cores/core[@name='props1']/property[@name='prefix2' and @value='valueP2']" , "/solr/cores/core[@name='props1' and @transient='true']" , "/solr/cores/core[@name='props1' and @loadOnStartup='true']" , "/solr/cores/core[@name='props1' and @instanceDir='props1" + File.separator + "']" , "/solr/cores/core[@name='props2']/property[@name='prefix2_1' and @value='valuep2_1']" , "/solr/cores/core[@name='props2']/property[@name='prefix2_2' and @value='valueP2_2']" , "/solr/cores/core[@name='props2' and @config='solrconfig.xml']" , "/solr/cores/core[@name='props2' and @schema='schema.xml']" , "/solr/cores/core[@name='props2' and not(@loadOnStartup)]" , "/solr/cores/core[@name='props2' and not(@transient)]" , "/solr/cores/core[@name='props2' and @instanceDir='" + instPath2 + "']" , "/solr/cores/core[@name='props2' and @dataDir='./dataDirTest']" ); } finally { cc.shutdown(); if (solrHomeDirectory.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(solrHomeDirectory); } } } @Test public void testPersist() throws Exception { String defXml = FileUtils.readFileToString( new File(SolrTestCaseJ4.TEST_HOME(), "solr.xml"), Charsets.UTF_8.toString()); final CoreContainer cores = init(defXml, "collection1"); SolrXMLCoresLocator.NonPersistingLocator locator = (SolrXMLCoresLocator.NonPersistingLocator) cores.getCoresLocator(); String instDir = null; { SolrCore template = null; try { template = cores.getCore("collection1"); instDir = template.getCoreDescriptor().getRawInstanceDir(); } finally { if (null != template) template.close(); } } final File instDirFile = new File(cores.getSolrHome(), instDir); assertTrue("instDir doesn't exist: " + instDir, instDirFile.exists()); // sanity check the basic persistence of the default init TestHarness.validateXPath(locator.xml, "/solr[@persistent='true']", "/solr/cores[@defaultCoreName='collection1' and not(@transientCacheSize)]", "/solr/cores/core[@name='collection1' and @instanceDir='" + instDir + "' and @transient='false' and @loadOnStartup='true' ]", "1=count(/solr/cores/core)"); // create some new cores and sanity check the persistence final File dataXfile = new File(solrHomeDirectory, "dataX"); final String dataX = dataXfile.getAbsolutePath(); assertTrue("dataXfile mkdirs failed: " + dataX, dataXfile.mkdirs()); final File instYfile = new File(solrHomeDirectory, "instY"); FileUtils.copyDirectory(instDirFile, instYfile); // :HACK: dataDir leaves off trailing "/", but instanceDir uses it final String instY = instYfile.getAbsolutePath() + "/"; final CoreDescriptor xd = buildCoreDescriptor(cores, "X", instDir) .withDataDir(dataX).build(); final CoreDescriptor yd = new CoreDescriptor(cores, "Y", instY); SolrCore x = null; SolrCore y = null; try { x = cores.create(xd); y = cores.create(yd); cores.register(x, false); cores.register(y, false); assertEquals("cores not added?", 3, cores.getCoreNames().size()); TestHarness.validateXPath(locator.xml, "/solr[@persistent='true']", "/solr/cores[@defaultCoreName='collection1']", "/solr/cores/core[@name='collection1' and @instanceDir='" + instDir + "']", "/solr/cores/core[@name='X' and @instanceDir='" + instDir + "' and @dataDir='" + dataX + "']", "/solr/cores/core[@name='Y' and @instanceDir='" + instY + "']", "3=count(/solr/cores/core)"); // Test for saving implicit properties, we should not do this. TestHarness.validateXPath(locator.xml, "/solr/cores/core[@name='X' and not(@solr.core.instanceDir) and not (@solr.core.configName)]"); // delete a core, check persistence again assertNotNull("removing X returned null", cores.remove("X")); TestHarness.validateXPath(locator.xml, "/solr[@persistent='true']", "/solr/cores[@defaultCoreName='collection1']", "/solr/cores/core[@name='collection1' and @instanceDir='" + instDir + "']", "/solr/cores/core[@name='Y' and @instanceDir='" + instY + "']", "2=count(/solr/cores/core)"); } finally { // y is closed by the container, but // x has been removed from the container if (x != null) { try { x.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("", e); } } cores.shutdown(); } } private String[] getAllNodes(InputStream is) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException { List<String> expressions = new ArrayList<>(); // XPATH and value for all elements in the indicated XML DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory .newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = docBuilder.parse(is); Node root = document.getDocumentElement(); gatherNodes(root, expressions, ""); return expressions.toArray(new String[expressions.size()]); } private String[] getAllNodes() throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException { return getAllNodes(new FileInputStream(new File(solrHomeDirectory, "solr.xml"))); } private String[] getAllNodes(String xmlString) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException { return getAllNodes(new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8))); } /* private void assertSolrXmlFile(String... xpathExpressions) throws IOException, SAXException { assertXmlFile(new File(solrHomeDirectory, "solr.xml"), xpathExpressions); } */ // Note this is pretty specialized for a solr.xml file because working with the DOM is such a pain. private static List<String> qualified = new ArrayList<String>() {{ add("core"); add("property"); add("int"); add("str"); add("long"); add("property"); }}; private static List<String> addText = new ArrayList<String>() {{ add("int"); add("str"); add("long"); }}; // path is the path to parent node private void gatherNodes(Node node, List<String> expressions, String path) { String nodeName = node.getNodeName(); String thisPath = path + "/" + nodeName; //Parent[@id='1']/Children/child[@name] // Add in the xpaths for verification of any attributes. NamedNodeMap attrs = node.getAttributes(); String qualifier = ""; if (attrs.getLength() > 0) { // Assemble the prefix for qualifying all of the attributes with the same name if (qualified.contains(nodeName)) { qualifier = "@name='" + node.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getTextContent() + "'"; } for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); ++idx) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(qualifier) && "name".equals(attr.getNodeName())) { continue; // Already added "name" attribute in qualifier string. } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(qualifier)) { // Create [@name="stuff" and @attrib="value"] fragment expressions.add(thisPath + "[" + qualifier + " and @" + attr.getNodeName() + "='" + attr.getTextContent() + "']"); } else { // Create [@attrib="value"] fragment expressions.add(thisPath + "[" + qualifier + " @" + attr.getNodeName() + "='" + attr.getTextContent() + "']"); } } } // Now add the text for special nodes // a[normalize-space(text())='somesite'] if (addText.contains(nodeName)) { expressions.add(thisPath + "[" + qualifier + " and text()='" + node.getTextContent() + "']"); } // Now collect all the child element nodes. NodeList nodeList = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node currentNode = nodeList.item(i); if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(qualifier)) { gatherNodes(currentNode, expressions, thisPath + "[" + qualifier + "]"); } else { gatherNodes(currentNode, expressions, thisPath); } } } } public static String SOLR_XML_LOTS_SYSVARS = "<solr persistent=\"${solr.xml.persist:false}\" coreLoadThreads=\"12\" sharedLib=\"${something:.}\" >\n" + " <logging class=\"${logclass:log4j.class}\" enabled=\"{logenable:true}\">\n" + " <watcher size=\"${watchSize:13}\" threshold=\"${logThresh:54}\" />\n" + " </logging>\n" + " <cores adminPath=\"/admin/cores\" defaultCoreName=\"SystemVars1\" host=\"\" \n" + " hostPort=\"${hostPort:8983}\" hostContext=\"${hostContext:solr}\" \n" + " zkClientTimeout=\"${solr.zkclienttimeout:30000}\" \n" + " shareSchema=\"${shareSchema:false}\" distribUpdateConnTimeout=\"${distribUpdateConnTimeout:15000}\" \n" + " distribUpdateSoTimeout=\"${distribUpdateSoTimeout:120000}\" \n" + " leaderVoteWait=\"${leadVoteWait:32}\" managementPath=\"${manpath:/var/lib/path}\" transientCacheSize=\"${tranSize:128}\"> \n" + " <core name=\"SystemVars1\" instanceDir=\"SystemVars1/\" shard=\"${shard:32}\" \n" + " collection=\"${collection:collection1}\" config=\"${solrconfig:solrconfig.xml}\" \n" + " schema=\"${schema:schema.xml}\" ulogDir=\"${ulog:./}\" roles=\"${myrole:boss}\" \n" + " dataDir=\"${data:./}\" loadOnStartup=\"${onStart:true}\" transient=\"${tran:true}\" \n" + " coreNodeName=\"${coreNode:utterlyridiculous}\" \n" + " >\n" + " </core>\n" + " <core name=\"SystemVars2\" instanceDir=\"SystemVars2/\" shard=\"${shard:32}\" \n" + " collection=\"${collection:collection2}\" config=\"${solrconfig:solrconfig.xml}\" \n" + " coreNodeName=\"${coreNodeName:}\" schema=\"${schema:schema.xml}\">\n" + " <property name=\"collection\" value=\"{collection:collection2}\"/>\n" + " <property name=\"schema\" value=\"${schema:schema.xml}\"/>\n" + " <property name=\"coreNodeName\" value=\"EricksCore\"/>\n" + " </core>\n" + " <shardHandlerFactory name=\"${shhandler:shardHandlerFactory}\" class=\"${handlefac:HttpShardHandlerFactory}\">\n" + " <int name=\"socketTimeout\">${socketTimeout:120000}</int> \n" + " <int name=\"connTimeout\">${connTimeout:15000}</int> \n" + " <str name=\"arbitraryName\">${arbitrarySysValue:foobar}</str>\n" + " </shardHandlerFactory> \n" + " </cores>\n" + "</solr>"; private static String SOLR_XML_MINIMAL = "<solr >\n" + " <cores> \n" + " <core name=\"SystemVars1\" instanceDir=\"SystemVars1/\" />\n" + " </cores>\n" + "</solr>"; }